Corporations ≠ people

the excessive pay of a lot of CEOs against the wishes of shareholders even shows a flaw in structure tho that may be getting better,.... slowly. no, they are not "inherently" evil

Lobbying is a problem too.

expanding representation in the US House, to follow population growth, as we once did would disperse power and help a bit in that regard I think.

what defines "excessive" ? Does Beyonce make an "excessive" amount of money? how about Tom Brady? Madonna? Is their contribution to society worth that much more than yours or mine?

I will never understand why libs attack CEOs but care nothing about what entertainers and athletes make. Who the fuck do you think is paying their incomes? You and me in the price of everything we buy.

well we have seen huge pay for CEOs who's companies have lost money for shareholders....certainly that is excessive
but it depends on the situation....I dont think CEO pay can be said to be driven by the marketplace.
and in a lot of ways neither is the pay of performers and athletes...but theirs is probably more so.

PLEASE! Exaggerations. Hyperbole. YOU have NO proof!
And when you do come up with a couple of rare examples REMEMBER...
All firms 27,281,452
Statistics about Business Size including Small Business from the U.S. Census Bureau
Over 27 million firms in the USA and you comment about less the 100 that have CEOs huge pay .

Total 400,400 CEOs.. of which 77% or 308,308 make less then $500,000!
Less then 8,000 make over $3 million.
Again exaggerations... blow out of proportion!
CEO Statistics Statistic Brain

I really find people that can't back up the statements with sources totally unbelievable especially in this age of instant info at your fingertips!
But people like you give proof to the reality that most people ONLY read headlines... which generally are exaggerated to hopefully get you to read more...but YOU don't!
If you did you'd understand that you are falling for the same old biased media stories and YOU form opinions based on this gross misinformation.
The average US CEO last year made only $178,400 (about the same as a dentist), and got a raise of less than 1%
View attachment 42510
The average US CEO last year made only 178 400 about the same as a dentist and got a raise of less than 1 - AEI Carpe Diem Blog AEIdeas
some you come back with evidence that there are a lot of CEOs in america.....and offer that as evidence that as evidence of what? I was thinking of the larger companies which can insulate their CEO pay from shareholder influence.

but there are abuses in structure I would say even for smaller scale companies.....the proliferation of LLCs which I believe allow choosing which tax regime to fall under and in a way allow a kind of tax evasion.

If your issue is with the tax code, it was written by congress and congress has been controlled by democrats for most of the last 80 years, so your real issue is with democrats------------------

it is with all the sell-outs to special interests in Congress, yes.
Yeah, I have one too, lots of people do, if you had any sense you would know I am talking about the big multinational corporations that squash people like us without even giving a shit and can spend millions to lobby congress, Exxon, Citibank, Koch industries etc. I hope that clears up any confusion.

Soros? NY times, ABC? How about the unions?

Corporations are not inherently evil. Corporations provide employment and benefits to millions of americans.

Lobbying is the problem, not corporations.

the excessive pay of a lot of CEOs against the wishes of shareholders even shows a flaw in structure tho that may be getting better,.... slowly. no, they are not "inherently" evil

Lobbying is a problem too.

expanding representation in the US House, to follow population growth, as we once did would disperse power and help a bit in that regard I think.

what defines "excessive" ? Does Beyonce make an "excessive" amount of money? how about Tom Brady? Madonna? Is their contribution to society worth that much more than yours or mine?

I will never understand why libs attack CEOs but care nothing about what entertainers and athletes make. Who the fuck do you think is paying their incomes? You and me in the price of everything we buy.

well we have seen huge pay for CEOs who's companies have lost money for shareholders....certainly that is excessive
but it depends on the situation....I dont think CEO pay can be said to be driven by the marketplace.
and in a lot of ways neither is the pay of performers and athletes...but theirs is probably more so.
sometimes a company will lose money and they still pay the co a lot of money because supposedly he saved the company from doing even worse. the same way a bad baseball team will pay a great player a lot of money to stay under losing team because if he goes it will get even worse. Honestly just like us to employees are disposable I think she owns are too but if you ask them for my brother they say they're not. of course they value themselves greatly.

maybe in a few situations that's the case but I think mostly its just undue influence over corporate boards. and o one can truly know if it would have eben worse cause no one can see into an alternative history.

Dont understand the last part of your post
Soros? NY times, ABC? How about the unions?

Corporations are not inherently evil. Corporations provide employment and benefits to millions of americans.

