Coronavirus... an open borders success story

Its not empty rhetoric

If our government had not sold its soul to the communist chinese when clinton was president, and continued through bush and obama, we would not be having this crisis today

Yeah, we probably would. Clinton didn't sell us out to China any more than Nixon or Bush or Reagan did. Our symbiotic relationshp with China has grown since the 1970's and it's generally a GOOD thing.

Trump is the guy who fired all the professionals who could have dealt with this crisis.
Our relationship with china is not good for America at all

it has devastated the middle class in America and made us vulnerable to china economic blackmail

And the computer you typed that on as well as much of the contents of your house came from SE Asia and China. You're to blame.
It used to come from America before globalists got involved

do you think being totally dependent on china is a good thing?

No. But it is hypocritical for you to have Chinese made goods in your house and then complain about "Chinese economic blackmail" and say the relationship between the nations isn't good for America.

Your blob had his cheap shit made in China...he is a globalist, right?

I'm looking forward to see how you thread this needle...I'm sure you'll rationalize the blob's having his stuff made over there...
It was not my decision to open the American market to cheap junk from china

my first computer was made in America, as was my first tv and cell phone

but globalists decided to ship jobs to china and now Americans are paying the price for that stupidity
Yeah, we probably would. Clinton didn't sell us out to China any more than Nixon or Bush or Reagan did. Our symbiotic relationshp with China has grown since the 1970's and it's generally a GOOD thing.

Trump is the guy who fired all the professionals who could have dealt with this crisis.
Our relationship with china is not good for America at all

it has devastated the middle class in America and made us vulnerable to china economic blackmail

And the computer you typed that on as well as much of the contents of your house came from SE Asia and China. You're to blame.
It used to come from America before globalists got involved

do you think being totally dependent on china is a good thing?

No. But it is hypocritical for you to have Chinese made goods in your house and then complain about "Chinese economic blackmail" and say the relationship between the nations isn't good for America.

Your blob had his cheap shit made in China...he is a globalist, right?

I'm looking forward to see how you thread this needle...I'm sure you'll rationalize the blob's having his stuff made over there...
It was not my decision to open the American market to cheap junk from china

my first computer was made in America, as was my first tv and cell phone

but globalists decided to ship jobs to china and now Americans are paying the price for that stupidity

It was your decision to buy the stuff from China. You. Are. To. Blame.

True or false, your blob, the President is one of the globalists you now despise. Painted yourself into a corner with that one, didn’t you. Quick cue the “what about” rationalization
Our relationship with china is not good for America at all

it has devastated the middle class in America and made us vulnerable to china economic blackmail

And the computer you typed that on as well as much of the contents of your house came from SE Asia and China. You're to blame.
It used to come from America before globalists got involved

do you think being totally dependent on china is a good thing?

No. But it is hypocritical for you to have Chinese made goods in your house and then complain about "Chinese economic blackmail" and say the relationship between the nations isn't good for America.

Your blob had his cheap shit made in China...he is a globalist, right?

I'm looking forward to see how you thread this needle...I'm sure you'll rationalize the blob's having his stuff made over there...
It was not my decision to open the American market to cheap junk from china

my first computer was made in America, as was my first tv and cell phone

but globalists decided to ship jobs to china and now Americans are paying the price for that stupidity

It was your decision to buy the stuff from China. You. Are. To. Blame.

True or false, your blob, the President is one of the globalists you now despise. Painted yourself into a corner with that one, didn’t you. Quick cue the “what about” rationalization
Thats not true

it was not my decision or and American consumer in generals decision to buy from china

yes most consumers look for the cheapest price and slowly but surely American factories closed and American jobs were lost

so we all share the blame

but you more than me because I want to do something about it while you dont
And the computer you typed that on as well as much of the contents of your house came from SE Asia and China. You're to blame.
It used to come from America before globalists got involved

do you think being totally dependent on china is a good thing?

No. But it is hypocritical for you to have Chinese made goods in your house and then complain about "Chinese economic blackmail" and say the relationship between the nations isn't good for America.

Your blob had his cheap shit made in China...he is a globalist, right?

I'm looking forward to see how you thread this needle...I'm sure you'll rationalize the blob's having his stuff made over there...
It was not my decision to open the American market to cheap junk from china

my first computer was made in America, as was my first tv and cell phone

but globalists decided to ship jobs to china and now Americans are paying the price for that stupidity

It was your decision to buy the stuff from China. You. Are. To. Blame.

True or false, your blob, the President is one of the globalists you now despise. Painted yourself into a corner with that one, didn’t you. Quick cue the “what about” rationalization
Thats not true

it was not my decision or and American consumer in generals decision to buy from china

yes most consumers look for the cheapest price and slowly but surely American factories closed and American jobs were lost

so we all share the blame

but you more than me because I want to do something about it while you dont

So you pledge not to buy ANYTHING made in China or SE Asian going forward then, right?
Wall Street executives including the heads of the nation’s seven largest banks — world-renowned for their considerable epidemiological expertise — have been invited to the White House to discuss how to respond to the outbreak.

