Cop tasers teen standing on his girlfriends porch.

Floyd was a perfect example of abuse by cop and Ferguson was a perfect example of the public overreacting to justified force.
100% this.

The public needs to calm down but hell if I know how to do it.
I’m not sure if calm down is the answer, we need to be outraged when called for, like with Floyd. With Ferguson we needed to stop and wait, but I have no answers either. This kid should not have been tasered, I think the cop lost his patience however I also think he needed to maintain control and if he was losing his cool, call for back up. Not sure what was going through this officer’s mind.
That isnt true. Ive never been suspicious of someone watering their lawn.
You could be if you wanted to be.
Saying that it isnt suspicious for a stranger dressed in black to be running through peoples backyards is fucking dumb and a waste of everyones time. You know its suspicious. If someone did it in a black neighborhood in a black persons yard, they would lose their shit, so dont give me that.

Americas police forces are out of control. I dont need to fill in the demographics on this one. You already know.
kid is lucky...sneaking around in all black in the middle of the night in people’s yards might get him shot.

thankfully the police were called instead and non-lethal force was used to detain this suspect
yeah, cuz all black in the middle of the DAY is super suspicious.
We had a homeless guy camping in the park with his crap in a cart and him yelling at kids and the park’s maintenance crew, my wife was suspicious, I wasn’t.
That isnt true. Ive never been suspicious of someone watering their lawn.
You could be if you wanted to be.
Saying that it isnt suspicious for a stranger dressed in black to be running through peoples backyards is fucking dumb and a waste of everyones time. You know its suspicious. If someone did it in a black neighborhood in a black persons yard, they would lose their shit, so dont give me that.
Why are you all so obsessed with the color of his clothes. People wear black clothes.
That isnt true. Ive never been suspicious of someone watering their lawn.
You could be if you wanted to be.
Saying that it isnt suspicious for a stranger dressed in black to be running through peoples backyards is fucking dumb and a waste of everyones time. You know its suspicious. If someone did it in a black neighborhood in a black persons yard, they would lose their shit, so dont give me that.
Why are you all so obsessed with the color of his clothes. People wear black clothes.
Nope, its just one more thing to add to the pile. Someone going through my yard is enough, even if he is wearing a fucking suit. NO ONE likes seeing strangers run through their yards. If someone does and a cop sees it happen, i want him to stop that motherfucker.
Not where I live.
Sorry you live in such an oppressed society.

So teaching your kids not to tresspass is being oppressed ?
He cut between two houses. Who put the giant rod up your ass?

Still tresspassing.
Is only robbing one or two banks better than robbing four?
Nope. Not trespassing. You are allowed to walk on open property. It’s only trespassing if you are told to leave and you refuse.

Otherwise you could arrest anyone who knocks on your door, for example.

Go ahead and try that when you're in someone's backyard without permission.
If the owner tells you to leave, then you leave. If you don’t, it’s trespassing. Given it was his girlfriend’s back yard, he did have permission to be there.

By going through peoples backyards he was rightfully considered a problem.
That he ended up in someone's backyard when confronted is even more damning.
Had he simply followed the officers instructions nothing would have happened.
Instead he wanted to act tough like a lot of blacks who think it's cool to resist.
And he's lucky he didnt wind up dead.
He went between two houses and y’all are acting as if he was engaging in some deplorable behavior. The old man, get off my lawn, strain runs deep.

People don’t really like to be treated like criminals, wouldn’t you agree?

And what do ya know....he was a crimminal.
And what do ya know....he was a crimminal.
Sure. As criminal as any teen with a little pot just trying to hang out with his girlfriend. :cuckoo:

He stole a golf cart.
Then how did he know it happened? Why was he there in the first place?
It would appear he was just driving by.
He was just driving by and accused a dude on a porch of running through lawns? Is this the retarded theory your trying to push right now?
He was just driving by and accused a dude on a porch of running through lawns? Is this the retarded theory your trying to push right now?
That’s exactly what happened. Try reading an article explaining what actually happened, dumbfuck.
How would that help your case? You are admitting that a cop witnessed the crime.
How would that help your case? You are admitting that a cop witnessed the crime.
No, dope. I did not.
It’s also how oppressive societies work.

Bullshit. You see, this is why I promote dividing this country into two countries instead. You people could have one half of the country and we'll have the other half. Both countries operate the way they wish. On your side, nobody is a suspect, you barely have police but a lot of social workers, and the police you do have will not be allowed to carry guns, arrest suspects, or even chase after them like the new regulation Mayor Lighthead made in Chicago.
Our side won`t sell handguns. See how easy that is? Eventually the police won`t need them either.

Isn't working too good in England where gun violence is exploding. They have every law you want, and more, andvyet gun violence is skyrocketing.

Looks like your anti gun fantasy is just that...fantasy.
In 2016-17 there were 31 (thirty one) fatal shootings or 1 for every 1.9 million people in England and Wales. How do we compare?

