Coronavirus Bailout


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
US Coronavirus "Bailout" Scam Is $6 Trillion Giveaway to Wall Street

Facing the Covid-19 pandemic, the US Congress rammed through the CARES Act — which economist Michael Hudson explains is not a “bailout” but a massive, $6 trillion giveaway to Wall Street, banks, large corporations, and stockholders.

Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton discuss the enormous financial scam with Hudson, who reveals how the economy actually works, with the Federal Reserve printing money so rich elites don’t lose their investments.

Imagine that. "CARES" act? LOL- about who, what?
At what point do those paper Fed notes become completely useless?
How long can we continue to print funny money without runaway inflation?

Hard to see any stimulus at this point other than an actual strangulation of our future, for short term gain now.
"Stimulus" presumes that there will also be some action on the supply end, which has been shut down for the most part.

This is now just throwing helicopter money around.

Soon it'll be cheaper to cash my checks for one dollar bills than buy toilet paper.



Government should go back to minting solid silver and solid gold coins.

Maybe more gold and silver reserve notes would be an option... So long as the government has the gold and silver when people want to turn in those reserve notes.



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