Trump’s recently discovered urgent focus seems more prompted by a plunging stock market than by the corona, with little attention paid to policies specific to arresting its threat.
The people who spread the virus care about borders, nationality and race.

And without open borders they would not be among us.

Iran is pretty much a closed country, they are having an outbreak.

Um. No. YOu can't build a wall to keep out a virus, and the virus doesn't care about your racism.

Then why is it that they leave people quarantined on a cruise ship? half a mile of water isn't going to stop a virus.
Why not let them all immediately go to the lunch buffet where you are eating? If flooding the country with as many people as you can from China does not raise chances of spreading the virus, why bother with a quarantine? its a waste of time and discriminatory to people who want to get off the ship.
Trump has suggested that a Corona vaccine may be too costly for some people to afford. How vulgar, obscene is that idea?

You’re rich, you get the vaccine. You’re poor, you can’t get the vaccine.

unequal access to health infrastructure is a threat to us all, not just those at the bottom. Trump didn’t cause grotesque inequality. He is the symptom of it.
this pandemic is an I-told-you-so vindication for Sanders that Medicare for All is not radical in the way that Biden, Buttigieg, Bloomberg, Harris, and the rest have cast it.
It used to come from America before globalists got involved

do you think being totally dependent on china is a good thing?

No. But it is hypocritical for you to have Chinese made goods in your house and then complain about "Chinese economic blackmail" and say the relationship between the nations isn't good for America.

Your blob had his cheap shit made in China...he is a globalist, right?

I'm looking forward to see how you thread this needle...I'm sure you'll rationalize the blob's having his stuff made over there...
It was not my decision to open the American market to cheap junk from china

my first computer was made in America, as was my first tv and cell phone

but globalists decided to ship jobs to china and now Americans are paying the price for that stupidity

It was your decision to buy the stuff from China. You. Are. To. Blame.

True or false, your blob, the President is one of the globalists you now despise. Painted yourself into a corner with that one, didn’t you. Quick cue the “what about” rationalization
Thats not true

it was not my decision or and American consumer in generals decision to buy from china

yes most consumers look for the cheapest price and slowly but surely American factories closed and American jobs were lost

so we all share the blame

but you more than me because I want to do something about it while you dont

So you pledge not to buy ANYTHING made in China or SE Asian going forward then, right?

I could not survive since practically everything is made in china

lets hope you wake up before its too late
this pandemic is an I-told-you-so vindication for Sanders that Medicare for All is not radical in the way that Biden, Buttigieg, Bloomberg, Harris, and the rest have cast it.
What does socialized medicine have to do with a virus?


if and when a flu shot is available for the coronavirus even deadbeat obama voters will get one free if they are citizens or legal residents
No. But it is hypocritical for you to have Chinese made goods in your house and then complain about "Chinese economic blackmail" and say the relationship between the nations isn't good for America.

Your blob had his cheap shit made in China...he is a globalist, right?

I'm looking forward to see how you thread this needle...I'm sure you'll rationalize the blob's having his stuff made over there...
It was not my decision to open the American market to cheap junk from china

my first computer was made in America, as was my first tv and cell phone

but globalists decided to ship jobs to china and now Americans are paying the price for that stupidity

It was your decision to buy the stuff from China. You. Are. To. Blame.

True or false, your blob, the President is one of the globalists you now despise. Painted yourself into a corner with that one, didn’t you. Quick cue the “what about” rationalization
Thats not true

it was not my decision or and American consumer in generals decision to buy from china

yes most consumers look for the cheapest price and slowly but surely American factories closed and American jobs were lost

so we all share the blame

but you more than me because I want to do something about it while you dont

So you pledge not to buy ANYTHING made in China or SE Asian going forward then, right?

I could not survive since practically everything is made in china

lets hope you wake up before its too late

So again, you are complaining about the conditions you are underwriting. How very hypocritical of you.

And you of course never answered the question about Trump. He has his cheap shit made in China. That makes him a globalist...right?
It was not my decision to open the American market to cheap junk from china

my first computer was made in America, as was my first tv and cell phone

but globalists decided to ship jobs to china and now Americans are paying the price for that stupidity

It was your decision to buy the stuff from China. You. Are. To. Blame.

True or false, your blob, the President is one of the globalists you now despise. Painted yourself into a corner with that one, didn’t you. Quick cue the “what about” rationalization
Thats not true

it was not my decision or and American consumer in generals decision to buy from china

yes most consumers look for the cheapest price and slowly but surely American factories closed and American jobs were lost

so we all share the blame

but you more than me because I want to do something about it while you dont

So you pledge not to buy ANYTHING made in China or SE Asian going forward then, right?

I could not survive since practically everything is made in china

lets hope you wake up before its too late

So again, you are complaining about the conditions you are underwriting. How very hypocritical of you.

And you of course never answered the question about Trump. He has his cheap shit made in China. That makes him a globalist...right?
I want to bring manufacturing back to America

but its obvious you dont
It was your decision to buy the stuff from China. You. Are. To. Blame.

