Corey Lewandowski Brags: The FBI Helped Trump Win

Imagine how NaziCons would be whining if the IRS had released Trump's tax returns - or the RNC emails.

And if Hillary had used the State Department server like everyone else at State, there would have been no FBI investigation and no statement by Comey that Hillary Clinton was "extremely careless" with classified information. That's not good optics for someone campaigning for POTUS.

You must be very pissed off at Hillary. It's all her fault.
Only took 8 GOP Bengazi witch hunts to find out about it- and then making nothing out to be something...meanwhile no FBI mention of Trumps russian ties etc etc etc...RIGGED alright...

Yet over 60 million people voted for her in spite of that stuff.

Imagine how many votes she would have had if she did not use a private server while she was SoS. She probably would have won.

Think about it... The difference between a .com and a .gov email server was being the first female POTUS.

Liberals must be so angry with her. She said it was all for her convenience.
It was hacked e-mails that got her. or even just Comey bringing up nothing with 11 days to go. Her server was more secure than State's...A giant pile of nothing ANYWAY.

Maybe Reid should have claimed she didn't pay any taxes?
Imagine how NaziCons would be whining if the IRS had released Trump's tax returns - or the RNC emails.

And if Hillary had used the State Department server like everyone else at State, there would have been no FBI investigation and no statement by Comey that Hillary Clinton was "extremely careless" with classified information. That's not good optics for someone campaigning for POTUS.

You must be very pissed off at Hillary. It's all her fault.
Only took 8 GOP Bengazi witch hunts to find out about it- and then making nothing out to be something...meanwhile no FBI mention of Trumps russian ties etc etc etc...RIGGED alright...

Yet over 60 million people voted for her in spite of that stuff.

Imagine how many votes she would have had if she did not use a private server while she was SoS. She probably would have won.

Think about it... The difference between a .com and a .gov email server was being the first female POTUS.

Liberals must be so angry with her. She said it was all for her convenience.
It was hacked e-mails that got her. or even just Comey bringing up nothing with 11 days to go. Her server was more secure than State's...A giant pile of nothing ANYWAY.

Maybe Reid should have claimed she didn't pay any taxes?
The Clintons did one thing- a BJ.
defend what? election is over. time to move on.
Yup, real election rigging should be forgotten, but fake election rigging should be used forever, dupe. Oh right, that Clinton investigation is now OVER, or any reminder of it...

You okay frankie?
Worst rigged election in memory, so no. Trump is a crazy Dem, so yes. Our media NOW going after fake news and Putin, so no arrghh. I only wanted Hill with a 10 point lead, so yes.

Worst rigged election in memory,

And despite all the Dem fraud, Trump still won.
Such as? Putin lover?

The dead voting. Illegal aliens voting. Felons voting. People voting more than once.

When did Putin become a bad guy? After Hillary gave Russia the reset button?
After Obama promised more flexibility after 2012? Flexibility to do what?

Or was he already a bad guy, unchanged by Hillary and Obama kissing his ass?
Were Obama and Hillary stupid, or just really, really wrong?
Yup, real election rigging should be forgotten, but fake election rigging should be used forever, dupe. Oh right, that Clinton investigation is now OVER, or any reminder of it...

You okay frankie?
Worst rigged election in memory, so no. Trump is a crazy Dem, so yes. Our media NOW going after fake news and Putin, so no arrghh. I only wanted Hill with a 10 point lead, so yes.

Worst rigged election in memory,

And despite all the Dem fraud, Trump still won.
Such as? Putin lover?

The dead voting. Illegal aliens voting. Felons voting. People voting more than once.

When did Putin become a bad guy? After Hillary gave Russia the reset button?
After Obama promised more flexibility after 2012? Flexibility to do what?

