Corporations ≠ people

the excessive pay of a lot of CEOs against the wishes of shareholders even shows a flaw in structure tho that may be getting better,.... slowly. no, they are not "inherently" evil

Lobbying is a problem too.

expanding representation in the US House, to follow population growth, as we once did would disperse power and help a bit in that regard I think.

what defines "excessive" ? Does Beyonce make an "excessive" amount of money? how about Tom Brady? Madonna? Is their contribution to society worth that much more than yours or mine?

I will never understand why libs attack CEOs but care nothing about what entertainers and athletes make. Who the fuck do you think is paying their incomes? You and me in the price of everything we buy.
I will never understand a person like you you think the CEO Chicago from 3 million a year the 20 million a year and every employee should take a pay cut

Why would I support that? I don't. Are those people forced to work for that company? What is CEO Chicago?
I'm using talk to text and that was a mistake. you don't understand that we are all forced to work for whatever companies are out there and if they're all not paying well then I guess we are stuck or forced to work for them. if you left your job what competitor would pay you more?

Sorry, dude but life is not fair, never was, never will be. Some people will always have more stuff than others. Accept reality and enjoy your time on earth.
this reminds me of how religion teaches people to cope with their situation rather than change it. I'd rather try and change my situation then just accept it but of course that's what the CEOs want
should this private property have a say in our politics? The shareholders all get to vote in the election correct?

Sure, the shareholders are a group of people with a common interest. Same as unions are a group of people with a common interest. As long as everything is voluntary and not coercive.

you are so naive. my brother is a vice president and the way he tells it shareholders are CEOs of other companies so they compensate the CEO of your company the same way they want to be compensated. and of course when you get to say what you're worth the sky's the limit. it is ridiculous what they pay themselves

what is your solution? government income control? would such control apply to Oprah and Whoopi?
how about no CEO can make more than 100 or 200 or 50 times the lowest paid worker in any company?

should this private property have a say in our politics? The shareholders all get to vote in the election correct?

Sure, the shareholders are a group of people with a common interest. Same as unions are a group of people with a common interest. As long as everything is voluntary and not coercive.

you are so naive. my brother is a vice president and the way he tells it shareholders are CEOs of other companies so they compensate the CEO of your company the same way they want to be compensated. and of course when you get to say what you're worth the sky's the limit. it is ridiculous what they pay themselves

what is your solution? government income control? would such control apply to Oprah and Whoopi?
how about no CEO can make more than 100 or 200 or 50 times the lowest paid worker in any company?

What gives the federal govt the right to tell a company what to pay its employees? You do understand that the CEO is an employee don't you?

Would that rule apply in the NFL and NBA? Would Brady and James be limited to 100 times the pay of the equipment manager? How about Oprah and Beyonce? Should their income be limited to 100 times the pay of their lowest paid employee?

Why do you libs assume that CEOs are inherently evil? Most give huge amounts to charity.
I totally agree with her, set a limit on how much a CEO or owner can make against it's lowest employee, they can make as much as they want as long as the it lowest employee don't make 200 or 500 times less, that is fair.
you are so naive. my brother is a vice president and the way he tells it shareholders are CEOs of other companies so they compensate the CEO of your company the same way they want to be compensated. and of course when you get to say what you're worth the sky's the limit. it is ridiculous what they pay themselves

what is your solution? government income control? would such control apply to Oprah and Whoopi?
how about no CEO can make more than 100 or 200 or 50 times the lowest paid worker in any company?

you are so naive. my brother is a vice president and the way he tells it shareholders are CEOs of other companies so they compensate the CEO of your company the same way they want to be compensated. and of course when you get to say what you're worth the sky's the limit. it is ridiculous what they pay themselves

what is your solution? government income control? would such control apply to Oprah and Whoopi?
how about no CEO can make more than 100 or 200 or 50 times the lowest paid worker in any company?

What gives the federal govt the right to tell a company what to pay its employees? You do understand that the CEO is an employee don't you?

Would that rule apply in the NFL and NBA? Would Brady and James be limited to 100 times the pay of the equipment manager? How about Oprah and Beyonce? Should their income be limited to 100 times the pay of their lowest paid employee?

