Corker: Tax cuts could be 'one of the worst votes I've made'! FFS! Yes it was, Only 4% Benefit!

Baz Ares

Gold Member
Feb 2, 2017
Retiring Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker (R) said his vote on the GOP tax law could be one of the worst of his career if estimates that it will add $1.9 trillion to deficits over a decade prove correct.

“If it ends up costing what has been laid out here, it could well be one of the worst votes I’ve made,” he said at a Senate Budget Committee hearing on the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimate that produced the figure.

“I hope that is not the case, I hope there’s other data to assist, whether it’s jobs or growth or whatever,” Corker added.

Corker voted against a version of the GOP tax-cut bill in early December, and was the only Republican senator at the time to cast a “no” vote on the bill.

But he voted for the final bill after a House-Senate conference, joining the rest of his Senate GOP colleagues to support the legislation backed by President Trump.

He had initially held out in opposition over complaints that the bill added to the deficit.
Corker: Tax cuts could be 'one of the worst votes I've made'

But...:itsok: Poor, poor Crooked Cocker! Seems AGAIN the Dems will clean up your GOP messy with as few votes you made this BS 2017 Tax-funded deficit deal for the top 4% :fu::asshole:

BTW: GOP/DOPer :asshole: It will cost over 2.5 Trillion you let the 1% Steal! If not adjusted back to what it was before you sold out your voter base and America! To try to keep the GOP party together with the Douche DOPer Voter win in the future.

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No shit Bob

Didn’t anyone tell you it would add to debt before you voted for it?

I think he got a Doper Brain infection.

btw: "Billionaires get tax breaks. Teachers get broken chairs and flooded classrooms" ~BS
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Western governments don't have a revenue problem, they have gobs of cash via taxation and tariffs. They have spending problems. Not one nation cares to address this. Lower taxes is principled, is he is as concerned about excessive spending?
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Corker is one of those Republicans who voted against healthcare for poor Americans, education, hurricane relief.........Because they added to the debt

Then he voted for a $1.5 trillion tax cut for billionaires
No shit Bob

Didn’t anyone tell you it would add to debt before you voted for it?
We all know the answer to that. The CBO produced multiple reports on that damned bill (HR 1) and what economic impacts it'd have. As if that weren't enough, summations and discussion of the CBO's analysis was all over the news and on myriad websites, two of which are noted below:
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Corker is one of those Republicans who voted against healthcare for poor Americans, education, hurricane relief.........Because they added to the debt

Then he voted for a $1.5 trillion tax cut for billionaires

That's not very Conservative in two ways.
Spend 1,5-2,5 Trillion giving 2017 BS Tax Cuts to the 1%
Spend some extra 760B-1 Trillion in spending per year to the National debt.
To buy more useless military stuff and other BS!
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No shit Bob

Didn’t anyone tell you it would add to debt before you voted for it?
We all know the answer to that. The CBO produced multiple reports on that damned bill (HR 1) and what economic impacts it'd have. As if that weren't enough, summations and discussion of the CBO's analysis was all over the news and on myriad websites, two of which are noted below:

We did this kinda with Raygoon's. Voodoo Tax BS in the 80's. It failed. This won't recover spending on debt.

By CBO’s estimate, additional debt service would boost the 10-year increase in deficits to $1.7 trillion. CBO’s June 2017 baseline projects that debt held by the public in 2027 will be 91.2 percent of gross domestic product. As a result of those higher deficits, debt held by the public in that year, under H.R. 1, would be about 6 percent greater, reaching 97.1 percent of gross domestic product.
Estimated deficits and debt under the Chairman’s amendment in the nature of a substitute to H.R. 1, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
Retiring Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker (R) said his vote on the GOP tax law could be one of the worst of his career if estimates that it will add $1.9 trillion to deficits over a decade prove correct.
The actual cost of all tax cuts is $0.00.
Yeah, you go with that, dipshit.

Trump and the Republicans have ACCELERATED spending, while decreasing revenues with their tax cut.

Can you do the math, retard?

Corker just did. FUCKING LATE!!
Every deduction, credit, and exemption has to be offset by raising tax rates. That's why they are theft. Your deductions come at the expense of someone else paying higher taxes.

Your pseudocon propagandists don't tell you that part, retards. They deliberately keep that from you. Instead, they tell you those gifts in the tax code mean "you get to keep more of your own money!"

What they REALLY mean is "you are stealing someone else's money".

The reason the corporate tax rate was so high was because of all those corporate deductions, credits, and exemptions.

So the RIGHT way to lower the tax rate would have been to REMOVE the deductions, credits, and exemptions which made it so high to begin with.

But that's not what these fuckers did. They just lowered the tax rate, and blew a $1.5 trillion hole in the fucking budget.

That is $1.5 trillion that will have to be stolen from your kids. In the meantime, we will have to borrow it from our enemies.
Retiring Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker (R) said his vote on the GOP tax law could be one of the worst of his career if estimates that it will add $1.9 trillion to deficits over a decade prove correct.
The actual cost of all tax cuts is $0.00.
Yeah, you go with that,
Unlike idiots such as yourself, I always go with the truth, jackass.

It's one of the reasons that I happily succeed while people like you fail miserably.
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Tax-funded deficit deal for the top 4%
That HR 1 was a bill for the country's highest earners is something I railed against repeatedly, sometimes in great detail and with multiple links to neutral sources so that non-financial "pros" could understand it.
Well, now HR 1 is law, and even though I repeatedly asserted that neither I nor others similarly situated had any real need for the cuts given us, I'm damn sure not going to leave over a hundred grand "on the table," as it were. As I said before, for the people who got the "nice" cuts, it's too much money to ignore, but it's not enough that it'll allow one to do something one wasn't otherwise going to do. Had the cuts given to the top one-percent been given instead to middle income earners, I suspect folks would be getting enough to do things they otherwise don't do. Alas, my representative in the House doesn't get a vote on the floor, and I don't have voting senators
Retiring Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker (R) said his vote on the GOP tax law could be one of the worst of his career if estimates that it will add $1.9 trillion to deficits over a decade prove correct.
The actual cost of all tax cuts is $0.00.
Yeah, you go with that,
I always go with truth, idiot.
No, you are a willfully blind monkey who parrots what you are told to parrot, and bleevs what you are told to bleev.

You want to see some unadulterated truth? Read post 12.
Tax cut $190 billion a year, government waste and fraud $400 billion a year, we can double the tax cut and still cover it by eliminating the waste and fraud.
Tax cut $190 billion a year, government waste and fraud $400 billion a year, we can double the tax cut and still cover it by eliminating the waste and fraud.

Eliminate waste and fraud?
Everyone says that.......can’t exactly nail down what they want to cut

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