Or was he already a bad guy, unchanged by Hillary and Obama kissing his ass?
Were Obama and Hillary stupid, or just really, really wrong?
A) Never happened.
B) Always a bad guy. 2008- Attacked Georgia. Head of KGB DUH....
You okay frankie?
Worst rigged election in memory, so no. Trump is a crazy Dem, so yes. Our media NOW going after fake news and Putin, so no arrghh. I only wanted Hill with a 10 point lead, so yes.

Worst rigged election in memory,

And despite all the Dem fraud, Trump still won.
Such as? Putin lover?

The dead voting. Illegal aliens voting. Felons voting. People voting more than once.

When did Putin become a bad guy? After Hillary gave Russia the reset button?
After Obama promised more flexibility after 2012? Flexibility to do what?

Or was he already a bad guy, unchanged by Hillary and Obama kissing his ass?
Were Obama and Hillary stupid, or just really, really wrong?
A) Never happened.
B) Always a bad guy. 2008- Attacked Georgia. Head of KGB DUH....

A) I'm in Chicago, who are you fucking kidding?
B)Then why were Obama and Hillary lining up to fellate him?
I read the OP is butt hurt, as is the original author.

When you cant defend....ACCUSE!
defend what? election is over. time to move on.
Yup, real election rigging should be forgotten, but fake election rigging should be used forever, dupe. Oh right, that Clinton investigation is now OVER, or any reminder of it...
why do you supposed the clinton investigation is over? I heard Congress hasn't finished. hmmmm

BTW, 306 to 232 Trump wins. So much winning.
A "spring in his step"? Let it go lefties, the election is over and Hillary lost.

Good for the droopy skin psychopathic sociopaths, very bad for rational thinking Americans.

Hopefully, there will be a December surprise.

Good for the droopy skin psychopathic sociopaths,

View attachment 98942

Be nice to Hillary, she's had a rough week. So what if gin makes her skin droopy.

Have you ever seen Adolf Trump without makeup? It ain't pretty...

who's that?

“With 11 days to go in this election cycle, something amazing happened.”

LONDON ― Donald Trump’s former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski credited FBI Director James Comey with giving Trump a “spring in his step” that helped him defeat Hillary Clinton in last week’s presidential election.

Speaking at the Oxford Union during a trip to the U.K. Wednesday evening, Lewandowski told Americans protesting the election result that they ought to do so “respectfully” and accept that Clinton lost.

“With 11 days to go in this election cycle, something amazing happened. The FBI director, James Comey, came out on a Friday and said they may be reopening the investigation into ‘crooked’ Hillary Clinton’s emails,” Lewandowski said.

“What that did,” he went on, “was remind people that there are two different rules in Washington ― those of the elites, for the privileged, and those for everybody else.”

Comey’s unprecedented move was criticized by Democrats and Republicans alike. Less than two weeks before Election Day, Comey announced the FBI was investigating new emails that could be relevant to the question of whether Clinton mishandled classified information by using a private server when she was secretary of state.

His letter was vague, creating confusion and renewed public suspicion of Clinton, who had already been cleared of wrongdoing. Comey’s letter also flew in the face of long-standing convention that the FBI and the Justice Department not give the appearance of trying to influence an election.

On Nov. 6, two days before the election, Comey announced that nothing in the newly discovered emails changed his conclusion that Clinton should face no charges.

The Clinton campaign has indicated that it believes Comey contributed to Trump’s win.

In the days after the election, Navin Nayak, the head of the campaign’s opinion research division, sent a memo to staffers that read: “Comey’s letter in the last 11 days of the election both helped depress our turnout and also drove away some of our critical support among college-educated white voters ― particularly in the suburbs. We also think Comey’s 2nd letter, which was intended to absolve Sec. Clinton, actually helped to bolster Trump’s turnout.”

Some 20 or 30 students protested Lewandowski’s appearance outside the venue Wednesday, with chants of “No borders, no nation, stop the deportation,” “No Trump, no KKK, no fascist USA” and “Dump Trump, dump Corey and their pet the fucking Tories.” Another protester inside the hall unfurled a sign and shouted at Lewandowski before being escorted out by security.