Why do you libs assume that CEOs are inherently evil? Most give huge amounts to charity.
don't the owners in football all get together and Khulood? Unti players in unions? Are the employees very paid well and very representative? if normal corporations paid as well as the NFL does we wouldn't be having this conversation. many more employees should go Union like the NFL players do

If all corporations paid like the NFL, your big mac would cost $20 and a loaf of bread would cost $15. How would higher prices improve your life? If you make more money but everything you buy costs more, what have you gained?
the point I'm trying to make is the NFL pays their employees what they are worth. the guy hanging out popcorn or checking people's tickets is not making millions are they? No but are the important employees making what they should be yes at many many companies the employees are not make me what they should and the CEOs are making more than they should bottom line
you are so naive. my brother is a vice president and the way he tells it shareholders are CEOs of other companies so they compensate the CEO of your company the same way they want to be compensated. and of course when you get to say what you're worth the sky's the limit. it is ridiculous what they pay themselves

what is your solution? government income control? would such control apply to Oprah and Whoopi?
how about no CEO can make more than 100 or 200 or 50 times the lowest paid worker in any company?

you are so naive. my brother is a vice president and the way he tells it shareholders are CEOs of other companies so they compensate the CEO of your company the same way they want to be compensated. and of course when you get to say what you're worth the sky's the limit. it is ridiculous what they pay themselves

what is your solution? government income control? would such control apply to Oprah and Whoopi?
how about no CEO can make more than 100 or 200 or 50 times the lowest paid worker in any company?

What gives the federal govt the right to tell a company what to pay its employees? You do understand that the CEO is an employee don't you?

Would that rule apply in the NFL and NBA? Would Brady and James be limited to 100 times the pay of the equipment manager? How about Oprah and Beyonce? Should their income be limited to 100 times the pay of their lowest paid employee?

Why do you libs assume that CEOs are inherently evil? Most give huge amounts to charity.
don't the owners in football all get together and Khulood? Unti players in unions? Are the employees very paid well and very representative? if normal corporations paid as well as the NFL does we wouldn't be having this conversation. many more employees should go Union like the NFL players do

If all corporations paid like the NFL, your big mac would cost $20 and a loaf of bread would cost $15. How would higher prices improve your life? If you make more money but everything you buy costs more, what have you gained?
and just like the NFL CEO pay has gotten out of control and it probably is affecting prices on everything. can you tell me why a CEO's pay would go up from 3 million to 20 million in a few years? You tell me why that person is earning so much more today than they were a few years ago justified for me explain it other than that companies afraid they're going to lose him to another company is paying more sounds ridiculous
We condemn discrimination against people because it offends human dignity. By contrast, concern for human dignity does not require us to treat all businesses alike: to the contrary, hard experience teaches us that some businesses - drugs, banks, securities, common carriers - require more regulation than others. The tax code "discriminates" between for-profit and charitable organizations without offending anyone's dignity.

Why Personhood Matters

People and corporations should not be equal, even in the US, the country dominated by corporations.
1) Corporations are made up of people. As a result, legal entities embrace their values and their worldview. Without people there are no corporations.
2) Why don't we treat cities and even countries like human beings? The same applies to local communities. A group of people is not a separate person with his feelings, emotions and thoughts.

Can someone explain what is wrong with my logic?
There is nothing logical about corporate person-hood, it is a concept that lawyers invented to give big business the political power of a person, a person that can shout down any number of actual persons, buy any amount of influence, that can never be held wholly responsible for their actions and never die.

The irony is that these fake conservatives who support corporate personhood are being the ultimate collectivists. Corporate personhood is the collectivism in the extreme.

Bullshit. If Walmart was not considered a legal person, its employees could be held liable for acts of the corporation, they could be sued individually if someone was injured in a store.

this is not anywhere near what you libtards are trying to make it.
The issue of corporate person-hood is not in the necessary limited liability of a corporation, it is in their ability to readily exercise control over government policy and buy elections far in excess of any actual person all because they have been granted special 1st amendment rights that exceed our own.

Oh good. More socialist bleating.

Corporations exercise no such "control" in the reality.

