Cops in schools: The downside

If my 6 y/o child throws books and toys at his teacher in defiance and goes skitso....handcuffs work.

If my son stole 5 dollars I am cool with handcuffs.
In many places, any of those things can cause a kid to be arrested, booked and fined instead of being sent to the Principal's office for a "counseling" session. Those things aren't crimes: They're discipline problems and NO school needs an armed cop enforcing discipline. That's what we hire teachers and staff to do.

Link to arrests made for these ?

STFU, Conservatives, 19 Things That School Children Are Being Arrested For In America
If my 6 y/o child throws books and toys at his teacher in defiance and goes skitso....handcuffs work.

If my son stole 5 dollars I am cool with handcuffs.

You'd be OK with the school handcuffing your 6 year old for throwing a tantrum?

May I ask something? If you're that scared of your kids, why in the hell are you a parent?
If my 6 y/o child throws books and toys at his teacher in defiance and goes skitso....handcuffs work.

If my son stole 5 dollars I am cool with handcuffs.

Except the kid didn't steal anything. He was handcuffed and interrogated for hours and hadn't done anything.

The legal papers say another classmate later admitted the theft.

Jesus you "small government people" sure do like an authoritarian long as corporations can profit off of it.
If my 6 y/o child throws books and toys at his teacher in defiance and goes skitso....handcuffs work.

If my son stole 5 dollars I am cool with handcuffs.

You'd be OK with the school handcuffing your 6 year old for throwing a tantrum?

May I ask something? If you're that scared of your kids, why in the hell are you a parent?

If someone handcuffed their own kid for a tantrum, you could call CPS on them, but cops can do it AND interrogate a kid over a lunch money dispute that he turned out to be innocent of? WTF, over?
Texas school system has a lot of problems but misdemeanor tickets ain't one of them. Of the 4.6 million kids in the Texas school system about half a million have not submitted social security numbers. Do you know what that means? It means they are illegally in the Country and Texas is forced to educate them at a cost of 1 Billion. Misdemeanors are crimes and it seems to me that the fact that 100,000 tickets are written for criminal activity that used to go unreported is a good thing. Lefties keep whining abut bullying and when something is done they whine about that.
If my 6 y/o child throws books and toys at his teacher in defiance and goes skitso....handcuffs work.

If my son stole 5 dollars I am cool with handcuffs.'re OK with a 6 year old HANDCUFFED TO A RAILING (which, in some places, qualifies as KIDNAPPING, and probably would get CPS called ANYWHERE) and grilled for 5 hours WITHOUT A PARENT PRESENT?! ARE YOU FUCKING HIGH?!?!?!?!
From the header link:


School security guards in Palmdale, CA have been caught on camera assaulting a 16-year-old girl and breaking her arm. The incident started when the girl dropped some cake after being bumped in a lunch line. She was ordered to clean and re-clean the spot several times. After being told to re-clean the spot for a fourth time, she tried to leave the area, but was stopped by a security officer. The girl said that the officer forced her onto a table, yelled, “hold still nappy-head”, and broke her wrist in the process. The altercation was caught on camera.

Source: Infowars, “School guards break child’s arm and arrest her for dropping cake,” September, 2007.
School Guards Break Child's Arm And Arrest Her For Dropping Cake

Putting cops in schools is crazy. Schools are already doing enough to destroy kids.
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In many places, any of those things can cause a kid to be arrested, booked and fined instead of being sent to the Principal's office for a "counseling" session. Those things aren't crimes: They're discipline problems and NO school needs an armed cop enforcing discipline. That's what we hire teachers and staff to do.

Link to arrests made for these ?

STFU, Conservatives, 19 Things That School Children Are Being Arrested For In America

I looked at the list. It's arrest for violating liberal imposed but bullshit rules. A student arrested for drawing a picture of Jesus on the cross is not the type of arrest conservatives would promote. It is the kind of arrest a liberal would want. Massachusettes, California, Pennsylvania, the majority of arrests are in very liberal states with very liberal laws.

Not in all cases. In some cases the student, though very young, was out of control and destructive. In this article, by it's very words, the arrests were not made by a guard on the scene but officers that were called there by administrative staff.

What kind of principal or teacher would call the police and demand that a student who drew a picture of Jesus be arrested, conservative or liberal?
From the header link:


School security guards in Palmdale, CA have been caught on camera assaulting a 16-year-old girl and breaking her arm. The incident started when the girl dropped some cake after being bumped in a lunch line. She was ordered to clean and re-clean the spot several times. After being told to re-clean the spot for a fourth time, she tried to leave the area, but was stopped by a security officer. The girl said that the officer forced her onto a table, yelled, “hold still nappy-head”, and broke her wrist in the process. The altercation was caught on camera.

