Corruption At Its Finest: Mueller's Right-Hand Man Worked For Guy Who Smashed Hillary's Blackberries

After Moore is elected, Trumps will throw Mueller in Gitmo and charge Obama, Hillary and most top Democrats with Sedition for orchestrating the entire coup from the Illegal FISA warrants onward
Naw, the Ds are doing too much damage to themselves, let it bleed, let it bleed, let it bleeeed!
It's time for Trump to shut this charade down. The corruption of Mueller's witch hunt team is reaching epic proportions.

Mueller's 'Right-Hand Man' Represented Clinton Aide Who Set Up Server


Cripes this is beyond dirty.

I'm amazed it is not worse.

But it IS worse!

Every time they discover something criminal ....the next thing they find is even worse ....only GOD knows how will it be when all the truth comes out!!
Cripes this is beyond dirty.

I'm amazed it is not worse.

But it IS worse!

Every time they discover something criminal ....the next thing they find is even worse ....only GOD knows how will it be when all the truth comes out!!

The FBI is a highly partisan secret police force created by Mueller and expanded by Comey. In other words it did not rise to the level of the KGB in professionalism and competence.

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