Coronavirus... an open borders success story

The COVID-19 outbreak is being successfully managed by the Trump admin, and your whining can't disprove that. Just look at the global infection rate and see that the US is doing much better than the rest of the world based on population.
The US infections are roughly the same as Switzerland. Stop whining, save it for the fall.

A couple of weeks ago we had none, and people told Trump he needed to do something, and he said it would all go away when the weather got warmer.

Covid-19 is Trump's Katrina.

Katrina my ass. Look at the numbers and then tell me Trump isn't doing a great job.
Here they are again:
Combining the EU cases to be roughly the equivalent population to the US shows just how great a job Trump is doing:

EU 6,246 cases, 209 deaths
US 213 cases, 17 deaths

The US is doing way better than anyone would have expected.
Trump's quick response to shut out Chinese fro infected regions was the right policy.

Cause we aren’t testing ! Italy tests 10,000 a day . We’ve tested like 2000 total .

The cases are out there , we just don’t know it.
So far no leftist explained how the Socialist's plan of open borders is going to work with free health care for illegals.

I have a other question... how are open borders going to work with a pandemic raging free?

Turkey is opening the flood gates for the virus to come freely to Europe. Of course, the leftists can not wait to provide free health care to the alien invasion. Tremendous success...

Viruses don't care about borders... or nationality.. or race...

We are all just hosts to them.
great idea!!!!!!!!!!! let the infected people in !!!!!
very smart !!!!!!
So far no leftist explained how the Socialist's plan of open borders is going to work with free health care for illegals.

I have a other question... how are open borders going to work with a pandemic raging free?

Turkey is opening the flood gates for the virus to come freely to Europe. Of course, the leftists can not wait to provide free health care to the alien invasion. Tremendous success...

Greece stands firm on migrants, as Turkey opens floodgates to Europe - CNN
another reason for protected borders
The COVID-19 outbreak is being successfully managed by the Trump admin, and your whining can't disprove that. Just look at the global infection rate and see that the US is doing much better than the rest of the world based on population.
The US infections are roughly the same as Switzerland. Stop whining, save it for the fall.

A couple of weeks ago we had none, and people told Trump he needed to do something, and he said it would all go away when the weather got warmer.

Covid-19 is Trump's Katrina.

Katrina my ass. Look at the numbers and then tell me Trump isn't doing a great job.
Here they are again:
Combining the EU cases to be roughly the equivalent population to the US shows just how great a job Trump is doing:

EU 6,246 cases, 209 deaths
US 213 cases, 17 deaths

The US is doing way better than anyone would have expected.
Trump's quick response to shut out Chinese fro infected regions was the right policy.

Cause we aren’t testing ! Italy tests 10,000 a day . We’ve tested like 2000 total .

The cases are out there , we just don’t know it.

Most of the US 213 cases could be traced back to someone who came from China or a cruise ship, and their contacts isolated and tested. There were not very many "community infections" that came out of the blue. Italy has thousands of infected and tens of thousands of contacts to test. The US has been lucky that we didn't need as many tests yet. As the numbers grow the test availability will grow too. I haven't heard of any state that requested a test that couldn't do the test. States all have the ability to test using local labs. The commercially available tests are being produced so people can buy them off the shelf.
The people who spread the virus care about borders, nationality and race.

And without open borders they would not be among us.

Iran is pretty much a closed country, they are having an outbreak.

Um. No. YOu can't build a wall to keep out a virus, and the virus doesn't care about your racism.
Muslims have a religious practice of licking holy icons and shrines. Who knows what they are spreading.
The COVID-19 outbreak is being successfully managed by the Trump admin, and your whining can't disprove that. Just look at the global infection rate and see that the US is doing much better than the rest of the world based on population.
The US infections are roughly the same as Switzerland. Stop whining, save it for the fall.

A couple of weeks ago we had none, and people told Trump he needed to do something, and he said it would all go away when the weather got warmer.

Covid-19 is Trump's Katrina.

Katrina my ass. Look at the numbers and then tell me Trump isn't doing a great job.
Here they are again:
Combining the EU cases to be roughly the equivalent population to the US shows just how great a job Trump is doing:

EU 6,246 cases, 209 deaths
US 213 cases, 17 deaths

The US is doing way better than anyone would have expected.
Trump's quick response to shut out Chinese fro infected regions was the right policy.

Cause we aren’t testing ! Italy tests 10,000 a day . We’ve tested like 2000 total .

The cases are out there , we just don’t know it.
We don't know it because they aren't sick.
The COVID-19 outbreak is being successfully managed by the Trump admin, and your whining can't disprove that. Just look at the global infection rate and see that the US is doing much better than the rest of the world based on population.
The US infections are roughly the same as Switzerland. Stop whining, save it for the fall.

A couple of weeks ago we had none, and people told Trump he needed to do something, and he said it would all go away when the weather got warmer.

Covid-19 is Trump's Katrina.