Lobbying is the problem, not corporations.

the excessive pay of a lot of CEOs against the wishes of shareholders even shows a flaw in structure tho that may be getting better,.... slowly. no, they are not "inherently" evil

Lobbying is a problem too.

expanding representation in the US House, to follow population growth, as we once did would disperse power and help a bit in that regard I think.

what defines "excessive" ? Does Beyonce make an "excessive" amount of money? how about Tom Brady? Madonna? Is their contribution to society worth that much more than yours or mine?

I will never understand why libs attack CEOs but care nothing about what entertainers and athletes make. Who the fuck do you think is paying their incomes? You and me in the price of everything we buy.

well we have seen huge pay for CEOs who's companies have lost money for shareholders....certainly that is excessive
but it depends on the situation....I dont think CEO pay can be said to be driven by the marketplace.
and in a lot of ways neither is the pay of performers and athletes...but theirs is probably more so.
sometimes a company will lose money and they still pay the co a lot of money because supposedly he saved the company from doing even worse. the same way a bad baseball team will pay a great player a lot of money to stay under losing team because if he goes it will get even worse. Honestly just like us to employees are disposable I think she owns are too but if you ask them for my brother they say they're not. of course they value themselves greatly.

maybe in a few situations that's the case but I think mostly its just undue influence over corporate boards. and o one can truly know if it would have eben worse cause no one can see into an alternative history.

Dont understand the last part of your post
CEOs and the guys under them think they're worth every penny they make and they make a lot. I would suspect if you got all the employees together and discuss openly and honest what everybody should make I bet you the CEO and the guys right under him would not raise as much as they do and the employees would make more than they do.

that is if we were being fair and if the employees ever had a say but they don't the CEO gets to decide or the guys at the top get to decide what they make and what the rest of us make. Of course they over value themselves and undervalue us.
Last edited:
the excessive pay of a lot of CEOs against the wishes of shareholders even shows a flaw in structure tho that may be getting better,.... slowly. no, they are not "inherently" evil

Lobbying is a problem too.

expanding representation in the US House, to follow population growth, as we once did would disperse power and help a bit in that regard I think.

what defines "excessive" ? Does Beyonce make an "excessive" amount of money? how about Tom Brady? Madonna? Is their contribution to society worth that much more than yours or mine?

I will never understand why libs attack CEOs but care nothing about what entertainers and athletes make. Who the fuck do you think is paying their incomes? You and me in the price of everything we buy.

well we have seen huge pay for CEOs who's companies have lost money for shareholders....certainly that is excessive
but it depends on the situation....I dont think CEO pay can be said to be driven by the marketplace.
and in a lot of ways neither is the pay of performers and athletes...but theirs is probably more so.
sometimes a company will lose money and they still pay the co a lot of money because supposedly he saved the company from doing even worse. the same way a bad baseball team will pay a great player a lot of money to stay under losing team because if he goes it will get even worse. Honestly just like us to employees are disposable I think she owns are too but if you ask them for my brother they say they're not. of course they value themselves greatly.

maybe in a few situations that's the case but I think mostly its just undue influence over corporate boards. and o one can truly know if it would have eben worse cause no one can see into an alternative history.

Dont understand the last part of your post
CEOs and the guys under and think they're worth every penny they make and they make a lot. I would suspect if you got all the employees together and discuss openly what everybody should make I bet you the CEO and the guys right under him would not raise as much as they do and the employees would make more than they do

I think I agree
the excessive pay of a lot of CEOs against the wishes of shareholders even shows a flaw in structure tho that may be getting better,.... slowly. no, they are not "inherently" evil

Lobbying is a problem too.

expanding representation in the US House, to follow population growth, as we once did would disperse power and help a bit in that regard I think.

what defines "excessive" ? Does Beyonce make an "excessive" amount of money? how about Tom Brady? Madonna? Is their contribution to society worth that much more than yours or mine?

I will never understand why libs attack CEOs but care nothing about what entertainers and athletes make. Who the fuck do you think is paying their incomes? You and me in the price of everything we buy.

well we have seen huge pay for CEOs who's companies have lost money for shareholders....certainly that is excessive
but it depends on the situation....I dont think CEO pay can be said to be driven by the marketplace.
and in a lot of ways neither is the pay of performers and athletes...but theirs is probably more so.
sometimes a company will lose money and they still pay the co a lot of money because supposedly he saved the company from doing even worse. the same way a bad baseball team will pay a great player a lot of money to stay under losing team because if he goes it will get even worse. Honestly just like us to employees are disposable I think she owns are too but if you ask them for my brother they say they're not. of course they value themselves greatly.

maybe in a few situations that's the case but I think mostly its just undue influence over corporate boards. and o one can truly know if it would have eben worse cause no one can see into an alternative history.

