Coronavirus in Red States

It isn't a red state blue state thing. Naturally, large urban centers are expected to have higher counts, for a range of reasons, from sheer population to density.

But it isn't true that red states are not preparing or taking steps.

Most states, excepting 5 at this point, have some sort of shelter in place order, either in the entire state or in parts of the states. This goes beyond the federal 'social distancing' guidelines...

You can tell Rightwinger is praying for a large body count in red states.
So far, Red States are doing a Victory Dance that they are immune to Coronavirus and it is only a Blue State problem.

Instead of showing leadership, Trump joins them in pretending.

When it comes, Red States will be hit particularly hard by the virus.
Firstly, they are woefully unprepared. They are doing little to discourage public gatherings.....particularly Churches

Secondly, they have a shaky healthcare infrastructure. In many cases people are 50 miles from the nearest healthcare facility. Those facilities are poorly staffed and when the shit hits the fan, they will have no access to critical safety equipment and ventilators.

While they won’t have the fatalities of urban areas, I fear their death rates will be much higher
The culling of the herd?
In Westport Connecticut (not exactly rural but...), it took only one person at a party to infect 40 others and then the whole town. Westpost has a huge number of fatalities...far more than the rest of Connecticut...even the big cities.

Good grief, what a lie.

Only took two google clicks to find the truth.
In Westport Connecticut (not exactly rural but...), it took only one person at a party to infect 40 others and then the whole town. Westpost has a huge number of fatalities...far more than the rest of Connecticut...even the big cities.

Good grief, what a lie.

Only took two google clicks to find the truth.

My info may have been a week old, but the principal stands:

Here ya go fool:

So far, Red States are doing a Victory Dance that they are immune to Coronavirus and it is only a Blue State problem.

Instead of showing leadership, Trump joins them in pretending.

When it comes, Red States will be hit particularly hard by the virus.
Firstly, they are woefully unprepared. They are doing little to discourage public gatherings.....particularly Churches

Secondly, they have a shaky healthcare infrastructure. In many cases people are 50 miles from the nearest healthcare facility. Those facilities are poorly staffed and when the shit hits the fan, they will have no access to critical safety equipment and ventilators.

While they won’t have the fatalities of urban areas, I fear their death rates will be much higher
You know what no one is talking about Chicom Ruskie Troll? Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders. They both look weak, effeminate, and unqualified to lead this nation. No one has heard from them and when they do, no one is listening.

And you look like a pile of troll shit.

Why do they need to speak? Donnie the "Virus Master" is proving to the country that he was never fit to lead in the first place and mostly only dittohead simps, subversive Russian Trolls and like minded people will be voting for him in Nov.

Nah Zippy, his obvious incompetence to lead doesn't mean he created the virus. Only a Maroonie would think he could.
Only a Chinese-Russian Asshole would attack the president and America in the middle of such a crisis.

Now, don't you have some fried bat to eat. Run along.....supper is getting cold.
So far, Red States are doing a Victory Dance that they are immune to Coronavirus and it is only a Blue State problem.

Instead of showing leadership, Trump joins them in pretending.

When it comes, Red States will be hit particularly hard by the virus.
Firstly, they are woefully unprepared. They are doing little to discourage public gatherings.....particularly Churches

Secondly, they have a shaky healthcare infrastructure. In many cases people are 50 miles from the nearest healthcare facility. Those facilities are poorly staffed and when the shit hits the fan, they will have no access to critical safety equipment and ventilators.

While they won’t have the fatalities of urban areas, I fear their death rates will be much higher
You know what no one is talking about Chicom Ruskie Troll? Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders. They both look weak, effeminate, and unqualified to lead this nation. No one has heard from them and when they do, no one is listening.

And you look like a pile of troll shit.

Why do they need to speak? Donnie the "Virus Master" is proving to the country that he was never fit to lead in the first place and mostly only dittohead simps, subversive Russian Trolls and like minded people will be voting for him in Nov.

Nah Zippy, his obvious incompetence to lead doesn't mean he created the virus. Only a Maroonie would think he could.
Only a Chinese-Russian Asshole would attack the president and America in the middle of such a crisis.

