Cops Raid Women’s Restroom, Assault and Drag Lesbian Out Thinking She’s a Man

What a load of crap.

Until the law is clarified, the old ways still prevail and those old ways included public restrooms being limited to folks of the same gender. Ladies' rooms for women and men's rooms for men.

Hell, there was even a desire by women to make sure that males were restricted from the ladies' rooms. Something about safety and security?

I'm sorry if a lesbian who perhaps looks too much like a male got mistaken for being a male. (And even that assumes that the OP story was not itself simply staged agitprop crap). But I wouldn't blame the police or the "RW" for removing any male from any women's restroom.

If only she'd been able to show her 'papers', she would have been given permission by the government to urinate.Since when has the documentation necessary to empty your bladder risen to the level of a TSA screening?

And 'safety and security'? Who was protected by this woman being harrassed by police? What 'danger' was the public protected from? Do you realize how *utterly* a non-issue this is? That poor, stupid conservatives have swallowed yet *another* brain dead wedge issue to protect NO ONE while harming actual people?

Is it the law now that a woman has to wear pigtails and pink dresses to use the bathroom if she doesn't carry ID?
You do realize you are suppose to carry an id everywhere you go?
Conservatives proudly marching backwards for 200 years!

Actually, this is not really new. In the early 1800's there were few, if any, public restrooms that were segregated by sex. They were mostly single stall setups, and women were expected to take care of that sort of thing before leaving home. It wasn't until major department stores began to put in public restrooms exclusively for women in the mid 1800's that the concept of all day shopping trips by women began.
What a load of crap.

Until the law is clarified, the old ways still prevail and those old ways included public restrooms being limited to folks of the same gender. Ladies' rooms for women and men's rooms for men.

Hell, there was even a desire by women to make sure that males were restricted from the ladies' rooms. Something about safety and security?

I'm sorry if a lesbian who perhaps looks too much like a male got mistaken for being a male. (And even that assumes that the OP story was not itself simply staged agitprop crap). But I wouldn't blame the police or the "RW" for removing any male from any women's restroom.

If only she'd been able to show her 'papers', she would have been given permission by the government to urinate.Since when has the documentation necessary to empty your bladder risen to the level of a TSA screening?

And 'safety and security'? Who was protected by this woman being harrassed by police? What 'danger' was the public protected from? Do you realize how *utterly* a non-issue this is? That poor, stupid conservatives have swallowed yet *another* brain dead wedge issue to protect NO ONE while harming actual people?

Is it the law now that a woman has to wear pigtails and pink dresses to use the bathroom if she doesn't carry ID?
You do realize you are suppose to carry an id everywhere you go?

They dropped that requirement when Hitler died....
What a load of crap.

Until the law is clarified, the old ways still prevail and those old ways included public restrooms being limited to folks of the same gender. Ladies' rooms for women and men's rooms for men.

Hell, there was even a desire by women to make sure that males were restricted from the ladies' rooms. Something about safety and security?

I'm sorry if a lesbian who perhaps looks too much like a male got mistaken for being a male. (And even that assumes that the OP story was not itself simply staged agitprop crap). But I wouldn't blame the police or the "RW" for removing any male from any women's restroom.

If only she'd been able to show her 'papers', she would have been given permission by the government to urinate.Since when has the documentation necessary to empty your bladder risen to the level of a TSA screening?

And 'safety and security'? Who was protected by this woman being harrassed by police? What 'danger' was the public protected from? Do you realize how *utterly* a non-issue this is? That poor, stupid conservatives have swallowed yet *another* brain dead wedge issue to protect NO ONE while harming actual people?

Is it the law now that a woman has to wear pigtails and pink dresses to use the bathroom if she doesn't carry ID?

Nice evasive move, sky.

In the meanwhile, I still don't want those human beings WITH penises in the ladies' room when my wife or daughter choose to use the facilities.

Having said that, I am not comfortable with forcing some young transgender boy who legitimately identifies as female to have to use the boy's room, either. It's almost like life is complicated. This doesn't concede that there is no solution. It is an admission that some solutions may not be to your liking or mine. Oh well.
What a load of crap.

Until the law is clarified, the old ways still prevail and those old ways included public restrooms being limited to folks of the same gender. Ladies' rooms for women and men's rooms for men.

Hell, there was even a desire by women to make sure that males were restricted from the ladies' rooms. Something about safety and security?