And ten years prior there were 3. The same gun laws. What changed?
That isnt true. Ive never been suspicious of someone watering their lawn.
You could be if you wanted to be.
Saying that it isnt suspicious for a stranger dressed in black to be running through peoples backyards is fucking dumb and a waste of everyones time. You know its suspicious. If someone did it in a black neighborhood in a black persons yard, they would lose their shit, so dont give me that.
Why are you all so obsessed with the color of his clothes. People wear black clothes.
Nope, its just one more thing to add to the pile. Someone going through my yard is enough, even if he is wearing a fucking suit. NO ONE likes seeing strangers run through their yards. If someone does and a cop sees it happen, i want him to stop that motherfucker.
We cut between houses all the time when I was growing up. No one called the cops on us. People weren’t so hell bent on harassing each other.

Americas police forces are out of control. I dont need to fill in the demographics on this one. You already know.
kid is lucky...sneaking around in all black in the middle of the night in people’s yards might get him shot.

thankfully the police were called instead and non-lethal force was used to detain this suspect
yeah, cuz all black in the middle of the DAY is super suspicious.
going in and out of yards...certainly...especially in sunny florida
at noon.
yes do you know how hot it is in florida thisbtime of year? who’s wearing all black and jumping through peoples yards? obviously somebody did hence why they called the police
He was trespassing through various other properties.
He had drugs on him.
Was on parole for being a thief and a joyrider.
Wouldn't obey Police instruction.

But yeah.

White supremacy.
And he was Black.
Exactly, no white person would be so ignorant to do all the stupid things this black dreg did.
What exactly did he do that made the cop go after him anyway?
He cut across someones lawn en route to his girlfriends house. A bollocking might have been in order. Maybe.
Multiple lawns, trespassing, dressed suspiciously in all black.

Then ignored police instruction.
Not trespassing. You are allowed to walk in open areas unless specifically told not to. Dressed in black? That’s reason now to be harassed by police? Jesus, people really do love police states.
No, its the combination of looking like a criminal, while running through your property. Sorry, but you cant do both of those things at the same time and not expect people to be alarmed.
"looking like a criminal"? Is that like blaming a rape victim for the way she dresses?
No, its nothing like that since the kid wasnt raped by any home owners for dressing like that. Dont dress like a thug and run through peoples yards.
New crimes

Dressing like a thug

Visiting a GF while black
Not where I live.
Sorry you live in such an oppressed society.

So teaching your kids not to tresspass is being oppressed ?
He cut between two houses. Who put the giant rod up your ass?

Still tresspassing.
Is only robbing one or two banks better than robbing four?
Nope. Not trespassing. You are allowed to walk on open property. It’s only trespassing if you are told to leave and you refuse.

Otherwise you could arrest anyone who knocks on your door, for example.

Go ahead and try that when you're in someone's backyard without permission.
If the owner tells you to leave, then you leave. If you don’t, it’s trespassing. Given it was his girlfriend’s back yard, he did have permission to be there.

By going through peoples backyards he was rightfully considered a problem.
That he ended up in someone's backyard when confronted is even more damning.
Had he simply followed the officers instructions nothing would have happened.
Instead he wanted to act tough like a lot of blacks who think it's cool to resist.
And he's lucky he didnt wind up dead.
He went between two houses and y’all are acting as if he was engaging in some deplorable behavior. The old man, get off my lawn, strain runs deep.

People don’t really like to be treated like criminals, wouldn’t you agree?

And what do ya know....he was a crimminal.
And what do ya know....he was a crimminal.
Sure. As criminal as any teen with a little pot just trying to hang out with his girlfriend. :cuckoo:

He stole a golf cart.
He stole a golf cart.
Stupid shit as teens do. No doubt why he was on probation rather than facing actual charges because it was dumb teen shit.
Why can’t black and brown kids be seen as just dopey teens like white kids are? Why the need to hyper-criminalize them?
Last edited:

Americas police forces are out of control. I dont need to fill in the demographics on this one. You already know.
kid is lucky...sneaking around in all black in the middle of the night in people’s yards might get him shot.

thankfully the police were called instead and non-lethal force was used to detain this suspect
yeah, cuz all black in the middle of the DAY is super suspicious.
going in and out of yards...certainly...especially in sunny florida
at noon.
yes do you know how hot it is in florida thisbtime of year? who’s wearing all black and jumping through peoples yards? obviously somebody did hence why they called the police
no one called the police, you queefing twat.
Stupid shit as teens do. No doubt why he was on probation rather than facing actual charges because it was dumb teen shit.
Why can’t black and brown kids be seen as just dopey teens like white kids are? Why the need to hyper-criminalize them?

Do you think it just MIGHT be because black and brown kids commit crimes at a far higher rate than white kids?

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