And their right to freedom of speech is exactly equal to ours.
I think of CEOs like I do Alex Rodriguez. may be high performers some years maybe not others but regardless overpaid every year. and if you pay a CEO so much for fear of him leaving maybe employees need to unionize again so you fear us striking on your asses if you don't pay us fairly
Sure, the shareholders are a group of people with a common interest. Same as unions are a group of people with a common interest. As long as everything is voluntary and not coercive.

you are so naive. my brother is a vice president and the way he tells it shareholders are CEOs of other companies so they compensate the CEO of your company the same way they want to be compensated. and of course when you get to say what you're worth the sky's the limit. it is ridiculous what they pay themselves

what is your solution? government income control? would such control apply to Oprah and Whoopi?
how about no CEO can make more than 100 or 200 or 50 times the lowest paid worker in any company?

Sure, the shareholders are a group of people with a common interest. Same as unions are a group of people with a common interest. As long as everything is voluntary and not coercive.

you are so naive. my brother is a vice president and the way he tells it shareholders are CEOs of other companies so they compensate the CEO of your company the same way they want to be compensated. and of course when you get to say what you're worth the sky's the limit. it is ridiculous what they pay themselves

what is your solution? government income control? would such control apply to Oprah and Whoopi?
how about no CEO can make more than 100 or 200 or 50 times the lowest paid worker in any company?

What gives the federal govt the right to tell a company what to pay its employees? You do understand that the CEO is an employee don't you?

Would that rule apply in the NFL and NBA? Would Brady and James be limited to 100 times the pay of the equipment manager? How about Oprah and Beyonce? Should their income be limited to 100 times the pay of their lowest paid employee?

Why do you libs assume that CEOs are inherently evil? Most give huge amounts to charity.
I totally agree with her, set a limit on how much a CEO or owner can make against it's lowest employee, they can make as much as they want as long as the it lowest employee don't make 200 or 500 times less, that is fair.

why is that fair? who decides what % is fair? CEO pay is determined by the board of directors and the shareholders. I agree that what some CEOs make is obscene, but their pay is not taking money out of the pockets of the employees, and since most employees are also shareholders, good CEO decisions increase the wealth of employee/shareholders.
what is your solution? government income control? would such control apply to Oprah and Whoopi?
how about no CEO can make more than 100 or 200 or 50 times the lowest paid worker in any company?

what is your solution? government income control? would such control apply to Oprah and Whoopi?
how about no CEO can make more than 100 or 200 or 50 times the lowest paid worker in any company?

What gives the federal govt the right to tell a company what to pay its employees? You do understand that the CEO is an employee don't you?

Would that rule apply in the NFL and NBA? Would Brady and James be limited to 100 times the pay of the equipment manager? How about Oprah and Beyonce? Should their income be limited to 100 times the pay of their lowest paid employee?

Why do you libs assume that CEOs are inherently evil? Most give huge amounts to charity.
don't the owners in football all get together and Khulood? Unti players in unions? Are the employees very paid well and very representative? if normal corporations paid as well as the NFL does we wouldn't be having this conversation. many more employees should go Union like the NFL players do

If all corporations paid like the NFL, your big mac would cost $20 and a loaf of bread would cost $15. How would higher prices improve your life? If you make more money but everything you buy costs more, what have you gained?
and just like the NFL CEO pay has gotten out of control and it probably is affecting prices on everything. can you tell me why a CEO's pay would go up from 3 million to 20 million in a few years? You tell me why that person is earning so much more today than they were a few years ago justified for me explain it other than that companies afraid they're going to lose him to another company is paying more sounds ridiculous

then don't buy their products if you don't like their pay scales. How is if affecting you personally? Is it just jealousy?
you are so naive. my brother is a vice president and the way he tells it shareholders are CEOs of other companies so they compensate the CEO of your company the same way they want to be compensated. and of course when you get to say what you're worth the sky's the limit. it is ridiculous what they pay themselves

what is your solution? government income control? would such control apply to Oprah and Whoopi?
how about no CEO can make more than 100 or 200 or 50 times the lowest paid worker in any company?

you are so naive. my brother is a vice president and the way he tells it shareholders are CEOs of other companies so they compensate the CEO of your company the same way they want to be compensated. and of course when you get to say what you're worth the sky's the limit. it is ridiculous what they pay themselves

what is your solution? government income control? would such control apply to Oprah and Whoopi?
how about no CEO can make more than 100 or 200 or 50 times the lowest paid worker in any company?

