Corporations ≠ people

What gives the federal govt the right to tell a company what to pay its employees? You do understand that the CEO is an employee don't you?

Would that rule apply in the NFL and NBA? Would Brady and James be limited to 100 times the pay of the equipment manager? How about Oprah and Beyonce? Should their income be limited to 100 times the pay of their lowest paid employee?

Why do you libs assume that CEOs are inherently evil? Most give huge amounts to charity.
I totally agree with her, set a limit on how much a CEO or owner can make against it's lowest employee, they can make as much as they want as long as the it lowest employee don't make 200 or 500 times less, that is fair.

why is that fair? who decides what % is fair? CEO pay is determined by the board of directors and the shareholders. I agree that what some CEOs make is obscene, but their pay is not taking money out of the pockets of the employees, and since most employees are also shareholders, good CEO decisions increase the wealth of employee/shareholders.
we all know all that and to be honest nobody is trying to regulate the co-pay we would just hope they Greg you like themselves a little better if an employee hasn't gotten a raise in 10 years and your payment from 3 million 220 million f*** you we need a list and boycotts companies like that that's what we need to do f****** Union just nationally publicly socially Shane them bastards

why are you so angry? did some mean old CEO fire you?
I'm not angry I just want what's fair. I'm not in the Union I'm not a low wage worker I just happen to have empathy which you clearly lack. or a brain because you're probably not to see you you're probably just a worker bee so you are stupid arguing for the Co house slave

What gives you the right to determine what is "fair" ? Is it fair that Oprah has billions of dollars? Is it fair that Tom Brady and his wife have more money than many small countries?

Why the angst over CEOs and nothing about celebrities? CEOs actually work, celebrities play.
don't the owners in football all get together and Khulood? Unti players in unions? Are the employees very paid well and very representative? if normal corporations paid as well as the NFL does we wouldn't be having this conversation. many more employees should go Union like the NFL players do

If all corporations paid like the NFL, your big mac would cost $20 and a loaf of bread would cost $15. How would higher prices improve your life? If you make more money but everything you buy costs more, what have you gained?
and just like the NFL CEO pay has gotten out of control and it probably is affecting prices on everything. can you tell me why a CEO's pay would go up from 3 million to 20 million in a few years? You tell me why that person is earning so much more today than they were a few years ago justified for me explain it other than that companies afraid they're going to lose him to another company is paying more sounds ridiculous

then don't buy their products if you don't like their pay scales. How is if affecting you personally? Is it just jealousy?
I just said we need to publicly know what companies are the biggest offenders of this. Walmart suffered lower profits because of the bad reputation. I haven't shopped there in years because of it. Put that a statistic on their BBB ratings for all to see call it the CEO to janitor ratio.

even as an American businessman if that company called me and wanted to do business I would think twice if I knew they were guilty of paying their employees low wages. but usually we don't know those statistics easy to find it should beeven as an american business man if that company called me and wanted to do business I would think twice if I knew they were guilty of paying low wagers.

I should start gathering this statistic and make my own website I'd be a millionaire

all corporate records are in the public domain. If you are interested you can find the pay of every corporate executive of every corporation.

But again, why do you care? How is it affecting you personally? I think you are just jealous of people who have more than you do.
I am NOT jealous of people who have more than me in fact I understand how many of you have far less than me and I appreciate what I have I'm just not a selfish just think of me as someone nice like Soros or and Rich liberal. the Rich called FDR a traitor to his class. I hope you do understand class warfare is real and you're losing you.
What gives the federal govt the right to tell a company what to pay its employees? You do understand that the CEO is an employee don't you?

Would that rule apply in the NFL and NBA? Would Brady and James be limited to 100 times the pay of the equipment manager? How about Oprah and Beyonce? Should their income be limited to 100 times the pay of their lowest paid employee?

