Coping with Chaos in the White House ***Important***


Gold Member
Jun 25, 2016
This might be one of the most important pieces written since the election. I highly recommend it, perhaps even bookmarking it to come back to when you realize you're getting sucked in by Trump's narcissism, because it's only going to get worse from here on out.

A few days ago, I wrote a post for my Facebook friends about my personal experience with narcissistic personality disorder and how I view the president elect as a result. Unexpectedly, the post traveled widely, and it became clear that many people are struggling with how to understand and deal with this kind of behavior in a position of power. Although several writers, including a few professionals, have publicly offered their thoughts on a diagnosis, I am not a professional and this is not a diagnosis. My post is not intended to persuade anyone or provide a comprehensive description of NPD. I am speaking purely from decades of dealing with NPD and sharing strategies that were helpful for me in coping and predicting behavior. The text below is adapted from my original Facebook post.

I want to talk a little about narcissistic personality disorder. I’ve unfortunately had a great deal of experience with it, and I’m feeling badly for those of you who are trying to grapple with it for the first time because of our president-elect, who almost certainly suffers from it or a similar disorder. If I am correct, it has some very particular implications for the office. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

1) It’s not curable and it’s barely treatable. He is who he is. There is no getting better, or learning, or adapting. He’s not going to “rise to the occasion” for more than maybe a couple hours. So just put that out of your mind.

2) He will say whatever feels most comfortable or good to him at any given time. He will lie a lot, and say totally different things to different people. Stop being surprised by this. While it’s important to pretend “good faith” and remind him of promises, as Bernie Sanders and others are doing, that’s for his supporters, so *they* can see the inconsistency as it comes. He won’t care. So if you’re trying to reconcile or analyze his words, don’t. It’s 100% not worth your time. Only pay attention to and address his actions.

3) You can influence him by making him feel good. There are already people like Bannon who appear ready to use him for their own ends. The GOP is excited to try. Watch them, not him. President Obama, in his wisdom, may be treating him well in hopes of influencing him and averting the worst. If he gets enough accolades for better behavior, he might continue to try it. But don’t count on it.

4) Entitlement is a key aspect of the disorder. As we are already seeing, he will likely not observe traditional boundaries of the office. He has already stated that rules don’t apply to him. This particular attribute has huge implications for the presidency and it will be important for everyone who can to hold him to the same standards as previous presidents.

5) We should expect that he only cares about himself and those he views as extensions of himself, like his children. (People with NPD often can’t understand others as fully human or distinct.) He desires accumulation of wealth and power because it fills a hole. (Melania is probably an acquired item, not an extension.) He will have no qualms *at all* about stealing everything he can from the country, and he’ll be happy to help others do so, if they make him feel good. He won’t view it as stealing but rather as something he’s entitled to do. This is likely the only thing he will intentionally accomplish.

6) It’s very, very confusing for non-disordered people to experience a disordered person with NPD. While often intelligent, charismatic and charming, they do not reliably observe social conventions or demonstrate basic human empathy. It’s very common for non-disordered people to lower their own expectations and try to normalize the behavior. DO NOT DO THIS AND DO NOT ALLOW OTHERS, ESPECIALLY THE MEDIA, TO DO THIS. If you start to feel foggy or unclear about this, step away until you recalibrate.


10) Whenever possible, do not focus on the narcissist or give him attention. Unfortunately we can’t and shouldn’t ignore the president, but don’t circulate his tweets or laugh at him — you are enabling him and getting his word out. (I’ve done this, of course, we all have… just try to be aware.) Pay attention to your own emotions: do you sort of enjoy his clowning? do you enjoy the outrage? is this kind of fun and dramatic, in a sick way? You are adding to his energy. Focus on what you can change and how you can resist, where you are. We are all called to be leaders now, in the absence of leadership.

Read points 7-9 here: Coping with Chaos in the White House
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Crooked Hillary folks still coping with the fact their candidate was unfit for the White House I see. :p

Need another reminder that more than 2 million Americans voted for Hillary than they did Trump? Another way of phrasing this is, fewer Americans voted for Trump than Hillary. More Americans wanted Hillary for president. In other words, Trump couldn't even get more votes than crooked Hillary.