Katrina my ass. Look at the numbers and then tell me Trump isn't doing a great job.
Here they are again:
Combining the EU cases to be roughly the equivalent population to the US shows just how great a job Trump is doing:

EU 6,246 cases, 209 deaths
US 213 cases, 17 deaths

The US is doing way better than anyone would have expected.
Trump's quick response to shut out Chinese fro infected regions was the right policy.

Cause we aren’t testing ! Italy tests 10,000 a day . We’ve tested like 2000 total .

The cases are out there , we just don’t know it.

Most of the US 213 cases could be traced back to someone who came from China or a cruise ship, and their contacts isolated and tested. There were not very many "community infections" that came out of the blue. Italy has thousands of infected and tens of thousands of contacts to test. The US has been lucky that we didn't need as many tests yet. As the numbers grow the test availability will grow too. I haven't heard of any state that requested a test that couldn't do the test. States all have the ability to test using local labs. The commercially available tests are being produced so people can buy them off the shelf.
Labcorp and Quest Diagnostic both say they have plenty of test kits.
So far no leftist explained how the Socialist's plan of open borders is going to work with free health care for illegals.

I have a other question... how are open borders going to work with a pandemic raging free?

Turkey is opening the flood gates for the virus to come freely to Europe. Of course, the leftists can not wait to provide free health care to the alien invasion. Tremendous success...

Viruses don't care about borders... or nationality.. or race...

We are all just hosts to them.

Well of course the virus doesnt care....but the progs do.
If they cant infect the world it's a failure apparently.
Katrina my ass. Look at the numbers and then tell me Trump isn't doing a great job.
Here they are again:

Yawn, just hasn't gotten here yet. When it does, Trump is fucked.

Keep rooting for those "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse", especially Death on that pale horse.
Keep rooting for those "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse", especially Death on that pale horse.

Actually, that would be pestilence... and, the fact is, we wouldn't be here if Trump knew what he was doing.

I'm not rooting for pestilence, or death. Trump is keeping the US infections lower than the EUs, that's good.
I'm hoping that the US can keep infections low, at least lower than the EU, which is roughly the size of the US.
The fact that Trump stopped flights kept the infections as low as possible for as long as possible.
Now its up to the "career healthcare professionals" to do their jobs.

I'm not rooting for pestilence, or death. Trump is keeping the US infections lower than the EUs, that's good.
I'm hoping that the US can keep infections low, at least lower than the EU, which is roughly the size of the US.
The fact that Trump stopped flights kept the infections as low as possible for as long as possible.
Now its up to the "career healthcare professionals" to do their jobs.

I'm not aware "Diamond Princess" is a country.

That we are now up to 583 cases from a mere 209 at the beginning of the weekend shows how much Trump has failed. We are now surpassing Japan in the number of cases.. and Japan is a lot closer to the epicenter.

Covid-19 is Trump's Katrina.
Folks, when the West was great everyone was tested for disease when traveling the best they could because folks knew contagious diseases can generally be stopped by stopping an infected individual. Ships kept careful logs of all individuals. Airlines were only accessible to folks who had legit business to fly. Since the AIDS hoax of the 80's, the West has adopted a policy of not discriminating against a filthy, disease carrying individual because that would be racist, or homophobic, etc. As a result of this democrat douchebaggery, airports have darkies checking elderly white grandmas for bombs in their corsets, yet are afraid to arrest rabbis spreading diseases in their "communities," and block assorted non-Whites bringing in diseases much worse than the Mexican beer disease which is basically the same danger as a typical cold or flu. Speaking of flu, why is it the establishment has "flu shots" before a "flu season" yet has nothing for this flu?
The biggest challenge to America’s coronavirus response? Trump.
How Trump is hurting his administration’s coronavirus response, explained by an expert.
The biggest challenge to America’s coronavirus response? Trump.

President Donald Trump’s handling of the coronavirus outbreak in the United States has so far been a disaster.

He initially downplayed the severity of the outbreak at home, directly contradicting his top health officials. He’s displayed a stunning lack of knowledge about basic things like how vaccines work and how quickly a coronavirus vaccine could realistically be developed and distributed to Americans. And he’s publicly spread misinformation about how deadly the disease, officially known as Covid-19, is.

All of that is extremely counterproductive to effective crisis response, especially for dealing with something so complicated as the novel coronavirus. As of March 5, there are nearly 100,000 confirmed cases around the world, with more than 3,300 dead, mostly in China. In the US, there are more than 200 total cases — including at least 10 deaths in Washington state and one death in California.

Yet Trump insists the problem is under control and that he’s doing a fantastic job.
trump is doing his job by by containing the spread of panic by liberals in the media

relatively few people will die from the commie virus

but 6 billion people will suffer from the economic impact

We need to bring manufacturing back to America and build the wall
Open borders? The virus didn’t run across the Mexican border . It came from Americans flying back to the us .

Are you saying we should close all borders and travel?
If mexico has the virus then illegal aliens sneaking into the US have the virus

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