Cops having fun in Swedish "No-Go" zone...Trump was right......

it's worth saying again, this is not true when you take out our minority population numbers

and most of their crime comes from their immigrants - so that gives us a great reason to keep those types of fols out of the US - we have enough to deal with home grown

The dumb inbred white trash in JesusLand are killing each other off at a pretty good rate, too.

Far higher than a civilized European Country. red states the ones killing each other are minorities in blue cities in the red states...controlled by democrat mayors for decades... red states the ones killing each other are minorities in blue cities in the red states...controlled by democrat mayors for decades...


it's also worth noting that for the 1st time in my life, we have a president that is actually addressing this issue and offering real solutions to change things and make life better for those most adversely affected

yet, we still get wailing & consternation from our friends on the left and in the media

it's almost as if they have an agenda to keep minorities down and dependent upon them

So you think in 100 years Americans will be getting drunk and celebrating Ramadan?
AlsoI don;t believe that the Germans ....had a Jihad against America at the time.

Did you miss World War I and World War II?

white Americans in small towns, or what you call "Jesus Land" commit crimes at a much smaller clip that the rest of the population and do not commit violent crimes anywhere near as often

again, YOUR chart proves my point - whites and blacks commit the same number of crimes (as shown in your chart); yet whites make up over 60% of the population & blacks less than 15%

your point was that we only have a murder rate because of the "Darkies". But we have lots of white people doing the killing, too, much higher than any European country

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