Cory Booker says Kavanaugh impeachment shouldn't be off the table

Kavanaugh's wife stood accused of attempted rape? And his kids, too? When did that happen? Oh, Kavanaugh tried to hide behind his wife's skirt all the time, and now you are shoving him behind his kids for him to avoid facing responsibility for his loutish youth?
Yeah, I'm sure it wouldn't affect your family if you were accused of gang rape (with absolutely no evidence) in front of the entire world. You present a pretty weak argument there, pal.
Since you pulled these "rules set by the Democratic Party" out of your fat arse, you'll understand others might be reluctant to go anywhere near them, thank you.
You really need to do a little research before shooting off your mouth. I believe Joe Biden is a Democrat:

Let's review your statement: "Kavanaugh isn't the one who got bloodied up, stupid, it was his FAMILY. His wife and kids." So, his "wife and kids" were "bloodied up", not Kavanaugh himself. And now you are retreating behind some unknown effect on Kavanaugh's family.

Yeah, I know what Biden suggested (push the nomination of hypothetical Supreme Court nominee until after the election - not after the new Congress is seated - so as to keep it out of the hot campaign season of September and October, which wasn't the case with Garland), and I also know it was never a "Democratic" rule, and thus what you alleged was a moldy lie most of your ilk have long abandoned after the fist dozen times it's been pointed out to them.

Give it up, asshole. Your "ilk" slandered and smeared a good man and anybody with a fucking brain knows this shit will have a lasting effect on his wife and kids. I wouldn't expect a POS like you to admit it though because you power hungry subversives think the ends justify the means (as long as it's YOUR ends and YOUR means). Reverse the roles and it's a completely different story though.
Re: Biden. You lefties hate it when your shenanigans come back to bite you in the ass. Oh well, like your messiah once said, "Elections have consequences". Now YOU get to ride in the back.
yes it is a case of that and your desire to bash someone does not supercede the constitution.

Due Process Clause - Wikipedia

Clause 39 of Magna Carta provided:
No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any other way, nor will we proceed with force against him, or send others to do so, except by the lawful judgment of his equals or by the law of the land.[2]

he has a right to this role as appointed by the president and the left was trying to remove him from this w/o due process with an allegation of guilt from 35+ years ago. so i would argue that if you're going to attack him in order to prevent him from obtaining a job he was appointed to "by law" then yes, due process applies and you can't force someone to prove they're NOT guilty of any accusation you pull out and go AH-HA!!!

then, let's say you're as stubborn as you seem and continue with this thought process that this is NOT around due process or even a legal proceeding - then the left needs to shut up about "lying under oath" because according to the left TODAY (as always subject to change with their ever changing moods) wouldn't apply because this is *not* a legal proceeding.

so either way you wish to go about it - i'm not going to ignore the fact you're trying to gain both sides for 1 side and eliminate any opposition by trying to say this isn't what it really is. now. today. until you need it to be something else cause you "just thought of something" clever.

then again so far the risk of you thinking of something clever is pretty remote.

I repeat: JOB INTERVIEW. Does it sink in now?

And no, even while white and male, he still isn't entitled to "his" Supreme Court seat, and isn't deprived of anything if his confirmation falls through. Once you're done hyperventilating, it should occur to you that it takes a supremely over-entitled brat on the Kavanaugh scale of over-entitlement to go all-out jerk against those who question your overly bloated sense of entitlement. But then, maybe not.
I REPEAT - i already covered this. if you wanna go "job interview" then fine -

shut the fuck up about contempt of court and lying under oath - HUGE/YUGE issues to the left not long ago but since they found they were getting flack for "guilty til proven innocent" they decided to change what this is all about.


so great. i can count on you and the left never mentioning lying under oath again, right?
Nothing should be "off the table" with regards to Blathering Bart or anything else. There will be further investigation and additionally a subpoena for the directives sent from White House to FBI as to scope.

What SHOULD be off the table prior to the election is ANY talk of impeachment. It just makes the Howler Monkeys get their panties in a bunch and start flinging poop.

I REPEAT - i already covered this. if you wanna go "job interview" then fine -

shut the fuck up about contempt of court and lying under oath - HUGE/YUGE issues to the left not long ago but since they found they were getting flack for "guilty til proven innocent" they decided to change what this is all about.


so great. i can count on you and the left never mentioning lying under oath again, right?