I've noticed that Trump has a weak point for flattery. If you say nice things about him, you're off the hook. If you say bad things about him, he goes after you. Classic abuse pattern.
Somebody must not have been paying attention in class because otherwise they wouldn't have missed the rather obvious classic case of narcissistic personality disorder we've all had to deal with over the past 8 years in the form of President Barack Obama. There is no better example.
Great minds think alike. :beer:
Somebody must not have been paying attention in class because otherwise they wouldn't have missed the rather obvious classic case of narcissistic personality disorder we've all had to deal with over the past 8 years in the form of President Barack Obama. There is no better example.
Oh, the last 8 years haven't been filled by a narcissist? Pull your head out of the sand, fella.

Old right wing talking point. Literally zero evidence that Obama was a narcissist. He actually would score quite low on the narcissism scale for a president.
Crooked Hillary folks still coping with the fact their candidate was unfit for the White House I see. :p

Need another reminder that more than 2 million Americans voted for Hillary than they did Trump? Another way of phrasing this is, fewer Americans voted for Trump than Hillary. More Americans wanted Hillary for president. In other words, Trump couldn't even get more votes than crooked Hillary.


You need another reminder that don't mean shit?
Somebody must not have been paying attention in class because otherwise they wouldn't have missed the rather obvious classic case of narcissistic personality disorder we've all had to deal with over the past 8 years in the form of President Barack Obama. There is no better example.

And yet, you couldn't back up your assertion if you tried.
I've noticed that Trump has a weak point for flattery. If you say nice things about him, you're off the hook. If you say bad things about him, he goes after you. Classic abuse pattern.
my my another lib being what he preaches against
Crooked Hillary folks still coping with the fact their candidate was unfit for the White House I see. :p

Need another reminder that more than 2 million Americans voted for Hillary than they did Trump? Another way of phrasing this is, fewer Americans voted for Trump than Hillary. More Americans wanted Hillary for president. In other words, Trump couldn't even get more votes than crooked Hillary.


When does Hillary assume office ?
Crooked Hillary folks still coping with the fact their candidate was unfit for the White House I see. :p

Need another reminder that more than 2 million Americans voted for Hillary than they did Trump? Another way of phrasing this is, fewer Americans voted for Trump than Hillary. More Americans wanted Hillary for president. In other words, Trump couldn't even get more votes than crooked Hillary.


When does Hillary assume office ?

Hopefully after the recount! :2up:
I've noticed that Trump has a weak point for flattery. If you say nice things about him, you're off the hook. If you say bad things about him, he goes after you. Classic abuse pattern.

So when Mitt Romney said bad things about Trump...Trump inviting him in to interview for the job as Secretary of State is Trump going after Romney?

When Trump says he doesn't want to hurt Hillary anymore and doesn't plan to push the investigation into her's him going after her?

I'm curious, you get out of your mom's basement much? You know...get some fresh air...maybe listen to someone other than Think Progress, CNN and The New York Times?
I've noticed that Trump has a weak point for flattery. If you say nice things about him, you're off the hook. If you say bad things about him, he goes after you. Classic abuse pattern.

So when Mitt Romney said bad things about Trump...Trump inviting him in to interview for the job as Secretary of State is Trump going after Romney?

When Trump says he doesn't want to hurt Hillary anymore and doesn't plan to push the investigation into her's him going after her?

I'm curious, you get out of your mom's basement much? You know...get some fresh air...maybe listen to someone other than Think Progress, CNN and The New York Times?

See point number 8 from the article:

8) People with NPD often foster competition for sport in people they control. Expect lots of chaos, firings and recriminations. He will probably behave worst toward those closest to him, but that doesn’t mean (obviously) that his actions won’t have consequences for the rest of us. He will punish enemies. He may start out, as he has with the NYT, with a confusing combination of punishing/rewarding, which is a classic abuse tactic for control. If you see your media cooperating or facilitating this behavior for rewards, call them on it.
Crooked Hillary folks still coping with the fact their candidate was unfit for the White House I see. :p

Need another reminder that more than 2 million Americans voted for Hillary than they did Trump? Another way of phrasing this is, fewer Americans voted for Trump than Hillary. More Americans wanted Hillary for president. In other words, Trump couldn't even get more votes than crooked Hillary.

Yes here's a thought. Nobody in the states that voted for Trump give a flying fuck if the states that voted for cunton had more. That's where we start thinking the founders sure had a good plan with how these elections work. And luckily for you it worked out that way.
This is a right on article...

3) You can influence him by making him feel good.

This is exactly what is going on right now... the GOP hated him but are stroking his ego now while encouraging him to pick the people who he said he would get rid of.

I liked him and supported him through Ted Cruz , I lost interest after he picked Pence... Looking back he lied about everything..


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