Corporations ≠ people

The only one that seems to be angry is you, she is offering a suggestion and thinking out side the box, she is not talking minimum wage. She is talking: she don't care what a CEO MAKES as long as it's not 300% or 500% of the lowest worker.

A rising tide that lifts all boats

And helps small company's compete against the giants .

are you really that naive? Do you think GE would lower its prices if Imelt (obama's buddy whose corporation paid zero federal taxes) took a pay cut?
so you admit corporations pay zero federal taxes? Haha finally admitted something we've been telling you and you been denying. busted

The LIE that corporations pay zero federal taxes is just that. A lie.

If they use tax laws to minimize their payments, that's both fair and proper.

Address the unfairness of our tax laws.

Meanwhile, they SHOULDN'T pay any taxes. When the OWNERS get their distributions, they get hit HARD in taxes. Why the jolly green FUCK should they have paid taxes as the company earned the profits and THEN have to pay taxes AGAIN when they get their distributions (like, for example, by selling their shares)?

true, and the tax loopholes that libs rant about were put in place by the dems who controlled congress for most of the last 80 years.
boy you have a spin on everything. I started a thread in your honor. you admitting corporations pay zero taxes was my Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson a few good men moment. I can handle the truth

What I said is that the huge corporation GE paid no federal taxes because it offshored its profits and took full advantage of tax loopholes created by the dems who have controlled congress.

Obozo made Imelt (CEO of GE) his jobs czar while GE was moving facilities out of the USA in order to skip paying US taxes. Even you should see the problem with that.
are you really that naive? Do you think GE would lower its prices if Imelt (obama's buddy whose corporation paid zero federal taxes) took a pay cut?
so you admit corporations pay zero federal taxes? Haha finally admitted something we've been telling you and you been denying. busted

The LIE that corporations pay zero federal taxes is just that. A lie.

If they use tax laws to minimize their payments, that's both fair and proper.

Address the unfairness of our tax laws.

Meanwhile, they SHOULDN'T pay any taxes. When the OWNERS get their distributions, they get hit HARD in taxes. Why the jolly green FUCK should they have paid taxes as the company earned the profits and THEN have to pay taxes AGAIN when they get their distributions (like, for example, by selling their shares)?

true, and the tax loopholes that libs rant about were put in place by the dems who controlled congress for most of the last 80 years.
boy you have a spin on everything. I started a thread in your honor. you admitting corporations pay zero taxes was my Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson a few good men moment. I can handle the truth

The spin -- as almost all have noted already -- was entirely yours.

You are the one who undeniably cannot handle truth.

Thus your spin, distortion, dishonesty and bullshit posting efforts.

The ensuing display of utterly baseless self-congratulation you now provide is kind of sickening, but not unexpected.

It's not like anybody expects honesty from you. You can't even admit when you just had your ass publicly whupped.

he/she/it is a dem/lib, honesty is not a characteristic of dems or libs.
We condemn discrimination against people because it offends human dignity. By contrast, concern for human dignity does not require us to treat all businesses alike: to the contrary, hard experience teaches us that some businesses - drugs, banks, securities, common carriers - require more regulation than others. The tax code "discriminates" between for-profit and charitable organizations without offending anyone's dignity.

Why Personhood Matters

People and corporations should not be equal, even in the US, the country dominated by corporations.
1) Corporations are made up of people. As a result, legal entities embrace their values and their worldview. Without people there are no corporations.
2) Why don't we treat cities and even countries like human beings? The same applies to local communities. A group of people is not a separate person with his feelings, emotions and thoughts.

Can someone explain what is wrong with my logic?

No idea what you are talking about or that is supposed to even mean. This country is dominated by government and socialism, corporations like the people are their bitches
so you agree GE and companies taking advantage of those tax loopholes are not paying their fair share thank you I started another thread on it and I wish you would come over there and explain to everyone how she gets away with this.
so you agree GE and companies taking advantage of those tax loopholes are not paying their fair share thank you I started another thread on it and I wish you would come over there and explain to everyone how she gets away with this.