Why do you libs assume that CEOs are inherently evil? Most give huge amounts to charity.
I totally agree with her, set a limit on how much a CEO or owner can make against it's lowest employee, they can make as much as they want as long as the it lowest employee don't make 200 or 500 times less, that is fair.

why is that fair? who decides what % is fair? CEO pay is determined by the board of directors and the shareholders. I agree that what some CEOs make is obscene, but their pay is not taking money out of the pockets of the employees, and since most employees are also shareholders, good CEO decisions increase the wealth of employee/shareholders.
we all know all that and to be honest nobody is trying to regulate the co-pay we would just hope they Greg you like themselves a little better if an employee hasn't gotten a raise in 10 years and your payment from 3 million 220 million f*** you we need a list and boycotts companies like that that's what we need to do f****** Union just nationally publicly socially Shane them bastards

why are you so angry? did some mean old CEO fire you?
The only one that seems to be angry is you, she is offering a suggestion and thinking out side the box, she is not talking minimum wage. She is talking: she don't care what a CEO MAKES as long as it's not 300% or 500% of the lowest worker.

A rising tide that lifts all boats

And helps small company's compete against the giants .

are you really that naive? Do you think GE would lower its prices if Imelt (obama's buddy whose corporation paid zero federal taxes) took a pay cut?
Hey, I have no problem with efforts to remove money and or the power it has to influence politicians but what the progressives want is to tip the scales in their favor. They only want to cripple the GOP, they have no intention of being fair.

The "logic" in the OP can and should be applied to labor unions as well. Only the left wing nutters won't allow that. They only want corporate money out because they think it will hurt the GOP.

Progressive are the scum of the earth.
don't the owners in football all get together and Khulood? Unti players in unions? Are the employees very paid well and very representative? if normal corporations paid as well as the NFL does we wouldn't be having this conversation. many more employees should go Union like the NFL players do

If all corporations paid like the NFL, your big mac would cost $20 and a loaf of bread would cost $15. How would higher prices improve your life? If you make more money but everything you buy costs more, what have you gained?
and just like the NFL CEO pay has gotten out of control and it probably is affecting prices on everything. can you tell me why a CEO's pay would go up from 3 million to 20 million in a few years? You tell me why that person is earning so much more today than they were a few years ago justified for me explain it other than that companies afraid they're going to lose him to another company is paying more sounds ridiculous

then don't buy their products if you don't like their pay scales. How is if affecting you personally? Is it just jealousy?
I just said we need to publicly know what companies are the biggest offenders of this. Walmart suffered lower profits because of the bad reputation. I haven't shopped there in years because of it. Put that a statistic on their BBB ratings for all to see call it the CEO to janitor ratio.

even as an American businessman if that company called me and wanted to do business I would think twice if I knew they were guilty of paying their employees low wages. but usually we don't know those statistics easy to find it should beeven as an american business man if that company called me and wanted to do business I would think twice if I knew they were guilty of paying low wagers.

I should start gathering this statistic and make my own website I'd be a millionaire

all corporate records are in the public domain. If you are interested you can find the pay of every corporate executive of every corporation.

But again, why do you care? How is it affecting you personally? I think you are just jealous of people who have more than you do.
I think the public would care if it was just a click away from finding it out and sort them in any order you want. show me the link to this list the one click away list.

you are either a CEO or incredibly gullible naive and stupid. I have even heard CEOs themselves come out and admit that this is wrong and unfair. why does he care? is he jealous you stupid mother f******
If all corporations paid like the NFL, your big mac would cost $20 and a loaf of bread would cost $15. How would higher prices improve your life? If you make more money but everything you buy costs more, what have you gained?
and just like the NFL CEO pay has gotten out of control and it probably is affecting prices on everything. can you tell me why a CEO's pay would go up from 3 million to 20 million in a few years? You tell me why that person is earning so much more today than they were a few years ago justified for me explain it other than that companies afraid they're going to lose him to another company is paying more sounds ridiculous

then don't buy their products if you don't like their pay scales. How is if affecting you personally? Is it just jealousy?
I just said we need to publicly know what companies are the biggest offenders of this. Walmart suffered lower profits because of the bad reputation. I haven't shopped there in years because of it. Put that a statistic on their BBB ratings for all to see call it the CEO to janitor ratio.

even as an American businessman if that company called me and wanted to do business I would think twice if I knew they were guilty of paying their employees low wages. but usually we don't know those statistics easy to find it should beeven as an american business man if that company called me and wanted to do business I would think twice if I knew they were guilty of paying low wagers.

I should start gathering this statistic and make my own website I'd be a millionaire

all corporate records are in the public domain. If you are interested you can find the pay of every corporate executive of every corporation.

