Cory Booker in tears after hearing “shithole” slams DHS Sec for not hearing it

‘What Nielsen is trying to do is translate Trump. "I think what he was saying" is the give-away. She knows that she can't say he didn't say "shithole" (hence the "I don't recall") and, therefore, has only one option: To try to re-state what Trump actually meant -- even if it's not really what he said.’

How Durbin destroyed Nielsen's 'shithole' explanation - CNNPolitics

This administration is made up of nothing but cowards and liars.

Durbin's a shithead.

yes, how dare he tell the truth about your orange Jesus
what do you think Trump's nickname for Booker will be?!


Boo-Hoo Booker.
Cory Booker badgering a female witness is now considered "resisting Trump." How very feminist.
The future of the perpetually offended Democrat party, Cory Booker shits his pants and cries because meanie Trump (allegedly) said a dirty word?

Democrats want my vote, but then they throw out a fake outraged, crying pants shitter as the future of the party?

We have no real options.

That sir is called being a slave.

Get used to it.
Booker did not mean to say understand my hate. He caught himself. That's what he's mad about.

While watching this yesterday, the only thing that crossed my mind was that this guy needed to have his lights punched out.

The look on the face of the DHS Secretary said it all. As she looked on in horror at the wild eyed attack that was directed at her from Cory Booker, a member of congress, I was wondering when she would get up and leave the room in tears. But instead she sat there listening to this self-righteous meltdown, and then responded rationally, I'm amazed at how anyone could sit there and just take that kind of abuse.

I think this only proves that Democrats are lying to us. This is how much America has changed in my lifetime. When I was born not only wouldn't a black man be a member of congress, but no black man would have been allowed to talk that way to a white woman in public and not end up hanging from a rope. But thank God those days are gone. Perhaps this is what Democrats were thinking when they asked Cory Booker to scream at this poor woman. They felt that it would possibly generate yet another opportunity to throw out the race card. We'll see if that ever materializes.


Taking that doesn't matter who the participants were. What sex they were or what race they were. It was horrid and nasty and a perfect example of the degeneration of decorum in the halls of Congress. Despicable is the one word that best describes it.

January 17, 2018
Cory Booker completely loses it at DHS secretary Kirstjen Nielsen
By M. Catharine Evans
A crazed, bug-eyed Cory Booker, junior senator from New Jersey, blasted Department of Homeland Security secretary Kristjen Nielsen during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing yesterday on immigration.

Booker became so unhinged in his staged outrage that he repeatedly threatened Nielsen, with clenched fists pointed in her direction.

Equal to Booker's overt violation of Nielsen's right to be treated without hostility and intimidation was the deranged content of his tirade.

Nielsen had stated earlier she did not hear the president say the "s-hole" word at last week's White House meeting on DACA.

Booker went ballistic and accused Nielsen of covering up for the real target of his outburst: President Trump.

"The commander in chief in an Oval Office meeting referring to people from African countries and Haitians with the most vile and vulgar language, that language festers. When ignorance and bigotry is [sic] allied with power it is a dangerous force in our country. Your silence and your amnesia is [sic] complicit in it."

The senator then proclaimed that "tens of millions" of Americans are "hurting" over the word. Booker said he himself experienced "tears of rage" when Durbin called him to report the president's alleged vulgarity.

Booker's feigned emotional breakdown over a word he has heard many times as mayor of Newark was laughable.

Booker then rolled out the "white supremacy" charge, with examples of white criminals and their crimes, as if Nielsen, by the fact of her skin color, had committed them.

The senator's fake outrage and predictable race-baiting do not lessen the seriousness of threatening and harassing a female Cabinet member.

Booker's lunatic bellowing requires a mental health examination.​

Cory Booker completely loses it at DHS secretary Kirstjen Nielsen
He's a shitstain Democrat with mysoginist tendances, zero class and zero hope of being a serious Presidential candidate. Eh just another deluded low class Democrat with high hopes and plenty of innocent blood on his hands.
i can't listen. more 1 sided bullshit and fueling a fire they are the ones who started.

While watching this yesterday, the only thing that crossed my mind was that this guy needed to have his lights punched out.

The look on the face of the DHS Secretary said it all. As she looked on in horror at the wild eyed attack that was directed at her from Cory Booker, a member of congress, I was wondering when she would get up and leave the room in tears. But instead she sat there listening to this self-righteous meltdown, and then responded rationally, I'm amazed at how anyone could sit there and just take that kind of abuse.

