Correcting the Reagan Myth

Regan cleaned up one hell of a mess that was left by Carter. OL'BO should be thanking his lucky stars that he doesn' t have to deal with inflation. Reagan wasn't so lucky.

Whatever he did. It worked.

Mayby Barry should take a look back in history and perhaps catch a few clues????
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And Carter cleaned up a mess left by Nixon and Ford?

Whip inflation now was a Nixon project. Wage and price freeze was also Nixon.
I like to think my partisanship (Which is not so extreme as yours) is based on rational observation. It looks as if YMMV.

Please fisk my stuff in Blue, rather than red if you want me to respond in the future.

Partisanship, by its nature, is never based on rational observation, but ignorance and stupidity.
Regan cleaned up one hell of a mess that was left by Carter. OL'BO should be thanking his lucky stars that he doesn' t have to deal with inflation. Reagan wasn't so lucky.

Whatever he did. It worked.

Mayby Barry should take a look back in history and perhaps catch a few clues????

Reagan borrowed money and spent his way out of it.

If you say it worked, lets try some stimulus
Regan cleaned up one hell of a mess that was left by Carter. OL'BO should be thanking his lucky stars that he doesn' t have to deal with inflation. Reagan wasn't so lucky.

Whatever he did. It worked.

Mayby Barry should take a look back in history and perhaps catch a few clues????

Reagan borrowed money and spent his way out of it.

If you say it worked, lets try some stimulus

RW...this debate is way too intense for your simple mind.
Continue if you wish....but be prepoared to be made to look like a fool...again.
A partisan hack will not survive in this debate.
Now...go ahead..."I know you are but what am I"?
Have you ever owned a business? Have you ever worked in the private sector?

Have you read the link, Frank? A simple yes or no will suffice. My guess, you enjoy being ignorant and don't mind posting that which makes you 'appear' stupid.

Um yeah, I have degrees in economics and finance and was an analyst and executive for a guy who worked his way up to the Forbes 400.

YOU MADE # 10!

And to think American Marxists hate for Sarah Palin is an order of magnitude greater than they had for Reagan and now you see why. Reagan kicked Marxists out of Central American and rolled them out of Eastern Europe and so they cannot afford to have another Conservative President cost them any more real estate.
Yeah Gorby woke up one morning and suddenly decided to tear down the Wall.

"I never even heard Reagan ask me to tear down the wall, I was asleep at the time!" -- The Real Gorby story as told by American Marxists
When did the Marxists ever have a large representation in Central Europe or Central America?
☭proletarian☭;1964564 said:
Have you read the link, Frank? A simple yes or no will suffice. My guess, you enjoy being ignorant and don't mind posting that which makes you 'appear' stupid.

Um yeah, I have degrees in economics and finance and was an analyst and executive for a guy who worked his way up to the Forbes 400.

YOU MADE # 10!


You're the expert on my life? Why don't you, Wry, Jake and RightWinger go back to your circle jerk
☭proletarian☭;1964651 said:
When did the Marxists ever have a large representation in Central Europe or Central America?

Just before Reagan made kicking their asses out of Central America and Eastern Europe the central theme of his Presidency
Regan cleaned up one hell of a mess that was left by Carter. OL'BO should be thanking his lucky stars that he doesn' t have to deal with inflation. Reagan wasn't so lucky.

Whatever he did. It worked.

Mayby Barry should take a look back in history and perhaps catch a few clues????

Reagan borrowed money and spent his way out of it.

If you say it worked, lets try some stimulus

RW...this debate is way too intense for your simple mind.
Continue if you wish....but be prepoared to be made to look like a fool...again.
A partisan hack will not survive in this debate.
Now...go ahead..."I know you are but what am I"?


Ron Reagan TRIPLED the existing deficit to spend his way out of a recession. When challenged, he dismissed the idea that deficit spending was bad for the economy.

History...what a concept!
☭proletarian☭;1964651 said:
When did the Marxists ever have a large representation in Central Europe or Central America?

Just before Reagan made kicking their asses out of Central America and Eastern Europe the central theme of his Presidency

The Contras were the Che Guevaras of the right wing lunatics.

I used to think you were a funny fucking asshole, but I see now how wrong I was; you're not funny.
Tearing down the Reagan myth -- now more than ever | Philly | 01/31/2010

1) Reagan had a big-spending economic stimulus plan. It's true. As noted in the book, the economic turnaround of the 1980s had little or nothing to do with Reagan's income tax cut that was heavily weighted to the rich but was instead the result of other factors, including the tight money policies of then-Fed chairman Paul Volcker (now an Obama adviser) and a global collapse of oil prices. But there was something else: Reagan also created thousands upon thousands of new jobs across America with a spending program that caused the federal deficit to skyrocket. It was called the Reagan defense buildup.

In the part of America where I lived in the 1980s, Long Island, N.Y., the economy was booming, in part because of the government dollars thrown at the then-Grumman Corp. to build new jet fighters. Now, government has a chance to do the same thing that Reagan achieved -- but not by building machines of death but creating jobs for things that will improve life, like solar power and high-speed rail.

2) Reagan would not have allowed many of the terror tactics started by Bush and Cheney and continued in the face of pressure by the Obama administration. Don't believe it? -- let me count the ways:
Read Lou Cannon's FIRST BIOgraphy of ROnald Reagan...titled:
Ronald Reagan, "Reagan" By Lou Cannon

Cannon, Lou. Reagan. New York: Putnam, 1982.
Lou Cannon has covered Ronald Reagan for thirty-six years, first as a reporter for the San Jose Mercury News, later as the White House correspondent for the Washington Post.

He began with covering Reagan's first campaign for governor of California in 1966 and continued until Reagan's recent death in 2004. His other books on Reagan include Ronnie and Jesse: A Political Odyssey, Ronald Reagan: The Presidential Portfolio, President Reagan: The Role of a Lifetime, Governor Reagan: His Rise to Power, and several others.
After following and working closely with Reagan, Cannon forms an obvious relationship and opinion of him.

Cannon admits that he "like(s) and respect(s) Ronald Reagan while remaining skeptical that his actions will achieve the results he intends," (Cannon, 1981, 15).

Cannon writes that he was at first skeptical of Reagan's abilities to perform as president; specifically with foreign policy and his economic theories.

However, Cannon argues that Reagan's presidency may mirror his governorship, "he started ineptly but soon evolved into a competent governor who was willing to sacrifice ideology for political achievement," (Cannon, 1981, 15).

Because this book was written during Regan's first year as president, Cannon is unable to record complete evidence to support his own theory, although he accomplishes this in his following books about President Reagan.

Cannon, an obvious conservative supporter of Reagan, includes criticisms and shortcomings of Reagan as well as praise.

Cannon does not let his personal relationship skew his writings and has thus become known as Reagan's definitive biographer.

Cannon's mission to provide an in depth biography of the nation's fortieth president and his ability to lead, begins by tracing Reagan's origins, his hopes and dreams, fears, achievements and failures.

Cannon provides the reader with insight to Reagan's childhood and adolescent years and attempts to...

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