Cortez is upset

Oh, geeesh.
Seems there needs to be some qualifying information here. For starters, how much meat is too much according to AOC? Did she eat more than that amount?

Really weird shit here guys. This place is turning more and more into one of the weird corners of the internet.
She wants to rid the world of cattle, in her new green deal.

It's a goal we should work toward. We did it with cigarettes mostly.

Cows are a net negative for the environment but it's mostly that beef is a carcinogen.

Have a good time with that.
Seems there needs to be some qualifying information here. For starters, how much meat is too much according to AOC? Did she eat more than that amount?

Really weird shit here guys. This place is turning more and more into one of the weird corners of the internet.

Hope you don't have kids.
I have two very young daughters, they don’t believe in fairytales like man-made global warming they’re too smart.
If they don't believe in fairy tales, I'm guessing that means the bible also, right?
The only fairytale any ones throwing around on this thread is man-made global warming is
In other words, you don't believe in reality, only fairy tales. That's what I figured. Hopefully, you're not brainwashing your kids with your fairy tales.
well shes just helping to get rid of them so we will stop eating them.

taking one for the team, that woman...
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She sure was good interviewing Michael Cohen.

She probably opened up at least four more investigations.

Good for her.
Oh, geeesh.
Seems there needs to be some qualifying information here. For starters, how much meat is too much according to AOC? Did she eat more than that amount?

Really weird shit here guys. This place is turning more and more into one of the weird corners of the internet.
She wants to rid the world of cattle, in her new green deal.

It's a goal we should work toward. We did it with cigarettes mostly.

Cows are a net negative for the environment but it's mostly that beef is a carcinogen.
Beef it’s whats for dinner...

Hell yeah and a few cold Heinekens. Or your perfered beverage to wash it down.
After she said Americans should eat less beef she was photographed eating a hamburger poor thing and she was mad about it
She is mad about cow farts but doesn't give a shit about the 25000 jobs she blew in her district
I have two very young daughters, they don’t believe in fairytales like man-made global warming they’re too smart.
If they don't believe in fairy tales, I'm guessing that means the bible also, right?
The only fairytale any ones throwing around on this thread is man-made global warming is
In other words, you don't believe in reality, only fairy tales. That's what I figured. Hopefully, you're not brainwashing your kids with your fairy tales.
After she said Americans should eat less beef she was photographed eating a hamburger poor thing and she was mad about it
This is classic leftist elitism.

The rules apply to the unwashed masses, not commie overlords. Al Gore by himself can have the "cabon footprint" of a third-world country, but he is righteous and is the AGW prophet, so god allows his holy chosen to break the rules.

Bernie Sandars bitches about wealth and wants us to be commies, but he is the leader of a righteous cause, so he gets to have 3 mansions...but not YOU.

Fuck these assholes. I want Texas out of this shit. Fuck this "Union."
Maybe you should read their faq’s they put out- pg 2

While the legislation doesn’t have much more in details about the role agriculture will play in this effort, a FAQ sheet released with the Green New Deal does paint a different picture.

In a section of the FAQ sheet asking about the difference between the goal of going “100% clean and renewable” versus “100% renewable” there is a call out about methane emissions in cattle.

“We set a goal to get to net-zero, rather than zero emissions, in 10 years because we aren’t sure that we’ll be able to fully get rid of farting cows and airplanes that fast, but we think we can ramp up renewable manufacturing and power production, retrofit every building in America, build the smart grid, overhaul transportation and agriculture, plant lots of trees and restore our ecosystem to get to net-zero,” the FAQ sheet reads.
After she said Americans should eat less beef she was photographed eating a hamburger poor thing and she was mad about it
This is classic leftist elitism.

The rules apply to the unwashed masses, not commie overlords. Al Gore by himself can have the "cabon footprint" of a third-world country, but he is righteous and is the AGW prophet, so god allows his holy chosen to break the rules.

Bernie Sandars bitches about wealth and wants us to be commies, but he is the leader of a righteous cause, so he gets to have 3 mansions...but not YOU.

Fuck these assholes. I want Texas out of this shit. Fuck this "Union."

They all have double standards

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