I'm sorry if a lesbian who perhaps looks too much like a male got mistaken for being a male. (And even that assumes that the OP story was not itself simply staged agitprop crap). But I wouldn't blame the police or the "RW" for removing any male from any women's restroom.

The left wing agitators call that "hate." But what will they call it when some asshole rapist uses a transgender cover story to gain access to the ladies room someday and it leads to the "sex-crime" victimization of women?
Hetero rapists don't hide behind a transgender cover story. Nor can they even without these new "scared of gays and transpeople" laws.
What a load of crap.

Until the law is clarified, the old ways still prevail and those old ways included public restrooms being limited to folks of the same gender. Ladies' rooms for women and men's rooms for men.

Hell, there was even a desire by women to make sure that males were restricted from the ladies' rooms. Something about safety and security?

I'm sorry if a lesbian who perhaps looks too much like a male got mistaken for being a male. (And even that assumes that the OP story was not itself simply staged agitprop crap). But I wouldn't blame the police or the "RW" for removing any male from any women's restroom.

If only she'd been able to show her 'papers', she would have been given permission by the government to urinate.Since when has the documentation necessary to empty your bladder risen to the level of a TSA screening?

And 'safety and security'? Who was protected by this woman being harrassed by police? What 'danger' was the public protected from? Do you realize how *utterly* a non-issue this is? That poor, stupid conservatives have swallowed yet *another* brain dead wedge issue to protect NO ONE while harming actual people?

Is it the law now that a woman has to wear pigtails and pink dresses to use the bathroom if she doesn't carry ID?
You do realize you are suppose to carry an id everywhere you go?

They dropped that requirement when Hitler died....

Yes. But if you are legally stopped by law enforcement for anything that is reasonable suspicion or are required to provide identity. The government issues you this little plastic card that 99% of people seem to be able to carry.

If you don't have it??? Guess what. They have radios and a little thing called dispatch with DMV & NCIC access. So....if you provide the officer your full name and date of birth they can simply look up your ID and verify you are who you are. No need to "show papers". It's really simple.
What a load of crap.

Until the law is clarified, the old ways still prevail and those old ways included public restrooms being limited to folks of the same gender. Ladies' rooms for women and men's rooms for men.

Hell, there was even a desire by women to make sure that males were restricted from the ladies' rooms. Something about safety and security?

I'm sorry if a lesbian who perhaps looks too much like a male got mistaken for being a male. (And even that assumes that the OP story was not itself simply staged agitprop crap). But I wouldn't blame the police or the "RW" for removing any male from any women's restroom.

The left wing agitators call that "hate." But what will they call it when some asshole rapist uses a transgender cover story to gain access to the ladies room someday and it leads to the "sex-crime" victimization of women?
Hetero rapists don't hide behind a transgender cover story. Nor can they even without these new "scared of gays and transpeople" laws.

They cant???? What would stop a hetero rapist from simply saying "I'm a female" so he can get into women's restrooms and lockerrooms to find them when they are more vulnerable and fewer witnesses???

I'm all ears. What prevents a hetero rapist from doing that?? Right now in most places he cant. And it may still stop him. But he has to be sneaky I suppose. If he can just say "I'm a female" and walk right in and do so daily until he finds a good target....what stops him??

I admit...I see this issue from the bias of having been a cop. I've seen the evil and filth in society that most people don't even know exists around the corner and in police reports that never hit the news. Americans have no clue how many dangerous people and predators are in their towns.

But....what's stopping them if they can just identify as female and walk in at will?
Shocking Footage Shows Police Forcing Lesbian to Leave Women's Bathroom

License, registration and proof of Genitalia please

Footage has surfaced alleging to show police officers forcing an unidentified woman to leave a women's restroom facility, once again proving the dire impactof the recent swath of anti-LGBT laws across the country. The woman, reportedly a lesbian, is called "sir" by the officers as she's unfairly tasked with attempting to convince them she's a woman. The footage, uploaded to Facebook by Tamara McDaniel, has quickly garnered millions of views since first being shared last week.

The officers are heard demanding ID from the woman, who reveals she doesn't have one on her. A male officer is then seen screaming in the woman's face as friends plead for the officers to properly deescalate the situation. These pleas, however, are instead met with hostility and repeated requests for an ID. Of course, this loudly begs the question: Why the hell should anyone have to show an ID just to use the restroom? The exact location of the footage, which made it to the Daily Star after surfacing on Facebook, is unknown.
How many times will this obvious hoax be posted.

