Cops intentionally hit by a a guess what....

Seriously though CC, are white girls who put on over-exaggerated fake ebonic accents and try to act blacker than the blackest woman NOT the most annoying creatures on the planet?

They ought to be glad they have a pussy the black guys want or they'd probably get beat down in the hood as soon as they opened their mouthes and spoke.

They do, thats why they dont step their asses in the hood to begin with. Usually they live in gated communities and like to play pretend. So my dudes would pick them up...take them in the hood with a pass. Let them feel the "danger" and they love it.
And that I won't contest because I have seen it myself. Lol
Everytime I bang a white chick I always say to myself "Do you know what white guys think about this?"
Haha...she doesn't care what white guys think about it....they already rejected her. That's why she's down in the 'hood slumming with the brothas and using you to piss off her daddy.

LMAO...You'd be surprised how many white girls do the Sarah Palin....Want that black stick experience and then settle for Mr Milquetoast later
True, but there is a flip side to that coin. I've lost count how many married black women have stalked me over the years.
Everytime I bang a white chick I always say to myself "Do you know what white guys think about this?"
Haha...she doesn't care what white guys think about it....they already rejected her. That's why she's down in the 'hood slumming with the brothas and using you to piss off her daddy.

LMAO...You'd be surprised how many white girls do the Sarah Palin....Want that black stick experience and then settle for Mr Milquetoast later
True, but there is a flip side to that coin. I've lost count how many married black women have stalked me over the years.
I have actually had black women ask me to impregnate them because they want their kids to have 'good hair'.
Ok with you? IDK...Is it ok with you? And why you asking me? I said it so yeah its ok that I said it...thats why I said it
I'm asking you so you acknowledge how stupid it was for you to make such a biased comment. We need the Blue to save us from people like you.

Why are my posts assaulting you baby?
I understand where CC is coming from.

Many posters in this same thread have made similar comments about minorities. I.e., generalizing them to the extreme. Saying they generally deserve the treatment they get from the po-po.

To flip it around and say that corrupt officers may, in some instances, deserve some blow back, is, in a general sense, not out of the realm of the absurd. It is just flipping the paradigm on it's head. The same shit is done everyday around here. A lot of posters are either too obtuse, or too blind to see the double standard.

I just got done earlier today with a post listing all the incidents of where cops killed innocent citizens' dogs for no reason other than they didn't want to deal with them. That's all. It was complete bullshit.

If folks are going to stereo type minorities, then it is equal play to put up with stereotypes of violent cops. We all know cops holding fealty to the thin blue line over human rights are nothing but a violent gang of thugs. On a day to day basis, folks with white privilege don't have to deal with it. If you are a minority, it probably is something that is on your mind daily, even if you are innocent and law abiding. That would probably suck to be profiled simply based on your ethnicity. Oh well.

Keep your mouth shut and make friends rather than enemies.
The problem with your holier than thou theory is that a very disproportionate amount of violent crimes are committed by blacks. To not notice it would be racist while a very low percentage of cops are creating problems. In some 800,000 cops and all their daily interactions we see a few bad examples played over and over again to push the anti-cop narrative. I saw no evidence the attacker was upset about his dog.

No, a very disproportionate amount of violent crimes are committed by POOR PEOPLE. Do minorities happen to make up the disproportionately large amount of poor people? Of course. That was intentional.

We could go into the historical causes for that, but I don't think you want to. Maybe you would like to. Most of the reasons would land at the feet of people we both don't like. :badgrin: It isn't a race issue. The elites would like you to believe so. Look, they have you believing so. They have you fighting and acting like animals and playing the race game. They have corralled the black folk into inner city ghettos. If you think that was by chance, you haven't done your homework.

First it was slavery, then share cropping, then Jim Crow, and segregation, then the inner city blight, and then this racial conflict and voting along party lines. Do we really think this was all done by chance?

And here you are. . . both sides. You are like children, going along, arguing with hatred and venom against each other, playing their stupid game.