Now, don't you have some fried bat to eat. Run along.....supper is getting cold.

Only a true fascist would believe that. This is a train wreck that could have happened on anyone's watch. His cries of "hoax" was proof of his inability to lead the entire nation. He doesn't want to lead. He wants to play from the bench so he can try to avoid any responsibility.

Leave my Comrade Trumpybear alone!!!!! :CryingCow::CryingCow::CryingCow:
Well you will be very happy when your MORON blue states right long with the RED states make your asses stop breathing next LOL
U idiots don't even know what fascist even though the google sundar losers have changed the meanings o only the mental nuts definitions are found.

you know they ban the true meanings to 15 pages over the left is to stupid to figure that part out this is why you retarded fks can't figure out reality.


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So far, Red States are doing a Victory Dance that they are immune to Coronavirus and it is only a Blue State problem.

Instead of showing leadership, Trump joins them in pretending.

When it comes, Red States will be hit particularly hard by the virus.
Firstly, they are woefully unprepared. They are doing little to discourage public gatherings.....particularly Churches

Secondly, they have a shaky healthcare infrastructure. In many cases people are 50 miles from the nearest healthcare facility. Those facilities are poorly staffed and when the shit hits the fan, they will have no access to critical safety equipment and ventilators.

While they won’t have the fatalities of urban areas, I fear their death rates will be much higher
Hey Red States say fuck you.
Fuck THAT kinda divisive shit

Just the very concept of "red states" and "blue states" is inherently divisive.

And where do those concepts come from? Once again as we keep pointing out --- the Electoral College.
So far, Red States are doing a Victory Dance that they are immune to Coronavirus and it is only a Blue State problem.

Instead of showing leadership, Trump joins them in pretending.

When it comes, Red States will be hit particularly hard by the virus.
Firstly, they are woefully unprepared. They are doing little to discourage public gatherings.....particularly Churches

Secondly, they have a shaky healthcare infrastructure. In many cases people are 50 miles from the nearest healthcare facility. Those facilities are poorly staffed and when the shit hits the fan, they will have no access to critical safety equipment and ventilators.

While they won’t have the fatalities of urban areas, I fear their death rates will be much higher
Pogo no link........

No link for what?
The OP has no link........ :abgg2q.jpg:

The OP is an opinion. You can't "link" an opinion.

You didn't think of that? View attachment 318494

Not opinion.

Your hypocrisy is noted.

I'm afraid you don't get to make opinion into not-opinion by posting not-opinion on a message board.

A life. Get one.
This is a claim not an opinion, Moron:

Secondly, they have a shaky healthcare infrastructure. In many cases people are 50 miles from the nearest healthcare facility. Those facilities are poorly staffed and when the shit hits the fan, they will have no access to critical safety equipment and ventilators.

That's a value judgment, penile wart. And value judgments are opinions.

As opposed to, say, oh I dunno just to make something up out of thin air, claiming that somebody said "Chinese" was a race, but having no link, and when that thread withered, starting another one claiming the same thing, and still having no link. See, if you're claiming somebody SAID something, that's what we call "quantifiable". It's either a 1 or a 0. It either happened or it didn't.
So far, Red States are doing a Victory Dance that they are immune to Coronavirus and it is only a Blue State problem.

Instead of showing leadership, Trump joins them in pretending.

When it comes, Red States will be hit particularly hard by the virus.
Firstly, they are woefully unprepared. They are doing little to discourage public gatherings.....particularly Churches

Secondly, they have a shaky healthcare infrastructure. In many cases people are 50 miles from the nearest healthcare facility. Those facilities are poorly staffed and when the shit hits the fan, they will have no access to critical safety equipment and ventilators.

While they won’t have the fatalities of urban areas, I fear their death rates will be much higher
The amount of ignorance in that post is astounding

there are rural areas in blue states

and most if not all large cities in red states that I am aware of are as deep blue as chicago or new york city

and it is the massed liberal democrats in the cities that are the most unprepared

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