More: Lewandowski Brags: The FBI Helped Trump Win

Yep, there is no doubt that Comey cost Hillary the election. Mark Zuckerberg and his "fake news" also helped. Both of them should pay a heavy price!

Imagine how NaziCons would be whining if the IRS had released Trump's tax returns - or the RNC emails.

And if Hillary had used the State Department server like everyone else at State, there would have been no FBI investigation and no statement by Comey that Hillary Clinton was "extremely careless" with classified information. That's not good optics for someone campaigning for POTUS.

You must be very pissed off at Hillary. It's all her fault.
nor would she have apologized for her poor judgement. POOR JUDGEMENT
defend what? election is over. time to move on.
Yup, real election rigging should be forgotten, but fake election rigging should be used forever, dupe. Oh right, that Clinton investigation is now OVER, or any reminder of it...

You okay frankie?
Worst rigged election in memory, so no. Trump is a crazy Dem, so yes. Our media NOW going after fake news and Putin, so no arrghh. I only wanted Hill with a 10 point lead, so yes.

Worst rigged election in memory,

And despite all the Dem fraud, Trump still won.
Such as? Putin lover?
do you even know that clinton did business with Putin?
Imagine how NaziCons would be whining if the IRS had released Trump's tax returns - or the RNC emails.

And if Hillary had used the State Department server like everyone else at State, there would have been no FBI investigation and no statement by Comey that Hillary Clinton was "extremely careless" with classified information. That's not good optics for someone campaigning for POTUS.

You must be very pissed off at Hillary. It's all her fault.
Only took 8 GOP Bengazi witch hunts to find out about it- and then making nothing out to be something...meanwhile no FBI mention of Trumps russian ties etc etc etc...RIGGED alright...
and she is a murderer and traitor, criminal. nothing changed after tuesday. Accept the title of loser was added.

“With 11 days to go in this election cycle, something amazing happened.”

LONDON ― Donald Trump’s former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski credited FBI Director James Comey with giving Trump a “spring in his step” that helped him defeat Hillary Clinton in last week’s presidential election.

Speaking at the Oxford Union during a trip to the U.K. Wednesday evening, Lewandowski told Americans protesting the election result that they ought to do so “respectfully” and accept that Clinton lost.

“With 11 days to go in this election cycle, something amazing happened. The FBI director, James Comey, came out on a Friday and said they may be reopening the investigation into ‘crooked’ Hillary Clinton’s emails,” Lewandowski said.

“What that did,” he went on, “was remind people that there are two different rules in Washington ― those of the elites, for the privileged, and those for everybody else.”

Comey’s unprecedented move was criticized by Democrats and Republicans alike. Less than two weeks before Election Day, Comey announced the FBI was investigating new emails that could be relevant to the question of whether Clinton mishandled classified information by using a private server when she was secretary of state.

His letter was vague, creating confusion and renewed public suspicion of Clinton, who had already been cleared of wrongdoing. Comey’s letter also flew in the face of long-standing convention that the FBI and the Justice Department not give the appearance of trying to influence an election.

On Nov. 6, two days before the election, Comey announced that nothing in the newly discovered emails changed his conclusion that Clinton should face no charges.

The Clinton campaign has indicated that it believes Comey contributed to Trump’s win.

In the days after the election, Navin Nayak, the head of the campaign’s opinion research division, sent a memo to staffers that read: “Comey’s letter in the last 11 days of the election both helped depress our turnout and also drove away some of our critical support among college-educated white voters ― particularly in the suburbs. We also think Comey’s 2nd letter, which was intended to absolve Sec. Clinton, actually helped to bolster Trump’s turnout.”