Dont understand the last part of your post

CEOs and the guys under them think they're worth every penny they make and they make a lot. I would suspect if you got all the employees together and discuss openly and honest what everybody should make I bet you the CEO and the guys right under him would not raise as much as they do and the employees would make more than they do.

that is if we were being fair and if the employees ever had a say but they don't the CEO gets to decide or the guys at the top get to decide what they make and what the rest of us make. Of course they over value themselves and undervalue us.

Sad. Us versus them. Management versus labor.
Skilled versus unskilled.
I am 72 years old and have more ways to make millions but damn if I want to help people like you who want to continue the "Us vs them" mentality.
Whatever happened to initiative to become one of "them"? You and others like you are an embarrassment to adults everywhere!

what defines "excessive" ? Does Beyonce make an "excessive" amount of money? how about Tom Brady? Madonna? Is their contribution to society worth that much more than yours or mine?

I will never understand why libs attack CEOs but care nothing about what entertainers and athletes make. Who the fuck do you think is paying their incomes? You and me in the price of everything we buy.

well we have seen huge pay for CEOs who's companies have lost money for shareholders....certainly that is excessive
but it depends on the situation....I dont think CEO pay can be said to be driven by the marketplace.
and in a lot of ways neither is the pay of performers and athletes...but theirs is probably more so.
sometimes a company will lose money and they still pay the co a lot of money because supposedly he saved the company from doing even worse. the same way a bad baseball team will pay a great player a lot of money to stay under losing team because if he goes it will get even worse. Honestly just like us to employees are disposable I think she owns are too but if you ask them for my brother they say they're not. of course they value themselves greatly.

maybe in a few situations that's the case but I think mostly its just undue influence over corporate boards. and o one can truly know if it would have eben worse cause no one can see into an alternative history.

Dont understand the last part of your post

CEOs and the guys under them think they're worth every penny they make and they make a lot. I would suspect if you got all the employees together and discuss openly and honest what everybody should make I bet you the CEO and the guys right under him would not raise as much as they do and the employees would make more than they do.

that is if we were being fair and if the employees ever had a say but they don't the CEO gets to decide or the guys at the top get to decide what they make and what the rest of us make. Of course they over value themselves and undervalue us.

Sad. Us versus them. Management versus labor.
Skilled versus unskilled.
I am 72 years old and have more ways to make millions but damn if I want to help people like you who want to continue the "Us vs them" mentality.
Whatever happened to initiative to become one of "them"? You and others like you are an embarrassment to adults everywhere!
you are a perfect example of why rich people have been sitting on your money and don't want to invest........and I don't blame you.
well we have seen huge pay for CEOs who's companies have lost money for shareholders....certainly that is excessive
but it depends on the situation....I dont think CEO pay can be said to be driven by the marketplace.
and in a lot of ways neither is the pay of performers and athletes...but theirs is probably more so.
sometimes a company will lose money and they still pay the co a lot of money because supposedly he saved the company from doing even worse. the same way a bad baseball team will pay a great player a lot of money to stay under losing team because if he goes it will get even worse. Honestly just like us to employees are disposable I think she owns are too but if you ask them for my brother they say they're not. of course they value themselves greatly.

maybe in a few situations that's the case but I think mostly its just undue influence over corporate boards. and o one can truly know if it would have eben worse cause no one can see into an alternative history.

Dont understand the last part of your post

CEOs and the guys under them think they're worth every penny they make and they make a lot. I would suspect if you got all the employees together and discuss openly and honest what everybody should make I bet you the CEO and the guys right under him would not raise as much as they do and the employees would make more than they do.

that is if we were being fair and if the employees ever had a say but they don't the CEO gets to decide or the guys at the top get to decide what they make and what the rest of us make. Of course they over value themselves and undervalue us.

Sad. Us versus them. Management versus labor.
Skilled versus unskilled.
I am 72 years old and have more ways to make millions but damn if I want to help people like you who want to continue the "Us vs them" mentality.
Whatever happened to initiative to become one of "them"? You and others like you are an embarrassment to adults everywhere!
you are a perfect example of why rich people have been sitting on your money and don't want to invest........and I don't blame you.

More "rich vs poor you"! I don't give a crap about how much the rich has because when you finally comprehend THE PIE GETS bigger NOT the rich get bigger slices!