GE did not break any laws. They did not "get away" with anything. The problem is that our corporate tax laws are stupid and contrary to what is best for this country.
Sure, the shareholders are a group of people with a common interest. Same as unions are a group of people with a common interest. As long as everything is voluntary and not coercive.

you are so naive. my brother is a vice president and the way he tells it shareholders are CEOs of other companies so they compensate the CEO of your company the same way they want to be compensated. and of course when you get to say what you're worth the sky's the limit. it is ridiculous what they pay themselves

what is your solution? government income control? would such control apply to Oprah and Whoopi?
how about no CEO can make more than 100 or 200 or 50 times the lowest paid worker in any company?

Sure, the shareholders are a group of people with a common interest. Same as unions are a group of people with a common interest. As long as everything is voluntary and not coercive.

you are so naive. my brother is a vice president and the way he tells it shareholders are CEOs of other companies so they compensate the CEO of your company the same way they want to be compensated. and of course when you get to say what you're worth the sky's the limit. it is ridiculous what they pay themselves

what is your solution? government income control? would such control apply to Oprah and Whoopi?
how about no CEO can make more than 100 or 200 or 50 times the lowest paid worker in any company?

What gives the federal govt the right to tell a company what to pay its employees? You do understand that the CEO is an employee don't you?

Would that rule apply in the NFL and NBA? Would Brady and James be limited to 100 times the pay of the equipment manager? How about Oprah and Beyonce? Should their income be limited to 100 times the pay of their lowest paid employee?

Why do you libs assume that CEOs are inherently evil? Most give huge amounts to charity.
don't the owners in football all get together and Khulood? Unti players in unions? Are the employees very paid well and very representative? if normal corporations paid as well as the NFL does we wouldn't be having this conversation. many more employees should go Union like the NFL players do

"Khulood"??? I'm sorry but how old are you?
  1. come to a secret understanding for a harmful purpose; conspire.
    "university leaders colluded in price-rigging"

    I just have a problem with people who express opinions and yet they can't seem to use the Internet if there is any question about simple things like
    spelling. "Khulood" has a little red dotted line indicating it is misspelled. Why don't you take a little time and effort to use the internet and find the correct
    It just seems to degrade ANY comment if you can't follow simple red dotted line indicator of a misspelled word.
    Obviously you will have a problem with creditability with your employers if you can't even take a few seconds to check your spelling.
so you agree GE and companies taking advantage of those tax loopholes are not paying their fair share thank you I started another thread on it and I wish you would come over there and explain to everyone how she gets away with this.
Question regarding tax loopholes.
YOU in favor of CLOSING ALL tax write-offs I take it?

Before you do consider the affect on your life if ALL tax expenditures, i.e. tax write offs were eliminated.

Take a look at the below list and tell me what group gets the advantage of nearly $700 billion a year in tax loop hole write offs?
Without the tax write offs on health insurance/pension contributions...who would pay?
The working American!

Who gets to deduct child care PLUS get PAID by the government, i.e. "Earned Income tax credit"

Add all the below tax expenditures and who benefits most?

-- Employees' health insurance premiums deduction from taxes in 2013 $248 billion -- tax break paying
for employees' insurance... who benefits??? Employees... little people...
-- Employees' pension payments.. total deduction from taxes in 2013 $137 billion
-- Employee mortgage interest deductions in 2013 $ 70 billion...
-- Employee SS/Railroad benefits deductions benefitting employees.. in 2013 $33 billion
-- Earned income tax credit totally directly to the Little people $61 billion
-- Child tax credit meaning little people deduct $57 billion from their taxes
This is directly related to the Little people... the firemen Warren talked to.. a total of $606 billion or 66%
of the total deductions "i.e. TAX LOOPHOLES that are taken... 66% taken for the benefit of the employees/little people...
RIGHT let's take all those tax benefits away and that would mean $606 billion more income to the Federal government!
SO LET US BAN ALL tax loopholes OK???
YOU pay for your own health insurance, your own pension no more deductions OK???
Last edited:
so you agree GE and companies taking advantage of those tax loopholes are not paying their fair share thank you I started another thread on it and I wish you would come over there and explain to everyone how she gets away with this.
Question regarding tax loopholes.
YOU in favor of CLOSING ALL tax write-offs I take it?