What gives the federal govt the right to tell a company what to pay its employees? You do understand that the CEO is an employee don't you?

Would that rule apply in the NFL and NBA? Would Brady and James be limited to 100 times the pay of the equipment manager? How about Oprah and Beyonce? Should their income be limited to 100 times the pay of their lowest paid employee?

Why do you libs assume that CEOs are inherently evil? Most give huge amounts to charity.
I totally agree with her, set a limit on how much a CEO or owner can make against it's lowest employee, they can make as much as they want as long as the it lowest employee don't make 200 or 500 times less, that is fair.

why is that fair? who decides what % is fair? CEO pay is determined by the board of directors and the shareholders. I agree that what some CEOs make is obscene, but their pay is not taking money out of the pockets of the employees, and since most employees are also shareholders, good CEO decisions increase the wealth of employee/shareholders.
we all know all that and to be honest nobody is trying to regulate the co-pay we would just hope they Greg you like themselves a little better if an employee hasn't gotten a raise in 10 years and your payment from 3 million 220 million f*** you we need a list and boycotts companies like that that's what we need to do f****** Union just nationally publicly socially Shane them bastards
I think of CEOs like I do Alex Rodriguez. may be high performers some years maybe not others but regardless overpaid every year. and if you pay a CEO so much for fear of him leaving maybe employees need to unionize again so you fear us striking on your asses if you don't pay us fairly

Unions have largely failed in this day and age. They were good and useful at one time. Nowadays, a union is nothing more than another business, operating for its own profits. You do realize that the head of the union makes about as much as the CEO of the company you work for, right?
I think of CEOs like I do Alex Rodriguez. may be high performers some years maybe not others but regardless overpaid every year. and if you pay a CEO so much for fear of him leaving maybe employees need to unionize again so you fear us striking on your asses if you don't pay us fairly

Unions are nothing today but fund raisers for the dems. we have laws to protect workers from the things unions were started for.
what is your solution? government income control? would such control apply to Oprah and Whoopi?
how about no CEO can make more than 100 or 200 or 50 times the lowest paid worker in any company?

what is your solution? government income control? would such control apply to Oprah and Whoopi?
how about no CEO can make more than 100 or 200 or 50 times the lowest paid worker in any company?

What gives the federal govt the right to tell a company what to pay its employees? You do understand that the CEO is an employee don't you?

Would that rule apply in the NFL and NBA? Would Brady and James be limited to 100 times the pay of the equipment manager? How about Oprah and Beyonce? Should their income be limited to 100 times the pay of their lowest paid employee?

Why do you libs assume that CEOs are inherently evil? Most give huge amounts to charity.
I totally agree with her, set a limit on how much a CEO or owner can make against it's lowest employee, they can make as much as they want as long as the it lowest employee don't make 200 or 500 times less, that is fair.

why is that fair? who decides what % is fair? CEO pay is determined by the board of directors and the shareholders. I agree that what some CEOs make is obscene, but their pay is not taking money out of the pockets of the employees, and since most employees are also shareholders, good CEO decisions increase the wealth of employee/shareholders.
we all know all that and to be honest nobody is trying to regulate the co-pay we would just hope they Greg you like themselves a little better if an employee hasn't gotten a raise in 10 years and your payment from 3 million 220 million f*** you we need a list and boycotts companies like that that's what we need to do f****** Union just nationally publicly socially Shane them bastards

why are you so angry? did some mean old CEO fire you?
how about no CEO can make more than 100 or 200 or 50 times the lowest paid worker in any company?

how about no CEO can make more than 100 or 200 or 50 times the lowest paid worker in any company?

What gives the federal govt the right to tell a company what to pay its employees? You do understand that the CEO is an employee don't you?

Would that rule apply in the NFL and NBA? Would Brady and James be limited to 100 times the pay of the equipment manager? How about Oprah and Beyonce? Should their income be limited to 100 times the pay of their lowest paid employee?

