Corey Lewandowski Brags: The FBI Helped Trump Win

Sure, the FBI helped Trump by doing their job. Investigating Hillary's crimes. And they still fucked it up.
A "spring in his step"? Let it go lefties, the election is over and Hillary lost.

Nope, it ain't over. A lying flimflamming usurper is illegally headed to the White House. This injustice must be corrected.


Try this location:

Because a magic wand or a flying broom is the only thing going to get Hillary in the WH
The tide was already turning in Trump's direction before the Comey announcement. It had no real impact on the election.

“With 11 days to go in this election cycle, something amazing happened.”

LONDON ― Donald Trump’s former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski credited FBI Director James Comey with giving Trump a “spring in his step” that helped him defeat Hillary Clinton in last week’s presidential election.

Speaking at the Oxford Union during a trip to the U.K. Wednesday evening, Lewandowski told Americans protesting the election result that they ought to do so “respectfully” and accept that Clinton lost.

“With 11 days to go in this election cycle, something amazing happened. The FBI director, James Comey, came out on a Friday and said they may be reopening the investigation into ‘crooked’ Hillary Clinton’s emails,” Lewandowski said.

“What that did,” he went on, “was remind people that there are two different rules in Washington ― those of the elites, for the privileged, and those for everybody else.”

Comey’s unprecedented move was criticized by Democrats and Republicans alike. Less than two weeks before Election Day, Comey announced the FBI was investigating new emails that could be relevant to the question of whether Clinton mishandled classified information by using a private server when she was secretary of state.

His letter was vague, creating confusion and renewed public suspicion of Clinton, who had already been cleared of wrongdoing. Comey’s letter also flew in the face of long-standing convention that the FBI and the Justice Department not give the appearance of trying to influence an election.

On Nov. 6, two days before the election, Comey announced that nothing in the newly discovered emails changed his conclusion that Clinton should face no charges.

The Clinton campaign has indicated that it believes Comey contributed to Trump’s win.

In the days after the election, Navin Nayak, the head of the campaign’s opinion research division, sent a memo to staffers that read: “Comey’s letter in the last 11 days of the election both helped depress our turnout and also drove away some of our critical support among college-educated white voters ― particularly in the suburbs. We also think Comey’s 2nd letter, which was intended to absolve Sec. Clinton, actually helped to bolster Trump’s turnout.”

Some 20 or 30 students protested Lewandowski’s appearance outside the venue Wednesday, with chants of “No borders, no nation, stop the deportation,” “No Trump, no KKK, no fascist USA” and “Dump Trump, dump Corey and their pet the fucking Tories.” Another protester inside the hall unfurled a sign and shouted at Lewandowski before being escorted out by security.

More: Lewandowski Brags: The FBI Helped Trump Win

Yep, there is no doubt that Comey cost Hillary the election. Mark Zuckerberg and his "fake news" also helped. Both of them should pay a heavy price!

The NYPD says otherwise and if they are able to release the information about Hiltey and Bill ""drop trou's" ties to the pedophile ring including John Pedephilsta and Anthony Wiener that would cause anyone else to be doing hard time already....this is going to be one scandal that she can't hide from....not good.

Obama didn't say that when Facebook, Google etc. were helping him win his elections with their spin and fake news.

Social media is a VERY different place today than in 2008 and 2012.

Take a look at just Facebook numbers.

Facebook users worldwide 2016 | Statista

Even USMB. How many posters on this site are not from the US? How many are paid posters? How many are KGB, etc?

Facebook had a ton of users in 2008 and 2012 in the U.S.

So, that really doesn't wash as an excuse, bub.

Obama didn't say that when Facebook, Google etc. were helping him win his elections with their spin and fake news.

What fake news? Give us some "credible" proof.

Automated McDonalds.

The robot kiosks are spreading throughout McDs, bub.

Ordering McDonald's ( MCD) hamburgers at almost half of its 7,900 restaurants in Europe has quietly gotten very easy -- and the U.S. may soon be next.

"We have in-store kiosks in about 45% of our restaurants in Europe," McDonald's chief digital officer, Atif Rafiq, told TheStreet in an interview on Friday. Part of McDonald's "Create Your Taste" initiative launched several years ago, the giant tablet-like devices allows customers to skip the counter and customize everything for a burger order.