But again, why do you care? How is it affecting you personally? I think you are just jealous of people who have more than you do.
I am NOT jealous of people who have more than me in fact I understand how many of you have far less than me and I appreciate what I have I'm just not a selfish just think of me as someone nice like Soros or and Rich liberal. the Rich called FDR a traitor to his class. I hope you do understand class warfare is real and you're losing you.

Class warfare is a tactic of socialists. Marx was very good at it. So is Obama.

and people like you are falling for it. pathetic.
I totally agree with her, set a limit on how much a CEO or owner can make against it's lowest employee, they can make as much as they want as long as the it lowest employee don't make 200 or 500 times less, that is fair.

why is that fair? who decides what % is fair? CEO pay is determined by the board of directors and the shareholders. I agree that what some CEOs make is obscene, but their pay is not taking money out of the pockets of the employees, and since most employees are also shareholders, good CEO decisions increase the wealth of employee/shareholders.
we all know all that and to be honest nobody is trying to regulate the co-pay we would just hope they Greg you like themselves a little better if an employee hasn't gotten a raise in 10 years and your payment from 3 million 220 million f*** you we need a list and boycotts companies like that that's what we need to do f****** Union just nationally publicly socially Shane them bastards

why are you so angry? did some mean old CEO fire you?
The only one that seems to be angry is you, she is offering a suggestion and thinking out side the box, she is not talking minimum wage. She is talking: she don't care what a CEO MAKES as long as it's not 300% or 500% of the lowest worker.

A rising tide that lifts all boats

And helps small company's compete against the giants .

are you really that naive? Do you think GE would lower its prices if Imelt (obama's buddy whose corporation paid zero federal taxes) took a pay cut?
so you admit corporations pay zero federal taxes? Haha finally admitted something we've been telling you and you been denying. busted
I totally agree with her, set a limit on how much a CEO or owner can make against it's lowest employee, they can make as much as they want as long as the it lowest employee don't make 200 or 500 times less, that is fair.

why is that fair? who decides what % is fair? CEO pay is determined by the board of directors and the shareholders. I agree that what some CEOs make is obscene, but their pay is not taking money out of the pockets of the employees, and since most employees are also shareholders, good CEO decisions increase the wealth of employee/shareholders.
we all know all that and to be honest nobody is trying to regulate the co-pay we would just hope they Greg you like themselves a little better if an employee hasn't gotten a raise in 10 years and your payment from 3 million 220 million f*** you we need a list and boycotts companies like that that's what we need to do f****** Union just nationally publicly socially Shane them bastards

why are you so angry? did some mean old CEO fire you?
The only one that seems to be angry is you, she is offering a suggestion and thinking out side the box, she is not talking minimum wage. She is talking: she don't care what a CEO MAKES as long as it's not 300% or 500% of the lowest worker.

A rising tide that lifts all boats

And helps small company's compete against the giants .

are you really that naive? Do you think GE would lower its prices if Imelt (obama's buddy whose corporation paid zero federal taxes) took a pay cut?
How the fuck is it a pay cut?
and just like the NFL CEO pay has gotten out of control and it probably is affecting prices on everything. can you tell me why a CEO's pay would go up from 3 million to 20 million in a few years? You tell me why that person is earning so much more today than they were a few years ago justified for me explain it other than that companies afraid they're going to lose him to another company is paying more sounds ridiculous

then don't buy their products if you don't like their pay scales. How is if affecting you personally? Is it just jealousy?
I just said we need to publicly know what companies are the biggest offenders of this. Walmart suffered lower profits because of the bad reputation. I haven't shopped there in years because of it. Put that a statistic on their BBB ratings for all to see call it the CEO to janitor ratio.

even as an American businessman if that company called me and wanted to do business I would think twice if I knew they were guilty of paying their employees low wages. but usually we don't know those statistics easy to find it should beeven as an american business man if that company called me and wanted to do business I would think twice if I knew they were guilty of paying low wagers.

I should start gathering this statistic and make my own website I'd be a millionaire

all corporate records are in the public domain. If you are interested you can find the pay of every corporate executive of every corporation.

But again, why do you care? How is it affecting you personally? I think you are just jealous of people who have more than you do.
I am NOT jealous of people who have more than me in fact I understand how many of you have far less than me and I appreciate what I have I'm just not a selfish just think of me as someone nice like Soros or and Rich liberal. the Rich called FDR a traitor to his class. I hope you do understand class warfare is real and you're losing you.

