Cory Booker: “If I Had The Power” To Ban Guns “I Would”

He was investigated by the university he worked at and they fired him over his fake research.......are you really this dense?

No, according to your own article, he Resigned, he wasn't fired.

Look, man, I know that actual research into gun nutter myths drives you guys crazy.... I mean, shit, I can just say, "Kellerman" and you'll spend the next three pages spooging this thread.


(that last part is because you are dense.)

He resigned because he was going to be twit....

Here...actual research into early American gun ownership....


Our hope here is to do much more than explode recently created myths about gun ownership in probate records.

As we show, in probate inventories

(1) there were high numbers of guns in early America;1 2

(2) guns were much more common than swords or other edged weapons; 5 '

(3) women owned guns;.5 4 and

(4) the great majority of gun-owning estates listed no old or broken guns.'

Our estimates that at least 50% of male and female wealthholders owned guns in 1774 colonial America are the first carefully weighted national probate-based estimates for gun ownership in eighteenth-century America. If we exclude estates that have significant itemization of personal property, 54% of male wealthholders have guns, as do 19% of female wealthholders. We also provide the first weighted regional estimates of colonial gun ownership: 69% in the South, 50% in New England, and 41% in the Middle colonies.

Given that these counts are based on incomplete probate inventories, unless nudity was also widely practiced,1 56 these gun counts are likely to be substantial underestimates.

That guns would be so widely owned once men could afford them is consistent with the view that gun ownership was an important tool-and perhaps part of male identity at the time. As Gloria Main's work suggests, in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, guns were next in importance after beds, cooking utensils, and pewter-and ahead of chairs and books.'70 Anna Hawley found that guns were more common than chairs or hoes in a poor agricultural county.'7 ' Judith McGaw found that among eighteenth century mid-Atlantic farmers, guns were as common as plows.17
Booker, Beto, Buttigieg, etc need Media attention. They will do and say anything to get it, and also get the Democrat base who hate legally owned firearms.

Naw, man, what we hate is

32,000 gun deaths.
70,000 gun injuries
400,000 gun crimes.
$270,000,000,000 in economic losses every year.
Living in a world of metal detectors, security cameras, key-card doors, guards, because a small number of you have a crazy fetish and a bizarre interpretation of the militia amendment.
Firearms have nothing to do with violence in this country. And suicides do not count because they take care of themselves
His "research" has been PROVEN to be shit, dude. Time for you to grow up. Plugging your ears and going "lalalalala" like a five year old just ain't cutting it.

Then let's do the research again and prove otherwise...

The history of course, is that the colonials had so few guns they had to steal them from the Brits or buy them from France.

You have no idea what you are talking about...

As our comparative analyses suggest, our data are consistent with other published counts of guns in probate estates, such as Jones's,'7 4 Main's, 5 Hawley's,7 6 and McGaw's.'" Indeed, this high level of gun ownership shows up in the earliest large set of transcribed American probate inventories, George Dow's from Essex County, Massachusetts.

In the 1636-1650 period in Essex, gun ownership in probate estates was 71% for men and 25% for women. 7 We have examined thousands of unpublished handwritten inventories, which are roughly consistent with the published inventories we analyze here


Thus, everywhere and in every time period from 1636 through 1810, we found high percentages of gun ownership in probate inventories. Approximately 50-79% of itemized male inventories contained guns in all eight databases we discuss here---Jones (National, mostly 1774), Providence (Rhode Island, 1670, 1679- 1726), Gunston Hall (Maryland & Virginia, 1740-1810), Essex County (Massachusetts, 1636-1650), Hawley (Virginia, 1690-1715), Main (Maryland, 1657-1719), McGaw (New Jersey & Pennsylvania, 1714-1789), and Gill (colonial Virginia). O
You care comparing entirely different cultures of people Joe, and then say it must be the guns and not them.

If you go to most any wealthy area in our country, murder is almost nonexistent if not totally non-existent. Same with upper middle-class, and even white middle-class.

Look, man, I know you lack compassion for people of color.. but those other countries have darkies, too.

Funny thing. They don't have guns, they don't have our levels of violence.
Irrelevant, other countries Lack rights... And a real constitution
He was investigated by the university he worked at and they fired him over his fake research.......are you really this dense?

No, according to your own article, he Resigned, he wasn't fired.

Look, man, I know that actual research into gun nutter myths drives you guys crazy.... I mean, shit, I can just say, "Kellerman" and you'll spend the next three pages spooging this thread.


(that last part is because you are dense.)

And they directly attack bellesiles fake research....

We and five other historians and economists working independently over the last twenty-five years (Alice Jones, Anna Hawley, Gloria Main, Judith McGaw, and Harold Gill 79) have now analyzed and reported on guns in a total of over 5000 early probate inventories and nowhere do we report the patterns Bellesiles describes as being pervasive.

Moreover, as we have shown here using simple arithmetic, Bellesiles's 1765-1790 data are mathematically impossible."

