corporate profits and jobs

No it isnt, you just cant explain it

Sure I can. What idiot would expand their business if they expected the government was going to appropriate it the following quarter or year?

Any idiot who saw an increase in demand for their product or services. Otherwise, some other non-idiot would make those profits and really, if the first guy didn't hire when opportunity to grow / increase profits was there, he's not going to be in business long anyway.

But then, I'm just speaking from a business-owners point of view.
...corporations are making the biggest profits ever and look at those workers...
It's hard to tell if you're joking or not following Obama's BEA numbers. Jobs and the economy are important so all kidding aside here's reality as admitted by Obama's official Economic Analysis:

Corporate profits down.

Corporate taxes paid up.

Corporate pay to workers up.

MSNBC lies.
Where are the jobs the right promised would materialize if the corps were making money?

Corporations are not formulated to creat jobs. They are formulated to create profits.

Your whole thesis is akin to asking why ducks are not producing more milk.
I think the article pretty well answers the question.

During the recession, American business fired everything with 2 legs that they could not directly tie to revenue. The results were lean mean organizations that could compete here or abroad. This resulted in a couple of trillion in cash that they are sitting on. With encouragement from Uncle Sam and foreign governments, they have exported most American manufacturing overseas to a point where "Made in American" is a novelty.

Absolutely. From 2001 to 2008 millions of jobs were moved overseas. This happened as a joint venture between Republicans, the Chamber of Commerce and China.

The Chamber sees the Republican Party as the Party that just keeps on giving. It's why they give to Republicans over Democrats 10 or 11 to one.

Luckily, with the Democrats in control of Congress from 2006 through 2010 and in control of the White house from 2009 through today, all of those jobs came home so we have no unemployment problems and no problems balancing the budget.

Thank God that the Democrats can solve every problem.
Really? There are 54,000 people from the 50 states and 97 countries that are on a waiting list for Volts.

Happy Holidays 2008 From

So there are only 54,000 morons out of 6 Billion people on the planet. Some how, that gives me comfort.
Whether they are morons are not is immaterial. GM is making money and hiring workers to build the Volt. That's what counts.

This is just a tad incestuous, is it not? The USA owns GM which builds the Volt which is subsidized by the USA taxpayer.

At least there are more UAW Members to vote for the Big 0 next time around. Looks like he'll need them.
A boom in corporate profits, a bust in jobs - Business - Stocks & economy - Where are the jobs guys?... ...If increased profits dont make them hire how is more tax cuts going to make them hire?
Reading MSNBC's leftist rhetoric always leaves a person confused. A much clearer picture is found with the corporate facts from Obama's Bureau of Economic Analysis

---since the recovery began July '09:
Increase in corporate profits: 54%
Increase in wages paid: 4%
Increase in corporate income taxes paid: 80%

---since the expansion peak in July '06
Increase in corporate profits: -7%
Increase in wages paid: 9%
Increase in total corporate taxes paid: +6%

Bottom line: corporate profits took a big hit, employee pay went up, taxes soared. The fact that Democrats still hate corporations and want even higher taxes can only be explained as a pathological class warfare obsession.

Workers pay bad.

Corporate profits good.

Now the corporations are making the biggest profits ever and look at those workers. Those nasty workers. Getting what they deserve.

Are there no workhouses?
Are there no prisons?

I'm beginning to understand your belief system. You don't seem to have the ability to understand anything that undermines your beliefs.

"Facts can change. My beliefs will never change."
Hewlett Packard (HP) began operations in Costa Rica in 2003 with a mere 123 employees, today they are the second largest private employer in Costa Rica hiring 2000 more.


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Well for starters you should read your own stories rather than jumping on a headline that makes you like an idiot.
If you would have read the article you would have known that MOST of the corporate growth has been...wait for it...overseas. Not in America.
Secondly, when the government injects $100's billions of our money with no strings attached into the system - corporations can earn profits off of American tax money rather than American labor.
Also, companies learned through downsizing that they didn't need as many people as they thought they did....then there is technology that is increasingly doing what people did before.
And the government, no matter how much they borrow and give away - can't change any of this.

Hey dopey,

GE made a lot of profit but found it economically expedient to take a lot of their business "off shore."

Are any warning bells starting to go off, yet, in your little mind? Probably not.

WHY, o' why, would GE find it expedient to take so much of their business "off shore?"

Could it be the ridiculous desire of our government to take more and more of the wealth produced by corporations and the massive miasma of petty ass and endless regulatory requirements? Hm.

And when companies DO elect to go "off shore," the government's ability to capture that portion of their "income" is a boatload more difficult -- which makes the company able to RETAIN a significantly larger portion of the wealth they have produced.

Now, where do you suppose the JOBS -- that go along with those decisions -- go?

If you'd stop your liberal mooing for a while, you MIGHT come to STOP seeing corporations and "big business" as an enemy of "the people," you socialist-spewing mindless drone.

If you actually give a shit about people having jobs worthy of the name, MAYBE you dolts should STOP being so anti-business in the first damn place.
I do not understand the confusion, companies are in business to make money, for themselves if privte or for their stockholders if public. I mean, that's it, they will hire more people when they have reason to believe more profit will be attained. They've made themselves ae profitable as they can with the people they've got now, but do not believe hiring more people will be more profitable. What's so hard to understand about that?

Totally correct.

And neither will tax cuts make them hire.

What will motivate businesses to hire is the potential to make money on new hires.

In this economy, that just isn't happening.

The consuming market has shrunk ergo employment has shrunk.
Reading MSNBC's leftist rhetoric always leaves a person confused. A much clearer picture is found with the corporate facts from Obama's Bureau of Economic Analysis

---since the recovery began July '09:
Increase in corporate profits: 54%
Increase in wages paid: 4%
Increase in corporate income taxes paid: 80%

---since the expansion peak in July '06
Increase in corporate profits: -7%
Increase in wages paid: 9%
Increase in total corporate taxes paid: +6%

Bottom line: corporate profits took a big hit, employee pay went up, taxes soared. The fact that Democrats still hate corporations and want even higher taxes can only be explained as a pathological class warfare obsession.

Workers pay bad.

Corporate profits good.

Now the corporations are making the biggest profits ever and look at those workers. Those nasty workers. Getting what they deserve.

Are there no workhouses?
Are there no prisons?

I'm beginning to understand your belief system. You don't seem to have the ability to understand anything that undermines your beliefs.

"Facts can change. My beliefs will never change."

Somehow I thought he had to be joking so I spelt it out for him--
...reality as admitted by Obama's official Economic Analysis:

Corporate profits down.

Corporate taxes paid up.

Corporate pay to workers up.

MSNBC lies.

--but you're probably right, he's just not the sharpest pencil in the drawer here.
Business appears to be doing what people and Government should have been. Saving for a rainy day.
Business appears to be doing what people and Government should have been. Saving for a rainy day.

What a refreshing voice of reason.

The mess we're in now is due to decisions made in the past.

Apparently many people on this board have a great deal of difficulty understanding that cause/effect concept.
They have the profits to hire people with.

They should hire some people if they dont want their taxes to go up.

If they want to prove to this country we can solve this mess without raising their taxes then get to hiring.
People with no business accumen telling business what to do is a big part of why we are in this mess in the first place.
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