Corporations ≠ people

If this was not the case, then the Unions who fill the far left coffers would have been prevented from giving to the DNC.

So it is funny to see the far left drones upset about this due programed far left religious dogma responses instead of facts.
every god damn lobby in Washington is representing corporations and rich people and you cry because the unions represent labor f*** off

See how dangerous the far left religion truly is?

For the far left drones: Unions are Corporations.
If this was not the case, then the Unions who fill the far left coffers would have been prevented from giving to the DNC.

So it is funny to see the far left drones upset about this due programed far left religious dogma responses instead of facts.
nobody knows what you're referring to c********* stupid. maybe if you reply to a specific post we'd know what you were referring to dummy

You made my point before this post..
If this was not the case, then the Unions who fill the far left coffers would have been prevented from giving to the DNC.

So it is funny to see the far left drones upset about this due programed far left religious dogma responses instead of facts.
every god damn lobby in Washington is representing corporations and rich people and you cry because the unions represent labor f*** off

See how dangerous the far left religion truly is?

For the far left drones: Unions are Corporations.
you can't fix stupid
If this was not the case, then the Unions who fill the far left coffers would have been prevented from giving to the DNC.

So it is funny to see the far left drones upset about this due programed far left religious dogma responses instead of facts.
every god damn lobby in Washington is representing corporations and rich people and you cry because the unions represent labor f*** off

your union bosses make as much as the CEOs make. YOUR dues are making them rich, and you don't even care. you are just plain stupid.
If this was not the case, then the Unions who fill the far left coffers would have been prevented from giving to the DNC.

So it is funny to see the far left drones upset about this due programed far left religious dogma responses instead of facts.
every god damn lobby in Washington is representing corporations and rich people and you cry because the unions represent labor f*** off

See how dangerous the far left religion truly is?

For the far left drones: Unions are Corporations.
you can't fix stupid

you prove that with every post.
well we have seen huge pay for CEOs who's companies have lost money for shareholders....certainly that is excessive
but it depends on the situation....I dont think CEO pay can be said to be driven by the marketplace.
and in a lot of ways neither is the pay of performers and athletes...but theirs is probably more so.
sometimes a company will lose money and they still pay the co a lot of money because supposedly he saved the company from doing even worse. the same way a bad baseball team will pay a great player a lot of money to stay under losing team because if he goes it will get even worse. Honestly just like us to employees are disposable I think she owns are too but if you ask them for my brother they say they're not. of course they value themselves greatly.

maybe in a few situations that's the case but I think mostly its just undue influence over corporate boards. and o one can truly know if it would have eben worse cause no one can see into an alternative history.

Dont understand the last part of your post

CEOs and the guys under them think they're worth every penny they make and they make a lot. I would suspect if you got all the employees together and discuss openly and honest what everybody should make I bet you the CEO and the guys right under him would not raise as much as they do and the employees would make more than they do.

that is if we were being fair and if the employees ever had a say but they don't the CEO gets to decide or the guys at the top get to decide what they make and what the rest of us make. Of course they over value themselves and undervalue us.

Sad. Us versus them. Management versus labor.
Skilled versus unskilled.
I am 72 years old and have more ways to make millions but damn if I want to help people like you who want to continue the "Us vs them" mentality.
Whatever happened to initiative to become one of "them"? You and others like you are an embarrassment to adults everywhere!
you know what you are? and ignorant old man greedy selfish and set in your ways. You must not have ever been in the Union and don't understand that in the time that you worked throughout your life unions brought your wages up unions made this country strong.

your a joke old man. if you had a way to make another million you would if you didn't then you have enough money that you didn't feel like working anymore or you ran out of ideas you're a f****** idiot if you had one good idea you probably had a hundred that were bad f*** you
he is a cranky SOB I will give you that, but at 50 the Unions did nothing for me in my lifetime. They didn't bring up wages, they stalled out before my time. The only way I brought up my wages is busting my ass off and learning and becoming a sought after talent by the head hunters. All the worker rights happened way before my time the Unions in the past fought for.....

Today's unions? Worthless to me.
If this was not the case, then the Unions who fill the far left coffers would have been prevented from giving to the DNC.

So it is funny to see the far left drones upset about this due programed far left religious dogma responses instead of facts.
every god damn lobby in Washington is representing corporations and rich people and you cry because the unions represent labor f*** off

your union bosses make as much as the CEOs make. YOUR dues are making them rich, and you don't even care. you are just plain stupid.
the smartest man I ever knew worked on Union factory floors. they were at least smart enough to negotiate a fair wage for themselves. you're a CEO of course you see it that way
If this was not the case, then the Unions who fill the far left coffers would have been prevented from giving to the DNC.