Part of the problem with people like you is truly best described as "LOW INFORMATION PERSON"...LIP.
For example... you don't seem to understand you are doing something every day that NO one did when I was 20 years old!
You can share your ignorance with millions instantly ...i.e. the Internet.
Only animals and uncivilized people fight over food and your "us versus them" is a perfect example.
Really, you can not comprehend what that means????

I understand what it means. I just disagree with the ideas of harming my own well being AND GIVING ANYTHING to people who have not earned it.

sometimes a company will lose money and they still pay the co a lot of money because supposedly he saved the company from doing even worse. the same way a bad baseball team will pay a great player a lot of money to stay under losing team because if he goes it will get even worse. Honestly just like us to employees are disposable I think she owns are too but if you ask them for my brother they say they're not. of course they value themselves greatly.

maybe in a few situations that's the case but I think mostly its just undue influence over corporate boards. and o one can truly know if it would have eben worse cause no one can see into an alternative history.

Dont understand the last part of your post

CEOs and the guys under them think they're worth every penny they make and they make a lot. I would suspect if you got all the employees together and discuss openly and honest what everybody should make I bet you the CEO and the guys right under him would not raise as much as they do and the employees would make more than they do.

that is if we were being fair and if the employees ever had a say but they don't the CEO gets to decide or the guys at the top get to decide what they make and what the rest of us make. Of course they over value themselves and undervalue us.

Sad. Us versus them. Management versus labor.
Skilled versus unskilled.
I am 72 years old and have more ways to make millions but damn if I want to help people like you who want to continue the "Us vs them" mentality.
Whatever happened to initiative to become one of "them"? You and others like you are an embarrassment to adults everywhere!
you are a perfect example of why rich people have been sitting on your money and don't want to invest........and I don't blame you.

More "rich vs poor you"! I don't give a crap about how much the rich has because when you finally comprehend THE PIE GETS bigger NOT the rich get bigger slices!

Part of the problem with people like you is truly best described as "LOW INFORMATION PERSON"...LIP.
For example... you don't seem to understand you are doing something every day that NO one did when I was 20 years old!
You can share your ignorance with millions instantly ...i.e. the Internet.
Only animals and uncivilized people fight over food and your "us versus them" is a perfect example.
getting cranky in your old age are we? So now you are upset that people can express ideas/information with millions of people and house wife in New Zealand for example can go to social media and fix her washing machine for $5 bucks and not spend $300 for a repair man? Get off your high horse, us Vs. them and the evils of the internet.
Really, you can not comprehend what that means????

I understand what it means. I just disagree with the ideas of harming my own well being AND GIVING ANYTHING to people who have not earned it.

maybe in a few situations that's the case but I think mostly its just undue influence over corporate boards. and o one can truly know if it would have eben worse cause no one can see into an alternative history.

Dont understand the last part of your post

CEOs and the guys under them think they're worth every penny they make and they make a lot. I would suspect if you got all the employees together and discuss openly and honest what everybody should make I bet you the CEO and the guys right under him would not raise as much as they do and the employees would make more than they do.

that is if we were being fair and if the employees ever had a say but they don't the CEO gets to decide or the guys at the top get to decide what they make and what the rest of us make. Of course they over value themselves and undervalue us.

Sad. Us versus them. Management versus labor.
Skilled versus unskilled.
I am 72 years old and have more ways to make millions but damn if I want to help people like you who want to continue the "Us vs them" mentality.
Whatever happened to initiative to become one of "them"? You and others like you are an embarrassment to adults everywhere!
you are a perfect example of why rich people have been sitting on your money and don't want to invest........and I don't blame you.

More "rich vs poor you"! I don't give a crap about how much the rich has because when you finally comprehend THE PIE GETS bigger NOT the rich get bigger slices!

Part of the problem with people like you is truly best described as "LOW INFORMATION PERSON"...LIP.
For example... you don't seem to understand you are doing something every day that NO one did when I was 20 years old!
You can share your ignorance with millions instantly ...i.e. the Internet.
Only animals and uncivilized people fight over food and your "us versus them" is a perfect example.
getting cranky in your old age are we? So now you are upset that people can express ideas/information with millions of people and house wife in New Zealand for example can go to social media and fix her washing machine for $5 bucks and not spend $300 for a repair man? Get off your high horse, us Vs. them and the evils of the internet.