I think this only proves that Democrats are lying to us. This is how much America has changed in my lifetime. When I was born not only wouldn't a black man be a member of congress, but no black man would have been allowed to talk that way to a white woman in public and not end up hanging from a rope. But thank God those days are gone. Perhaps this is what Democrats were thinking when they asked Cory Booker to scream at this poor woman. They felt that it would possibly generate yet another opportunity to throw out the race card. We'll see if that ever materializes.


Taking that doesn't matter who the participants were. What sex they were or what race they were. It was horrid and nasty and a perfect example of the degeneration of decorum in the halls of Congress. Despicable is the one word that best describes it.

January 17, 2018
Cory Booker completely loses it at DHS secretary Kirstjen Nielsen
By M. Catharine Evans
A crazed, bug-eyed Cory Booker, junior senator from New Jersey, blasted Department of Homeland Security secretary Kristjen Nielsen during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing yesterday on immigration.

Booker became so unhinged in his staged outrage that he repeatedly threatened Nielsen, with clenched fists pointed in her direction.

Equal to Booker's overt violation of Nielsen's right to be treated without hostility and intimidation was the deranged content of his tirade.

Nielsen had stated earlier she did not hear the president say the "s-hole" word at last week's White House meeting on DACA.

Booker went ballistic and accused Nielsen of covering up for the real target of his outburst: President Trump.

"The commander in chief in an Oval Office meeting referring to people from African countries and Haitians with the most vile and vulgar language, that language festers. When ignorance and bigotry is [sic] allied with power it is a dangerous force in our country. Your silence and your amnesia is [sic] complicit in it."

The senator then proclaimed that "tens of millions" of Americans are "hurting" over the word. Booker said he himself experienced "tears of rage" when Durbin called him to report the president's alleged vulgarity.

Booker's feigned emotional breakdown over a word he has heard many times as mayor of Newark was laughable.

Booker then rolled out the "white supremacy" charge, with examples of white criminals and their crimes, as if Nielsen, by the fact of her skin color, had committed them.

The senator's fake outrage and predictable race-baiting do not lessen the seriousness of threatening and harassing a female Cabinet member.

Booker's lunatic bellowing requires a mental health examination.​

Cory Booker completely loses it at DHS secretary Kirstjen Nielsen

Cory Booker is an establishment puke like John Boehner was. Both are sissy boys who cry like petulant little girls. I am sick of what liberalism has done to the liberal males of this country. More whine with that cheese there Cory?


While watching this yesterday, the only thing that crossed my mind was that this guy needed to have his lights punched out.

The look on the face of the DHS Secretary said it all. As she looked on in horror at the wild eyed attack that was directed at her from Cory Booker, a member of congress, I was wondering when she would get up and leave the room in tears. But instead she sat there listening to this self-righteous meltdown, and then responded rationally, I'm amazed at how anyone could sit there and just take that kind of abuse.

I think this only proves that Democrats are lying to us. This is how much America has changed in my lifetime. When I was born not only wouldn't a black man be a member of congress, but no black man would have been allowed to talk that way to a white woman in public and not end up hanging from a rope. But thank God those days are gone. Perhaps this is what Democrats were thinking when they asked Cory Booker to scream at this poor woman. They felt that it would possibly generate yet another opportunity to throw out the race card. We'll see if that ever materializes.


Taking that doesn't matter who the participants were. What sex they were or what race they were. It was horrid and nasty and a perfect example of the degeneration of decorum in the halls of Congress. Despicable is the one word that best describes it.

January 17, 2018
Cory Booker completely loses it at DHS secretary Kirstjen Nielsen
By M. Catharine Evans
A crazed, bug-eyed Cory Booker, junior senator from New Jersey, blasted Department of Homeland Security secretary Kristjen Nielsen during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing yesterday on immigration.

Booker became so unhinged in his staged outrage that he repeatedly threatened Nielsen, with clenched fists pointed in her direction.

Equal to Booker's overt violation of Nielsen's right to be treated without hostility and intimidation was the deranged content of his tirade.

Nielsen had stated earlier she did not hear the president say the "s-hole" word at last week's White House meeting on DACA.

Booker went ballistic and accused Nielsen of covering up for the real target of his outburst: President Trump.

"The commander in chief in an Oval Office meeting referring to people from African countries and Haitians with the most vile and vulgar language, that language festers. When ignorance and bigotry is [sic] allied with power it is a dangerous force in our country. Your silence and your amnesia is [sic] complicit in it."

The senator then proclaimed that "tens of millions" of Americans are "hurting" over the word. Booker said he himself experienced "tears of rage" when Durbin called him to report the president's alleged vulgarity.

Booker's feigned emotional breakdown over a word he has heard many times as mayor of Newark was laughable.

Booker then rolled out the "white supremacy" charge, with examples of white criminals and their crimes, as if Nielsen, by the fact of her skin color, had committed them.