We have analyzed part of Bellesiles's nineteenth-century probate data and are finding the same disturbing pattern as for the prior two centuries. In particular, in his table 1 Bellesiles reports gun counts for forty counties, including San Francisco County.' In correspondence with us 2 and in a report on his website from February through early September 2001, Bellesiles embellished his story by adding the detail of having examined the San Francisco probate records at the San Francisco Superior Repeated inquiries to the San Francisco Superior Court all have yielded a version of the same answer: they do not have the probate records that Bellesiles claimed to count because they were destroyed in the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and fire.
Booker, Beto, Buttigieg, etc need Media attention. They will do and say anything to get it, and also get the Democrat base who hate legally owned firearms.

Naw, man, what we hate is

32,000 gun deaths.
70,000 gun injuries
400,000 gun crimes.
$270,000,000,000 in economic losses every year.
Living in a world of metal detectors, security cameras, key-card doors, guards, because a small number of you have a crazy fetish and a bizarre interpretation of the militia amendment.
Firearms have nothing to do with violence in this country. And suicides do not count because they take care of themselves

And Democrat politicians who run all the cities are obviously fine with Blacks killing other Blacks by the multiple thousands every year, because they allow it to happen.
And the only reason Blacks and hispanics commit so much crime is their out of wedlock birthrates are so high....courtesy of the democrats and the Great Society. Fatherless homes in the Black and hispanic communities are driving the crime rates here.......and are now driving the crime rates in Europe.

um, no the reason crime rates are so high is because of easy access to guns.

You remind me of the joke about the Polish Scientists, who cut off one leg off a frog at a time and yelled jump, and when he cut off all four legs and yelled "Jump", he concluded a frog with no legs is deaf.

Dylan Roof had two parents. Adam Lanza had two parents.

The problem with you gun nuts is that you try to come up with any excuse for gun violence EXCEPT for guns.
Rural America, Has many, many more firearms then people… No significant firearm violence whatsoever. That should tell you something you silly little fucker
Moron.....the dumbest criminal out there is far smarter than you......when their victim produces a gun, they run away, or surrender, since the point is to victimize the victim, not go down in a blaze of glory.

So what you are telling me here is that 99.998% of drug addled, desperate criminals are going to totally shrink away from the mere sight of a gun being nervously handled by a scared white person.

Yeah, still seem pretty unlikely.
Taking firearms away from law-abiding people will not stop any violence you stupid motherfucker
That is because it is easily proven that guns are not the cause of or reason for crime

Americans have always been heavily armed but crime not so high

America has never been as heavily armed as it is now. In the 1950's, there were only 40 million guns in private hands in a population of about 150 Million. Most of these were simple handguns or hunting rifles.

Today, we have 300 million guns in a population of 300 million. Ironically, the worst thing that happened to the gun industry was Donald Trump getting elected, because they can no longer use the "Obama's gonna take your guns any minute now, so you'd better stock up on more!"
Actually this nation is not armed well enough, buy more guns and ammo. It doesn’t get any more American than that
Yes......but access to guns was easier in the old days, but we had more intact families in all racial groups.......intact families civilize young males and channel aggression into jobs and families........rather than violence.

And even with more guns, we have less gun can't explain that....

We have more gun murder. 2017 was a record year for gun murders. We have a mass shooting nearly every day, cities like Chicago and Dallas have record levels of gun violence.
Firearm violence is an urban problem, The vast majority of violent crime in this country is in progress of controlled urban areas with extremely strict gun control laws. You’ll progressives need to stop shitting where you eat
His "research" has been PROVEN to be shit, dude. Time for you to grow up. Plugging your ears and going "lalalalala" like a five year old just ain't cutting it.

Then let's do the research again and prove otherwise...

The history of course, is that the colonials had so few guns they had to steal them from the Brits or buy them from France.

The history is exactly the opposite you semi functional moron. EVERY history that has ever been written about the founding of America has shown repeatedly that firearms were EVERYWHERE.

Below is a single book out of my extensive collection. I also have one that only deals with the gunsmiths of Rhode Island...imagine that...a single book dealing with the gunsmiths of our smallest State. The problem that you have, you are trying to argue with people who actually know what we are talking about, and it is quite apparent that you don't. It is also quite apparent that you are only a propagandist. You really don't care what the actual facts are, you only care about promoting your agenda.


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Yes......but access to guns was easier in the old days, but we had more intact families in all racial groups.......intact families civilize young males and channel aggression into jobs and families........rather than violence.

And even with more guns, we have less gun can't explain that....

We have more gun murder. 2017 was a record year for gun murders. We have a mass shooting nearly every day, cities like Chicago and Dallas have record levels of gun violence.
All progressive controlled areas, Like a said you fuckers need to stop shitting where you eat
We don't have a mass shooting every day, we have gun criminals, known to the police, arrested by the police over and over again, and released by democrat judges and prosecutors over and over again, who shoot each other.

because- again- WE HAVE NOWHERE TO PUT THEM. We lock up 2 million people in this country. We have to let murderers out to let new murderers in. Just having a gun really, really isn't a good enough reason to lock people up when we are already putting them six to a cell.

Out of 320 million people about 1,500 are murdered by guns who are non criminals.........and the majority of those are friends and family of criminals, and the rest are trapped in the neighborhoods controlled by the democrats who keep releasing violent gun offenders back into those neighborhoods to keep shooting people.

