Cops intentionally hit by a a guess what....

Blacks commit close to half of all murders in this country, and are only 13% of the population. And it's actually mostly young black males in their teens to early 30's doing it, so its more like 8% of the popukation is responsible for half the murders. Whites are still the majority of the impoverished in this country and the majority population to boot....yet don't commit nearly as many murders according to their population percentage.

People need to get over their 'let's just get along' fantasy....they don't want to get along.
You were factual until you decided to lie just to try to make a point...
What did I lie about?

How do you know that "they"don't want to get seem to be doing more than regurgitating some ignorant asshole like Duke...
Because they are asking for special treatment, black kids at university are asking for segregation, they blame all their issues on white people....I don't see how acting like that says anything other than 'Fuck You' to their white fellow Americans. I was speaking in general though, yes not ALL of them don't want to get along, but the most vocal of their segment of the population don't want to from what I gather from their own words and actions.
I have Black children and you just made another wrong, racist and stupid statement.
You are now telling me that my children blame ALL their problems on white
Dude get a grip.
I'm sure your children do blame whitey for everything. How could they not with you teaching them?
All I hear is, "Wwah, wwah, wwah...I hate whitey cops...wwah wwah wwah".

Racists always rationalize their racism. You're no different.
Meh...racism is natural. The only time it is a bad thing is when people use it as a reason to oppress the 'other'. As far as believing your race and culture is better than everyone else's, that just comes natural and doesn't hurt anyone in and of itself.
The most stupid post of the year...
Explain why it's stupid at least.
believing your race and culture is better than everyone else's, that just comes natural and doesn't hurt anyone in and of itself.

That statement has been the basis for every genocide and war put upon every indigenous population on every continent in the name of colonialism and manifest destiny...
Hey Howard Zinn...get a life...or a history education.
So you can't intelligently or factually rebut my statement...oh well, just say something stupid.
You already did....
Whenever I deny it you just claim that you can feel that I really dont deny it. So when I say bad cops you say "you mean whites"?

I say no and you respond "yes you do"

Then claim no denial :alcoholic:
All I hear is, "Wwah, wwah, wwah...I hate whitey cops...wwah wwah wwah".

Racists always rationalize their racism. You're no different.
Meh...racism is natural. The only time it is a bad thing is when people use it as a reason to oppress the 'other'. As far as believing your race and culture is better than everyone else's, that just comes natural and doesn't hurt anyone in and of itself.
The most stupid post of the year...
Explain why it's stupid at least.
believing your race and culture is better than everyone else's, that just comes natural and doesn't hurt anyone in and of itself.

That statement has been the basis for every genocide and war put upon every indigenous population on every continent in the name of colonialism and manifest destiny...
How so? I simply acknowledged that people tend to prefer people of their own kind and believe their group is the best group. Same applies to any other kind of grouping, not just the races.

People who like country think country music is the best and people who like rap think rap is the best, etc... This applies even more to racial groups though.

There are always outliers, but exceptions do not disprove the just proves there are outliers.
All I hear is, "Wwah, wwah, wwah...I hate whitey cops...wwah wwah wwah".

Racists always rationalize their racism. You're no different.
Meh...racism is natural. The only time it is a bad thing is when people use it as a reason to oppress the 'other'. As far as believing your race and culture is better than everyone else's, that just comes natural and doesn't hurt anyone in and of itself.
The most stupid post of the year...
Explain why it's stupid at least.
believing your race and culture is better than everyone else's, that just comes natural and doesn't hurt anyone in and of itself.

That statement has been the basis for every genocide and war put upon every indigenous population on every continent in the name of colonialism and manifest destiny...
How so? I simply acknowledged that people tend to prefer people of their own kind and believe their group is the best group. Same applies to any other kind of grouping, not just the races.

People who like country think country music is the best and people who like rap think rap is the best, etc... This applies even more to racial groups though.

There are always outliers, but exceptions do not disprove the just proves there are outliers.
Okay...tell me what is the basis of racism or prejudice???
What did I lie about?