Why do you libs assume that CEOs are inherently evil? Most give huge amounts to charity.
don't the owners in football all get together and Khulood? Unti players in unions? Are the employees very paid well and very representative? if normal corporations paid as well as the NFL does we wouldn't be having this conversation. many more employees should go Union like the NFL players do

If all corporations paid like the NFL, your big mac would cost $20 and a loaf of bread would cost $15. How would higher prices improve your life? If you make more money but everything you buy costs more, what have you gained?
and just like the NFL CEO pay has gotten out of control and it probably is affecting prices on everything. can you tell me why a CEO's pay would go up from 3 million to 20 million in a few years? You tell me why that person is earning so much more today than they were a few years ago justified for me explain it other than that companies afraid they're going to lose him to another company is paying more sounds ridiculous

then don't buy their products if you don't like their pay scales. How is if affecting you personally? Is it just jealousy?
I just said we need to publicly know what companies are the biggest offenders of this. Walmart suffered lower profits because of the bad reputation. I haven't shopped there in years because of it. Put that a statistic on their BBB ratings for all to see call it the CEO to janitor ratio.

even as an American businessman if that company called me and wanted to do business I would think twice if I knew they were guilty of paying their employees low wages. but usually we don't know those statistics easy to find it should beeven as an american business man if that company called me and wanted to do business I would think twice if I knew they were guilty of paying low wagers.

I should start gathering this statistic and make my own website I'd be a millionaire
how about no CEO can make more than 100 or 200 or 50 times the lowest paid worker in any company?

how about no CEO can make more than 100 or 200 or 50 times the lowest paid worker in any company?

What gives the federal govt the right to tell a company what to pay its employees? You do understand that the CEO is an employee don't you?

Would that rule apply in the NFL and NBA? Would Brady and James be limited to 100 times the pay of the equipment manager? How about Oprah and Beyonce? Should their income be limited to 100 times the pay of their lowest paid employee?

Why do you libs assume that CEOs are inherently evil? Most give huge amounts to charity.
I totally agree with her, set a limit on how much a CEO or owner can make against it's lowest employee, they can make as much as they want as long as the it lowest employee don't make 200 or 500 times less, that is fair.

why is that fair? who decides what % is fair? CEO pay is determined by the board of directors and the shareholders. I agree that what some CEOs make is obscene, but their pay is not taking money out of the pockets of the employees, and since most employees are also shareholders, good CEO decisions increase the wealth of employee/shareholders.
we all know all that and to be honest nobody is trying to regulate the co-pay we would just hope they Greg you like themselves a little better if an employee hasn't gotten a raise in 10 years and your payment from 3 million 220 million f*** you we need a list and boycotts companies like that that's what we need to do f****** Union just nationally publicly socially Shane them bastards

why are you so angry? did some mean old CEO fire you?
I'm not angry I just want what's fair. I'm not in the Union I'm not a low wage worker I just happen to have empathy which you clearly lack. or a brain because you're probably not to see you you're probably just a worker bee so you are stupid arguing for the Co house slave
how about no CEO can make more than 100 or 200 or 50 times the lowest paid worker in any company?

how about no CEO can make more than 100 or 200 or 50 times the lowest paid worker in any company?

What gives the federal govt the right to tell a company what to pay its employees? You do understand that the CEO is an employee don't you?

Would that rule apply in the NFL and NBA? Would Brady and James be limited to 100 times the pay of the equipment manager? How about Oprah and Beyonce? Should their income be limited to 100 times the pay of their lowest paid employee?

Why do you libs assume that CEOs are inherently evil? Most give huge amounts to charity.
I totally agree with her, set a limit on how much a CEO or owner can make against it's lowest employee, they can make as much as they want as long as the it lowest employee don't make 200 or 500 times less, that is fair.

why is that fair? who decides what % is fair? CEO pay is determined by the board of directors and the shareholders. I agree that what some CEOs make is obscene, but their pay is not taking money out of the pockets of the employees, and since most employees are also shareholders, good CEO decisions increase the wealth of employee/shareholders.
we all know all that and to be honest nobody is trying to regulate the co-pay we would just hope they Greg you like themselves a little better if an employee hasn't gotten a raise in 10 years and your payment from 3 million 220 million f*** you we need a list and boycotts companies like that that's what we need to do f****** Union just nationally publicly socially Shane them bastards

why are you so angry? did some mean old CEO fire you?
and I notice when Republicans or conservatives run out of arguments they start to pull it personal which is why you asked me why I'm angry typical right-wing tactic.
What gives the federal govt the right to tell a company what to pay its employees? You do understand that the CEO is an employee don't you?