Source: Infowars, “School guards break child’s arm and arrest her for dropping cake,” September, 2007.
School Guards Break Child's Arm And Arrest Her For Dropping Cake

Putting cops in schools is crazy. Schools are already doing enough to destroy kids.

It always pays to look up an outrageous claim. It is almost never what it appears to be. Not only the girl was arrested, but so was her mother.

The girl didnt pick up the cake. She instead just walked off which gave the guard an excuse to stop her. Naturally an altercation ensued in which the girl's arm was broken. Then her mother came and attacked the principal so she was arrested too.

The girl was arrested but not for cake, for battering the security guard.

Pleajhia Mervin has been expelled from school. She will have to go to an expulsion hearing. She says she's even been accused of battering the security guard, and was ticketed for littering.

The mother was arrested for battering the principal.

Mervin's mother, Latrisha Majors, said when she rushed to the school demanding to see her daughter, she was accused of battering the principal. She says she was then arrested and forced to spend the night in jail.

Another liberal myth blown all to hell.

High School Security Guards Accused of Excessive Force 9/27/07 |
Now I see why this is such a growing problem. A lot people in this thread don't see anything wrong with treating children as criminals for minor offenses, then blame "liberals" for it.

No wonder the country is going to hell in a hand basket. Y'all have seriously lost touch with reality.
A lot of people on this board simply don't understand that a minor offence can grow into a major problem when it involves an out of control and entitled teen.
You're damn right the cops shouldn't be involved unless it's a serious crime.

It's funny that we managed to get through a century or more of public education without cops patrolling the hallways. Why do we need them now? Kids are still just kids and schools should be a place for learning, not a place which generates fear.

Case in point: About 70% of schools do not have armed cops right now and they're no more "unsafe" than schools with cops. All of my grandkids attend schools without armed guards and, strange to say, they've never been assaulted or had a problem come up which couldn't be dealt with in the office.

So you have no example of a misdemeanor that should be overlooked ?

How about a schoolyard fight not involving weapons? How about talking back to a teacher? How about skipping class? How about being caught smoking a cigarette out back? How about using a curse word in the hallways?

In many places, any of those things can cause a kid to be arrested, booked and fined instead of being sent to the Principal's office for a "counseling" session. Those things aren't crimes: They're discipline problems and NO school needs an armed cop enforcing discipline. That's what we hire teachers and staff to do.

In other days a counseling session with the principal would involve a bare ass and a paddle so there were way fewer disciplinary problems.
My husband attended a High School in Canada growing up. They had a cop stationed inside of the school. He described it more as a community outreach program. The cop knew the kids around the school and she knew what was happening pretty much all the time and was pretty good at getting befriending kids that were heading into gangs. She alerted the principal when there was a planned gang fight planned in retaliation at the school. The sent everyone home early and arrests were made and a machete and other instruments taken from students involved.

I think cops in schools can be a good thing when it's run as an outreach program and not simply for policing. A lot of things improved at my husband's high school between when his older brother attended and when he attended and they both thought it was having a cop there that actually talked to the kids.
From the header link:


School security guards in Palmdale, CA have been caught on camera assaulting a 16-year-old girl and breaking her arm. The incident started when the girl dropped some cake after being bumped in a lunch line. She was ordered to clean and re-clean the spot several times. After being told to re-clean the spot for a fourth time, she tried to leave the area, but was stopped by a security officer. The girl said that the officer forced her onto a table, yelled, “hold still nappy-head”, and broke her wrist in the process. The altercation was caught on camera.

Source: Infowars, “School guards break child’s arm and arrest her for dropping cake,” September, 2007.
School Guards Break Child's Arm And Arrest Her For Dropping Cake

Putting cops in schools is crazy. Schools are already doing enough to destroy kids.

It always pays to look up an outrageous claim. It is almost never what it appears to be. Not only the girl was arrested, but so was her mother.

The girl didnt pick up the cake. She instead just walked off which gave the guard an excuse to stop her. Naturally an altercation ensued in which the girl's arm was broken. Then her mother came and attacked the principal so she was arrested too.

The girl was arrested but not for cake, for battering the security guard.

Pleajhia Mervin has been expelled from school. She will have to go to an expulsion hearing. She says she's even been accused of battering the security guard, and was ticketed for littering.

The mother was arrested for battering the principal.

Mervin's mother, Latrisha Majors, said when she rushed to the school demanding to see her daughter, she was accused of battering the principal. She says she was then arrested and forced to spend the night in jail.

Another liberal myth blown all to hell.

High School Security Guards Accused of Excessive Force 9/27/07 |

While your link might be right, I'm no liberal at least in the sense today's nutball means it, but easily accept your opinion on the site.