How do you know that "they"don't want to get seem to be doing more than regurgitating some ignorant asshole like Duke...
Because they are asking for special treatment, black kids at university are asking for segregation, they blame all their issues on white people....I don't see how acting like that says anything other than 'Fuck You' to their white fellow Americans. I was speaking in general though, yes not ALL of them don't want to get along, but the most vocal of their segment of the population don't want to from what I gather from their own words and actions.
I have Black children and you just made another wrong, racist and stupid statement.
You are now telling me that my children blame ALL their problems on white
Dude get a grip.
I'm sure your children do blame whitey for everything. How could they not with you teaching them?
Well, I don't run around the house as a grown man naked and then demand all my children get naked also, they do know how to spot certain types of men though....
I have no idea what you're talking about, you might want to keep your perverted thoughts to yourself.
Blacks commit close to half of all murders in this country, and are only 13% of the population. And it's actually mostly young black males in their teens to early 30's doing it, so its more like 8% of the popukation is responsible for half the murders. Whites are still the majority of the impoverished in this country and the majority population to boot....yet don't commit nearly as many murders according to their population percentage.

People need to get over their 'let's just get along' fantasy....they don't want to get along.
You were factual until you decided to lie just to try to make a point...
What did I lie about?

How do you know that "they"don't want to get seem to be doing more than regurgitating some ignorant asshole like Duke...
Because they are asking for special treatment, black kids at university are asking for segregation, they blame all their issues on white people....I don't see how acting like that says anything other than 'Fuck You' to their white fellow Americans. I was speaking in general though, yes not ALL of them don't want to get along, but the most vocal of their segment of the population don't want to from what I gather from their own words and actions.
I have Black children and you just made another wrong, racist and stupid statement.
You are now telling me that my children blame ALL their problems on white
Dude get a grip.
No I said nothing about your children. I spoke in general, and then I made it clear that I know not all black people are like that. If you're children don't think that way, cool.

I think you need to chill out, this is an internet message board...people are going to make general's not always to insult you or your children.
Meh...racism is natural. The only time it is a bad thing is when people use it as a reason to oppress the 'other'. As far as believing your race and culture is better than everyone else's, that just comes natural and doesn't hurt anyone in and of itself.
The most stupid post of the year...
Explain why it's stupid at least.
believing your race and culture is better than everyone else's, that just comes natural and doesn't hurt anyone in and of itself.

That statement has been the basis for every genocide and war put upon every indigenous population on every continent in the name of colonialism and manifest destiny...
Hey Howard Zinn...get a life...or a history education.
So you can't intelligently or factually rebut my statement...oh well, just say something stupid.
You already did....
Shogun Wars in Japan? So the Japanese hated those fucking Japanese. American Civil War and the constitutional crisis that it was about. American Revolution, sure, that was about race and culture.
You were factual until you decided to lie just to try to make a point...
What did I lie about?

How do you know that "they"don't want to get seem to be doing more than regurgitating some ignorant asshole like Duke...
Because they are asking for special treatment, black kids at university are asking for segregation, they blame all their issues on white people....I don't see how acting like that says anything other than 'Fuck You' to their white fellow Americans. I was speaking in general though, yes not ALL of them don't want to get along, but the most vocal of their segment of the population don't want to from what I gather from their own words and actions.
I have Black children and you just made another wrong, racist and stupid statement.
You are now telling me that my children blame ALL their problems on white
Dude get a grip.
No I said nothing about your children. I spoke in general, and then I made it clear that I know not all black people are like that. If you're children don't think that way, cool.

I think you need to chill out, this is an internet message board...people are going to make general's not always to insult you or your children.
You did say ALL Black children...however I will concede they you may not have made a blanket statement about every Black Child...
You were factual until you decided to lie just to try to make a point...
What did I lie about?

