Cory Booker: “If I Had The Power” To Ban Guns “I Would”

Kellerman's research was crap too....

Of course it was. It debunked one of your favorite myths about guns making us safer. Just like Bellesiles spiked they myth of heavily armed colonists.

I heard they did a study that owning a gun doesn't make your dick any bigger. I'm sure you will publish a study showing how manly a gun makes you.

Wrong, it was crap because it was CRAP. It debunked nothing other than the notion that the "researcher" was either ethical, or competent. He relied on morons, such as yourself, who are intellectually crippled, to sneak his crap paper into the scientific community. Idiots, like you, with a political agenda didn't care his research was shit because it reinforced their agenda. But science doesn't give a crap about agendas. That's why his "research" was pilloried.
Do you think armed criminals go out with the intention of getting hurt or killed? Of course not. They don't want to suffer a scratch.

I think if you are desperate enough to commit a crime, you've probably stopped thinking about the consequences.

SO let's review, one more time.

In this corner, you have the drug-addled, hungry, desperate criminal who need some money to get a fix.

And in this corner, you have the nervous, lilywhite gun owner who has probably never pulled out his weapon in anger before.

You guys really want me to believe that in 99.9998% of cases, the end result of that is going to be, "Oh, wow, you have a gun, what was I thinking?"

No. Not at all. Way too many chances for either side to miscalculate in that situation. The very fact that TRAINED POLICE OFFICERS miscalculate so often in these situations (you know, in these cases where you have a ton of excuses about why little Tamir or LaQuan just needed to fucking DIE!) tells me that if this was happening with untrained civilians 1.5 million times a year, we'd have a lot more cases of people being killed.

Here, this guy explains why victims are different from cops......

From the beginning to 1:41

No, that was your statement to 2aguy when he commented on police enforcement when it came to criminals with guns in your city. 2aguy stated that the Chicago authorities often let people who were carrying illegal firearms off the hook.

yes, that's what they claim.

The reality is, we don't have enough space for the real criminals... but that has little to with the crime problem.

The crime problem in Chicago is because

1) The community no longer trusts our incompetent, corrupt, badly run police department.

2) After the Feds rolled up several of the big gangs dealing drugs, a lot of smaller gangs filled in the power vacuum and are fighting over markets.

3) After McDonald and Heller, most of the sensible gun laws we did have were repealled, resulting in a spike in violence.

1) What does community trust have to do with criminal and their guns?

2) Are you saying the gangs and drugs are at fault and not the guns? Maybe you're starting to learn something.

3) Then why is the gun violence on the decline since last year? Did somebody bring those laws back?

You can make all the phony excuses you desire, but the real reason for the increase in violent crime in your city is the same reason it increased in other cities: The Ferguson Effect. Your state ranks 8th in the strictest gun laws. You can't give me three gun laws that were repealed in 2015 that caused any violence.

Again, just cheap excuses to avoid admitting you were wrong.
You completely ignore that Bellesiles made it all up, was fired for making it all up, and is disgraced for having made it all up? You failed to see that...right?

Well, no, he didn't, but if that makes you feel better with your wank fantasies about guns, have at it.

Holy shit, you just say "Kellerman" around 2AGuy and he goes completely nuts. Did Kellerman steal your girl and shoot your dog?
Here, this guy explains why victims are different from cops......

Not wasting my time on it. If cops can't get this right all the time, gun owners with no training and poor judgement are.

So 250 Self-defense homicides just means - DGU's are rare.
Wrong, it was crap because it was CRAP. It debunked nothing other than the notion that the "researcher" was either ethical, or competent. He relied on morons, such as yourself, who are intellectually crippled, to sneak his crap paper into the scientific community. Idiots, like you, with a political agenda didn't care his research was shit because it reinforced their agenda. But science doesn't give a crap about agendas. That's why his "research" was pilloried.

Or he did solid research that pointed out the obvious. Muskets were expensive in 1776 and of very little practical use for an individual, which is why very few people owned them.

The problem with you gun nutters is that you really can't argue why you need a gun, other than to appeal to your own insecurities... So Bellisares or Kellerman debunk your beliefs, you all go nuts.
1) What does community trust have to do with criminal and their guns?

They wont report crime, they won't be witnesses, they won't call the cops if there is a problem because Officer McShooty might show up and shoot the wrong person. That's what happens when your PD loses the trust of the community.

2) Are you saying the gangs and drugs are at fault and not the guns? Maybe you're starting to learn something.

No, i"m saying that the gangs WITH Guns are the problem.

No guns, no problem with gangs, really.
You completely ignore that Bellesiles made it all up, was fired for making it all up, and is disgraced for having made it all up? You failed to see that...right?

Well, no, he didn't, but if that makes you feel better with your wank fantasies about guns, have at it.

Holy shit, you just say "Kellerman" around 2AGuy and he goes completely nuts. Did Kellerman steal your girl and shoot your dog?

Well, yes he did. Otherwise he wouldn't be working as a barrista now, and would still be pulling down 120K as a professor you twit.
Wrong, it was crap because it was CRAP. It debunked nothing other than the notion that the "researcher" was either ethical, or competent. He relied on morons, such as yourself, who are intellectually crippled, to sneak his crap paper into the scientific community. Idiots, like you, with a political agenda didn't care his research was shit because it reinforced their agenda. But science doesn't give a crap about agendas. That's why his "research" was pilloried.