True or false, your blob, the President is one of the globalists you now despise. Painted yourself into a corner with that one, didn’t you. Quick cue the “what about” rationalization
Thats not true

it was not my decision or and American consumer in generals decision to buy from china

yes most consumers look for the cheapest price and slowly but surely American factories closed and American jobs were lost

so we all share the blame

but you more than me because I want to do something about it while you dont

So you pledge not to buy ANYTHING made in China or SE Asian going forward then, right?

I could not survive since practically everything is made in china

lets hope you wake up before its too late

So again, you are complaining about the conditions you are underwriting. How very hypocritical of you.

And you of course never answered the question about Trump. He has his cheap shit made in China. That makes him a globalist...right?
I want to bring manufacturing back to America

but its obvious you dont
And you demonstrate that how exactly? By buying Chinese made goods?
Thats not true

it was not my decision or and American consumer in generals decision to buy from china

yes most consumers look for the cheapest price and slowly but surely American factories closed and American jobs were lost

so we all share the blame

but you more than me because I want to do something about it while you dont

So you pledge not to buy ANYTHING made in China or SE Asian going forward then, right?

I could not survive since practically everything is made in china

lets hope you wake up before its too late

So again, you are complaining about the conditions you are underwriting. How very hypocritical of you.

And you of course never answered the question about Trump. He has his cheap shit made in China. That makes him a globalist...right?
I want to bring manufacturing back to America

but its obvious you dont
And you demonstrate that how exactly? By buying Chinese made goods?
You are being a little childish

some things have to take place as a united people

and trade restrictions with communist china are one of those

but globalists like you are addicted to chinese crap
JoeB, every week for tubes? Obviously you are hyperbolating...again. Dayem, I order tubes only about every six months. I buy tubes from a Canadian company that gets new old stock Russian tubes and new Chinese tubes. Both sources are awesome. The do sell NOS American tubes from the mid 80's made by General Electric but that gets real expensive! Dr. Z gets his tubes for his amps from some dude in the not tell the authorities!

Again, guy, this was back in the 1970's. While I'm sure that tubes are still the cutting edge technology in whatever white trash trailer park you live in where their family trees don't fork, the rest of us have moved on.
It also made consumer goods available and cheap.


panicked consumers are fighting over the last roll of toilet paper at Target

or paying 10 times the regular price for surgical masks from china when they can find them at all

Um, not sure what that has to do with anything. This disease would have gotten here regardless. The problem is, we have an inept leader dealing with the problem.

US cases of Corona Virus top 1000.
It also made consumer goods available and cheap.


panicked consumers are fighting over the last roll of toilet paper at Target

or paying 10 times the regular price for surgical masks from china when they can find them at all

Um, not sure what that has to do with anything. This disease would have gotten here regardless. The problem is, we have an inept leader dealing with the problem.

US cases of Corona Virus top 1000.
Trump is not inept

in fact by pushing to return jobs back to America from china trump is the most farsighted president since Reagan
So you pledge not to buy ANYTHING made in China or SE Asian going forward then, right?

I could not survive since practically everything is made in china

lets hope you wake up before its too late

So again, you are complaining about the conditions you are underwriting. How very hypocritical of you.

And you of course never answered the question about Trump. He has his cheap shit made in China. That makes him a globalist...right?
I want to bring manufacturing back to America

but its obvious you dont
And you demonstrate that how exactly? By buying Chinese made goods?
You are being a little childish

some things have to take place as a united people

and trade restrictions with communist china are one of those

but globalists like you are addicted to chinese crap


First you state that you’re buying Chinese crap, can’t stop buying Chinese crap and won’t stop buying Chinese crap and then accuse others of being addicted?

I could not survive since practically everything is made in china

lets hope you wake up before its too late

So again, you are complaining about the conditions you are underwriting. How very hypocritical of you.

And you of course never answered the question about Trump. He has his cheap shit made in China. That makes him a globalist...right?
I want to bring manufacturing back to America

but its obvious you dont
And you demonstrate that how exactly? By buying Chinese made goods?
You are being a little childish

some things have to take place as a united people

and trade restrictions with communist china are one of those

but globalists like you are addicted to chinese crap


First you state that you’re buying Chinese crap, can’t stop buying Chinese crap and won’t stop buying Chinese crap and then accuse others of being addicted?
I live on the real world

not the insane globalist la la land that you inhabit

right now American consumers have no choice except to buy what is available

But my goal is to return manufacturing jobs back to America before its too late

I could not survive since practically everything is made in china

lets hope you wake up before its too late

So again, you are complaining about the conditions you are underwriting. How very hypocritical of you.

And you of course never answered the question about Trump. He has his cheap shit made in China. That makes him a globalist...right?
I want to bring manufacturing back to America

but its obvious you dont
And you demonstrate that how exactly? By buying Chinese made goods?
You are being a little childish

some things have to take place as a united people

and trade restrictions with communist china are one of those

but globalists like you are addicted to chinese crap


First you state that you’re buying Chinese crap, can’t stop buying Chinese crap and won’t stop buying Chinese crap and then accuse others of being addicted?
and then accuse others of being addicted?

But you are addicted

so much so that the prospect of paying a penny more horrifies you

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