Guy, out of 16,000 homicides, only 2000 are "Gang Related". The rest are domestic violence and street crime.

Sorry, man, the fact that white people aren't bearing the brunt of this does not make it better. If they were, we'd have fucking banned guns by now.
Rural America doesn’t have an firearm violence problem, Because firearms outnumber people many many times over… Tend to your own shit… You fucking spineless progressives
ntelligence is not your friend.....17 studies conducted by both private and government researchers show that you are wrong and that Americans use their guns for self defense regularly and actual facts show....

Over the last 26 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

Do you have some kind of OCD where you think repeating Bullshit NRA propaganda impresses anyone?

We have a HORRIBLE level of gun violence in this country. 33,000 gun deaths a year. This is fucking crazy.
In urban America mostly, why don’t you fuckers tend your own shit. And suicides do not count they take care of themselves.
Your stats on the 1950s are wrong and in fact neither then nor now are the guns spread evenly among the population

We have always been as heavily armed.

In the 19th century virtually everyone had a gun and crime was lower

Actually, very few people owned guns in the 19th century. They were actually kind of difficult to make, and relatively expensive.

And certainly not the kind of military grade weapons that are out there now.
ARs and the like are Not military grade, Why don’t you get some type of educational on the issue you worthless motherfucker...
We don't have a mass shooting every day, we have gun criminals, known to the police, arrested by the police over and over again, and released by democrat judges and prosecutors over and over again, who shoot each other.

because- again- WE HAVE NOWHERE TO PUT THEM. We lock up 2 million people in this country. We have to let murderers out to let new murderers in. Just having a gun really, really isn't a good enough reason to lock people up when we are already putting them six to a cell.

Out of 320 million people about 1,500 are murdered by guns who are non criminals.........and the majority of those are friends and family of criminals, and the rest are trapped in the neighborhoods controlled by the democrats who keep releasing violent gun offenders back into those neighborhoods to keep shooting people.

Guy, out of 16,000 homicides, only 2000 are "Gang Related". The rest are domestic violence and street crime.

Sorry, man, the fact that white people aren't bearing the brunt of this does not make it better. If they were, we'd have fucking banned guns by now.
Violent criminals should be executed… Problem solved you spineless motherfucker
If you want to reduce gun crime, lock up the repeat gun offenders........

Why? If you guys are claiming that EVERY FUCKING AMERICAN HAS A GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO A GUN, then I'm not sure why you want to lock people up for merely having a gun. The point is, we can't lock up the robbers because we don't have enough room for the rapists and murderers. Taxes in IL are high enough already, you want to lock up more people? Where's the money going to come from?

Wrong....every home had a gun and they were common tools for moron.

Spiking the Gun Myth

It seems impossible; and that was the reaction of Michael A. Bellesiles, a Colonial historian at Emory University, when -- while searching through over a thousand probate records from the frontier sections of New England and Pennsylvania for 1763 to 1790 -- he found that only 14 percent of the men owned guns, and over half of those guns were unusable.

What happened to the gun we ''know'' was over every mantel, the omnipresent hunting weapon, the symbol of the frontier? Bellesiles looked elsewhere, examined many different kinds of evidence, trying to find where the famous guns were hiding. ''Arming America: The Origins of a National Gun Culture'' tells us what he learned: that individually owned guns were not really in hiding; they were barely in existence. Before the Civil War, the cutoff point for this study, the average American had little reason to go to the expense and trouble of acquiring, mastering and maintaining a tool of such doubtful utility as a gun.

In the Colonial period, the gun meant the musket, an imported item that cost the equivalent of two months pay for a skilled artisan. Without constant attention its iron rusted, and blacksmiths were ill equipped to repair it (they shoed horses and made plows). The musket was not efficient for self-defense or hunting. It was not accurate beyond a few hundred feet (it had no sight, and soldiers were instructed not to aim, since volleys relied on mass impact). It frequently misfired and was cumbersome to reload, awkward qualities for individual self-defense; by the time you had put ball and powder back in, your foe would be upon you with knife, club or ax. Most murders were committed with knives, and -- contrary to the myth of primitive violence -- there were few murders outside Indian warfare (in North Carolina, on the average, there was only one murder every two years between 1663 and 1740).
Not true at all

Guns were easily made blacksmiths and mass produced with machine tools. In fact Samuel Colt was nogt merely a firearms designer he also helped to revolutionize machine tool technology which mass produced guns. They were mass produced by him and many others.

You are quite wrong and ignorant of history as usual

We have always been a heavily armed nation but with less crime proving your claim that guns cause crime to be false

I see you have hit the booze and the meds early today.......wanting actual felons and criminals who use guns to harm innocent people to sit in jail for 30 years is not giving a gun to everyone, you moron...

We can't make murderers sit in jail for 30 years, much less some "unorganized asshole with a gun".

Then you present Michael A. Bellesiles.....really? You want to present him as your source?

I'm sure right after Kellerman, he's up there on your hate list. BUt his research was solid... widespread gun ownership is a 20th century malady.
Just execute murderers, rapists and child molesters.... Out of sight, out of mind

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