Before you do consider the affect on your life if ALL tax expenditures, i.e. tax write offs were eliminated.

Take a look at the below list and tell me what group gets the advantage of nearly $700 billion a year in tax loop hole write offs?
Without the tax write offs on health insurance/pension contributions...who would pay?
The working American!

Who gets to deduct child care PLUS get PAID by the government, i.e. "Earned Income tax credit"

Add all the below tax expenditures and who benefits most?

-- Employees' health insurance premiums deduction from taxes in 2013 $248 billion -- tax break paying
for employees' insurance... who benefits??? Employees... little people...
-- Employees' pension payments.. total deduction from taxes in 2013 $137 billion
-- Employee mortgage interest deductions in 2013 $ 70 billion...
-- Employee SS/Railroad benefits deductions benefitting employees.. in 2013 $33 billion
-- Earned income tax credit totally directly to the Little people $61 billion
-- Child tax credit meaning little people deduct $57 billion from their taxes
This is directly related to the Little people... the firemen Warren talked to.. a total of $606 billion or 66%
of the total deductions "i.e. TAX LOOPHOLES that are taken... 66% taken for the benefit of the employees/little people...
RIGHT let's take all those tax benefits away and that would mean $606 billion more income to the Federal government!
SO LET US BANE ALL tax loopholes OK???
YOU pay for your own health insurance, your own pension no more deductions OK???
why would I even continue talking to liars I just had to come and within 5 minutes find the hypocrisy in you stupid f**** and redfish claiming he's a rich guy well then go ahead and vote GOP rich guy but don't try and convince the rest of us were stupid for not going along with you you idiots
The only one that seems to be angry is you, she is offering a suggestion and thinking out side the box, she is not talking minimum wage. She is talking: she don't care what a CEO MAKES as long as it's not 300% or 500% of the lowest worker.

A rising tide that lifts all boats

And helps small company's compete against the giants .

are you really that naive? Do you think GE would lower its prices if Imelt (obama's buddy whose corporation paid zero federal taxes) took a pay cut?
so you admit corporations pay zero federal taxes? Haha finally admitted something we've been telling you and you been denying. busted

The LIE that corporations pay zero federal taxes is just that. A lie.

If they use tax laws to minimize their payments, that's both fair and proper.

Address the unfairness of our tax laws.

Meanwhile, they SHOULDN'T pay any taxes. When the OWNERS get their distributions, they get hit HARD in taxes. Why the jolly green FUCK should they have paid taxes as the company earned the profits and THEN have to pay taxes AGAIN when they get their distributions (like, for example, by selling their shares)?

true, and the tax loopholes that libs rant about were put in place by the dems who controlled congress for most of the last 80 years.
boy you have a spin on everything. I started a thread in your honor. you admitting corporations pay zero taxes was my Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson a few good men moment. I can handle the truth
you are right as hell about limiting a CEO or owner how much he makes, but these dumb ducks can not figure it out.

Not everyone is a who're that goes to the higher bidder that needs and wants our skills.

We don't mind taking a pay cut to help small business compete if we get a piece of the pie.
What gives the federal govt the right to tell a company what to pay its employees? You do understand that the CEO is an employee don't you?

Would that rule apply in the NFL and NBA? Would Brady and James be limited to 100 times the pay of the equipment manager? How about Oprah and Beyonce? Should their income be limited to 100 times the pay of their lowest paid employee?

