Corporate Terrorism

In a free market, competition for employees would force companies like that out of business.

The problem isn't free markets. The problem is coroporations manipulating governments to pass regulations to stifle competition.
Corporations don't seem particularly committed to democracy.
They come from the same philosophical place as fascism and Bolshevism, and a hundred years ago progressives in the US were among their strongest champions:

"They (US Progressives) said, individual rights are gone. We are in a period of corporatization of power, consolidation of power, centralization.

"That's supposed to be good if you're a progressive, like a Marxist-Leninist. Out of that same background came three major things: fascism, Bolshevism, and corporate tyranny.

"They all grew out of the same more or less Hegelian roots.

"It's fairly recent.

"We think of corporations as immutable, but they were designed. It was a conscious design which worked as Adam Smith said: the principal architects of policy consolidate state power and use it for their interests."

Education is Ignorance, by Noam Chomsky (Excerpted from Class Warfare)

When Smith used the term "free market" he was referring to a market free of undue rentier influence.
Today we would say a market free of undue FIRE sector wealth influence.
Which is hard to find.
FIRE folks want a market free of all regulations except those that stifle competition.
And Republicans AND Democrats trip over themselves providing those regulations.
From Bangladesh to West, Texas the use of violence to intimidate or coerce for economic or political ends is firmly underwritten by the global "free market."

"On Wednesday, April 24, a day after Bangladeshi authorities asked the owners to evacuate their garment factory that employed almost three thousand workers, the building collapsed. [snip]

"Rescue workers were able to save two thousand people as of this writing, with confirmation that over three hundred are dead. [snip]

"This 'accident' comes five months (November 24, 2012) after the Tazreen garment factory fire that killed at least one hundred and twelve workers.

Inspectors can't make it better. Every disaster has folders full of inspector reports that prove either fraud or nonenforcement. Want proof? Ask yourself why the government "asked" the owners to close the building? Inspectors is the reason.

All that works are criminal penalties. If the owners are put to death, then other owners will think twice. Short of that, nothing is going to change. Civil penalties don't work because insurance covers those.

Can we put drug addicts to death too when they commit carnage? Lets have a liitle equality for wrong doing. How about machine gunning down the next flash mob of vandals. You know those who add nothing.
Please say we can start with you.

Thanks to Obama... the guy you voted for twice....
why can't lefties just boycott all corporations and quit with the bitching? just do yer business with small mom and pop business and stfu.
How do liberals or conservatives ignore the effects Goldman Sachs has on rising food prices?
Speculation like that impacts millions of us, and the only option is to stop eating.
The rich are NOT your friends.
why can't lefties just boycott all corporations and quit with the bitching? just do yer business with small mom and pop business and stfu.
How do liberals or conservatives ignore the effects Goldman Sachs has on rising food prices?
Speculation like that impacts millions of us, and the only option is to stop eating.
The rich are NOT your friends.

The problem is Government does things it does not have powers to do... Then people like Obama tell us we all need to pay more taxes to pay for this countries welfare, then when pressed he means the top 1%.... then when pressed more he means the top 2%....

If Government didn't do welfare at all, this would be a 100% non issue as it wouldn't exist. The answer is to get rid of all federal welfare/subsidies.
why can't lefties just boycott all corporations and quit with the bitching? just do yer business with small mom and pop business and stfu.
How do liberals or conservatives ignore the effects Goldman Sachs has on rising food prices?
Speculation like that impacts millions of us, and the only option is to stop eating.
The rich are NOT your friends.

Speculation has virtually no effect on end prices, particularly in food markets. The markets are simply too big to manipulate.
From Bangladesh to West, Texas the use of violence to intimidate or coerce for economic or political ends is firmly underwritten by the global "free market."

"On Wednesday, April 24, a day after Bangladeshi authorities asked the owners to evacuate their garment factory that employed almost three thousand workers, the building collapsed. [snip]

"Rescue workers were able to save two thousand people as of this writing, with confirmation that over three hundred are dead. [snip]

"This 'accident' comes five months (November 24, 2012) after the Tazreen garment factory fire that killed at least one hundred and twelve workers.

Inspectors can't make it better. Every disaster has folders full of inspector reports that prove either fraud or nonenforcement. Want proof? Ask yourself why the government "asked" the owners to close the building? Inspectors is the reason.