High horse?? I'm not the one that has this "us versus them" mentality!
MY point was even the poorest among us have advantages I never had at 20 years old!
But do you see me GRIPING about the wealthy? The CEOs? Do you see me with a "us versus them" mentality?
See this is what I've learned over the years... don't sit and grip about your situation... DO SOMETHING!!!
This same house wife can ALSO make hundreds of thousands of dollars from the same internet as could you!
But you seem to be more concerned about how much others have rather then becoming more independent and better off.
Your approach will NEVER work because that's what animals and barbarians use i.e. grab and tear at someone else's rather then
figure out how to make MORE!
We condemn discrimination against people because it offends human dignity. By contrast, concern for human dignity does not require us to treat all businesses alike: to the contrary, hard experience teaches us that some businesses - drugs, banks, securities, common carriers - require more regulation than others. The tax code "discriminates" between for-profit and charitable organizations without offending anyone's dignity.

Why Personhood Matters

People and corporations should not be equal, even in the US, the country dominated by corporations.
1) Corporations are made up of people. As a result, legal entities embrace their values and their worldview. Without people there are no corporations.
2) Why don't we treat cities and even countries like human beings? The same applies to local communities. A group of people is not a separate person with his feelings, emotions and thoughts.

Can someone explain what is wrong with my logic?

If only corporations were in fetus form, then we could just throw them all in a dumpster.
We condemn discrimination against people because it offends human dignity. By contrast, concern for human dignity does not require us to treat all businesses alike: to the contrary, hard experience teaches us that some businesses - drugs, banks, securities, common carriers - require more regulation than others. The tax code "discriminates" between for-profit and charitable organizations without offending anyone's dignity.

Why Personhood Matters

People and corporations should not be equal, even in the US, the country dominated by corporations.
1) Corporations are made up of people. As a result, legal entities embrace their values and their worldview. Without people there are no corporations.
2) Why don't we treat cities and even countries like human beings? The same applies to local communities. A group of people is not a separate person with his feelings, emotions and thoughts.

Can someone explain what is wrong with my logic?

If only corporations were in fetus form, then we could just throw them all in a dumpster.

Just curious, what do you propose to replace corporations?
We condemn discrimination against people because it offends human dignity. By contrast, concern for human dignity does not require us to treat all businesses alike: to the contrary, hard experience teaches us that some businesses - drugs, banks, securities, common carriers - require more regulation than others. The tax code "discriminates" between for-profit and charitable organizations without offending anyone's dignity.

Why Personhood Matters

People and corporations should not be equal, even in the US, the country dominated by corporations.
1) Corporations are made up of people. As a result, legal entities embrace their values and their worldview. Without people there are no corporations.
2) Why don't we treat cities and even countries like human beings? The same applies to local communities. A group of people is not a separate person with his feelings, emotions and thoughts.

Can someone explain what is wrong with my logic?

If only corporations were in fetus form, then we could just throw them all in a dumpster.

Just curious, what do you propose to replace corporations?

I don't want to replace American corporations with anything. I just want to see our government loyal to its own people again. US political system is heavily influenced by big business thanks to lobbying and corruption. That's not the way we want to see our country.
We condemn discrimination against people because it offends human dignity. By contrast, concern for human dignity does not require us to treat all businesses alike: to the contrary, hard experience teaches us that some businesses - drugs, banks, securities, common carriers - require more regulation than others. The tax code "discriminates" between for-profit and charitable organizations without offending anyone's dignity.

Why Personhood Matters

People and corporations should not be equal, even in the US, the country dominated by corporations.
1) Corporations are made up of people. As a result, legal entities embrace their values and their worldview. Without people there are no corporations.
2) Why don't we treat cities and even countries like human beings? The same applies to local communities. A group of people is not a separate person with his feelings, emotions and thoughts.

Can someone explain what is wrong with my logic?

If only corporations were in fetus form, then we could just throw them all in a dumpster.

Just curious, what do you propose to replace corporations?

Corporations are a government created structure. It serves the purpose of said governments.

They have been employed even before the days of the East Endies Co. created by the British crown to help conquer such places as India.

In fact, the Boston Tea Party was a protest about their monopoly over the colonies, and not higher taxes.

It is, therefore, no surprise that government would lend them more and more power
The Progressive movement is dependent upon the corporation, for it is the money through which drives the movement. Without them, their power would all but disappear. It's how men like Obama and Hillary and Jeb succeed. In fact, its the only way.

what defines "excessive" ? Does Beyonce make an "excessive" amount of money? how about Tom Brady? Madonna? Is their contribution to society worth that much more than yours or mine?

