Cops Were Attacking Parents And Waited Till A Border Patrol Team Showed Up and Shot The Suspect

Parents were trying to get inside the school to go after the shooter and the cops handcuffed one woman. Another father tried to take his kid off the bus and the cops tasered him.

Clearly the cops are geared for attacking law-abiding citizens and not active shooters. Why are cops acting this way at every one of these shootings that has a large body-count?

A mother who was handcuffed outside the Texas school shooting later ran into the school and pulled her two children to safety: report​

Azmi Haroun​
Thu, May 26, 2022, 3:29 PM​

  • A mother of two students at Robb Elementary jumped a fence and rescued her kids during the shooting.
  • She told The Wall Street Journal law enforcement was "doing nothing," as the shooter was inside.
  • The mother was handcuffed before she ran into the school. When she was released she sprinted in.
A Texas mother of two students at Robb Elementary School pushed past a police line and jumped a fence, rescuing her two children during Tuesday's mass shooting in Uvalde, according to The Wall Street Journal.
Angeli Rose Gomez, a farm supervisor working nearby who has children in second and third grade at Robb, told the Journal that she drove 40 miles to the school when she heard about the shooting, only to see an apparent lack of response from law enforcement as the gunman barricaded himself in a classroom.​
"The police were doing nothing," Gomez told The Journal. "They were just standing outside the fence. They weren't going in there or running anywhere."​
Chilling reports have emerged of parents pushing past law enforcement to rescue their children by any means, their efforts growing increasingly dire as the gunman remained in the school. Law enforcement officials have given conflicting accounts of what was happening during the 40 minutes the gunman was inside – as groups of police remained outside.​
According to The Journal, Gomez was put in handcuffs by federal marshals for "intervening in an active crime scene," as she and other parents demanded officers enter the school. Gomez persuaded Uvalde law enforcement officers to release her, and she moved away from the crowd.​
Gomez then hopped the school fence, sprinted inside the school to grab her children and made it out of the school with them alive.​

This is exactly why the people have to be ready to defend themselves.

School children aren't permitted to be armed, they were sitting ducks and the police didn't do anything to rescue them.

If the teachers were all armed and trained in extreme violence, the shit that went down in Uvalde wouldn't have happened.

When I was in school, the nuns didn't take any shit, and their habits were ideal for concealing any weapons necessary. Maybe that's what they need to bring in the the schools, armed and dangerous nuns able and willing to engage in any atrocity.
This is exactly why the people have to be ready to defend themselves.

School children aren't permitted to be armed, they were sitting ducks and the police didn't do anything to rescue them.

If the teachers were all armed and trained in extreme violence, the shit that went down in Uvalde wouldn't have happened.

When I was in school, the nuns didn't take any shit, and their habits were ideal for concealing any weapons necessary. Maybe that's what they need to bring in the the schools, armed and dangerous nuns able and willing to engage in any atrocity.
At the very least....teach the teachers how to lock their doors so nobody can get in the room. Or how about not propping back doors open after somebody starts shooting thru the windows.
I am on the side of the gun lobby.
I guess you're not up on current events....but it's clear that cops can't protect us anymore....thanks to you leftist/terrorist sympathizers.
Who where are this so called “ Gun Lobby “ because if the have their shit together better than the disheveled NRA then I want to donate $$ and or Time to them ( other than all the Guns & shit I buy lol
Who where are this so called “ Gun Lobby “ because if the have their shit together better than the disheveled NRA then I want to donate $$ and or Time to them ( other than all the Guns & shit I buy lol
Not sure what you're trying to say
Agreed, except I've seen conflicting accounts on the BP agent. I saw it reported a close BP post was was called in & entered with an elite 4 member BP response team that engaged the suspect & killed him.
I've also see that he basically Rambo'd the thing all on his own.
Got any solid links on what the truth is here?
Not that it matters, those cops were POS, orders or not.
I hope the local community makes them feel like the total POS they are, & will be known as, till the day they die.
Make them change names & move.
Make their parents disown them.
Make it so their own children say "I was a test tube baby"

Small-town police departments serve one purpose: revenue generation through traffic tickets. Their behavior against their own town residents in the parking lot shows that they're only useful against law-abiding citizens.