I think both sides are smarter than that. Maybe not. Maybe you both get off on hating each other.
NO. Your information is incorrect. Blacks do commit more crime. Slavery, Jim Crow? WTF?

If you can't make it here you can't make it anywhere, last thing anyone needs is excuses to fail.
I'm asking you so you acknowledge how stupid it was for you to make such a biased comment. We need the Blue to save us from people like you.

Why are my posts assaulting you baby?
I understand where CC is coming from.

Many posters in this same thread have made similar comments about minorities. I.e., generalizing them to the extreme. Saying they generally deserve the treatment they get from the po-po.

To flip it around and say that corrupt officers may, in some instances, deserve some blow back, is, in a general sense, not out of the realm of the absurd. It is just flipping the paradigm on it's head. The same shit is done everyday around here. A lot of posters are either too obtuse, or too blind to see the double standard.

I just got done earlier today with a post listing all the incidents of where cops killed innocent citizens' dogs for no reason other than they didn't want to deal with them. That's all. It was complete bullshit.

If folks are going to stereo type minorities, then it is equal play to put up with stereotypes of violent cops. We all know cops holding fealty to the thin blue line over human rights are nothing but a violent gang of thugs. On a day to day basis, folks with white privilege don't have to deal with it. If you are a minority, it probably is something that is on your mind daily, even if you are innocent and law abiding. That would probably suck to be profiled simply based on your ethnicity. Oh well.

Keep your mouth shut and make friends rather than enemies.
The problem with your holier than thou theory is that a very disproportionate amount of violent crimes are committed by blacks. To not notice it would be racist while a very low percentage of cops are creating problems. In some 800,000 cops and all their daily interactions we see a few bad examples played over and over again to push the anti-cop narrative. I saw no evidence the attacker was upset about his dog.

No, a very disproportionate amount of violent crimes are committed by POOR PEOPLE. Do minorities happen to make up the disproportionately large amount of poor people? Of course. That was intentional.

We could go into the historical causes for that, but I don't think you want to. Maybe you would like to. Most of the reasons would land at the feet of people we both don't like. :badgrin: It isn't a race issue. The elites would like you to believe so. Look, they have you believing so. They have you fighting and acting like animals and playing the race game. They have corralled the black folk into inner city ghettos. If you think that was by chance, you haven't done your homework.

First it was slavery, then share cropping, then Jim Crow, and segregation, then the inner city blight, and then this racial conflict and voting along party lines. Do we really think this was all done by chance?

And here you are. . . both sides. You are like children, going along, arguing with hatred and venom against each other, playing their stupid game.

I think both sides are smarter than that. Maybe not. Maybe you both get off on hating each other.
NO. Your information is incorrect. Blacks do commit more crime. Slavery, Jim Crow? WTF?

If you can't make it here you can't make it anywhere, last thing anyone needs is excuses to fail.
Blacks commit close to half of all murders in this country, and are only 13% of the population. And it's actually mostly young black males in their teens to early 30's doing it, so its more like 8% of the popukation is responsible for half the murders. Whites are still the majority of the impoverished in this country and the majority population to boot....yet don't commit nearly as many murders according to their population percentage.

People need to get over their 'let's just get along' fantasy....they don't want to get along.
Why are my posts assaulting you baby?
I understand where CC is coming from.

Many posters in this same thread have made similar comments about minorities. I.e., generalizing them to the extreme. Saying they generally deserve the treatment they get from the po-po.

To flip it around and say that corrupt officers may, in some instances, deserve some blow back, is, in a general sense, not out of the realm of the absurd. It is just flipping the paradigm on it's head. The same shit is done everyday around here. A lot of posters are either too obtuse, or too blind to see the double standard.

I just got done earlier today with a post listing all the incidents of where cops killed innocent citizens' dogs for no reason other than they didn't want to deal with them. That's all. It was complete bullshit.

If folks are going to stereo type minorities, then it is equal play to put up with stereotypes of violent cops. We all know cops holding fealty to the thin blue line over human rights are nothing but a violent gang of thugs. On a day to day basis, folks with white privilege don't have to deal with it. If you are a minority, it probably is something that is on your mind daily, even if you are innocent and law abiding. That would probably suck to be profiled simply based on your ethnicity. Oh well.