Any proof it's a hoax or are you wishing it was?
Shocking Footage Shows Police Forcing Lesbian to Leave Women's Bathroom

License, registration and proof of Genitalia please

Footage has surfaced alleging to show police officers forcing an unidentified woman to leave a women's restroom facility, once again proving the dire impactof the recent swath of anti-LGBT laws across the country. The woman, reportedly a lesbian, is called "sir" by the officers as she's unfairly tasked with attempting to convince them she's a woman. The footage, uploaded to Facebook by Tamara McDaniel, has quickly garnered millions of views since first being shared last week.

The officers are heard demanding ID from the woman, who reveals she doesn't have one on her. A male officer is then seen screaming in the woman's face as friends plead for the officers to properly deescalate the situation. These pleas, however, are instead met with hostility and repeated requests for an ID. Of course, this loudly begs the question: Why the hell should anyone have to show an ID just to use the restroom? The exact location of the footage, which made it to the Daily Star after surfacing on Facebook, is unknown.

It's funny how the lgbt freaks want to force their way of life on normal people... Fucking control freaks.

What is normal?
If you consider yourself to be normal, then you've got too many issues to comprehend.
Shocking Footage Shows Police Forcing Lesbian to Leave Women's Bathroom

License, registration and proof of Genitalia please

Footage has surfaced alleging to show police officers forcing an unidentified woman to leave a women's restroom facility, once again proving the dire impactof the recent swath of anti-LGBT laws across the country. The woman, reportedly a lesbian, is called "sir" by the officers as she's unfairly tasked with attempting to convince them she's a woman. The footage, uploaded to Facebook by Tamara McDaniel, has quickly garnered millions of views since first being shared last week.

The officers are heard demanding ID from the woman, who reveals she doesn't have one on her. A male officer is then seen screaming in the woman's face as friends plead for the officers to properly deescalate the situation. These pleas, however, are instead met with hostility and repeated requests for an ID. Of course, this loudly begs the question: Why the hell should anyone have to show an ID just to use the restroom? The exact location of the footage, which made it to the Daily Star after surfacing on Facebook, is unknown.
How many times will this obvious hoax be posted.

Any proof it's a hoax or are you wishing it was?

The cameras rolling IN A BATHROOMS when the police arrive.

The shot is placed to catch all parties in frame.

The shot is steady, not a bit bouncy

The statements appear practiced.

The only thing missing is a teleprompter
Shocking Footage Shows Police Forcing Lesbian to Leave Women's Bathroom

License, registration and proof of Genitalia please

Footage has surfaced alleging to show police officers forcing an unidentified woman to leave a women's restroom facility, once again proving the dire impactof the recent swath of anti-LGBT laws across the country. The woman, reportedly a lesbian, is called "sir" by the officers as she's unfairly tasked with attempting to convince them she's a woman. The footage, uploaded to Facebook by Tamara McDaniel, has quickly garnered millions of views since first being shared last week.

The officers are heard demanding ID from the woman, who reveals she doesn't have one on her. A male officer is then seen screaming in the woman's face as friends plead for the officers to properly deescalate the situation. These pleas, however, are instead met with hostility and repeated requests for an ID. Of course, this loudly begs the question: Why the hell should anyone have to show an ID just to use the restroom? The exact location of the footage, which made it to the Daily Star after surfacing on Facebook, is unknown.
How many times will this obvious hoax be posted.

Any proof it's a hoax or are you wishing it was?

Oh it's definitely NOT A hoax. I fully believe most women don't want dudes in their restrooms and will be calling cops.
Shocking Footage Shows Police Forcing Lesbian to Leave Women's Bathroom

License, registration and proof of Genitalia please

Footage has surfaced alleging to show police officers forcing an unidentified woman to leave a women's restroom facility, once again proving the dire impactof the recent swath of anti-LGBT laws across the country. The woman, reportedly a lesbian, is called "sir" by the officers as she's unfairly tasked with attempting to convince them she's a woman. The footage, uploaded to Facebook by Tamara McDaniel, has quickly garnered millions of views since first being shared last week.

The officers are heard demanding ID from the woman, who reveals she doesn't have one on her. A male officer is then seen screaming in the woman's face as friends plead for the officers to properly deescalate the situation. These pleas, however, are instead met with hostility and repeated requests for an ID. Of course, this loudly begs the question: Why the hell should anyone have to show an ID just to use the restroom? The exact location of the footage, which made it to the Daily Star after surfacing on Facebook, is unknown.
How many times will this obvious hoax be posted.