Class warfare is a tactic of socialists. Marx was very good at it. So is Obama.

and people like you are falling for it. pathetic.
another Republican practice whenever you feel like you're backed into a corner. So tell me redfish how did Obama's companies avoid paying federal taxes? thank you for finally admitting corporations do this
I totally agree with her, set a limit on how much a CEO or owner can make against it's lowest employee, they can make as much as they want as long as the it lowest employee don't make 200 or 500 times less, that is fair.

why is that fair? who decides what % is fair? CEO pay is determined by the board of directors and the shareholders. I agree that what some CEOs make is obscene, but their pay is not taking money out of the pockets of the employees, and since most employees are also shareholders, good CEO decisions increase the wealth of employee/shareholders.
we all know all that and to be honest nobody is trying to regulate the co-pay we would just hope they Greg you like themselves a little better if an employee hasn't gotten a raise in 10 years and your payment from 3 million 220 million f*** you we need a list and boycotts companies like that that's what we need to do f****** Union just nationally publicly socially Shane them bastards

why are you so angry? did some mean old CEO fire you?
The only one that seems to be angry is you, she is offering a suggestion and thinking out side the box, she is not talking minimum wage. She is talking: she don't care what a CEO MAKES as long as it's not 300% or 500% of the lowest worker.

A rising tide that lifts all boats

And helps small company's compete against the giants .

are you really that naive? Do you think GE would lower its prices if Imelt (obama's buddy whose corporation paid zero federal taxes) took a pay cut?
how many years have we been telling you Republicans that corporations aren't paying their fair taxes and you are you / / / you motherfuckers you knew it all along that's why I always said Republicans are intellectually dishonest how could I ever be apart of that party unless I was a greedy selfish ignorant stupid bastard
why is that fair? who decides what % is fair? CEO pay is determined by the board of directors and the shareholders. I agree that what some CEOs make is obscene, but their pay is not taking money out of the pockets of the employees, and since most employees are also shareholders, good CEO decisions increase the wealth of employee/shareholders.
we all know all that and to be honest nobody is trying to regulate the co-pay we would just hope they Greg you like themselves a little better if an employee hasn't gotten a raise in 10 years and your payment from 3 million 220 million f*** you we need a list and boycotts companies like that that's what we need to do f****** Union just nationally publicly socially Shane them bastards

why are you so angry? did some mean old CEO fire you?
The only one that seems to be angry is you, she is offering a suggestion and thinking out side the box, she is not talking minimum wage. She is talking: she don't care what a CEO MAKES as long as it's not 300% or 500% of the lowest worker.

A rising tide that lifts all boats

And helps small company's compete against the giants .

are you really that naive? Do you think GE would lower its prices if Imelt (obama's buddy whose corporation paid zero federal taxes) took a pay cut?
so you admit corporations pay zero federal taxes? Haha finally admitted something we've been telling you and you been denying. busted

The LIE that corporations pay zero federal taxes is just that. A lie.

If they use tax laws to minimize their payments, that's both fair and proper.

Address the unfairness of our tax laws.

Meanwhile, they SHOULDN'T pay any taxes. When the OWNERS get their distributions, they get hit HARD in taxes. Why the jolly green FUCK should they have paid taxes as the company earned the profits and THEN have to pay taxes AGAIN when they get their distributions (like, for example, by selling their shares)?
If all corporations paid like the NFL, your big mac would cost $20 and a loaf of bread would cost $15. How would higher prices improve your life? If you make more money but everything you buy costs more, what have you gained?
and just like the NFL CEO pay has gotten out of control and it probably is affecting prices on everything. can you tell me why a CEO's pay would go up from 3 million to 20 million in a few years? You tell me why that person is earning so much more today than they were a few years ago justified for me explain it other than that companies afraid they're going to lose him to another company is paying more sounds ridiculous

then don't buy their products if you don't like their pay scales. How is if affecting you personally? Is it just jealousy?
I just said we need to publicly know what companies are the biggest offenders of this. Walmart suffered lower profits because of the bad reputation. I haven't shopped there in years because of it. Put that a statistic on their BBB ratings for all to see call it the CEO to janitor ratio.

even as an American businessman if that company called me and wanted to do business I would think twice if I knew they were guilty of paying their employees low wages. but usually we don't know those statistics easy to find it should beeven as an american business man if that company called me and wanted to do business I would think twice if I knew they were guilty of paying low wagers.