I will never understand why libs attack CEOs but care nothing about what entertainers and athletes make. Who the fuck do you think is paying their incomes? You and me in the price of everything we buy.

well we have seen huge pay for CEOs who's companies have lost money for shareholders....certainly that is excessive
but it depends on the situation....I dont think CEO pay can be said to be driven by the marketplace.
and in a lot of ways neither is the pay of performers and athletes...but theirs is probably more so.
sometimes a company will lose money and they still pay the co a lot of money because supposedly he saved the company from doing even worse. the same way a bad baseball team will pay a great player a lot of money to stay under losing team because if he goes it will get even worse. Honestly just like us to employees are disposable I think she owns are too but if you ask them for my brother they say they're not. of course they value themselves greatly.

maybe in a few situations that's the case but I think mostly its just undue influence over corporate boards. and o one can truly know if it would have eben worse cause no one can see into an alternative history.

Dont understand the last part of your post

CEOs and the guys under them think they're worth every penny they make and they make a lot. I would suspect if you got all the employees together and discuss openly and honest what everybody should make I bet you the CEO and the guys right under him would not raise as much as they do and the employees would make more than they do.

that is if we were being fair and if the employees ever had a say but they don't the CEO gets to decide or the guys at the top get to decide what they make and what the rest of us make. Of course they over value themselves and undervalue us.

Sad. Us versus them. Management versus labor.
Skilled versus unskilled.
I am 72 years old and have more ways to make millions but damn if I want to help people like you who want to continue the "Us vs them" mentality.
Whatever happened to initiative to become one of "them"? You and others like you are an embarrassment to adults everywhere!
you know what you are? and ignorant old man greedy selfish and set in your ways. You must not have ever been in the Union and don't understand that in the time that you worked throughout your life unions brought your wages up unions made this country strong.

your a joke old man. if you had a way to make another million you would if you didn't then you have enough money that you didn't feel like working anymore or you ran out of ideas you're a f****** idiot if you had one good idea you probably had a hundred that were bad f*** you
The Progressive movement is dependent upon the corporation, for it is the money through which drives the movement. Without them, their power would all but disappear. It's how men like Obama and Hillary and Jeb succeed. In fact, its the only way.
no s*** Sherlock it's the corporations that decided they didn't need us anymore. they'd rather hire Mexicans and Chinese and Indian. and with the rest of the developing world improving corporations are over there selling their s*** to them because we don't have the money to buy stupid. and foreigners are coming over here and buying everything cheap because Americans can afford it. I'm at lifetime gym right now you know what's up here all foreigners maybe a few rich white families but not as many as the foreigners American whites can't afford Lifetime Fitness they're working 50 hours a week for minimum wage or barely above it. bottom line is you don't have any disposable income anymore
We condemn discrimination against people because it offends human dignity. By contrast, concern for human dignity does not require us to treat all businesses alike: to the contrary, hard experience teaches us that some businesses - drugs, banks, securities, common carriers - require more regulation than others. The tax code "discriminates" between for-profit and charitable organizations without offending anyone's dignity.

Why Personhood Matters

People and corporations should not be equal, even in the US, the country dominated by corporations.
1) Corporations are made up of people. As a result, legal entities embrace their values and their worldview. Without people there are no corporations.
2) Why don't we treat cities and even countries like human beings? The same applies to local communities. A group of people is not a separate person with his feelings, emotions and thoughts.

Can someone explain what is wrong with my logic?

If only corporations were in fetus form, then we could just throw them all in a dumpster.
you guys wouldn't and couldn't have a serious conversation about this even if you tried we just want which bear we don't hate corporations that's your spin. you are a retard corporations have been f****** over the workers since Ronald Reagan that dick
If this was not the case, then the Unions who fill the far left coffers would have been prevented from giving to the DNC.

So it is funny to see the far left drones upset about this due programed far left religious dogma responses instead of facts.
If this was not the case, then the Unions who fill the far left coffers would have been prevented from giving to the DNC.

So it is funny to see the far left drones upset about this due programed far left religious dogma responses instead of facts.
every god damn lobby in Washington is representing corporations and rich people and you cry because the unions represent labor f*** off
If this was not the case, then the Unions who fill the far left coffers would have been prevented from giving to the DNC.

So it is funny to see the far left drones upset about this due programed far left religious dogma responses instead of facts.
nobody knows what you're referring to c********* stupid. maybe if you reply to a specific post we'd know what you were referring to dummy

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