Any proof it's a hoax or are you wishing it was?

The cameras rolling IN A BATHROOMS when the police arrive.

The shot is placed to catch all parties in frame.

The shot is steady, not a bit bouncy

The statements appear practiced.

The only thing missing is a teleprompter

Hey man....I'm on the right side of this issue but this isn't a hoax.

The camera is probably set up because most of the women in there objected to what they thought was a male in there and called cops....and the camera gal knew the cops were coming. Because....most women don't want dudes in their restrooms.

I do think they may have gone out with the intent to provoke such a response though. Maybe.

And I DEFINITELY THINK the Democrats should KEEP UP THIS FIGHT to allow dudes into the girls room. Please dems....please intensify this fight!!!!
What a load of crap.

Until the law is clarified, the old ways still prevail and those old ways included public restrooms being limited to folks of the same gender. Ladies' rooms for women and men's rooms for men.

Hell, there was even a desire by women to make sure that males were restricted from the ladies' rooms. Something about safety and security?

I'm sorry if a lesbian who perhaps looks too much like a male got mistaken for being a male. (And even that assumes that the OP story was not itself simply staged agitprop crap). But I wouldn't blame the police or the "RW" for removing any male from any women's restroom.

If only she'd been able to show her 'papers', she would have been given permission by the government to urinate.Since when has the documentation necessary to empty your bladder risen to the level of a TSA screening?

And 'safety and security'? Who was protected by this woman being harrassed by police? What 'danger' was the public protected from? Do you realize how *utterly* a non-issue this is? That poor, stupid conservatives have swallowed yet *another* brain dead wedge issue to protect NO ONE while harming actual people?

Is it the law now that a woman has to wear pigtails and pink dresses to use the bathroom if she doesn't carry ID?
You do realize you are suppose to carry an id everywhere you go?

You do realize that no, you're not. You're under no obligation to carry any id to stand in a line or go see a movie. To walk down the street, to eat dinner, to take out the garbage.

Nor are you under any obligation to show ID....unless you're engaged in an activity where it is required, like driving.

What you're obligated to do is verbally identify yourself to a cop if asked. That's it. She was under no obligation to carry ID nor to show it to 'prove' she was female in order to pee
Shocking Footage Shows Police Forcing Lesbian to Leave Women's Bathroom

License, registration and proof of Genitalia please

Footage has surfaced alleging to show police officers forcing an unidentified woman to leave a women's restroom facility, once again proving the dire impactof the recent swath of anti-LGBT laws across the country. The woman, reportedly a lesbian, is called "sir" by the officers as she's unfairly tasked with attempting to convince them she's a woman. The footage, uploaded to Facebook by Tamara McDaniel, has quickly garnered millions of views since first being shared last week.

The officers are heard demanding ID from the woman, who reveals she doesn't have one on her. A male officer is then seen screaming in the woman's face as friends plead for the officers to properly deescalate the situation. These pleas, however, are instead met with hostility and repeated requests for an ID. Of course, this loudly begs the question: Why the hell should anyone have to show an ID just to use the restroom? The exact location of the footage, which made it to the Daily Star after surfacing on Facebook, is unknown.
How many times will this obvious hoax be posted.

Any proof it's a hoax or are you wishing it was?

The cameras rolling IN A BATHROOMS when the police arrive.

The shot is placed to catch all parties in frame.

The shot is steady, not a bit bouncy

The statements appear practiced.

The only thing missing is a teleprompter

Hey man....I'm on the right side of this issue but this isn't a hoax.

The camera is probably set up because most of the women in there objected to what they thought was a male in there and called cops....and the camera gal knew the cops were coming. Because....most women don't want dudes in their restrooms.

I do think they may have gone out with the intent to provoke such a response though. Maybe.

And I DEFINITELY THINK the Democrats should KEEP UP THIS FIGHT to allow dudes into the girls room. Please dems....please intensify this fight!!!! realize that she's not a dude, right? That police harassed a woman for trying to use the ladies bathroom.
Shocking Footage Shows Police Forcing Lesbian to Leave Women's Bathroom

License, registration and proof of Genitalia please

Footage has surfaced alleging to show police officers forcing an unidentified woman to leave a women's restroom facility, once again proving the dire impactof the recent swath of anti-LGBT laws across the country. The woman, reportedly a lesbian, is called "sir" by the officers as she's unfairly tasked with attempting to convince them she's a woman. The footage, uploaded to Facebook by Tamara McDaniel, has quickly garnered millions of views since first being shared last week.