Why do you libs assume that CEOs are inherently evil? Most give huge amounts to charity.
I totally agree with her, set a limit on how much a CEO or owner can make against it's lowest employee, they can make as much as they want as long as the it lowest employee don't make 200 or 500 times less, that is fair.

why is that fair? who decides what % is fair? CEO pay is determined by the board of directors and the shareholders. I agree that what some CEOs make is obscene, but their pay is not taking money out of the pockets of the employees, and since most employees are also shareholders, good CEO decisions increase the wealth of employee/shareholders.
we all know all that and to be honest nobody is trying to regulate the co-pay we would just hope they Greg you like themselves a little better if an employee hasn't gotten a raise in 10 years and your payment from 3 million 220 million f*** you we need a list and boycotts companies like that that's what we need to do f****** Union just nationally publicly socially Shane them bastards

why are you so angry? did some mean old CEO fire you?
I'm not angry I just want what's fair. I'm not in the Union I'm not a low wage worker I just happen to have empathy which you clearly lack. or a brain because you're probably not to see you you're probably just a worker bee so you are stupid arguing for the Co house slave
I will defend you for weeks and months, you are right, they are wrong
are you really that naive? Do you think GE would lower its prices if Imelt (obama's buddy whose corporation paid zero federal taxes) took a pay cut?
so you admit corporations pay zero federal taxes? Haha finally admitted something we've been telling you and you been denying. busted

The LIE that corporations pay zero federal taxes is just that. A lie.

If they use tax laws to minimize their payments, that's both fair and proper.

Address the unfairness of our tax laws.

Meanwhile, they SHOULDN'T pay any taxes. When the OWNERS get their distributions, they get hit HARD in taxes. Why the jolly green FUCK should they have paid taxes as the company earned the profits and THEN have to pay taxes AGAIN when they get their distributions (like, for example, by selling their shares)?

true, and the tax loopholes that libs rant about were put in place by the dems who controlled congress for most of the last 80 years.
boy you have a spin on everything. I started a thread in your honor. you admitting corporations pay zero taxes was my Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson a few good men moment. I can handle the truth
you are right as hell about limiting a CEO or owner how much he makes, but these dumb ducks can not figure it out.

Not everyone is a who're that goes to the higher bidder that needs and wants our skills.

We don't mind taking a pay cut to help small business compete if we get a piece of the pie.

Where in the constitution does is allow the federal government to limit the income of any citizen?

Would you also apply income limits to entertainers and athletes? yes or no.
AGAIN share holders can pay a CEO a gazillion dollars we don't care, as long as the lowest employee don't earn say 500 times that amount

Small company's can compete.
I totally agree with her, set a limit on how much a CEO or owner can make against it's lowest employee, they can make as much as they want as long as the it lowest employee don't make 200 or 500 times less, that is fair.

why is that fair? who decides what % is fair? CEO pay is determined by the board of directors and the shareholders. I agree that what some CEOs make is obscene, but their pay is not taking money out of the pockets of the employees, and since most employees are also shareholders, good CEO decisions increase the wealth of employee/shareholders.
we all know all that and to be honest nobody is trying to regulate the co-pay we would just hope they Greg you like themselves a little better if an employee hasn't gotten a raise in 10 years and your payment from 3 million 220 million f*** you we need a list and boycotts companies like that that's what we need to do f****** Union just nationally publicly socially Shane them bastards

why are you so angry? did some mean old CEO fire you?
I'm not angry I just want what's fair. I'm not in the Union I'm not a low wage worker I just happen to have empathy which you clearly lack. or a brain because you're probably not to see you you're probably just a worker bee so you are stupid arguing for the Co house slave
I will defend you for weeks and months, you are right, they are wrong

Yeah, keep whining------------------"its just not fair" boo hoo. "it hurts my feeeeeeeeeeeeelings" waa, waa.

you are an idiot.
AGAIN share holders can pay a CEO a gazillion dollars we don't care, as long as the lowest employee don't earn say 500 times that amount

Small company's can compete.
So I understand... YOU don't care if CEOs make money AS long as the CEO doesn't make 500 times the amount of the employee?
AGAIN share holders can pay a CEO a gazillion dollars we don't care, as long as the lowest employee don't earn say 500 times that amount

Small company's can compete.
So I understand... YOU don't care if CEOs make money AS long as the CEO doesn't make 500 times the amount of the employee?
yea , good to see you understand

The competition can compete against the giants. So America don't turn into walley world....

