Cop tasers teen standing on his girlfriends porch.

If this kid obeys the lawful order he was given, does he get tased?
If the cop didnā€™t profile him, he definitely would not have been tased.
Don't talk to black kids if you're a cop. Don't do it. Don't ask them their names. EVER!!!


Go fuck yourself.
Don't talk to black kids if you're a cop. Don't do it. Don't ask them their names. EVER!!!


Go fuck yourself.
Like I said, dumbfuck.
The kid certainly wouldnā€™t have been tased if he hadnā€™t been profiled.

How did those ā€˜suspicionsā€™ work out?
Cops are supposed to profile, thatā€™s what they are trained to do. They are supposed to be efficient with their time as they are on the taxpayers watch and payroll.
LefTard Logic:
ā€œCops should patrol the wealthy suburbs and target affluent white kids in BMWā€™s. Patrolling the ghettos at 2am, targeting actual criminals in low riders is a waste of taxpayer cash.ā€
Bullshit. It was unwarranted. The officer and the department will be sued accordingly.
Yep, because you say so...because it FEELZ so good to believe itā€™s so. tarded bastard
Yep, because you say so...because it FEELZ so good to believe itā€™s so. tarded bastard
It was clansman Fife whoā€™s FEELZ about blacks that made him behave like a dumbfuck.
A payout is inevitable.
Not where I live.
Sorry you live in such an oppressed society.

So teaching your kids not to tresspass is being oppressed ?
He cut between two houses. Who put the giant rod up your ass?

Still tresspassing.
Is only robbing one or two banks better than robbing four?
Nope. Not trespassing. You are allowed to walk on open property. Itā€™s only trespassing if you are told to leave and you refuse.

Otherwise you could arrest anyone who knocks on your door, for example.

Go ahead and try that when you're in someone's backyard without permission.
If the owner tells you to leave, then you leave. If you donā€™t, itā€™s trespassing. Given it was his girlfriendā€™s back yard, he did have permission to be there.

By going through peoples backyards he was rightfully considered a problem.
That he ended up in someone's backyard when confronted is even more damning.
Had he simply followed the officers instructions nothing would have happened.
Instead he wanted to act tough like a lot of blacks who think it's cool to resist.
And he's lucky he didnt wind up dead.
He went between two houses and yā€™all are acting as if he was engaging in some deplorable behavior. The old man, get off my lawn, strain runs deep.

People donā€™t really like to be treated like criminals, wouldnā€™t you agree?

And what do ya know....he was a crimminal.
And what do ya know....he was a crimminal.
Sure. As criminal as any teen with a little pot just trying to hang out with his girlfriend. :cuckoo:
Sure, he was cutting through yards, ended up at a back door, and the officer only wanted to see if he was telling the truth.
Sure. And he said his girlfriend was coming out, as she did just seconds after he decided to make him ride the lightning.

Kids run between houses all the time.
Duck in bushes when they know cops are coming for them as well?
Actually---there is thing called lawful are required to follow.
I donā€™t know man. If cops started pulling weapons on you and ordering you to put your hands behind your head because you looked ā€œsuspiciousā€, maybe youā€™d feel differently about the term ā€œlawful orderā€. People often donā€™t have a problem when itā€™s other people treated this way.
Not where I live.
Sorry you live in such an oppressed society.

So teaching your kids not to tresspass is being oppressed ?
He cut between two houses. Who put the giant rod up your ass?

Still tresspassing.
Is only robbing one or two banks better than robbing four?
Nope. Not trespassing. You are allowed to walk on open property. Itā€™s only trespassing if you are told to leave and you refuse.

Otherwise you could arrest anyone who knocks on your door, for example.

Go ahead and try that when you're in someone's backyard without permission.
If the owner tells you to leave, then you leave. If you donā€™t, itā€™s trespassing. Given it was his girlfriendā€™s back yard, he did have permission to be there.

By going through peoples backyards he was rightfully considered a problem.
That he ended up in someone's backyard when confronted is even more damning.
Had he simply followed the officers instructions nothing would have happened.
Instead he wanted to act tough like a lot of blacks who think it's cool to resist.
And he's lucky he didnt wind up dead.
He went between two houses and yā€™all are acting as if he was engaging in some deplorable behavior. The old man, get off my lawn, strain runs deep.

People donā€™t really like to be treated like criminals, wouldnā€™t you agree?

And what do ya know....he was a crimminal.
And what do ya know....he was a crimminal.
Sure. As criminal as any teen with a little pot just trying to hang out with his girlfriend. :cuckoo:
On probation for stealing a golf cart-with pot, ducking in bushes--refusing to obey a cops orders....and oddly not knocking on a door but hiding by the back door texting being as quiet as possible. Wonder why they haven't asked the girls parents about the pothead thief by their back door yet? Oh this is the tone down list of his crimes..juvie with a media covering for him as best they can--there is more.