So it is funny to see the far left drones upset about this due programed far left religious dogma responses instead of facts.
every god damn lobby in Washington is representing corporations and rich people and you cry because the unions represent labor f*** off

See how dangerous the far left religion truly is?

For the far left drones: Unions are Corporations.
you can't fix stupid

you prove that with every post.
you're a rich girl and your going to far and you know don't matter anyway you can rely on your old man's money you can rely on your old man's money
sometimes a company will lose money and they still pay the co a lot of money because supposedly he saved the company from doing even worse. the same way a bad baseball team will pay a great player a lot of money to stay under losing team because if he goes it will get even worse. Honestly just like us to employees are disposable I think she owns are too but if you ask them for my brother they say they're not. of course they value themselves greatly.

maybe in a few situations that's the case but I think mostly its just undue influence over corporate boards. and o one can truly know if it would have eben worse cause no one can see into an alternative history.

Dont understand the last part of your post

CEOs and the guys under them think they're worth every penny they make and they make a lot. I would suspect if you got all the employees together and discuss openly and honest what everybody should make I bet you the CEO and the guys right under him would not raise as much as they do and the employees would make more than they do.

that is if we were being fair and if the employees ever had a say but they don't the CEO gets to decide or the guys at the top get to decide what they make and what the rest of us make. Of course they over value themselves and undervalue us.

Sad. Us versus them. Management versus labor.
Skilled versus unskilled.
I am 72 years old and have more ways to make millions but damn if I want to help people like you who want to continue the "Us vs them" mentality.
Whatever happened to initiative to become one of "them"? You and others like you are an embarrassment to adults everywhere!
you know what you are? and ignorant old man greedy selfish and set in your ways. You must not have ever been in the Union and don't understand that in the time that you worked throughout your life unions brought your wages up unions made this country strong.

your a joke old man. if you had a way to make another million you would if you didn't then you have enough money that you didn't feel like working anymore or you ran out of ideas you're a f****** idiot if you had one good idea you probably had a hundred that were bad f*** you
he is a cranky SOB I will give you that, but at 50 the Unions did nothing for me in my lifetime. They didn't bring up wages, they stalled out before my time. The only way I brought up my wages is busting my ass off and learning and becoming a sought after talent by the head hunters. All the worker rights happened way before my time the Unions in the past fought for.....

Today's unions? Worthless to me.
I stopped reading as soon as you were incorrect which was about one and a half sentences in bye bye
If this was not the case, then the Unions who fill the far left coffers would have been prevented from giving to the DNC.

So it is funny to see the far left drones upset about this due programed far left religious dogma responses instead of facts.
every god damn lobby in Washington is representing corporations and rich people and you cry because the unions represent labor f*** off

your union bosses make as much as the CEOs make. YOUR dues are making them rich, and you don't even care. you are just plain stupid.
Telling that lie destroys all your integrity. There is no union boss that makes 600 times more than any member.
If this was not the case, then the Unions who fill the far left coffers would have been prevented from giving to the DNC.

So it is funny to see the far left drones upset about this due programed far left religious dogma responses instead of facts.
every god damn lobby in Washington is representing corporations and rich people and you cry because the unions represent labor f*** off

See how dangerous the far left religion truly is?

For the far left drones: Unions are Corporations.
you can't fix stupid

you prove that with every post.
you're a rich girl and your going to far and you know don't matter anyway you can rely on your old man's money you can rely on your old man's money

sorry, booboo. but I am not a girl. I am rich though, and I earned every penney of it.
every god damn lobby in Washington is representing corporations and rich people and you cry because the unions represent labor f*** off

See how dangerous the far left religion truly is?

For the far left drones: Unions are Corporations.
you can't fix stupid

you prove that with every post.
you're a rich girl and your going to far and you know don't matter anyway you can rely on your old man's money you can rely on your old man's money

sorry, booboo. but I am not a girl. I am rich though, and I earned every penney of it.
Trump, is that you?
See how dangerous the far left religion truly is?

For the far left drones: Unions are Corporations.
you can't fix stupid

you prove that with every post.
you're a rich girl and your going to far and you know don't matter anyway you can rely on your old man's money you can rely on your old man's money

sorry, booboo. but I am not a girl. I am rich though, and I earned every penney of it.
Trump, is that you?