I have turned down a shit load of jobs just because the place sucked, payed more money. But Not worth it.
AGAIN share holders can pay a CEO a gazillion dollars we don't care, as long as the lowest employee don't earn say 500 times that amount

Small company's can compete.
So I understand... YOU don't care if CEOs make money AS long as the CEO doesn't make 500 times the amount of the employee?
yea , good to see you understand

The competition can compete against the giants. So America don't turn into walley world....

I have turned down a shit load of jobs just because the place sucked, payed more money. But Not worth it.

Reducing CEO pay won't make small business more competitive. CEO pay is a tiny % of a corporate budget.
you live in a fantasy world of liberal bullshit.
Company A makes an assload of money. And it pays its CEO a huge salary. Maybe 501 times its lowest paid employees.

I am called upon to care.

But I don't.

And I cannot see the position of those who pretend I should care.

What fucking business is it of mine or yours?
Corporations like many of our media giants are owned in large shares and controlled by a Saudi Arabian Prince. The laws on the books say that 1. No foreign interest may own media in the US and 2. This is especially true of foreign Princes or leaders. The logic being that a foreign interest controlling the flow of information in the US might lead to infiltration and unravelling from inside. He uses proxies. Imagine he's not the only foreign bigwig who does to control internal trade in the US. It's all good right? Would never be used for nefarious purposes...oh never.

Yet still these foreign controlled/owned corporations are enjoying a loophole, courtesy of Citizen's United to be the most influential "citizens" without having to undergo naturalization and swearing the Oath of Allegiance to the United States.

This has always been my number one complaint with Citizen's United: providing a back door for disrupting our nation from within by foreign enemies. And before you go saying that Saudi Arabia "isn't our enemy", their monarchy has been giving monetary relief in the past to Al Qaida suicide bomber's surviving families. If you're a sick/ailing terrorist and you want your family to be well-tended in your absence; sign up for suicide bombing because your comfort is in providing for your family: a promise from Saudi Arabia: who bring you Prince Talal, owner of most of our media here in the US.

What excellent and trustworthy supercitizens our media corporations are, right?
Corporations like many of our media giants are owned in large shares and controlled by a Saudi Arabian Prince. The laws on the books say that 1. No foreign interest may own media in the US and 2. This is especially true of foreign Princes or leaders. The logic being that a foreign interest controlling the flow of information in the US might lead to infiltration and unravelling from inside. He uses proxies. Imagine he's not the only foreign bigwig who does to control internal trade in the US. It's all good right? Would never be used for nefarious purposes...oh never.

Yet still these foreign controlled/owned corporations are enjoying a loophole, courtesy of Citizen's United to be the most influential "citizens" without having to undergo naturalization and swearing the Oath of Allegiance to the United States.

This has always been my number one complaint with Citizen's United: providing a back door for disrupting our nation from within by foreign enemies. And before you go saying that Saudi Arabia "isn't our enemy", their monarchy has been giving monetary relief in the past to Al Qaida suicide bomber's surviving families. If you're a sick/ailing terrorist and you want your family to be well-tended in your absence; sign up for suicide bombing because your comfort is in providing for your family: a promise from Saudi Arabia: who bring you Prince Talal, owner of most of our media here in the US.

What excellent and trustworthy supercitizens our media corporations are, right?

Does your tin foil hat fit a little too tight ? I find it so ironic you are trying to make a point but resort to exaggeration hyperbole and absolutely no validation for your "Corporations like many of our media giants are owned in large shares and controlled by a Saudi Arabian Prince" exaggeration!
Give me FACTs as to exactly HOW many of our "media Giants" are under this Arabian Prince's thumb?

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