Americas police forces are out of control. I dont need to fill in the demographics on this one. You already know.
Notice how they base the entire story on what the mother says not on police reports, or what the home owners say? Tommy, that means the article is BS and that they are manipulating fools.
The kid was unarmed and visiting his girlfriend. His criminal record amounted to joy riding on a golf cart and he had his Mams marijuana . Obviously a major criminal.

A few years ago a Welsh rugby international "stole" a golf cart and drove it down the M4 whilst pissed. He became a national hero and everyone thought he was a character.

Of course he wasnt a black teenager in Klan country.
Guilty complex or what, Tommy? I didn't mention his criminal record-----at all. My comments were about how the article was obviously bias as they didn't provide actual facts---just the boo-hoo of the you now admitted criminals mother. I find when they leave out pertinent info, and quote the mother of the suspect---that the article is pure manipulation and that they are hiding the truth.

Americas police forces are out of control. I dont need to fill in the demographics on this one. You already know.
Notice how they base the entire story on what the mother says not on police reports, or what the home owners say? Tommy, that means the article is BS and that they are manipulating fools.
The kid was unarmed and visiting his girlfriend. His criminal record amounted to joy riding on a golf cart and he had his Mams marijuana . Obviously a major criminal.

A few years ago a Welsh rugby international "stole" a golf cart and drove it down the M4 whilst pissed. He became a national hero and everyone thought he was a character.

I didn't mention his criminal record at all. I only pointed out that quoting the suspects mother instead of checking other sources like the police report---CLEARLY shows manipulation on the articles part. Mother a pot head? Dad not around? the article didn't even ask the girl if this guy was her boyfriend (for all you know she doesn't even know him) should be giving you a hint that something is amiss.
Your innate racism causes you to project on an awesome scale.

There is no proof that the Mother is a pothead.
There is no proof that the father is not present.
Why would he claim he was visiting his girlfriend if he wasnt ? That is easily disproved.

You are a car crash of a racist shit. You should join the police.
But there is------posting that the teen stole the moms pot indicates that she is a pot head....daddy lives in another state. Why would he claim something that isn't true---someone being arrested? Why would they lie? Seriously tommy?
Many many most if not all criminals when hoping for a sue the cops lawsuit like this idiot woman and son are---all of the race incidents--all of them --have lawyers and mamas that lie their asses off for the media in order manipulate weakminded morons to get on their side. This is why I have been trying to teach you, that when they don't present both sides and only quote the mama and the mama's attorney that they are lying. It's insanity to not question their story when it leaves such big holes indicating deception.
Nope. Iys your racism shining through. Your attempts to paint this youngster as a public enemy are laughale.
This teen is a thief stealing multi-thousands golf carts btw, druggie, and sneaking around darting in bushes when cops see him...........he aint the angel that you are pretending. Not even close.
I donā€™t know man. If cops started pulling weapons on you and ordering you to put your hands behind your head because you looked ā€œsuspiciousā€, maybe youā€™d feel differently about the term ā€œlawful orderā€. People often donā€™t have a problem when itā€™s other people treated this way.

As a truck driver I used to get pulled over all the time. When the officer approached my vehicle, I'd ask why I was stopped. In most all cases, the officer would respond "no reason, I just wanted to check you out."

He'd proceed to do a safety check on the entire truck and trailer. He'd go through my paperwork, and if out of town, I'd have to present him with my log book. He'd open the door to my trailer to check out the freight I was hauling, and if it did indeed match the paperwork. Although it never happened, the officer had the right to go through the cab of my truck looking at anything and everything he wanted. Twice they even checked under the hood.

Imagine if that were to happen to anybody driving a car. Truck drivers don't have the same constitutional rights that you have.
Not where I live.
Sorry you live in such an oppressed society.

So teaching your kids not to tresspass is being oppressed ?
He cut between two houses. Who put the giant rod up your ass?

Still tresspassing.
Is only robbing one or two banks better than robbing four?
Nope. Not trespassing. You are allowed to walk on open property. Itā€™s only trespassing if you are told to leave and you refuse.

Otherwise you could arrest anyone who knocks on your door, for example.

Go ahead and try that when you're in someone's backyard without permission.
If the owner tells you to leave, then you leave. If you donā€™t, itā€™s trespassing. Given it was his girlfriendā€™s back yard, he did have permission to be there.