Some 20 or 30 students protested Lewandowski’s appearance outside the venue Wednesday, with chants of “No borders, no nation, stop the deportation,” “No Trump, no KKK, no fascist USA” and “Dump Trump, dump Corey and their pet the fucking Tories.” Another protester inside the hall unfurled a sign and shouted at Lewandowski before being escorted out by security.

More: Lewandowski Brags: The FBI Helped Trump Win

Yep, there is no doubt that Comey cost Hillary the election. Mark Zuckerberg and his "fake news" also helped. Both of them should pay a heavy price!
Of course they did.

“With 11 days to go in this election cycle, something amazing happened.”

LONDON ― Donald Trump’s former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski credited FBI Director James Comey with giving Trump a “spring in his step” that helped him defeat Hillary Clinton in last week’s presidential election.

Speaking at the Oxford Union during a trip to the U.K. Wednesday evening, Lewandowski told Americans protesting the election result that they ought to do so “respectfully” and accept that Clinton lost.

“With 11 days to go in this election cycle, something amazing happened. The FBI director, James Comey, came out on a Friday and said they may be reopening the investigation into ‘crooked’ Hillary Clinton’s emails,” Lewandowski said.

“What that did,” he went on, “was remind people that there are two different rules in Washington ― those of the elites, for the privileged, and those for everybody else.”

Comey’s unprecedented move was criticized by Democrats and Republicans alike. Less than two weeks before Election Day, Comey announced the FBI was investigating new emails that could be relevant to the question of whether Clinton mishandled classified information by using a private server when she was secretary of state.

His letter was vague, creating confusion and renewed public suspicion of Clinton, who had already been cleared of wrongdoing. Comey’s letter also flew in the face of long-standing convention that the FBI and the Justice Department not give the appearance of trying to influence an election.

On Nov. 6, two days before the election, Comey announced that nothing in the newly discovered emails changed his conclusion that Clinton should face no charges.

The Clinton campaign has indicated that it believes Comey contributed to Trump’s win.

In the days after the election, Navin Nayak, the head of the campaign’s opinion research division, sent a memo to staffers that read: “Comey’s letter in the last 11 days of the election both helped depress our turnout and also drove away some of our critical support among college-educated white voters ― particularly in the suburbs. We also think Comey’s 2nd letter, which was intended to absolve Sec. Clinton, actually helped to bolster Trump’s turnout.”

Some 20 or 30 students protested Lewandowski’s appearance outside the venue Wednesday, with chants of “No borders, no nation, stop the deportation,” “No Trump, no KKK, no fascist USA” and “Dump Trump, dump Corey and their pet the fucking Tories.” Another protester inside the hall unfurled a sign and shouted at Lewandowski before being escorted out by security.

More: Lewandowski Brags: The FBI Helped Trump Win

Yep, there is no doubt that Comey cost Hillary the election. Mark Zuckerberg and his "fake news" also helped. Both of them should pay a heavy price!
Starting Feb 1 every registered Democrat will get an audit notice from the IRS.

“With 11 days to go in this election cycle, something amazing happened.”

LONDON ― Donald Trump’s former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski credited FBI Director James Comey with giving Trump a “spring in his step” that helped him defeat Hillary Clinton in last week’s presidential election.

Speaking at the Oxford Union during a trip to the U.K. Wednesday evening, Lewandowski told Americans protesting the election result that they ought to do so “respectfully” and accept that Clinton lost.

“With 11 days to go in this election cycle, something amazing happened. The FBI director, James Comey, came out on a Friday and said they may be reopening the investigation into ‘crooked’ Hillary Clinton’s emails,” Lewandowski said.

“What that did,” he went on, “was remind people that there are two different rules in Washington ― those of the elites, for the privileged, and those for everybody else.”

Comey’s unprecedented move was criticized by Democrats and Republicans alike. Less than two weeks before Election Day, Comey announced the FBI was investigating new emails that could be relevant to the question of whether Clinton mishandled classified information by using a private server when she was secretary of state.