How do you know that "they"don't want to get seem to be doing more than regurgitating some ignorant asshole like Duke...
Because they are asking for special treatment, black kids at university are asking for segregation, they blame all their issues on white people....I don't see how acting like that says anything other than 'Fuck You' to their white fellow Americans. I was speaking in general though, yes not ALL of them don't want to get along, but the most vocal of their segment of the population don't want to from what I gather from their own words and actions.
I have Black children and you just made another wrong, racist and stupid statement.
You are now telling me that my children blame ALL their problems on white
Dude get a grip.
No I said nothing about your children. I spoke in general, and then I made it clear that I know not all black people are like that. If you're children don't think that way, cool.

I think you need to chill out, this is an internet message board...people are going to make general's not always to insult you or your children.
I bet they blame most of them on white people because it is what they learn at home and in school. All people are equal. Period. If you blame your status in life on your race then you have a predetermined attitude that will bend you toward failure.
Meh...racism is natural. The only time it is a bad thing is when people use it as a reason to oppress the 'other'. As far as believing your race and culture is better than everyone else's, that just comes natural and doesn't hurt anyone in and of itself.
The most stupid post of the year...
Explain why it's stupid at least.
believing your race and culture is better than everyone else's, that just comes natural and doesn't hurt anyone in and of itself.

That statement has been the basis for every genocide and war put upon every indigenous population on every continent in the name of colonialism and manifest destiny...
How so? I simply acknowledged that people tend to prefer people of their own kind and believe their group is the best group. Same applies to any other kind of grouping, not just the races.

People who like country think country music is the best and people who like rap think rap is the best, etc... This applies even more to racial groups though.

There are always outliers, but exceptions do not disprove the just proves there are outliers.
Okay...tell me what is the basis of racism or prejudice???
Fear of the unknown most of the time, I would say. Sometimes actual bad experiences with people unlike yourself....or maybe one's parents raised them to be virulently and hatefully racist. I admit my racism, but I'm not in favor of genociding people of different races than my own. And I wasn't raised that way, I am the product of an interracial marriage myself. My racism was innate. I prefer either Hispanic or European culture, I am most comfortable with people I am similar to. I think it is superior to african american urban culture, and I can't help that. Its part of me. So by definition I am a racist and prejudiced, but like I said....that innate racism does not cause me to want to go and hurt or oppress black folks. I'd prefer to just do my thing with my people, you do your thing with yours. If we work together, I will treat you fairly and not go out of my way to be a dick to you....but at the end of the day... I go home to what makes me comfortable and I find enjoyable....and I believe black folks should be able to do the same. If someone wants to hang out with different races that's also fine.
What did I lie about?

How do you know that "they"don't want to get seem to be doing more than regurgitating some ignorant asshole like Duke...
Because they are asking for special treatment, black kids at university are asking for segregation, they blame all their issues on white people....I don't see how acting like that says anything other than 'Fuck You' to their white fellow Americans. I was speaking in general though, yes not ALL of them don't want to get along, but the most vocal of their segment of the population don't want to from what I gather from their own words and actions.
I have Black children and you just made another wrong, racist and stupid statement.
You are now telling me that my children blame ALL their problems on white
Dude get a grip.
No I said nothing about your children. I spoke in general, and then I made it clear that I know not all black people are like that. If you're children don't think that way, cool.

I think you need to chill out, this is an internet message board...people are going to make general's not always to insult you or your children.
I bet they blame most of them on white people because it is what they learn at home and in school. All people are equal. Period. If you blame your status in life on your race then you have a predetermined attitude that will bend you toward failure.
I think that is a major contributor to black folks staying so far behind in this country. If someone tells you that you have no power and the majority group is always out to screw your people...ofcourse you will have that attitude and it is a horrible attitude to walk around with. It helps no one.
atleast this one is little more obviously racist, the last guy who posted this story called him a "democrat" im assuming this is on stormfornt or breitbart or some other racist website thats why you guys keep posting it, right?
It's in the headlines of the news, jackass. Yeah, I'm sure he a Republican TEA party member.
So he's a democrat because he's black?