Keep your mouth shut and make friends rather than enemies.
The problem with your holier than thou theory is that a very disproportionate amount of violent crimes are committed by blacks. To not notice it would be racist while a very low percentage of cops are creating problems. In some 800,000 cops and all their daily interactions we see a few bad examples played over and over again to push the anti-cop narrative. I saw no evidence the attacker was upset about his dog.

No, a very disproportionate amount of violent crimes are committed by POOR PEOPLE. Do minorities happen to make up the disproportionately large amount of poor people? Of course. That was intentional.

We could go into the historical causes for that, but I don't think you want to. Maybe you would like to. Most of the reasons would land at the feet of people we both don't like. :badgrin: It isn't a race issue. The elites would like you to believe so. Look, they have you believing so. They have you fighting and acting like animals and playing the race game. They have corralled the black folk into inner city ghettos. If you think that was by chance, you haven't done your homework.

First it was slavery, then share cropping, then Jim Crow, and segregation, then the inner city blight, and then this racial conflict and voting along party lines. Do we really think this was all done by chance?

And here you are. . . both sides. You are like children, going along, arguing with hatred and venom against each other, playing their stupid game.

I think both sides are smarter than that. Maybe not. Maybe you both get off on hating each other.
NO. Your information is incorrect. Blacks do commit more crime. Slavery, Jim Crow? WTF?

If you can't make it here you can't make it anywhere, last thing anyone needs is excuses to fail.
Blacks commit close to half of all murders in this country, and are only 13% of the population. And it's actually mostly young black males in their teens to early 30's doing it, so its more like 8% of the popukation is responsible for half the murders. Whites are still the majority of the impoverished in this country and the majority population to boot....yet don't commit nearly as many murders according to their population percentage.

People need to get over their 'let's just get along' fantasy....they don't want to get along.
You were factual until you decided to lie just to try to make a point...
You mean white cops, don't you?

If when I say bad cops you hear white cops then thats your problem not mine
Not really. I'm just proficient in translating Left-speak, the language you all use to mask your innate racism.

Again, the things you think you're good at, you're not.
And again you aren't even denying the accusations, which means my perceptions prove sagacious.

Whenever I deny it you just claim that you can feel that I really dont deny it. So when I say bad cops you say "you mean whites"?

I say no and you respond "yes you do"

Then claim no denial :alcoholic:
All I hear is, "Wwah, wwah, wwah...I hate whitey cops...wwah wwah wwah".

Racists always rationalize their racism. You're no different.
I understand where CC is coming from.

Many posters in this same thread have made similar comments about minorities. I.e., generalizing them to the extreme. Saying they generally deserve the treatment they get from the po-po.

To flip it around and say that corrupt officers may, in some instances, deserve some blow back, is, in a general sense, not out of the realm of the absurd. It is just flipping the paradigm on it's head. The same shit is done everyday around here. A lot of posters are either too obtuse, or too blind to see the double standard.

I just got done earlier today with a post listing all the incidents of where cops killed innocent citizens' dogs for no reason other than they didn't want to deal with them. That's all. It was complete bullshit.

If folks are going to stereo type minorities, then it is equal play to put up with stereotypes of violent cops. We all know cops holding fealty to the thin blue line over human rights are nothing but a violent gang of thugs. On a day to day basis, folks with white privilege don't have to deal with it. If you are a minority, it probably is something that is on your mind daily, even if you are innocent and law abiding. That would probably suck to be profiled simply based on your ethnicity. Oh well.

Keep your mouth shut and make friends rather than enemies.
The problem with your holier than thou theory is that a very disproportionate amount of violent crimes are committed by blacks. To not notice it would be racist while a very low percentage of cops are creating problems. In some 800,000 cops and all their daily interactions we see a few bad examples played over and over again to push the anti-cop narrative. I saw no evidence the attacker was upset about his dog.

