Cory Booker Joins Republican Sen. Majority to Kill Cheaper Meds

So what you are saying is the OP title is completely missleading?
Got it

This issue is not a simple cut and dry matter.
Canada benefits immensely from American military protection, and doesn't have to pay for it, and also saves $billions a year by not having to maintain a protective military.
Canada benefits immensely from American drug research that cost between $1 billion to $4 billion dollars - PER NEW DRUG. Canada doesn't have to pay for it. Americans by definition subsidize Canadians buying our drugs. Canada, like other European countries conveniently pass a law that "outlaws" paying for OUR research. Is that fair?
So what you are saying is the OP title is completely missleading?
Got it

This issue is not a simple cut and dry matter.
Canada benefits immensely from American military protection, and doesn't have to pay for it, and also saves $billions a year by not having to maintain a protective military.
Canada benefits immensely from American drug research that cost between $1 billion to $4 billion dollars - PER NEW DRUG. Canada doesn't have to pay for it. Americans by definition subsidize Canadians buying our drugs. Canada, like other European countries conveniently pass a law that "outlaws" paying for OUR research. Is that fair?
There's a little more to it than that but I see what you're saying.
So what you are saying is the OP title is completely missleading?
Got it

This issue is not a simple cut and dry matter.
Canada benefits immensely from American military protection, and doesn't have to pay for it, and also saves $billions a year by not having to maintain a protective military.
Canada benefits immensely from American drug research that cost between $1 billion to $4 billion dollars - PER NEW DRUG. Canada doesn't have to pay for it. Americans by definition subsidize Canadians buying our drugs. Canada, like other European countries conveniently pass a law that "outlaws" paying for OUR research. Is that fair?
There's a little more to it than that but I see what you're saying.

Indeed, there are many layers of this...and you bet, it also includes Big pharma and Washington collusion as in any industry. But it isn't as easy as saying "Big Pharma is treating Americans like cash registers!!!" has to approach that there should be an agreement made with ANY country buying American drugs that they also have to pay for the research that went into developing it instead of all of us subsidizing them.
So what you are saying is the OP title is completely missleading?
Got it

This issue is not a simple cut and dry matter.
Canada benefits immensely from American military protection, and doesn't have to pay for it, and also saves $billions a year by not having to maintain a protective military.
Canada benefits immensely from American drug research that cost between $1 billion to $4 billion dollars - PER NEW DRUG. Canada doesn't have to pay for it. Americans by definition subsidize Canadians buying our drugs. Canada, like other European countries conveniently pass a law that "outlaws" paying for OUR research. Is that fair?

Couple of corrections. First, Canada does not mandate a price, nor does Canada negotiate drug prices. They simply have a law that no company can charge Canadians more than the average price that company charges other customers around the world. If you think about, the United States has the highest drug prices in the world. The United States is not subsidizing Canadian prescriptions, hell, we are the ones causing them to pay as much as they pay.

Second, I am not buying the research argument. Drug companies spend much more money on advertising and marketing than research. Truth is, government has funded at least half the research of most block busting drugs.

But the real kicker, every year, every year since 1982, the drug industry has been the most profitable in the United States with a return on revenue that has averaged over three times that of every other industry represented in the Fortune 500.
So what you are saying is the OP title is completely missleading?
Got it

This issue is not a simple cut and dry matter.
Canada benefits immensely from American military protection, and doesn't have to pay for it, and also saves $billions a year by not having to maintain a protective military.
Canada benefits immensely from American drug research that cost between $1 billion to $4 billion dollars - PER NEW DRUG. Canada doesn't have to pay for it. Americans by definition subsidize Canadians buying our drugs. Canada, like other European countries conveniently pass a law that "outlaws" paying for OUR research. Is that fair?

Couple of corrections. First, Canada does not mandate a price, nor does Canada negotiate drug prices. They simply have a law that no company can charge Canadians more than the average price that company charges other customers around the world. If you think about, the United States has the highest drug prices in the world. The United States is not subsidizing Canadian prescriptions, hell, we are the ones causing them to pay as much as they pay.

Second, I am not buying the research argument. Drug companies spend much more money on advertising and marketing than research. Truth is, government has funded at least half the research of most block busting drugs.

But the real kicker, every year, every year since 1982, the drug industry has been the most profitable in the United States with a return on revenue that has averaged over three times that of every other industry represented in the Fortune 500. I say there are many layers of this.
And it is simply stupid to blame one party over another when this basically unregulated market pricing has never been addressed NO MATTER WHAT PARTY IS IN CHARGE. And OBAMACARE did absolutely nothing to address it.
So what you are saying is the OP title is completely missleading?
Got it

This issue is not a simple cut and dry matter.
Canada benefits immensely from American military protection, and doesn't have to pay for it, and also saves $billions a year by not having to maintain a protective military.
Canada benefits immensely from American drug research that cost between $1 billion to $4 billion dollars - PER NEW DRUG. Canada doesn't have to pay for it. Americans by definition subsidize Canadians buying our drugs. Canada, like other European countries conveniently pass a law that "outlaws" paying for OUR research. Is that fair?

Couple of corrections. First, Canada does not mandate a price, nor does Canada negotiate drug prices. They simply have a law that no company can charge Canadians more than the average price that company charges other customers around the world. If you think about, the United States has the highest drug prices in the world. The United States is not subsidizing Canadian prescriptions, hell, we are the ones causing them to pay as much as they pay.

Second, I am not buying the research argument. Drug companies spend much more money on advertising and marketing than research. Truth is, government has funded at least half the research of most block busting drugs.

But the real kicker, every year, every year since 1982, the drug industry has been the most profitable in the United States with a return on revenue that has averaged over three times that of every other industry represented in the Fortune 500. I say there are many layers of this.
And it is simply stupid to blame one party over another when this basically unregulated market pricing has never been addressed NO MATTER WHAT PARTY IS IN CHARGE. And OBAMACARE did absolutely nothing to address it.
It's obvious to anyone who wants to see that big pharma makes excuses for gouging the American customer, R & D, government regulations, etc. Right now big pharma is in a continuous multi year fight with the government, believe it or not their bottom line is shrinking and they're trying to prop it up anyway they can. They've been fined for fraudulent marketing practices here and abroad and Pfizer was fined $60.2 million a few years ago for bribing foreign officials to approve their products. Of course they're going to look for politicians to "back" that will be friendly to them, God forbid one of their higher ups should have to give up gold plated china for silver plated china. :eusa_whistle:
Any real answer to this problem without at least recognizing that this is nothing new or unique.
America is no longer a republic. We pretend to be, but we are actually a Plutocratic Corporatocracy.
Big Pharma doesn't even hold a birthday sized candle to the billion Watt power of Agri-Business.
Trump is the only President that is paying more than just lip service to the problem and without the usual political rock throwing. I have no idea if he means what he says - but I have hopes that he is different than the puppets in a suit we have endured for far too long.
I got tired of this crap years ago, and have been buying RX through the internet and by mail from Canada when I am in the Medicare doughnut hole. They don't really enforce this law anymore.
Know anyone traveling down south? I hear drugs are even cheaper, over there.

I live 35 miles from the Mexican border. There are some very good deals down there, and you can get things that your doc may not subscribe for you there. For example, I have back problems, that causes muscle spasms, and these days, docs don't like to prescribe diazepam for people over 65 because of risks of falls, but I have been known to buy it in Mexico anyway. However, the Mexicans have wised up, and people used to get Viagra and stuff like that for nickels and dimes, but now, in the border towns, that stuff is in such a high demand that you really don't save much.

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