"McDonald's has used kiosks to streamline the customer experience in various geographies including Europe and Asia," said Hary. Additionally, McDonald's may get better at managing employee and food costs due to customers skipping the counter and choosing precisely what they want to eat. On a July 23 call with analysts, McDonald's CEO Steve Easterbrook said that kiosk ordering "takes the stress away from the front counter, and therefore you divide some of the pressure during the busiest times." He added, "from a commercial perspective, we see higher average checks because customers can browse the menu for a little bit longer, feel a little less pressure and they just tend to spend more."

McDonald's hasn't said too much about its kiosk plans in the U.S., its largest market at over 14,000 restaurants. According to a source attending the annual McDonald's Worldwide Convention this week, the company now has kiosks in 600 U.S. restaurants. By year's end, it plans to have them in 1,000 locations. In addition, the kiosks have a much sleeker look than earlier iterations...(/i)

McDonald's rolling out self-ordering kiosks in Europe; will U.S. be next?
A "spring in his step"? Let it go lefties, the election is over and Hillary lost.

Good for the droopy skin psychopathic sociopaths, very bad for rational thinking Americans.

Hopefully, there will be a December surprise.

Good for the droopy skin psychopathic sociopaths,


Be nice to Hillary, she's had a rough week. So what if gin makes her skin droopy.

“With 11 days to go in this election cycle, something amazing happened.”

LONDON ― Donald Trump’s former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski credited FBI Director James Comey with giving Trump a “spring in his step” that helped him defeat Hillary Clinton in last week’s presidential election.

Speaking at the Oxford Union during a trip to the U.K. Wednesday evening, Lewandowski told Americans protesting the election result that they ought to do so “respectfully” and accept that Clinton lost.

“With 11 days to go in this election cycle, something amazing happened. The FBI director, James Comey, came out on a Friday and said they may be reopening the investigation into ‘crooked’ Hillary Clinton’s emails,” Lewandowski said.

“What that did,” he went on, “was remind people that there are two different rules in Washington ― those of the elites, for the privileged, and those for everybody else.”

Comey’s unprecedented move was criticized by Democrats and Republicans alike. Less than two weeks before Election Day, Comey announced the FBI was investigating new emails that could be relevant to the question of whether Clinton mishandled classified information by using a private server when she was secretary of state.

His letter was vague, creating confusion and renewed public suspicion of Clinton, who had already been cleared of wrongdoing. Comey’s letter also flew in the face of long-standing convention that the FBI and the Justice Department not give the appearance of trying to influence an election.

On Nov. 6, two days before the election, Comey announced that nothing in the newly discovered emails changed his conclusion that Clinton should face no charges.

The Clinton campaign has indicated that it believes Comey contributed to Trump’s win.

In the days after the election, Navin Nayak, the head of the campaign’s opinion research division, sent a memo to staffers that read: “Comey’s letter in the last 11 days of the election both helped depress our turnout and also drove away some of our critical support among college-educated white voters ― particularly in the suburbs. We also think Comey’s 2nd letter, which was intended to absolve Sec. Clinton, actually helped to bolster Trump’s turnout.”

Some 20 or 30 students protested Lewandowski’s appearance outside the venue Wednesday, with chants of “No borders, no nation, stop the deportation,” “No Trump, no KKK, no fascist USA” and “Dump Trump, dump Corey and their pet the fucking Tories.” Another protester inside the hall unfurled a sign and shouted at Lewandowski before being escorted out by security.

More: Lewandowski Brags: The FBI Helped Trump Win

Yep, there is no doubt that Comey cost Hillary the election. Mark Zuckerberg and his "fake news" also helped. Both of them should pay a heavy price!
Washington Redskin, have you been a pussy whipped bitch all your life? Your like the Three Stooges Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert and John Oliver... always wrong... :lmao:

I read the OP is butt hurt, as is the original author.

When you cant defend....ACCUSE!
defend what? election is over. time to move on.
Yup, real election rigging should be forgotten, but fake election rigging should be used forever, dupe. Oh right, that Clinton investigation is now OVER, or any reminder of it...

You okay frankie?
Worst rigged election in memory, so no. Trump is a crazy Dem, so yes. Our media NOW going after fake news and Putin, so no arrghh. I only wanted Hill with a 10 point lead, so yes.

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