The senator's fake outrage and predictable race-baiting do not lessen the seriousness of threatening and harassing a female Cabinet member.

Booker's lunatic bellowing requires a mental health examination.​

Cory Booker completely loses it at DHS secretary Kirstjen Nielsen

The internet has already begun it's mockery of him:

:bang3: :argue: :bang3: Yah, we all know the Corey Booker Performance was nothing but a scripted rage to piss off the 30% of Americans with an IQ under 43?
So, can we assume that most of us who watched the rant couldn't help but say to ourselves, something along the line of, "Yah Booker? Where were you when {name of any Democrat} said {racial statement/comment}.
Democrats have been caught saying some pretty harsh things about black people/harsh vulgar language for quite some time now. And now Cory Booker decides to have a cow? :cow:
Oh yah, I and others in the forum often bring up what Joe Biden said to a crowd of black people back in 2012? Apparently Corey Booker agreed with Joe Biden, and probably applauded him too.
:blahblah: :night: :oops-28:

While watching this yesterday, the only thing that crossed my mind was that this guy needed to have his lights punched out.

The look on the face of the DHS Secretary said it all. As she looked on in horror at the wild eyed attack that was directed at her from Cory Booker, a member of congress, I was wondering when she would get up and leave the room in tears. But instead she sat there listening to this self-righteous meltdown, and then responded rationally, I'm amazed at how anyone could sit there and just take that kind of abuse.

I think this only proves that Democrats are lying to us. This is how much America has changed in my lifetime. When I was born not only wouldn't a black man be a member of congress, but no black man would have been allowed to talk that way to a white woman in public and not end up hanging from a rope. But thank God those days are gone. Perhaps this is what Democrats were thinking when they asked Cory Booker to scream at this poor woman. They felt that it would possibly generate yet another opportunity to throw out the race card. We'll see if that ever materializes.


Taking that doesn't matter who the participants were. What sex they were or what race they were. It was horrid and nasty and a perfect example of the degeneration of decorum in the halls of Congress. Despicable is the one word that best describes it.

January 17, 2018
Cory Booker completely loses it at DHS secretary Kirstjen Nielsen
By M. Catharine Evans
A crazed, bug-eyed Cory Booker, junior senator from New Jersey, blasted Department of Homeland Security secretary Kristjen Nielsen during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing yesterday on immigration.

Booker became so unhinged in his staged outrage that he repeatedly threatened Nielsen, with clenched fists pointed in her direction.

Equal to Booker's overt violation of Nielsen's right to be treated without hostility and intimidation was the deranged content of his tirade.

Nielsen had stated earlier she did not hear the president say the "s-hole" word at last week's White House meeting on DACA.

Booker went ballistic and accused Nielsen of covering up for the real target of his outburst: President Trump.

"The commander in chief in an Oval Office meeting referring to people from African countries and Haitians with the most vile and vulgar language, that language festers. When ignorance and bigotry is [sic] allied with power it is a dangerous force in our country. Your silence and your amnesia is [sic] complicit in it."

The senator then proclaimed that "tens of millions" of Americans are "hurting" over the word. Booker said he himself experienced "tears of rage" when Durbin called him to report the president's alleged vulgarity.

Booker's feigned emotional breakdown over a word he has heard many times as mayor of Newark was laughable.

Booker then rolled out the "white supremacy" charge, with examples of white criminals and their crimes, as if Nielsen, by the fact of her skin color, had committed them.

The senator's fake outrage and predictable race-baiting do not lessen the seriousness of threatening and harassing a female Cabinet member.

Booker's lunatic bellowing requires a mental health examination.​

Cory Booker completely loses it at DHS secretary Kirstjen Nielsen

The internet has already begun it's mockery of him:


I was wondering why nobody offered him a kleenex or a dribble cup...
More democratic senators and congressmen need to be fired up like Booker.

Enough is enough. Democrats have been playing nice too long. They’ve allowed these republican cockroaches to infest our government, because they wanted to appear moderate. Well it’s obvious republicans don’t give a shit about being moderate.

Time to speak out against the bigotry and ignorance of the right. Democrats need not to mince their words.
More democratic senators and congressmen need to be fired up like Booker.

Enough is enough. Democrats have been playing nice too long. They’ve allowed these republican cockroaches to infest our government, because they wanted to appear moderate. Well it’s obvious republicans don’t give a shit about being moderate.

Time to speak out against the bigotry and ignorance of the right. Democrats need not to mince their words.
Those countries are shitholes. Deal with it, snowflake.
How did Kirstjen Nielsen keep a straight face while Wacky Cory Booker delivered his high school male lead performance in front of her? So embarrassing for him.

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