No, a very disproportionate amount of violent crimes are committed by POOR PEOPLE. Do minorities happen to make up the disproportionately large amount of poor people? Of course. That was intentional.

We could go into the historical causes for that, but I don't think you want to. Maybe you would like to. Most of the reasons would land at the feet of people we both don't like. :badgrin: It isn't a race issue. The elites would like you to believe so. Look, they have you believing so. They have you fighting and acting like animals and playing the race game. They have corralled the black folk into inner city ghettos. If you think that was by chance, you haven't done your homework.

First it was slavery, then share cropping, then Jim Crow, and segregation, then the inner city blight, and then this racial conflict and voting along party lines. Do we really think this was all done by chance?

And here you are. . . both sides. You are like children, going along, arguing with hatred and venom against each other, playing their stupid game.

I think both sides are smarter than that. Maybe not. Maybe you both get off on hating each other.
NO. Your information is incorrect. Blacks do commit more crime. Slavery, Jim Crow? WTF?

If you can't make it here you can't make it anywhere, last thing anyone needs is excuses to fail.
Blacks commit close to half of all murders in this country, and are only 13% of the population. And it's actually mostly young black males in their teens to early 30's doing it, so its more like 8% of the popukation is responsible for half the murders. Whites are still the majority of the impoverished in this country and the majority population to boot....yet don't commit nearly as many murders according to their population percentage.

People need to get over their 'let's just get along' fantasy....they don't want to get along.
You were factual until you decided to lie just to try to make a point...
What did I lie about?
If when I say bad cops you hear white cops then thats your problem not mine
Not really. I'm just proficient in translating Left-speak, the language you all use to mask your innate racism.

Again, the things you think you're good at, you're not.
And again you aren't even denying the accusations, which means my perceptions prove sagacious.

Whenever I deny it you just claim that you can feel that I really dont deny it. So when I say bad cops you say "you mean whites"?

I say no and you respond "yes you do"

Then claim no denial :alcoholic:
All I hear is, "Wwah, wwah, wwah...I hate whitey cops...wwah wwah wwah".

Racists always rationalize their racism. You're no different.
Meh...racism is natural. The only time it is a bad thing is when people use it as a reason to oppress or attack the 'other' violently. As far as believing your race and culture is better than everyone else's, that just comes natural and doesn't hurt anyone in and of itself.
The problem with your holier than thou theory is that a very disproportionate amount of violent crimes are committed by blacks. To not notice it would be racist while a very low percentage of cops are creating problems. In some 800,000 cops and all their daily interactions we see a few bad examples played over and over again to push the anti-cop narrative. I saw no evidence the attacker was upset about his dog.

No, a very disproportionate amount of violent crimes are committed by POOR PEOPLE. Do minorities happen to make up the disproportionately large amount of poor people? Of course. That was intentional.

We could go into the historical causes for that, but I don't think you want to. Maybe you would like to. Most of the reasons would land at the feet of people we both don't like. :badgrin: It isn't a race issue. The elites would like you to believe so. Look, they have you believing so. They have you fighting and acting like animals and playing the race game. They have corralled the black folk into inner city ghettos. If you think that was by chance, you haven't done your homework.

First it was slavery, then share cropping, then Jim Crow, and segregation, then the inner city blight, and then this racial conflict and voting along party lines. Do we really think this was all done by chance?

And here you are. . . both sides. You are like children, going along, arguing with hatred and venom against each other, playing their stupid game.

I think both sides are smarter than that. Maybe not. Maybe you both get off on hating each other.
NO. Your information is incorrect. Blacks do commit more crime. Slavery, Jim Crow? WTF?

If you can't make it here you can't make it anywhere, last thing anyone needs is excuses to fail.
Blacks commit close to half of all murders in this country, and are only 13% of the population. And it's actually mostly young black males in their teens to early 30's doing it, so its more like 8% of the popukation is responsible for half the murders. Whites are still the majority of the impoverished in this country and the majority population to boot....yet don't commit nearly as many murders according to their population percentage.

People need to get over their 'let's just get along' fantasy....they don't want to get along.
You were factual until you decided to lie just to try to make a point...
What did I lie about?