Now let's stop the partisan DRIVEL and ask the important questions:
1.When did not picking up cake become a crime?
2. What right did the cop have to stop the girl?
3. How long is it going to be before one of these cops kill a student for smoking in the bathroom?
People who invite more government are no damn good. That is the bottom line.
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From the header link:


School security guards in Palmdale, CA have been caught on camera assaulting a 16-year-old girl and breaking her arm. The incident started when the girl dropped some cake after being bumped in a lunch line. She was ordered to clean and re-clean the spot several times. After being told to re-clean the spot for a fourth time, she tried to leave the area, but was stopped by a security officer. The girl said that the officer forced her onto a table, yelled, “hold still nappy-head”, and broke her wrist in the process. The altercation was caught on camera.

Source: Infowars, “School guards break child’s arm and arrest her for dropping cake,” September, 2007.
School Guards Break Child's Arm And Arrest Her For Dropping Cake

Putting cops in schools is crazy. Schools are already doing enough to destroy kids.

It always pays to look up an outrageous claim. It is almost never what it appears to be. Not only the girl was arrested, but so was her mother.

The girl didnt pick up the cake. She instead just walked off which gave the guard an excuse to stop her. Naturally an altercation ensued in which the girl's arm was broken. Then her mother came and attacked the principal so she was arrested too.

The girl was arrested but not for cake, for battering the security guard.

Pleajhia Mervin has been expelled from school. She will have to go to an expulsion hearing. She says she's even been accused of battering the security guard, and was ticketed for littering.

The mother was arrested for battering the principal.

Mervin's mother, Latrisha Majors, said when she rushed to the school demanding to see her daughter, she was accused of battering the principal. She says she was then arrested and forced to spend the night in jail.

Another liberal myth blown all to hell.

High School Security Guards Accused of Excessive Force 9/27/07 |

While your link might be right, what right did the cop have to stop the girl?

How long is it going to be before one of these cops kill a student for smoking in the bathroom?

People who invite more government are no damn good. That is the bottom line.

The cop had a right to detain the girl when she was told to clean up her mess and didn't. She left. While we don't know the details of what happened when the security guard rightfully detained her, it is probable that she attacked the guard as teenagers often do.
The cause of the entire cake incident is due to an undisciplined rank of teenagers who think the world owes them and they don't have to do anything except satisfy their own wishes.
It always pays to look up an outrageous claim. It is almost never what it appears to be. Not only the girl was arrested, but so was her mother.

The girl didnt pick up the cake. She instead just walked off which gave the guard an excuse to stop her. Naturally an altercation ensued in which the girl's arm was broken. Then her mother came and attacked the principal so she was arrested too.

The girl was arrested but not for cake, for battering the security guard.

Pleajhia Mervin has been expelled from school. She will have to go to an expulsion hearing. She says she's even been accused of battering the security guard, and was ticketed for littering.

The mother was arrested for battering the principal.

Mervin's mother, Latrisha Majors, said when she rushed to the school demanding to see her daughter, she was accused of battering the principal. She says she was then arrested and forced to spend the night in jail.

Another liberal myth blown all to hell.

High School Security Guards Accused of Excessive Force 9/27/07 |

While your link might be right, what right did the cop have to stop the girl?

How long is it going to be before one of these cops kill a student for smoking in the bathroom?

People who invite more government are no damn good. That is the bottom line.

The cop had a right to detain the girl when she was told to clean up her mess and didn't. She left. While we don't know the details of what happened when the security guard rightfully detained her, it is probable that she attacked the guard as teenagers often do.

So, the "acceptable" link didn't have any better information than that? Which means the so-called "liberal" link report could be accurate. Is that about right?
Fact1: until refusing to clean up cake is a criminal offense, no crime was committed.
Fact2: until disobeying a teacher is a criminal offense, no crime was committed.
Fact3: if no crime was committed the cop should not violently intervene.
Further conclusion: violence restraint of a young girl is about the speed of the pot gutted clowns who managed Columbine by waiting out side until it became too embarrassing to continue inaction - except for roughing up students too scared/confused to raise their hands while running to escape.

Thought: What would I do now if someone bumped me at an event in a public building and knocked my cake to the floor? We don't know for sure, but if was someone that irritated me no cop using legal means has anything like what it would take to get me to clean it up. I am 63 years old; can we expect more of a teenager who also may have felt no obligation to clean up the cake?

Bottom line: only the lame and the halt want big government. Glad to see some fake-conservatives coming out of the closet to embrace their debt-tripling big government pal Reagan.
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If my 6 y/o child throws books and toys at his teacher in defiance and goes skitso....handcuffs work.

If my son stole 5 dollars I am cool with handcuffs.'re OK with a 6 year old HANDCUFFED TO A RAILING (which, in some places, qualifies as KIDNAPPING, and probably would get CPS called ANYWHERE) and grilled for 5 hours WITHOUT A PARENT PRESENT?! ARE YOU FUCKING HIGH?!?!?!?!

Not ok with nor do I believe he was handcuffed to railing for hours or a parent not called.

Ok with handcuffing a known thief, child or otherwise.

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