According to the media, it is a 99 to 1 chance that he is.
What did I lie about?

How do you know that "they"don't want to get seem to be doing more than regurgitating some ignorant asshole like Duke...
Because they are asking for special treatment, black kids at university are asking for segregation, they blame all their issues on white people....I don't see how acting like that says anything other than 'Fuck You' to their white fellow Americans. I was speaking in general though, yes not ALL of them don't want to get along, but the most vocal of their segment of the population don't want to from what I gather from their own words and actions.
I have Black children and you just made another wrong, racist and stupid statement.
You are now telling me that my children blame ALL their problems on white
Dude get a grip.
No I said nothing about your children. I spoke in general, and then I made it clear that I know not all black people are like that. If you're children don't think that way, cool.

I think you need to chill out, this is an internet message board...people are going to make general's not always to insult you or your children.
You did say ALL Black children...however I will concede they you may not have made a blanket statement about every Black Child...
Not all black children, but certainly those with racist parents such as yourself.
How do you know that "they"don't want to get seem to be doing more than regurgitating some ignorant asshole like Duke...
Because they are asking for special treatment, black kids at university are asking for segregation, they blame all their issues on white people....I don't see how acting like that says anything other than 'Fuck You' to their white fellow Americans. I was speaking in general though, yes not ALL of them don't want to get along, but the most vocal of their segment of the population don't want to from what I gather from their own words and actions.
I have Black children and you just made another wrong, racist and stupid statement.
You are now telling me that my children blame ALL their problems on white
Dude get a grip.
No I said nothing about your children. I spoke in general, and then I made it clear that I know not all black people are like that. If you're children don't think that way, cool.

I think you need to chill out, this is an internet message board...people are going to make general's not always to insult you or your children.
You did say ALL Black children...however I will concede they you may not have made a blanket statement about every Black Child...
Not all black children, but certainly those with racist parents such as yourself.
Hate is also a natural thing. You have to learn to reserve it for those who deserve it the most. Like how I said in the other thread yesterday that I hate homos because they hate God according to the bible. I hate anyone who hates God.
atleast this one is little more obviously racist, the last guy who posted this story called him a "democrat" im assuming this is on stormfornt or breitbart or some other racist website thats why you guys keep posting it, right?
It's in the headlines of the news, jackass. Yeah, I'm sure he a Republican TEA party member.
So he's a democrat because he's black?

According to the media, it is a 99 to 1 chance that he is.
WTF? What "media" says that? Link...?
How do you know that "they"don't want to get seem to be doing more than regurgitating some ignorant asshole like Duke...
Because they are asking for special treatment, black kids at university are asking for segregation, they blame all their issues on white people....I don't see how acting like that says anything other than 'Fuck You' to their white fellow Americans. I was speaking in general though, yes not ALL of them don't want to get along, but the most vocal of their segment of the population don't want to from what I gather from their own words and actions.
I have Black children and you just made another wrong, racist and stupid statement.
You are now telling me that my children blame ALL their problems on white
Dude get a grip.
No I said nothing about your children. I spoke in general, and then I made it clear that I know not all black people are like that. If you're children don't think that way, cool.

I think you need to chill out, this is an internet message board...people are going to make general's not always to insult you or your children.
You did say ALL Black children...however I will concede they you may not have made a blanket statement about every Black Child...
Not all black children, but certainly those with racist parents such as yourself.
I really am finished responding to simply want to insult simply for the purpose of insulting, I'm not going to be stupid like that.
Because they are asking for special treatment, black kids at university are asking for segregation, they blame all their issues on white people....I don't see how acting like that says anything other than 'Fuck You' to their white fellow Americans. I was speaking in general though, yes not ALL of them don't want to get along, but the most vocal of their segment of the population don't want to from what I gather from their own words and actions.
I have Black children and you just made another wrong, racist and stupid statement.
You are now telling me that my children blame ALL their problems on white
Dude get a grip.
No I said nothing about your children. I spoke in general, and then I made it clear that I know not all black people are like that. If you're children don't think that way, cool.