How do you know that "they"don't want to get seem to be doing more than regurgitating some ignorant asshole like Duke...
Not really. I'm just proficient in translating Left-speak, the language you all use to mask your innate racism.

Again, the things you think you're good at, you're not.
And again you aren't even denying the accusations, which means my perceptions prove sagacious.

Whenever I deny it you just claim that you can feel that I really dont deny it. So when I say bad cops you say "you mean whites"?

I say no and you respond "yes you do"

Then claim no denial :alcoholic:
All I hear is, "Wwah, wwah, wwah...I hate whitey cops...wwah wwah wwah".

Racists always rationalize their racism. You're no different.
Meh...racism is natural. The only time it is a bad thing is when people use it as a reason to oppress the 'other'. As far as believing your race and culture is better than everyone else's, that just comes natural and doesn't hurt anyone in and of itself.
The most stupid post of the year...
Again, the things you think you're good at, you're not.
And again you aren't even denying the accusations, which means my perceptions prove sagacious.

Whenever I deny it you just claim that you can feel that I really dont deny it. So when I say bad cops you say "you mean whites"?

I say no and you respond "yes you do"

Then claim no denial :alcoholic:
All I hear is, "Wwah, wwah, wwah...I hate whitey cops...wwah wwah wwah".

Racists always rationalize their racism. You're no different.
Meh...racism is natural. The only time it is a bad thing is when people use it as a reason to oppress the 'other'. As far as believing your race and culture is better than everyone else's, that just comes natural and doesn't hurt anyone in and of itself.
The most stupid post of the year...
Explain why it's stupid at least.
Not really. I'm just proficient in translating Left-speak, the language you all use to mask your innate racism.

Again, the things you think you're good at, you're not.
And again you aren't even denying the accusations, which means my perceptions prove sagacious.

Whenever I deny it you just claim that you can feel that I really dont deny it. So when I say bad cops you say "you mean whites"?

I say no and you respond "yes you do"

Then claim no denial :alcoholic:
All I hear is, "Wwah, wwah, wwah...I hate whitey cops...wwah wwah wwah".

Racists always rationalize their racism. You're no different.
Meh...racism is natural. The only time it is a bad thing is when people use it as a reason to oppress the 'other'. As far as believing your race and culture is better than everyone else's, that just comes natural and doesn't hurt anyone in and of itself.
His racism led him to ejaculate that white cops deserved to be run over by a negro.
No, a very disproportionate amount of violent crimes are committed by POOR PEOPLE. Do minorities happen to make up the disproportionately large amount of poor people? Of course. That was intentional.

We could go into the historical causes for that, but I don't think you want to. Maybe you would like to. Most of the reasons would land at the feet of people we both don't like. :badgrin: It isn't a race issue. The elites would like you to believe so. Look, they have you believing so. They have you fighting and acting like animals and playing the race game. They have corralled the black folk into inner city ghettos. If you think that was by chance, you haven't done your homework.

First it was slavery, then share cropping, then Jim Crow, and segregation, then the inner city blight, and then this racial conflict and voting along party lines. Do we really think this was all done by chance?

And here you are. . . both sides. You are like children, going along, arguing with hatred and venom against each other, playing their stupid game.

I think both sides are smarter than that. Maybe not. Maybe you both get off on hating each other.
NO. Your information is incorrect. Blacks do commit more crime. Slavery, Jim Crow? WTF?

If you can't make it here you can't make it anywhere, last thing anyone needs is excuses to fail.
Blacks commit close to half of all murders in this country, and are only 13% of the population. And it's actually mostly young black males in their teens to early 30's doing it, so its more like 8% of the popukation is responsible for half the murders. Whites are still the majority of the impoverished in this country and the majority population to boot....yet don't commit nearly as many murders according to their population percentage.

People need to get over their 'let's just get along' fantasy....they don't want to get along.
You were factual until you decided to lie just to try to make a point...
What did I lie about?