By going through peoples backyards he was rightfully considered a problem.
That he ended up in someone's backyard when confronted is even more damning.
Had he simply followed the officers instructions nothing would have happened.
Instead he wanted to act tough like a lot of blacks who think it's cool to resist.
And he's lucky he didnt wind up dead.
He went between two houses and yā€™all are acting as if he was engaging in some deplorable behavior. The old man, get off my lawn, strain runs deep.

People donā€™t really like to be treated like criminals, wouldnā€™t you agree?

And what do ya know....he was a crimminal.
And what do ya know....he was a crimminal.
Sure. As criminal as any teen with a little pot just trying to hang out with his girlfriend. :cuckoo:
Her body language does not say boyfriend.

Americas police forces are out of control. I dont need to fill in the demographics on this one. You already know.
Notice how they base the entire story on what the mother says not on police reports, or what the home owners say? Tommy, that means the article is BS and that they are manipulating fools.
The kid was unarmed and visiting his girlfriend. His criminal record amounted to joy riding on a golf cart and he had his Mams marijuana . Obviously a major criminal.

A few years ago a Welsh rugby international "stole" a golf cart and drove it down the M4 whilst pissed. He became a national hero and everyone thought he was a character.

Of course he wasnt a black teenager in Klan country.
Guilty complex or what, Tommy? I didn't mention his criminal record-----at all. My comments were about how the article was obviously bias as they didn't provide actual facts---just the boo-hoo of the you now admitted criminals mother. I find when they leave out pertinent info, and quote the mother of the suspect---that the article is pure manipulation and that they are hiding the truth.

Americas police forces are out of control. I dont need to fill in the demographics on this one. You already know.
Notice how they base the entire story on what the mother says not on police reports, or what the home owners say? Tommy, that means the article is BS and that they are manipulating fools.
The kid was unarmed and visiting his girlfriend. His criminal record amounted to joy riding on a golf cart and he had his Mams marijuana . Obviously a major criminal.

A few years ago a Welsh rugby international "stole" a golf cart and drove it down the M4 whilst pissed. He became a national hero and everyone thought he was a character.

I didn't mention his criminal record at all. I only pointed out that quoting the suspects mother instead of checking other sources like the police report---CLEARLY shows manipulation on the articles part. Mother a pot head? Dad not around? the article didn't even ask the girl if this guy was her boyfriend (for all you know she doesn't even know him) should be giving you a hint that something is amiss.
Your innate racism causes you to project on an awesome scale.

There is no proof that the Mother is a pothead.
There is no proof that the father is not present.
Why would he claim he was visiting his girlfriend if he wasnt ? That is easily disproved.

You are a car crash of a racist shit. You should join the police.
But there is------posting that the teen stole the moms pot indicates that she is a pot head....daddy lives in another state. Why would he claim something that isn't true---someone being arrested? Why would they lie? Seriously tommy?
Many many most if not all criminals when hoping for a sue the cops lawsuit like this idiot woman and son are---all of the race incidents--all of them --have lawyers and mamas that lie their asses off for the media in order manipulate weakminded morons to get on their side. This is why I have been trying to teach you, that when they don't present both sides and only quote the mama and the mama's attorney that they are lying. It's insanity to not question their story when it leaves such big holes indicating deception.
Nope. Iys your racism shining through. Your attempts to paint this youngster as a public enemy are laughale.
This teen is a thief stealing multi-thousands golf carts btw, druggie, and sneaking around darting in bushes when cops see him...........he aint the angel that you are pretending. Not even close.
He probably knows where Jimmy Hoffa is buried as well. You probably think chauvin was innocent as well.

Americas police forces are out of control. I dont need to fill in the demographics on this one. You already know.
Notice how they base the entire story on what the mother says not on police reports, or what the home owners say? Tommy, that means the article is BS and that they are manipulating fools.
The kid was unarmed and visiting his girlfriend. His criminal record amounted to joy riding on a golf cart and he had his Mams marijuana . Obviously a major criminal.

A few years ago a Welsh rugby international "stole" a golf cart and drove it down the M4 whilst pissed. He became a national hero and everyone thought he was a character.

Of course he wasnt a black teenager in Klan country.
Guilty complex or what, Tommy? I didn't mention his criminal record-----at all. My comments were about how the article was obviously bias as they didn't provide actual facts---just the boo-hoo of the you now admitted criminals mother. I find when they leave out pertinent info, and quote the mother of the suspect---that the article is pure manipulation and that they are hiding the truth.