I think you need to chill out, this is an internet message board...people are going to make general's not always to insult you or your children.
You did say ALL Black children...however I will concede they you may not have made a blanket statement about every Black Child...
Not all black children, but certainly those with racist parents such as yourself.
I really am finished responding to simply want to insult simply for the purpose of insulting, I'm not going to be stupid like that.
I'm making a point. If racism is rampant among Black Americans, and it clearly is, then it's being passed down generationally. Why does that subject make you uncomfortable?


Just a lovely "man."

Isn't he?

And he was caught, will go to prison and all will be lets talk about cops that shoot unarmed black men and don't spend a second in jail, shall we?

We can talk about cops that shoot unarmed black men just for the hell of it, but not those cops that are physically attacked before shooting them in self defense. Name one.
Because they are asking for special treatment, black kids at university are asking for segregation, they blame all their issues on white people....I don't see how acting like that says anything other than 'Fuck You' to their white fellow Americans. I was speaking in general though, yes not ALL of them don't want to get along, but the most vocal of their segment of the population don't want to from what I gather from their own words and actions.
I have Black children and you just made another wrong, racist and stupid statement.
You are now telling me that my children blame ALL their problems on white
Dude get a grip.
No I said nothing about your children. I spoke in general, and then I made it clear that I know not all black people are like that. If you're children don't think that way, cool.

I think you need to chill out, this is an internet message board...people are going to make general's not always to insult you or your children.
You did say ALL Black children...however I will concede they you may not have made a blanket statement about every Black Child...
Not all black children, but certainly those with racist parents such as yourself.
Hate is also a natural thing. You have to learn to reserve it for those who deserve it the most. Like how I said in the other thread yesterday that I hate homos because they hate God according to the bible. I hate anyone who hates God.
The homos I know go to church and don't hate God. Perhaps your broad brush stereotypes won't survive an encounter with real life gay people if you actually got to know a few.
The most stupid post of the year...
Explain why it's stupid at least.
believing your race and culture is better than everyone else's, that just comes natural and doesn't hurt anyone in and of itself.

That statement has been the basis for every genocide and war put upon every indigenous population on every continent in the name of colonialism and manifest destiny...
How so? I simply acknowledged that people tend to prefer people of their own kind and believe their group is the best group. Same applies to any other kind of grouping, not just the races.

People who like country think country music is the best and people who like rap think rap is the best, etc... This applies even more to racial groups though.

There are always outliers, but exceptions do not disprove the just proves there are outliers.
Okay...tell me what is the basis of racism or prejudice???
Fear of the unknown most of the time, I would say. Sometimes actual bad experiences with people unlike yourself....or maybe one's parents raised them to be virulently and hatefully racist. I admit my racism, but I'm not in favor of genociding people of different races than my own. And I wasn't raised that way, I am the product of an interracial marriage myself. My racism was innate. I prefer either Hispanic or European culture, I am most comfortable with people I am similar to. I think it is superior to african american urban culture, and I can't help that. Its part of me. So by definition I am a racist and prejudiced, but like I said....that innate racism does not cause me to want to go and hurt or oppress black folks. I'd prefer to just do my thing with my people, you do your thing with yours. If we work together, I will treat you fairly and not go out of my way to be a dick to you....but at the end of the day... I go home to what makes me comfortable and I find enjoyable....and I believe black folks should be able to do the same. If someone wants to hang out with different races that's also fine.
I don't agree with everything you have to say but at least it's honest, which is something rare on this board...
However part of my reality is the following; I started a thread where by all accounts, a young Black football player and excellent academic student chose to take a knee during the National Anthem.
This young kid was called a Ni66er and threatened with lynching by these whites did not voice displeasure due to his actions they immediately sought to denigrate him racially.
That's the reality for many Black people in this can be a model citizen, however some white people will always see your skin first and make that the basis for any personal attack.
Not a single poster on this board said that the actions displayed toward this young man were wrong.

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