How do you know that "they"don't want to get seem to be doing more than regurgitating some ignorant asshole like Duke...
Because they are asking for special treatment, black kids at university are asking for segregation, they blame all their issues on white people....I don't see how acting like that says anything other than 'Fuck You' to their white fellow Americans. I was speaking in general though, yes not ALL of them don't want to get along, but the most vocal of their segment of the population don't want to from what I gather from their own words and actions.
And again you aren't even denying the accusations, which means my perceptions prove sagacious.

Whenever I deny it you just claim that you can feel that I really dont deny it. So when I say bad cops you say "you mean whites"?

I say no and you respond "yes you do"

Then claim no denial :alcoholic:
All I hear is, "Wwah, wwah, wwah...I hate whitey cops...wwah wwah wwah".

Racists always rationalize their racism. You're no different.
Meh...racism is natural. The only time it is a bad thing is when people use it as a reason to oppress the 'other'. As far as believing your race and culture is better than everyone else's, that just comes natural and doesn't hurt anyone in and of itself.
The most stupid post of the year...
Explain why it's stupid at least.
believing your race and culture is better than everyone else's, that just comes natural and doesn't hurt anyone in and of itself.

That statement has been the basis for every genocide and war put upon every indigenous population on every continent in the name of colonialism and manifest destiny...
Again, the things you think you're good at, you're not.
And again you aren't even denying the accusations, which means my perceptions prove sagacious.

Whenever I deny it you just claim that you can feel that I really dont deny it. So when I say bad cops you say "you mean whites"?

I say no and you respond "yes you do"

Then claim no denial :alcoholic:
All I hear is, "Wwah, wwah, wwah...I hate whitey cops...wwah wwah wwah".

Racists always rationalize their racism. You're no different.
Meh...racism is natural. The only time it is a bad thing is when people use it as a reason to oppress the 'other'. As far as believing your race and culture is better than everyone else's, that just comes natural and doesn't hurt anyone in and of itself.
His racism led him to ejaculate that white cops deserved to be run over by a negro.
That is an example of bad racism....I stand corrected.
Whenever I deny it you just claim that you can feel that I really dont deny it. So when I say bad cops you say "you mean whites"?

I say no and you respond "yes you do"

Then claim no denial :alcoholic:
All I hear is, "Wwah, wwah, wwah...I hate whitey cops...wwah wwah wwah".

Racists always rationalize their racism. You're no different.
Meh...racism is natural. The only time it is a bad thing is when people use it as a reason to oppress the 'other'. As far as believing your race and culture is better than everyone else's, that just comes natural and doesn't hurt anyone in and of itself.
The most stupid post of the year...
Explain why it's stupid at least.
believing your race and culture is better than everyone else's, that just comes natural and doesn't hurt anyone in and of itself.

That statement has been the basis for every genocide and war put upon every indigenous population on every continent in the name of colonialism and manifest destiny...
Hey Howard Zinn...get a life...or a history education.
NO. Your information is incorrect. Blacks do commit more crime. Slavery, Jim Crow? WTF?

If you can't make it here you can't make it anywhere, last thing anyone needs is excuses to fail.
Blacks commit close to half of all murders in this country, and are only 13% of the population. And it's actually mostly young black males in their teens to early 30's doing it, so its more like 8% of the popukation is responsible for half the murders. Whites are still the majority of the impoverished in this country and the majority population to boot....yet don't commit nearly as many murders according to their population percentage.

People need to get over their 'let's just get along' fantasy....they don't want to get along.
You were factual until you decided to lie just to try to make a point...
What did I lie about?

How do you know that "they"don't want to get seem to be doing more than regurgitating some ignorant asshole like Duke...
Because they are asking for special treatment, black kids at university are asking for segregation, they blame all their issues on white people....I don't see how acting like that says anything other than 'Fuck You' to their white fellow Americans. I was speaking in general though, yes not ALL of them don't want to get along, but the most vocal of their segment of the population don't want to from what I gather from their own words and actions.
I have Black children and you just made another wrong, racist and stupid statement.
You are now telling me that my children blame ALL their problems on white
Dude get a grip.

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