I should start gathering this statistic and make my own website I'd be a millionaire

all corporate records are in the public domain. If you are interested you can find the pay of every corporate executive of every corporation.

But again, why do you care? How is it affecting you personally? I think you are just jealous of people who have more than you do.
I think the public would care if it was just a click away from finding it out and sort them in any order you want. show me the link to this list the one click away list.

you are either a CEO or incredibly gullible naive and stupid. I have even heard CEOs themselves come out and admit that this is wrong and unfair. why does he care? is he jealous you stupid mother f******

Google is your friend, try it. I was not a CEO but I was a corporate director of a large international corporation. We paid good wages, provided good benefits, and our CEO made 17 million the last year that I worked. Our stock doubled in value that year and most of his pay was in stock options and grants, so if the corporation did not do well he didn't make much money.

the doubling of our stock value allowed me to retire early, as did many other shareholders.

was 17 million excessive? "what difference, at this point, does it make" HRC (a multi millionaire)
why is that fair? who decides what % is fair? CEO pay is determined by the board of directors and the shareholders. I agree that what some CEOs make is obscene, but their pay is not taking money out of the pockets of the employees, and since most employees are also shareholders, good CEO decisions increase the wealth of employee/shareholders.
we all know all that and to be honest nobody is trying to regulate the co-pay we would just hope they Greg you like themselves a little better if an employee hasn't gotten a raise in 10 years and your payment from 3 million 220 million f*** you we need a list and boycotts companies like that that's what we need to do f****** Union just nationally publicly socially Shane them bastards

why are you so angry? did some mean old CEO fire you?
The only one that seems to be angry is you, she is offering a suggestion and thinking out side the box, she is not talking minimum wage. She is talking: she don't care what a CEO MAKES as long as it's not 300% or 500% of the lowest worker.

A rising tide that lifts all boats

And helps small company's compete against the giants .

are you really that naive? Do you think GE would lower its prices if Imelt (obama's buddy whose corporation paid zero federal taxes) took a pay cut?
how many years have we been telling you Republicans that corporations aren't paying their fair taxes and you are you / / / you motherfuckers you knew it all along that's why I always said Republicans are intellectually dishonest how could I ever be apart of that party unless I was a greedy selfish ignorant stupid bastard

the US has the highest corporate tax rate in the world. and you assholes wonder why companies are moving out of this country.
we all know all that and to be honest nobody is trying to regulate the co-pay we would just hope they Greg you like themselves a little better if an employee hasn't gotten a raise in 10 years and your payment from 3 million 220 million f*** you we need a list and boycotts companies like that that's what we need to do f****** Union just nationally publicly socially Shane them bastards

why are you so angry? did some mean old CEO fire you?
The only one that seems to be angry is you, she is offering a suggestion and thinking out side the box, she is not talking minimum wage. She is talking: she don't care what a CEO MAKES as long as it's not 300% or 500% of the lowest worker.

A rising tide that lifts all boats

And helps small company's compete against the giants .

are you really that naive? Do you think GE would lower its prices if Imelt (obama's buddy whose corporation paid zero federal taxes) took a pay cut?
so you admit corporations pay zero federal taxes? Haha finally admitted something we've been telling you and you been denying. busted

The LIE that corporations pay zero federal taxes is just that. A lie.

If they use tax laws to minimize their payments, that's both fair and proper.

Address the unfairness of our tax laws.

