Coronavirus: Silver Lining


Platinum Member
Jul 8, 2008
There are quite few lessons (to be) learned from Wuhan virus:

Americans finally learned how much of our economy has been outsourced.
Americans also learned how much we are dependent on China, for up to 90% of our generic medicines.
It is revealed just how fragile is out financial sector, and how large is the Ponzi's house of cards.
It forces older and obese Americans to realize how unhealthy they are.
It brought awareness to how many people really die during flu season.
Exposed politicians that are using public health for their own advantages.
It exposes scam artists for their price gauging.
Exposes media and their role in creating crisis.
It teaches people of necessity to be prepared for emergencies.
Forces correction of artificially inflated stock market.
It shows how weak and overpriced are airline companies.
It show how useless professional sports really are.
It points again to Chinese horrific animal abuse.
Forced parents to spend more time with their kids.
It makes us more resilient and self-sufficient.
It teaches us about our constitutional rights and government overreaches.
It increase our appreciation for brick and mortar store (especially low wage) workers.
It exposed EU again as uncollected, self absorbed globalists that they really are.
It exposes corruption of UN and their subsidiary organisations.
It renewed respect for the 2nd amendment.
Globalist open borders turns out to be really bad idea.
It recognizes that home schooling should not be suppressed by the state.
Working from home saves money, gas and time, and lower the traffic.
It points to importance of hygiene, hand washing, and personal protection to prevent disease.
People finally realized that government purpose is not to feed everyone, not equipped to help everyone.
You are responsible for yourself, you and nobody else.
There are quite few lessons (to be) learned from Wuhan virus:

Americans finally learned how much of our economy has been outsourced.
Americans also learned how much we are dependent on China, for up to 90% of our generic medicines.
It is revealed just how fragile is out financial sector, and how large is the Ponzi's house of cards.
It forces older and obese Americans to realize how unhealthy they are.
It brought awareness to how many people really die during flu season.
Exposed politicians that are using public health for their own advantages.
It exposes scam artists for their price gauging.
Exposes media and their role in creating crisis.
It teaches people of necessity to be prepared for emergencies.
Forces correction of artificially inflated stock market.
It shows how weak and overpriced are airline companies.
It show how useless professional sports really are.
It points again to Chinese horrific animal abuse.
Forced parents to spend more time with their kids.
It makes us more resilient and self-sufficient.
It teaches us about our constitutional rights and government overreaches.
It increase our appreciation for brick and mortar store (especially low wage) workers.
It exposed EU again as uncollected, self absorbed globalists that they really are.
It exposes corruption of UN and their subsidiary organisations.
It renewed respect for the 2nd amendment.
Globalist open borders turns out to be really bad idea.
It recognizes that home schooling should not be suppressed by the state.
Working from home saves money, gas and time, and lower the traffic.
It points to importance of hygiene, hand washing, and personal protection to prevent disease.
People finally realized that government purpose is not to feed everyone, not equipped to help everyone.
You are responsible for yourself, you and nobody else.
I'd agree with much of that though I'm not sure parents spending more time with kids is always a good thing.
Many times it just increases the agitation felt by both parent and child.
Well, it is making crowds much smaller.


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