Would that rule apply in the NFL and NBA? Would Brady and James be limited to 100 times the pay of the equipment manager? How about Oprah and Beyonce? Should their income be limited to 100 times the pay of their lowest paid employee?

Why do you libs assume that CEOs are inherently evil? Most give huge amounts to charity.
don't the owners in football all get together and Khulood? Unti players in unions? Are the employees very paid well and very representative? if normal corporations paid as well as the NFL does we wouldn't be having this conversation. many more employees should go Union like the NFL players do

If all corporations paid like the NFL, your big mac would cost $20 and a loaf of bread would cost $15. How would higher prices improve your life? If you make more money but everything you buy costs more, what have you gained?
and just like the NFL CEO pay has gotten out of control and it probably is affecting prices on everything. can you tell me why a CEO's pay would go up from 3 million to 20 million in a few years? You tell me why that person is earning so much more today than they were a few years ago justified for me explain it other than that companies afraid they're going to lose him to another company is paying more sounds ridiculous

then don't buy their products if you don't like their pay scales. How is if affecting you personally? Is it just jealousy?
I just said we need to publicly know what companies are the biggest offenders of this. Walmart suffered lower profits because of the bad reputation. I haven't shopped there in years because of it. Put that a statistic on their BBB ratings for all to see call it the CEO to janitor ratio.

even as an American businessman if that company called me and wanted to do business I would think twice if I knew they were guilty of paying their employees low wages. but usually we don't know those statistics easy to find it should beeven as an american business man if that company called me and wanted to do business I would think twice if I knew they were guilty of paying low wagers.

I should start gathering this statistic and make my own website I'd be a millionaire

all corporate records are in the public domain. If you are interested you can find the pay of every corporate executive of every corporation.

But again, why do you care? How is it affecting you personally? I think you are just jealous of people who have more than you do.
Republicans also like to distract and change the argument from the topic that we were discussing too why am i angry? What a bunch of dicks
how about no CEO can make more than 100 or 200 or 50 times the lowest paid worker in any company?

how about no CEO can make more than 100 or 200 or 50 times the lowest paid worker in any company?

What gives the federal govt the right to tell a company what to pay its employees? You do understand that the CEO is an employee don't you?

Would that rule apply in the NFL and NBA? Would Brady and James be limited to 100 times the pay of the equipment manager? How about Oprah and Beyonce? Should their income be limited to 100 times the pay of their lowest paid employee?

Why do you libs assume that CEOs are inherently evil? Most give huge amounts to charity.
I totally agree with her, set a limit on how much a CEO or owner can make against it's lowest employee, they can make as much as they want as long as the it lowest employee don't make 200 or 500 times less, that is fair.

why is that fair? who decides what % is fair? CEO pay is determined by the board of directors and the shareholders. I agree that what some CEOs make is obscene, but their pay is not taking money out of the pockets of the employees, and since most employees are also shareholders, good CEO decisions increase the wealth of employee/shareholders.
we all know all that and to be honest nobody is trying to regulate the co-pay we would just hope they Greg you like themselves a little better if an employee hasn't gotten a raise in 10 years and your payment from 3 million 220 million f*** you we need a list and boycotts companies like that that's what we need to do f****** Union just nationally publicly socially Shane them bastards

why are you so angry? did some mean old CEO fire you?
The only one that seems to be angry is you, she is offering a suggestion and thinking out side the box, she is not talking minimum wage. She is talking: she don't care what a CEO MAKES as long as it's not 300% or 500% of the lowest worker.

A rising tide that lifts all boats

And helps small company's compete against the giants .
Corporations are designated as legal "persons" in order to protect the employees from personal liability for acts of the corporation. It is a legal definition.

The left has completely misinterpreted this to somehow demonize corporations, while its only purpose is to protect employees.

another ignorant position of the left.

And there is the answer.

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