Meanwhile, they SHOULDN'T pay any taxes. When the OWNERS get their distributions, they get hit HARD in taxes. Why the jolly green FUCK should they have paid taxes as the company earned the profits and THEN have to pay taxes AGAIN when they get their distributions (like, for example, by selling their shares)?

true, and the tax loopholes that libs rant about were put in place by the dems who controlled congress for most of the last 80 years.
I'm guessing from the thread title that the OP has discovered that the ROBOT APOCALYPSE has begun. If ROBOTS now control the Corporations, we are DOOMED.
and just like the NFL CEO pay has gotten out of control and it probably is affecting prices on everything. can you tell me why a CEO's pay would go up from 3 million to 20 million in a few years? You tell me why that person is earning so much more today than they were a few years ago justified for me explain it other than that companies afraid they're going to lose him to another company is paying more sounds ridiculous

then don't buy their products if you don't like their pay scales. How is if affecting you personally? Is it just jealousy?
I just said we need to publicly know what companies are the biggest offenders of this. Walmart suffered lower profits because of the bad reputation. I haven't shopped there in years because of it. Put that a statistic on their BBB ratings for all to see call it the CEO to janitor ratio.

even as an American businessman if that company called me and wanted to do business I would think twice if I knew they were guilty of paying their employees low wages. but usually we don't know those statistics easy to find it should beeven as an american business man if that company called me and wanted to do business I would think twice if I knew they were guilty of paying low wagers.

I should start gathering this statistic and make my own website I'd be a millionaire

all corporate records are in the public domain. If you are interested you can find the pay of every corporate executive of every corporation.

But again, why do you care? How is it affecting you personally? I think you are just jealous of people who have more than you do.
I think the public would care if it was just a click away from finding it out and sort them in any order you want. show me the link to this list the one click away list.

you are either a CEO or incredibly gullible naive and stupid. I have even heard CEOs themselves come out and admit that this is wrong and unfair. why does he care? is he jealous you stupid mother f******

Google is your friend, try it. I was not a CEO but I was a corporate director of a large international corporation. We paid good wages, provided good benefits, and our CEO made 17 million the last year that I worked. Our stock doubled in value that year and most of his pay was in stock options and grants, so if the corporation did not do well he didn't make much money.

the doubling of our stock value allowed me to retire early, as did many other shareholders.

was 17 million excessive? "what difference, at this point, does it make" HRC (a multi millionaire)
I work for a great company now pays its employees a fair wage. I'm 44 its the first company that's been like that. I've even made a lot of money at some pretty bad company so I'm not one of those greedy bastards who doesn't look around and see when things aren't right. the nineties are right in the 2000 under George Bush's conservative send your jobs overseas lower taxes on the rich basically shipping the tax burden onto us. and if you are as rich as you say then of course you're probably voting for the party best for you but please don't try to convince us that it's the party for us to that's just being dishonest. and I have always said on USmb either you're rich or stupid if you're Republican. congratulations on being one of the rich few
why are you so angry? did some mean old CEO fire you?
The only one that seems to be angry is you, she is offering a suggestion and thinking out side the box, she is not talking minimum wage. She is talking: she don't care what a CEO MAKES as long as it's not 300% or 500% of the lowest worker.

A rising tide that lifts all boats

And helps small company's compete against the giants .

are you really that naive? Do you think GE would lower its prices if Imelt (obama's buddy whose corporation paid zero federal taxes) took a pay cut?
so you admit corporations pay zero federal taxes? Haha finally admitted something we've been telling you and you been denying. busted

The LIE that corporations pay zero federal taxes is just that. A lie.

If they use tax laws to minimize their payments, that's both fair and proper.

Address the unfairness of our tax laws.

Meanwhile, they SHOULDN'T pay any taxes. When the OWNERS get their distributions, they get hit HARD in taxes. Why the jolly green FUCK should they have paid taxes as the company earned the profits and THEN have to pay taxes AGAIN when they get their distributions (like, for example, by selling their shares)?

true, and the tax loopholes that libs rant about were put in place by the dems who controlled congress for most of the last 80 years.
boy you have a spin on everything. I started a thread in your honor. you admitting corporations pay zero taxes was my Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson a few good men moment. I can handle the truth
we all know all that and to be honest nobody is trying to regulate the co-pay we would just hope they Greg you like themselves a little better if an employee hasn't gotten a raise in 10 years and your payment from 3 million 220 million f*** you we need a list and boycotts companies like that that's what we need to do f****** Union just nationally publicly socially Shane them bastards

why are you so angry? did some mean old CEO fire you?
The only one that seems to be angry is you, she is offering a suggestion and thinking out side the box, she is not talking minimum wage. She is talking: she don't care what a CEO MAKES as long as it's not 300% or 500% of the lowest worker.