Had a parent had a gun and tried to go into the school to save their own child, you know that these coward revenuers would have shot to kill.
Parents were trying to get inside the school to go after the shooter and the cops handcuffed one woman. Another father tried to take his kid off the bus and the cops tasered him.

Clearly the cops are geared for attacking law-abiding citizens and not active shooters. Why are cops acting this way at every one of these shootings that has a large body-count?

A mother who was handcuffed outside the Texas school shooting later ran into the school and pulled her two children to safety: report​

Azmi Haroun​
Thu, May 26, 2022, 3:29 PM​

  • A mother of two students at Robb Elementary jumped a fence and rescued her kids during the shooting.
  • She told The Wall Street Journal law enforcement was "doing nothing," as the shooter was inside.
  • The mother was handcuffed before she ran into the school. When she was released she sprinted in.
A Texas mother of two students at Robb Elementary School pushed past a police line and jumped a fence, rescuing her two children during Tuesday's mass shooting in Uvalde, according to The Wall Street Journal.
Angeli Rose Gomez, a farm supervisor working nearby who has children in second and third grade at Robb, told the Journal that she drove 40 miles to the school when she heard about the shooting, only to see an apparent lack of response from law enforcement as the gunman barricaded himself in a classroom.​
"The police were doing nothing," Gomez told The Journal. "They were just standing outside the fence. They weren't going in there or running anywhere."​
Chilling reports have emerged of parents pushing past law enforcement to rescue their children by any means, their efforts growing increasingly dire as the gunman remained in the school. Law enforcement officials have given conflicting accounts of what was happening during the 40 minutes the gunman was inside – as groups of police remained outside.​
According to The Journal, Gomez was put in handcuffs by federal marshals for "intervening in an active crime scene," as she and other parents demanded officers enter the school. Gomez persuaded Uvalde law enforcement officers to release her, and she moved away from the crowd.​
Gomez then hopped the school fence, sprinted inside the school to grab her children and made it out of the school with them alive.​


But not entirely surprising.

Cops nationwide are turning into stunted morons, and that means shortly they'll turn into hostile morons, because that's the nature of human beings. (Especially those with guns and badges).

The police are suffering bad perceptions from BOTH sides of the aisle now. The left thinks they're jackbooted thugs and the right thinks they're do-nothing cucks.

The result of this is neither side respects them and both sides want them out of the way.

Good luck getting that respect back. It'll take YEARS. (If they start now, and they won't).
Small-town police departments serve one purpose: revenue generation through traffic tickets. Their behavior against their own town residents in the parking lot shows that they're only useful against law-abiding citizens.

Had a parent had a gun and tried to go into the school to save their own child, you know that these coward revenuers would have shot to kill.
Yep. Most exist to supplement the city budget.
We have Barney Fife in the small towns & Gestapo in the cities

Naw, you're just fucking hypocrites. Idiots taking out of both side of ya maws 24/7. You wave your flags, have your tacky bumper stickers with 'Back the Blue' and "Blue Lives Matter' except for when they don't. Worthless magaturd opinions.
We don't need cops. We're perfectly capable of shooting commies all by ourselves.

Guess what? If the cops won't protect us, they won't protect you either.
It might take guts for some to disobey orders but then I've never been someone who takes stupid orders well. Maybe that's why I've been self employed for decades.
Guts or no, my instinct would be to save the children every time. I've lived many years & they are just starting. Better to die trying to do something rather than live as a coward.
Orders don't excuse these cops. The Auschwitz guards were following orders but still guilty of murder
I don't think I'm unique at all. Maybe I'm not the norm but there are plenty that think like I do
I believe a lot of people do think like you. I wonder if the Border Patrol agent was one. I have heard rumors he went in on his own but it is hard to understand what really happened because much of what we have heard has been false.
I believe a lot of people do think like you. I wonder if the Border Patrol agent was one. I have heard rumors he went in on his own but it is hard to understand what really happened because much of what we have heard has been false.
"Official channels" no longer have any credibility.

They lie, is the short story.

It's all about the click bait. Not the truth.

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