All that works are criminal penalties. If the owners are put to death, then other owners will think twice. Short of that, nothing is going to change. Civil penalties don't work because insurance covers those.

Can we put drug addicts to death too when they commit carnage? Lets have a liitle equality for wrong doing. How about machine gunning down the next flash mob of vandals. You know those who add nothing.


Not sure what a one-off spree has to do with systematized crime. A second year law student could make a RICO case against the factory in tejas, for example - if upstream officials would allow it.
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From Bangladesh to West, Texas the use of violence to intimidate or coerce for economic or political ends is firmly underwritten by the global "free market."

"On Wednesday, April 24, a day after Bangladeshi authorities asked the owners to evacuate their garment factory that employed almost three thousand workers, the building collapsed.

"The building, Rana Plaza, located in the Dhaka suburb of Savar, produced garments for the commodity chain that stretches from the cotton fields of South Asia through Bangladesh’s machines and workers to the retail houses in the Atlantic world.

"Famous name brands were stitched here, as are clothes that hang on the satanic shelves of Wal-Mart.

"Rescue workers were able to save two thousand people as of this writing, with confirmation that over three hundred are dead.

"The numbers for the latter are fated to rise. It is well worth mentioning that the death toll in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in New York City of 1911 was one hundred and forty six.

"The death toll here is already twice that.

"This 'accident' comes five months (November 24, 2012) after the Tazreen garment factory fire that killed at least one hundred and twelve workers."

Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Your point seems to be that every industrial accident that has ever occurred is the fault of capitalism. Is that accurate?
Did unions and the EPA keep West, Texas from almost being blown off the map?
I can only advise you to think locally, not globally when it comes to attacking capitalism; as it's just more relative and real that way.

At least your honest about the fact that you hate capitalism.
...the use of violence to intimidate or coerce...

I see that a building collapsed in India. Okay.

Who used violence to intimidate and coerce? And how is a building falling down a condemnation of free markets? Have buildings never collapsed under centrally planned economies?

In other words, what in the fuck are you talking about?
Corporate terrorism.
You confused? (again)

We're confused as to how capitalism is responsible for every single problem in the world.
Inspectors can't make it better. Every disaster has folders full of inspector reports that prove either fraud or nonenforcement. Want proof? Ask yourself why the government "asked" the owners to close the building? Inspectors is the reason.

All that works are criminal penalties. If the owners are put to death, then other owners will think twice. Short of that, nothing is going to change. Civil penalties don't work because insurance covers those.

You and G. Phillip must expect a 'perfect world'.
You are both in for many a future let-down.
Perfection isn't possible, but that doesn't preclude improving an economic model that concentrates more and more wealth in fewer and fewer hands with each passing generation. Eventually, levels of economic inequality will CRASH this economy loudly enough to focus your attention the same way 911 did.

Who will you blame?

That's Marxist horseshit.
From Bangladesh to West, Texas the use of violence to intimidate or coerce for economic or political ends is firmly underwritten by the global "free market."

"On Wednesday, April 24, a day after Bangladeshi authorities asked the owners to evacuate their garment factory that employed almost three thousand workers, the building collapsed. [snip]

"Rescue workers were able to save two thousand people as of this writing, with confirmation that over three hundred are dead. [snip]

"This 'accident' comes five months (November 24, 2012) after the Tazreen garment factory fire that killed at least one hundred and twelve workers.

Inspectors can't make it better. Every disaster has folders full of inspector reports that prove either fraud or nonenforcement. Want proof? Ask yourself why the government "asked" the owners to close the building? Inspectors is the reason.

All that works are criminal penalties. If the owners are put to death, then other owners will think twice. Short of that, nothing is going to change. Civil penalties don't work because insurance covers those.

You and G. Phillip must expect a 'perfect world'.
You are both in for many a future let-down.

It makes me sad to see such a clear demonstration of the failure of public education as this:
You and G. Phillip must expect a 'perfect world'.​
Projecting your own ignorance or naivete onto others is the mark of a weak mind. State what you know and go from there. Pretending to be hard to a hard man just makes you look... sophomoric. At 63 and having lived a life most can't imagine, most of my disappointments are behind me, son. The Kellys were right, however; the best revenge is living well. Thank God for that.
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And U.S. is protecting one of the biggest corporate terrorist Warren Anderson who murdered over 4000 people and injured a half a million people.

