Corporate Terrorism

Why don't you use your grown up words and tell us about these corporate terrorist and their violent intimidation tactics...and what this has to do with a building's structural failure in India. Those are your words, not mine, so, please enlighten us.
One day after governmental authorities asked capitalists in Bangladesh to evacuate a factory employing three thousand workers, the building collapsed. If your enlightened definition of terrorism includes using violence to intimidate or coerce workers from forming unions to ensure the buildings they work in aren't likely to collapse, you might check with Aminul Islam, one of the key organizers of the Bangladesh Center for Worker Solidarity; except he was beaten to death with his body "littered with the marks of torture" over a year ago.

Sounds like authorities in India have a criminal case against the building's owner as well as civil cases. Same for whoever killed the organizer. Pretty sure murder is illegal in India too. So, far, you've told us nothing we don't all know.

Rich Dick Cheney, maybe?

Wow, you really pulled that one out of your ass. But please, tell us exactly what Dick Cheney did to cause, contribute to, to interfere with the building collapsing. Or wait, are you saying Cheney tortured and killed the organizer?

My goodness you're delusional.

If you require additional enlightenment, read Marx:

:lol: Apparently you are not capable of using YOUR grown up words. Good luck with that.

Fail...again and again and again. Does it get old for you?
Sounds more like you still have your head stuck up Rich Dick's ass.
You asked for examples of corporate terror and I provided one.
Need more?
April 2005, another garment factory collapse in Savar murdering 75 workers.
Feb. 2006, corporate terror claimed another 18 surplus lives.
June 2006 corporate capital extinguished another 25 more workers.
Did you already know that?
Are you "pretty sure" the rich parasites responsible for the above crimes know laws were violated?
Or maybe you're too delu$ional to care?
(Maybe you're getting to old for this?)
Oil companies don't get any welfare, moron.
How much of the operating costs of the US Fifth Fleet are being picked up by US oil companies, Einstein?

"The Fifth Fleet of the United States Navy is responsible for naval forces in the Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Arabian Sea, and coast off East Africa as far south as Kenya. It shares a commander and headquarters with U.S. Naval Forces Central Command (NAVCENT)."

The U.S. military makes doing business internationally safe for corporations. We of the US Navy provided safe shipping lanes for oil companies and others to operate and profit worldwide. This is what many people don't understand. If you're a private citizen in trouble in a foreign country you're on your own. The saying when we're having our military go the rescue? We're sending the military to "protect our interests" This always means the interests of big business.
And when these companies claim residence in other regions of the world to avoid taxes? Many citizens rush to their defense. "They're the job providers" and the typical " too many lazy bums keep getting free stuff"
Here's a link on how corporations were initially treated during the first few years of our government's formation. Big money kept hammering away until a corporation is now regarded as a citizen, although a citizen that usually gets signing agreements and penalties after years of appeals instead of jail time unlike the rest of us when we're found guilty of criminal acts.

Our Hidden History of Corporations in the United States
Big money did most of that hammering away from our political process, as well.
The corporation as we know it today is almost entirely a creation of the courts:

"Then the courts and the corporate lawyers came along and created a whole new body of doctrine which gave corporations authority and power that they never had before.

"If you look at the background of it, it's the same background that led to fascism and Bolshevism.

"A lot of it was supported by people called progressives, for these reasons: They said, individual rights are gone.

"We are in a period of corporatization of power, consolidation of power, centralization. That's supposed to be good if you're a progressive, like a Marxist-Leninist.

"Out of that same background came three major things: fascism, Bolshevism, and corporate tyranny.

"They all grew out of the same more or less Hegelian roots."

Education is Ignorance, by Noam Chomsky (Excerpted from Class Warfare)

It is amazing how a free people have no problem with leaving their democracy behind when they enter their workplace.
One day after governmental authorities asked capitalists in Bangladesh to evacuate a factory employing three thousand workers, the building collapsed. If your enlightened definition of terrorism includes using violence to intimidate or coerce workers from forming unions to ensure the buildings they work in aren't likely to collapse, you might check with Aminul Islam, one of the key organizers of the Bangladesh Center for Worker Solidarity; except he was beaten to death with his body "littered with the marks of torture" over a year ago.

Sounds like authorities in India have a criminal case against the building's owner as well as civil cases. Same for whoever killed the organizer. Pretty sure murder is illegal in India too. So, far, you've told us nothing we don't all know.

Wow, you really pulled that one out of your ass. But please, tell us exactly what Dick Cheney did to cause, contribute to, to interfere with the building collapsing. Or wait, are you saying Cheney tortured and killed the organizer?

My goodness you're delusional.

If you require additional enlightenment, read Marx:

:lol: Apparently you are not capable of using YOUR grown up words. Good luck with that.

Fail...again and again and again. Does it get old for you?
Sounds more like you still have your head stuck up Rich Dick's ass.

You seem to have an obsession with Dick Cheney's private parts. Something you'd like to get off your chest?

You asked for examples of corporate terror and I provided one.
Need more?
April 2005, another garment factory collapse in Savar murdering 75 workers.
Feb. 2006, corporate terror claimed another 18 surplus lives.
June 2006 corporate capital extinguished another 25 more workers.

No, you showed us an example of a building collapsing. Tell us how that never happens in socialist/communist or any non-capitalist countries.

God you're dumb.

Are you "pretty sure" the rich parasites responsible for the above crimes know laws were violated?

When a building collapsed in Soviet Russia, who did you blame for that? Rich capitalists or central planners?

Or maybe you're too delu$ional to care?
(Maybe you're getting to old for this?)

You have failed to connect Dick Cheney, WalMart or capitalism to a structural failure in India. But hey, you did get to spout about more Marxist nonsense, so there's that...
Maybe I should type slower, Stupid.

I've shown numerous examples of corrupt capitalists in India who may well be responsible for hundreds of deaths. Your brilliant counter was to point out corrupt bureaucrats in Russia who may well be just as greedy as the face you see every time you shave.

What's your conclusion...
Capitalists are no better than greedy communists?

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