Cop tasers teen standing on his girlfriends porch.

Okay, so you come home one night and find your home ransacked. You call the police for them to fill out a report. They come out and tell you earlier, an officer seen a suspicious character on your street cutting through yards, but didn't bother with him. Would you be okay with that?
No houses were broken into.

Philando Castile was pulled over in Minneapolis because a cop thought he and his girlfriend looked like some people who robbed a store four days earlier. Actually, the cop didn’t see the passenger but they looked “just like” them. The resemblance? He had a wide set nose. That’s it.

Dude was pulled over because his nose resembled the nose of someone who robbed a store. You can be a suspect for basically any reason.

And sometimes it results in your death.
It happens in crime-ridden shitholes. Life's a bitch.
Cool. We are ruled by threats and intimidation. Who wouldn’t love this country?

Apparently not many since so many people are trying to get in legally and illegally. What I never could understand is this objection to authority. It's just so simple. I've done it all my life and I've likely had more interactions with them than most anybody here. Look what's going on in all these Democrat anti-cop cities. Police officers leaving in droves, violent crime up double digits, murder up double digits, and if I recall a report a few weeks ago, 40% increase in Chicago murders.

These are just all great examples of what takes place when you have no authority in your city. It's what criminals love.
Not everyone is as comfortable with authoritarianism as you and when a population is subjected to it, they tend to get pissed.

What people are seeing is that police are far too unlimited in their power. A police for with authority is a police force that is respected. Treating people like garbage is not going to result in being respected.

Yeah, that sounds like a plan. We'll opt for a kinder, gentler police force. How's that working out in cities where it is being tried?

They don't have to live there and they don't have to behave like thugs.. That's what gets these people killed.

That's life, the bleeding of hearts not-with-standing.
What the officer did was wrong and needs to be brought to the attention of all. I don’t think we are abdicating our rights to law enforcement, we are still a free society. I do think the police are under a microscope and it is helping to get rid of bad cops however it is also creating problems when an officer justly uses force and the gets hell for it. Floyd was a perfect example of abuse by cop and Ferguson was a perfect example of the public overreacting to justified force.

ln Portland, OR is an example of cops no longer volunteering for extra duty because of fear of unfair reprisal. We need to keep alert however we also need to realize in some situations such as riots and when lives are in danger that cops may make decisions That not all agree with and maybe cut them slack.

We've been getting rid of bad cops for many decades.

What we have now is a situation where GREAT cops are leaving the profession in droves.

How is that a good thing?

Portland Commish is happy the riot squad quit and with 150+ days of protests (riots)

By M. Dowling June 18, 2021
Hardesty uses police for her own protection and last year called police on her Lyft driver over an open window.

Commissioner Hardesty responded to the team’s resignation.

She wanted to abolish the riot squad, aka Rapid Response Team and is happy they all quit the squad. Hardesty said there was “a specific demand from the local racial justice movement was that we disband PPB’s Rapid Response Team.” The local racial justice movement is Antifa/BLM.

Hardesty is actually thrilled about the 150 plus days of riots, arson, looting by Antifa/BLM.

She writes:​

Last summer, the entire world rose up to demand police accountability. It was an overdue demand that we fundamentally change community safety after George Floyd and Breonna Taylor joined the long list of Black community members unjustly killed by police across the country.

In Portland, we set the tone with 150+ days of protests. This was a remarkable dedication to racial justice that was praised by George Floyd’s brother Rodney after Officer Chauvin was convicted of murder.

Portland set the tone?!?


Below is the result of your desires. How is that a good thing for our country?


Floyd was a perfect example of abuse by cop and Ferguson was a perfect example of the public overreacting to justified force.
100% this.

The public needs to calm down but hell if I know how to do it.

So pathetically typical of Democrats! They know how to screw up any situation, make it ten times worse, then they throw up their hands crying, "not my problem".
No houses were broken into.

Philando Castile was pulled over in Minneapolis because a cop thought he and his girlfriend looked like some people who robbed a store four days earlier. Actually, the cop didn’t see the passenger but they looked “just like” them. The resemblance? He had a wide set nose. That’s it.

Dude was pulled over because his nose resembled the nose of someone who robbed a store. You can be a suspect for basically any reason.

And sometimes it results in your death.

It does if you don't follow the orders of a police officer.

I didn't say anything about houses being broken into. I presented you a scenario that you avoided answering like the plague because it destroys your narrative.

So since you won't answer the question, I'll answer it for you: You'd be pissed as all hell that a police officer seen a suspicious character by your home and didn't bother to check him out. And because of his negligence, you got robbed when it could have been prevented. Not only would you be pissed, any one of us would if that happened to us.
i'm starting to come around on this critical race theory. Because it teaches exactly the same thing.

It teaches that Black people suck so they need more help. But at the same time, if they're going to be treated like children then they were going to have the rights of children. We need to let CRT be taught. Then we need to treat all Black people like they are children.

Doesn't that sound great?

That's what they have been doing and look at the results. The Democrat party has had their clutches around their necks for the past couple of generations. Where has it gotten them?
Critical Race Theory is communist brainwashing no more than Hitler and others tried to do. It's not bad enough they own public schools, colleges, social media, Hollywood,most all news networks, poisoned sports, but now they created another method.
The constitution limits the ability for the police to order us around.

Us living in a free society and all. We don’t have to submit to authoritarianism.

What parts of the Constitution limit police officers from anything? Police are not even mentioned in the Constitution. Police are a local thing, not a federal government thing like the Democrats are trying to turn it into.

It's the cities that limit or provide what police officers are allowed to do, or the state for state police.
Hold on. Let me grab my Declaration of Independence.

Let’s see…

We hold these truths to be self evide…

Im sorry. It appears you don’t adhere to self evident truths. The equality of each is paramount to the nation. Some people are not more equal than others.

It says created equally--not live their lives or looked at by authorities equally. I bet you were one of those after 911 that stood up for Muslims when the TSA was searching old white ladies while the middle-east people just jumped on a plane no questions asked.
The country doesn't treat people equally because people are not equal. We never have been, or didn't you know that already.
Hold on. Let me grab my Declaration of Independence.

Let’s see…

We hold these truths to be self evide…

Im sorry. It appears you don’t adhere to self evident truths. The equality of each is paramount to the nation. Some people are not more equal than others.

Let's complete the quote.

The second paragraph of the United States Declaration of Independence starts as follows: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

We are created equal, we are not guaranteed equal outcomes.

Here is the difference.

Or show me a thug that shot a white guy. Much easier.

Still, show me a thug that shot another thug.

Easier yet.

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