The officers are heard demanding ID from the woman, who reveals she doesn't have one on her. A male officer is then seen screaming in the woman's face as friends plead for the officers to properly deescalate the situation. These pleas, however, are instead met with hostility and repeated requests for an ID. Of course, this loudly begs the question: Why the hell should anyone have to show an ID just to use the restroom? The exact location of the footage, which made it to the Daily Star after surfacing on Facebook, is unknown.
How many times will this obvious hoax be posted.

Any proof it's a hoax or are you wishing it was?

The cameras rolling IN A BATHROOMS when the police arrive.

The shot is placed to catch all parties in frame.

The shot is steady, not a bit bouncy

The statements appear practiced.

The only thing missing is a teleprompter

I guess someone should tell this old fuck phones have cameras on them nowadays. "Not bouncy" LOL...of all the lame brain reasoning thats my fav
Shocking Footage Shows Police Forcing Lesbian to Leave Women's Bathroom

License, registration and proof of Genitalia please

Footage has surfaced alleging to show police officers forcing an unidentified woman to leave a women's restroom facility, once again proving the dire impactof the recent swath of anti-LGBT laws across the country. The woman, reportedly a lesbian, is called "sir" by the officers as she's unfairly tasked with attempting to convince them she's a woman. The footage, uploaded to Facebook by Tamara McDaniel, has quickly garnered millions of views since first being shared last week.

The officers are heard demanding ID from the woman, who reveals she doesn't have one on her. A male officer is then seen screaming in the woman's face as friends plead for the officers to properly deescalate the situation. These pleas, however, are instead met with hostility and repeated requests for an ID. Of course, this loudly begs the question: Why the hell should anyone have to show an ID just to use the restroom? The exact location of the footage, which made it to the Daily Star after surfacing on Facebook, is unknown.
How many times will this obvious hoax be posted.

Any proof it's a hoax or are you wishing it was?

The cameras rolling IN A BATHROOMS when the police arrive.

The shot is placed to catch all parties in frame.

The shot is steady, not a bit bouncy

The statements appear practiced.

The only thing missing is a teleprompter

Hey man....I'm on the right side of this issue but this isn't a hoax.

The camera is probably set up because most of the women in there objected to what they thought was a male in there and called cops....and the camera gal knew the cops were coming. Because....most women don't want dudes in their restrooms.

I do think they may have gone out with the intent to provoke such a response though. Maybe.

And I DEFINITELY THINK the Democrats should KEEP UP THIS FIGHT to allow dudes into the girls room. Please dems....please intensify this fight!!!! realize that she's not a dude, right? That police harassed a woman for trying to use the ladies bathroom.

Ann Coulter may have problems if she visits North Carolina, unless she can hide her Adams apple...
Shocking Footage Shows Police Forcing Lesbian to Leave Women's Bathroom

License, registration and proof of Genitalia please

Footage has surfaced alleging to show police officers forcing an unidentified woman to leave a women's restroom facility, once again proving the dire impactof the recent swath of anti-LGBT laws across the country. The woman, reportedly a lesbian, is called "sir" by the officers as she's unfairly tasked with attempting to convince them she's a woman. The footage, uploaded to Facebook by Tamara McDaniel, has quickly garnered millions of views since first being shared last week.

The officers are heard demanding ID from the woman, who reveals she doesn't have one on her. A male officer is then seen screaming in the woman's face as friends plead for the officers to properly deescalate the situation. These pleas, however, are instead met with hostility and repeated requests for an ID. Of course, this loudly begs the question: Why the hell should anyone have to show an ID just to use the restroom? The exact location of the footage, which made it to the Daily Star after surfacing on Facebook, is unknown.
How many times will this obvious hoax be posted.

Any proof it's a hoax or are you wishing it was?

The cameras rolling IN A BATHROOMS when the police arrive.

The shot is placed to catch all parties in frame.

The shot is steady, not a bit bouncy

The statements appear practiced.

The only thing missing is a teleprompter

Let me tell you about this wonderful device called a smart phone. It has a camera/video camera in it.
Hey man....I'm on the right side of this issue but this isn't a hoax.

The camera is probably set up because

...Insert story time that has nothing to do with the topic. Just made up characterizations by someone who doesnt know what happened

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