Americas police forces are out of control. I dont need to fill in the demographics on this one. You already know.
Notice how they base the entire story on what the mother says not on police reports, or what the home owners say? Tommy, that means the article is BS and that they are manipulating fools.
The kid was unarmed and visiting his girlfriend. His criminal record amounted to joy riding on a golf cart and he had his Mams marijuana . Obviously a major criminal.

A few years ago a Welsh rugby international "stole" a golf cart and drove it down the M4 whilst pissed. He became a national hero and everyone thought he was a character.

I didn't mention his criminal record at all. I only pointed out that quoting the suspects mother instead of checking other sources like the police report---CLEARLY shows manipulation on the articles part. Mother a pot head? Dad not around? the article didn't even ask the girl if this guy was her boyfriend (for all you know she doesn't even know him) should be giving you a hint that something is amiss.
Your innate racism causes you to project on an awesome scale.

There is no proof that the Mother is a pothead.
There is no proof that the father is not present.
Why would he claim he was visiting his girlfriend if he wasnt ? That is easily disproved.

You are a car crash of a racist shit. You should join the police.
But there is------posting that the teen stole the moms pot indicates that she is a pot head....daddy lives in another state. Why would he claim something that isn't true---someone being arrested? Why would they lie? Seriously tommy?
Many many most if not all criminals when hoping for a sue the cops lawsuit like this idiot woman and son are---all of the race incidents--all of them --have lawyers and mamas that lie their asses off for the media in order manipulate weakminded morons to get on their side. This is why I have been trying to teach you, that when they don't present both sides and only quote the mama and the mama's attorney that they are lying. It's insanity to not question their story when it leaves such big holes indicating deception.
Nope. Iys your racism shining through. Your attempts to paint this youngster as a public enemy are laughale.
This teen is a thief stealing multi-thousands golf carts btw, druggie, and sneaking around darting in bushes when cops see him...........he aint the angel that you are pretending. Not even close.
He probably knows where Jimmy Hoffa is buried as well. You probably think chauvin was innocent as well.
Oh boy----when faced with the facts, you result to your imagination for distraction? Sad, I live in the area when I see his picture up on the blue alerts in a few years (we get blue, amber, and silver alerts to track down criminals, kids, and nursing home escapees) as I go down the highway...I will post them for you
I donā€™t know man. If cops started pulling weapons on you and ordering you to put your hands behind your head because you looked ā€œsuspiciousā€, maybe youā€™d feel differently about the term ā€œlawful orderā€. People often donā€™t have a problem when itā€™s other people treated this way.

As a truck driver I used to get pulled over all the time. When the officer approached my vehicle, I'd ask why I was stopped. In most all cases, the officer would respond "no reason, I just wanted to check you out."

He'd proceed to do a safety check on the entire truck and trailer. He'd go through my paperwork, and if out of town, I'd have to present him with my log book. He'd open the door to my trailer to check out the freight I was hauling, and if it did indeed match the paperwork. Although it never happened, the officer had the right to go through the cab of my truck looking at anything and everything he wanted. Twice they even checked under the hood.

Imagine if that were to happen to anybody driving a car. Truck drivers don't have the same constitutional rights that you have.
Apparently commercial vehicles donā€™t get constitutional protections. Thatā€™s pretty bogus if you ask me.

How many times did a cop put you face down in the dirt while searching you?
Apparently commercial vehicles donā€™t get constitutional protections. Thatā€™s pretty bogus if you ask me.

How many times did a cop put you face down in the dirt while searching you?

None, because I never gave them any reason to.

Your CDL license is the only one you have. If I'm out and have a beer with a friend, get pulled over for something, and do a BAC test and they find that one beer in me, they can arrest me for a DUI because they can use the CDL standards of what drunk is even though I'm driving my car, which is way different than people with an ordinary license. Now if I had a regular passenger vehicle license, I could drink up to four beers in the first hour, and one beer every additional two hours and they couldn't do a thing to me.
Actually---there is thing called lawful are required to follow.
I donā€™t know man. If cops started pulling weapons on you and ordering you to put your hands behind your head because you looked ā€œsuspiciousā€, maybe youā€™d feel differently about the term ā€œlawful orderā€. People often donā€™t have a problem when itā€™s other people treated this way.
Like this little turd hasn't been arrested before? And like he wasn't trespassing and carrying dope illegally as well?
Actually---there is thing called lawful are required to follow.
I donā€™t know man. If cops started pulling weapons on you and ordering you to put your hands behind your head because you looked ā€œsuspiciousā€, maybe youā€™d feel differently about the term ā€œlawful orderā€. People often donā€™t have a problem when itā€™s other people treated this way.
Like this little turd hasn't been arrested before? And like he wasn't trespassing and carrying dope illegally as well?
He wasnā€™t trespassing.

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