A rising tide that lifts all boats

And helps small company's compete against the giants .

are you really that naive? Do you think GE would lower its prices if Imelt (obama's buddy whose corporation paid zero federal taxes) took a pay cut?
how many years have we been telling you Republicans that corporations aren't paying their fair taxes and you are you / / / you motherfuckers you knew it all along that's why I always said Republicans are intellectually dwhat I wonder is like the Republicans past tax breaks to help or encourage or benefit companies that were leaving us? who's in charge here corporations or the government our government we the people
then don't buy their products if you don't like their pay scales. How is if affecting you personally? Is it just jealousy?
I just said we need to publicly know what companies are the biggest offenders of this. Walmart suffered lower profits because of the bad reputation. I haven't shopped there in years because of it. Put that a statistic on their BBB ratings for all to see call it the CEO to janitor ratio.

even as an American businessman if that company called me and wanted to do business I would think twice if I knew they were guilty of paying their employees low wages. but usually we don't know those statistics easy to find it should beeven as an american business man if that company called me and wanted to do business I would think twice if I knew they were guilty of paying low wagers.

I should start gathering this statistic and make my own website I'd be a millionaire

all corporate records are in the public domain. If you are interested you can find the pay of every corporate executive of every corporation.

But again, why do you care? How is it affecting you personally? I think you are just jealous of people who have more than you do.
I think the public would care if it was just a click away from finding it out and sort them in any order you want. show me the link to this list the one click away list.

you are either a CEO or incredibly gullible naive and stupid. I have even heard CEOs themselves come out and admit that this is wrong and unfair. why does he care? is he jealous you stupid mother f******

Google is your friend, try it. I was not a CEO but I was a corporate director of a large international corporation. We paid good wages, provided good benefits, and our CEO made 17 million the last year that I worked. Our stock doubled in value that year and most of his pay was in stock options and grants, so if the corporation did not do well he didn't make much money.

the doubling of our stock value allowed me to retire early, as did many other shareholders.

was 17 million excessive? "what difference, at this point, does it make" HRC (a multi millionaire)
I work for a great company now pays its employees a fair wage. I'm 44 its the first company that's been like that. I've even made a lot of money at some pretty bad company so I'm not one of those greedy bastards who doesn't look around and see when things aren't right. the nineties are right in the 2000 under George Bush's conservative send your jobs overseas lower taxes on the rich basically shipping the tax burden onto us. and if you are as rich as you say then of course you're probably voting for the party best for you but please don't try to convince us that it's the party for us to that's just being dishonest. and I have always said on USmb either you're rich or stupid if you're Republican. congratulations on being one of the rich few

OMG, that post is just too stupid to merit a reply. I feel sorry for someone who is so brainwashed by liberal propaganda and lies.
The only one that seems to be angry is you, she is offering a suggestion and thinking out side the box, she is not talking minimum wage. She is talking: she don't care what a CEO MAKES as long as it's not 300% or 500% of the lowest worker.

A rising tide that lifts all boats

And helps small company's compete against the giants .

are you really that naive? Do you think GE would lower its prices if Imelt (obama's buddy whose corporation paid zero federal taxes) took a pay cut?
so you admit corporations pay zero federal taxes? Haha finally admitted something we've been telling you and you been denying. busted

The LIE that corporations pay zero federal taxes is just that. A lie.

If they use tax laws to minimize their payments, that's both fair and proper.

Address the unfairness of our tax laws.

Meanwhile, they SHOULDN'T pay any taxes. When the OWNERS get their distributions, they get hit HARD in taxes. Why the jolly green FUCK should they have paid taxes as the company earned the profits and THEN have to pay taxes AGAIN when they get their distributions (like, for example, by selling their shares)?

true, and the tax loopholes that libs rant about were put in place by the dems who controlled congress for most of the last 80 years.
boy you have a spin on everything. I started a thread in your honor. you admitting corporations pay zero taxes was my Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson a few good men moment. I can handle the truth

The spin -- as almost all have noted already -- was entirely yours.

You are the one who undeniably cannot handle truth.

Thus your spin, distortion, dishonesty and bullshit posting efforts.

The ensuing display of utterly baseless self-congratulation you now provide is kind of sickening, but not unexpected.

It's not like anybody expects honesty from you. You can't even admit when you just had your ass publicly whupped.

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