ROFL! sorry, but the Indian government is responsible for the Bhopal disaster.

Warren Anderson (American businessman) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In August 2009, a UCC spokesperson said Union Carbide had no role in operating the plant at the time as the factory was owned, managed and operated by employees of Union Carbide India Limited.

How about we give the death penalty to any Marxist asshole like you who goes around accusing innocent Americans of capital crimes?
You and G. Phillip must expect a 'perfect world'.
You are both in for many a future let-down.
They don't expect a perfect world. But they are voicing an opinion about something you might wish to add your own voice to. It can't hurt and if enough people stand with you it just might help.
Given the level of suspicion the founding generation of Americans had for corporations, you would think more conservatives would question the principal tool for wealth creation during the last 150 years.

18th century corporations were nothing like modern corporations. In those days a corporation was a monopoly the king granted to some of his cronies in exchange for kickbacks. That's sort of what Obama thinks corporations should be, but not conservatives.

Chomsky puts it this way:

"It's the same when you read Jefferson. He lived a half century later, so he saw state capitalism developing, and he despised it, of course. He said it's going to lead to a form of absolutism worse than the one we defended ourselves against.

"In fact, if you run through this whole period you see a very clear, sharp critique of what we would later call capitalism and certainly of the twentieth century version of it, which is designed to destroy individual, even entrepreneurial capitalism."

Education is Ignorance, by Noam Chomsky (Excerpted from Class Warfare)

Chomsky is a Maoist and a liar, so you don't improve your credibility by quoting him.
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why can't lefties just boycott all corporations and quit with the bitching? just do yer business with small mom and pop business and stfu.

You know what's really funny about all these lefties who want to execute CEOs? They all claim they aren't Marxists or communists!
From Bangladesh to West, Texas the use of violence to intimidate or coerce for economic or political ends is firmly underwritten by the global "free market."

"On Wednesday, April 24, a day after Bangladeshi authorities asked the owners to evacuate their garment factory that employed almost three thousand workers, the building collapsed.

"The building, Rana Plaza, located in the Dhaka suburb of Savar, produced garments for the commodity chain that stretches from the cotton fields of South Asia through Bangladesh’s machines and workers to the retail houses in the Atlantic world.

"Famous name brands were stitched here, as are clothes that hang on the satanic shelves of Wal-Mart.

"Rescue workers were able to save two thousand people as of this writing, with confirmation that over three hundred are dead.

"The numbers for the latter are fated to rise. It is well worth mentioning that the death toll in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in New York City of 1911 was one hundred and forty six.

"The death toll here is already twice that.

"This 'accident' comes five months (November 24, 2012) after the Tazreen garment factory fire that killed at least one hundred and twelve workers."

Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Your point seems to be that every industrial accident that has ever occurred is the fault of capitalism. Is that accurate?
If we define when "industry" began relative to capitalism.

"...It is well worth mentioning that the death toll in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in New York City of 1911 was one hundred and forty six. The death toll here is already twice that. This 'accident' comes five months (November 24, 2012) after the Tazreen garment factory fire that killed at least one hundred and twelve workers."

Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Capitalism is known for asking workers to sacrifice their labor on the altar of a private collective that basically treats human beings as just another cog in a vast private profit making machine. When the first Industrial Revolution took off, one of its axioms was the machine would one day replace the need for humans to labor for their daily bread. That would seem to require sharing the surplus labor differently than today's capitalists prefer.
Your point seems to be that every industrial accident that has ever occurred is the fault of capitalism. Is that accurate?
If we define when "industry" began relative to capitalism.

"...It is well worth mentioning that the death toll in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in New York City of 1911 was one hundred and forty six. The death toll here is already twice that. This 'accident' comes five months (November 24, 2012) after the Tazreen garment factory fire that killed at least one hundred and twelve workers."

Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Capitalism is known for asking workers to sacrifice their labor on the altar of a private collective that basically treats human beings as just another cog in a vast private profit making machine. When the first Industrial Revolution took off, one of its axioms was the machine would one day replace the need for humans to labor for their daily bread. That would seem to require sharing the surplus labor differently than today's capitalists prefer.

So was Chernobyl also the fault of capitalism?

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