His letter was vague, creating confusion and renewed public suspicion of Clinton, who had already been cleared of wrongdoing. Comey’s letter also flew in the face of long-standing convention that the FBI and the Justice Department not give the appearance of trying to influence an election.

On Nov. 6, two days before the election, Comey announced that nothing in the newly discovered emails changed his conclusion that Clinton should face no charges.

The Clinton campaign has indicated that it believes Comey contributed to Trump’s win.

In the days after the election, Navin Nayak, the head of the campaign’s opinion research division, sent a memo to staffers that read: “Comey’s letter in the last 11 days of the election both helped depress our turnout and also drove away some of our critical support among college-educated white voters ― particularly in the suburbs. We also think Comey’s 2nd letter, which was intended to absolve Sec. Clinton, actually helped to bolster Trump’s turnout.”

Some 20 or 30 students protested Lewandowski’s appearance outside the venue Wednesday, with chants of “No borders, no nation, stop the deportation,” “No Trump, no KKK, no fascist USA” and “Dump Trump, dump Corey and their pet the fucking Tories.” Another protester inside the hall unfurled a sign and shouted at Lewandowski before being escorted out by security.

More: Lewandowski Brags: The FBI Helped Trump Win

Yep, there is no doubt that Comey cost Hillary the election. Mark Zuckerberg and his "fake news" also helped. Both of them should pay a heavy price!
Starting Feb 1 every registered Democrat will get an audit notice from the IRS.

And liberal documentary makers are going to be prosecuted on trumped up charges, pun intended.
So Trump's FORMER campaign manager expressed his opinion that the FBI 'helped' Trump win?!

He is not connected to Trump now.

He did not say the FBI did not act with the specific intent of helping Trump win (the way Obama, the DOJ, the DNC, and the 'All-In' media did for Hillary.)

He did say that HE believes the FBI's actions did consequently benefit Trump in the end.

Got it - thanks for sharing Lewandowski's OPINION with us.
I read the OP is butt hurt, as is the original author.

When you cant defend....ACCUSE!
defend what? election is over. time to move on.
Yup, real election rigging should be forgotten, but fake election rigging should be used forever, dupe. Oh right, that Clinton investigation is now OVER, or any reminder of it...
why do you supposed the clinton investigation is over? I heard Congress hasn't finished. hmmmm

BTW, 306 to 232 Trump wins. So much winning.
Because it all was just an election ploy about nothing DUHHHHHHHHH...
I read the OP is butt hurt, as is the original author.

When you cant defend....ACCUSE!
defend what? election is over. time to move on.
Yup, real election rigging should be forgotten, but fake election rigging should be used forever, dupe. Oh right, that Clinton investigation is now OVER, or any reminder of it...
why do you supposed the clinton investigation is over? I heard Congress hasn't finished. hmmmm

BTW, 306 to 232 Trump wins. So much winning.
Because it all was just an election ploy about nothing DUHHHHHHHHH...
so congress wasn't investigating clinton before the election? Are you sure? Would you like some links?
Worst rigged election in memory, so no. Trump is a crazy Dem, so yes. Our media NOW going after fake news and Putin, so no arrghh. I only wanted Hill with a 10 point lead, so yes.

Worst rigged election in memory,

And despite all the Dem fraud, Trump still won.
Such as? Putin lover?

The dead voting. Illegal aliens voting. Felons voting. People voting more than once.

When did Putin become a bad guy? After Hillary gave Russia the reset button?
After Obama promised more flexibility after 2012? Flexibility to do what?

Or was he already a bad guy, unchanged by Hillary and Obama kissing his ass?
Were Obama and Hillary stupid, or just really, really wrong?
A) Never happened.
B) Always a bad guy. 2008- Attacked Georgia. Head of KGB DUH....

A) I'm in Chicago, who are you fucking kidding?
B)Then why were Obama and Hillary lining up to fellate him?
A- Not lately, and !
B) They tried, but he's a thug.

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