Nope, he has a whole lot more than I do. But I understand that you libs must demonize all rich people, except hollywood liberals and rich race baiters like Sharpton. BTW, Sharpton owes several million in back taxes, does that bother you at all?
If this was not the case, then the Unions who fill the far left coffers would have been prevented from giving to the DNC.

So it is funny to see the far left drones upset about this due programed far left religious dogma responses instead of facts.
every god damn lobby in Washington is representing corporations and rich people and you cry because the unions represent labor f*** off

your union bosses make as much as the CEOs make. YOUR dues are making them rich, and you don't even care. you are just plain stupid.
Telling that lie destroys all your integrity. There is no union boss that makes 600 times more than any member.

I said they make as much as CEOs make. That is true. Not all CEOs make 600 times the average worker pay. In fact, it would be interesting if you would post a list of CEOs who make 600 times the average pay of their employees-------------we'll be waiting.
If this was not the case, then the Unions who fill the far left coffers would have been prevented from giving to the DNC.

So it is funny to see the far left drones upset about this due programed far left religious dogma responses instead of facts.
every god damn lobby in Washington is representing corporations and rich people and you cry because the unions represent labor f*** off

your union bosses make as much as the CEOs make. YOUR dues are making them rich, and you don't even care. you are just plain stupid.
I don't care whether or not a "union boss" gets rich because I'm not a jealous and envious asshole jerk.
If this was not the case, then the Unions who fill the far left coffers would have been prevented from giving to the DNC.

So it is funny to see the far left drones upset about this due programed far left religious dogma responses instead of facts.
every god damn lobby in Washington is representing corporations and rich people and you cry because the unions represent labor f*** off

your union bosses make as much as the CEOs make. YOUR dues are making them rich, and you don't even care. you are just plain stupid.
I don't care whether or not a "union boss" gets rich because I'm not a jealous and envious asshole jerk.

great, good for you. Do you have a point with that post or was it just a random brain fart?
If this was not the case, then the Unions who fill the far left coffers would have been prevented from giving to the DNC.

So it is funny to see the far left drones upset about this due programed far left religious dogma responses instead of facts.
every god damn lobby in Washington is representing corporations and rich people and you cry because the unions represent labor f*** off

your union bosses make as much as the CEOs make. YOUR dues are making them rich, and you don't even care. you are just plain stupid.
I don't care whether or not a "union boss" gets rich because I'm not a jealous and envious asshole jerk.

great, good for you. Do you have a point with that post or was it just a random brain fart?
The point is that idiots trying to make this union cement mason/ironworker/operating engineer jealous by saying that union bosses are rich doesn't fly.

Your fallacious appeal to envy isn't working.
If this was not the case, then the Unions who fill the far left coffers would have been prevented from giving to the DNC.

So it is funny to see the far left drones upset about this due programed far left religious dogma responses instead of facts.
every god damn lobby in Washington is representing corporations and rich people and you cry because the unions represent labor f*** off

your union bosses make as much as the CEOs make. YOUR dues are making them rich, and you don't even care. you are just plain stupid.
I don't care whether or not a "union boss" gets rich because I'm not a jealous and envious asshole jerk.

great, good for you. Do you have a point with that post or was it just a random brain fart?
The point is that idiots trying to make this union cement mason/ironworker/operating engineer jealous by saying that union bosses are rich doesn't fly.

Your fallacious appeal to envy isn't working.

Great, I was only pointing out to hangover that many union bosses make as much as CEOs and do virtually nothing to earn it. Do you enjoy sending them your union dues every paycheck? Do you care what they do with YOUR money?

I also am not jealous of anyone who has more than I do. So I guess we agree.
If this was not the case, then the Unions who fill the far left coffers would have been prevented from giving to the DNC.

So it is funny to see the far left drones upset about this due programed far left religious dogma responses instead of facts.
every god damn lobby in Washington is representing corporations and rich people and you cry because the unions represent labor f*** off

your union bosses make as much as the CEOs make. YOUR dues are making them rich, and you don't even care. you are just plain stupid.
Telling that lie destroys all your integrity. There is no union boss that makes 600 times more than any member.

Just another of the myths that a lot of rt-wingers pass around in e-mail chains etc...........if your ideas have to be supported by little packs of passed around probably aint worth much.

I think there is a tendency in market economies for consolidation to counter that Corporations should be taxed maintain the competition that rt-wingers always claim to want but that their politicians rarely ever really support.

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