Or he did solid research that pointed out the obvious. Muskets were expensive in 1776 and of very little practical use for an individual, which is why very few people owned them.

The problem with you gun nutters is that you really can't argue why you need a gun, other than to appeal to your own insecurities... So Bellisares or Kellerman debunk your beliefs, you all go nuts.

His "research" has been PROVEN to be shit, dude. Time for you to grow up. Plugging your ears and going "lalalalala" like a five year old just ain't cutting it.
They wont report crime, they won't be witnesses, they won't call the cops if there is a problem because Officer McShooty might show up and shoot the wrong person. That's what happens when your PD loses the trust of the community.

Joe, I live in a black community. That's been going on for over 30 years.

No, i"m saying that the gangs WITH Guns are the problem.

No guns, no problem with gangs, really.

So how do you plan on stopping them getting guns? The same way you stopped them from getting narcotics?
You completely ignore that Bellesiles made it all up, was fired for making it all up, and is disgraced for having made it all up? You failed to see that...right?

Well, no, he didn't, but if that makes you feel better with your wank fantasies about guns, have at it.

Holy shit, you just say "Kellerman" around 2AGuy and he goes completely nuts. Did Kellerman steal your girl and shoot your dog?


He was investigated by the university he worked at and they fired him over his fake research.......are you really this dense?

Emory investigation and resignation[edit]
As criticism increased and charges of scholarly misconduct were made, Emory University conducted an internal inquiry into Bellesiles's integrity, appointing an independent investigative committee composed of three leading academic historians from outside Emory.[18] Bellesiles failed to provide investigators with his research notes, claiming the notes were destroyed in a flood.[19]

In the initial hardcover edition of the book, Bellesiles did not give the total number of probate records which he had investigated, but the following year, after the "flood," Bellesiles included in the paperback edition the claim that he had investigated 11,170 probate records. "By his own account," writes Hoffer, "the flood had destroyed all but a few loose papers of his data. It was a mystery how supposedly lost original data could reappear to enable him to add the number of cases to the 2001 paperback edition, then disappear once again when the committee of inquiry sought the data from him" (Hoffer, 153). One critic tried, unsuccessfully, to destroy penciled notes on yellow pads by submerging them in his bathtub, in order to prove that water damage would not have destroyed Bellesiles' notes.[20]

The scholarly investigation confirmed that Bellesiles' work had serious flaws, calling into question both its quality and veracity. The external report on Bellesiles concluded that "every aspect of his work in the probate records is deeply flawed" and called his statements in self-defense "prolix, confusing, evasive, and occasionally contradictory." It concluded that "his scholarly integrity is seriously in question."[21]

Bellesiles disputed these findings, claiming to have followed all scholarly standards and to have corrected all errors of fact known to him. Nevertheless, with his "reputation in tatters," Bellesiles issued a statement on October 25, 2002, announcing the resignation of his professorship at Emory by year's end.[22] In 2012 Bellesiles was working as a bartender while continuing to write history.[23]

Well, yes he did. Otherwise he wouldn't be working as a barrista now, and would still be pulling down 120K as a professor you twit.

Okay, if that's what you need to tell yourself... You do realize that academia isn't that lucrative, right, that a lot of Adjunct professors are on food stamps?
He was investigated by the university he worked at and they fired him over his fake research.......are you really this dense?

No, according to your own article, he Resigned, he wasn't fired.

Look, man, I know that actual research into gun nutter myths drives you guys crazy.... I mean, shit, I can just say, "Kellerman" and you'll spend the next three pages spooging this thread.


(that last part is because you are dense.)
His "research" has been PROVEN to be shit, dude. Time for you to grow up. Plugging your ears and going "lalalalala" like a five year old just ain't cutting it.

Then let's do the research again and prove otherwise...

The history of course, is that the colonials had so few guns they had to steal them from the Brits or buy them from France.
Joe, I live in a black community. That's been going on for over 30 years.

Okay, they won't call someone if you are being victimized, but that's because you're that old racist asshole who won't move.

I have my business here. The only way to move is to sell out. Besides, all my tenants are great people and enjoy living with them.

No Joe, this goes on (and has been) in black neighborhoods forever. It's what I call the Code of Stupidity. The Code of Stupidity dictates you don't call the police, and if somebody does, don't tell them a thing.

Blacks believe they don't need to comply with the law. Authorities are the enemy, and if you see or know something, let the brothers dish out vigilante justice themselves.

So somebody gets killed, and if the police make no immediate arrests, another person is murdered in return. Then it keeps going back and forth until police gather enough information to start making arrests, which will eventually lead them to the original murder that started it all.

In the mean time, several people are dead instead of just one, and in some cases the original killer is still out on the street. That's why it's the code of stupidity.
The 1.1 million Americans each year who use their legal guns to

The 1.1 million Americans each year who use their legal guns to stop violent criminals from committing rape, robbery and murder...

Still fantasy numbers. The VCP says 110,000 with only 268 Self-defense homicides.

and the gun murder number in 2017 was 10,982 as per the FBI you dipshit.

The CDC says 14,000.

Of course, either number is too high for a civilized country... Japan in was a whopping 3 in 2017.
Other countries are irrelevant...
Because of their lack of rights

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