Shrug. Lying to Congress while under oath is a felony, but still does not a court proceeding make, since it's just a job interview even while under oath. After all, Kavanaugh wouldn't go to jail if the Senate had voted him down. He can still go to jail if it can be proved, beyond a reasonable doubt, before a court of law, he perjured himself during the hearing.
I REPEAT - i already covered this. if you wanna go "job interview" then fine -

shut the fuck up about contempt of court and lying under oath - HUGE/YUGE issues to the left not long ago but since they found they were getting flack for "guilty til proven innocent" they decided to change what this is all about.


so great. i can count on you and the left never mentioning lying under oath again, right?

Shrug. Lying to Congress while under oath is a felony, but still does not a court proceeding make, since it's just a job interview even while under oath. After all, Kavanaugh wouldn't go to jail if the Senate had voted him down. He can still go to jail if it can be proved, beyond a reasonable doubt, before a court of law, he perjured himself during the hearing.
see - you want it both ways.

that's fucked up and a sure sign of a fool.

see ya later, fool.
Boy are you dreaming.
Ford wasn't credible at all.
This supposed sexual assault took place 36 years ago. Anyone with a working brain cell would have reported it then. Not 36 years later. She had no proof and no witnesses. The two she provided said they were never at that party.
Oh and she wasn't going to report it at all but DiFi sure had no problem outing her.
Which party foes DiFi represent??
So which party was in charge of the circus??
The Dems.

Ford wasn't credible at all.....
LOL yeah right
I guess you're in disagreement with the orange guy... Mr T. for intimates. .... your guru with the strange hairdu.

So which party was in charge of the circus??
The party in power... you should know that ;)

Nope. The party not in power ran the smear on BK. DiFi made sure of that. You know. Democrat DiFi.

Well the orange guy, as you call him, has done a damned fine job so far.

Carry on clueless.
Nope. The party not in power ran the smear on BK. DiFi made sure of that. You know. Democrat DiFi.
Well the orange guy, as you call him, has done a damned fine job so far.
Carry on clueless.

From your point of view, he's done a fantastic, over-the-top job. The new 'bible-belt' now goes up to the Canadian border lol!. I think you've got enough conservative judges to keep women like you under wraps for the next half century. Hail Jesus !.

I'm starting a clothes-hanger business... what's your preference? I think the wood adds a classy touch.
Nah. I just fold mine.

Oh and Trump has done a good job.

If you can't see it then it sucks to be you.
Can’t you always paint the minority party as butthurt obstructionists? You can’t honestly say that the Republicans were graceful losers during the Obama years, can you?

Obozo got plenty of nominees and policies enacted and voted on by republicrats, so bull fucking shit.

To date democrooks have obstructed Trump on everything he has tried to accomplish.

So don't spare us the "they did it too" speech.
No. He did not. He had the largest number of court vacancies unfilled...due to your obstructionism. Enough with the lies.

Again, bull fucking shit.

He got a Hispanic Klanswoman and a hobbit like creature on the court with barely a wimper of resistance from the republicrats.

Double Standard? Obama '09 Cabinet picks slid through; Trump's face hold-up

The meat puppet had no resistance until democrooks were swept out of power in every office except the POTUS over the period of 2010-2016. Republicrats didn't do, and couldn't do shit to stop your moonbat messiah for his first 2 years. That's the facts, you're the fuckin liar.

How many days did his SCOTUS nominees take for confirmation?

How many days for Kavanaugh?

How many court vacancies remained unfilled under Obama?

Now compare that to his predecessers or Trump.
I have never seen a job interview where the applicant was accused of drugging and gang raping young women over a couple of years, exposing himself to somebody, or attempted rape at a party while drunk. Anybody who says this was a job interview is full of crap, this was a full-out, no holds barred, unscrupulous personal attack on somebody's character. You don't have that in a freakin' job interview.

Usually that stuff is cleared by an investigation followed by a court case. Addressing these allegations of illegality and indecency during a confirmation hearing is unheard of and should be a disqualifying/delaying factor. Notice that Kavanaugh didn't sue Ford for defamation ...wouldn't be surprised if Trump pushes for it.

Well, dismissing somebody for such an important government job over an unproven accusation are the kind of things they used to do in the former Soviet Union. Here, we still have a society of innocent until proven guilty.

However if that’s the kind of America you envision, then we will never have an appointed judge again since either side can find some screwball to make some shit up.

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I have never seen a job interview where the applicant was accused of drugging and gang raping young women over a couple of years, exposing himself to somebody, or attempted rape at a party while drunk. Anybody who says this was a job interview is full of crap, this was a full-out, no holds barred, unscrupulous personal attack on somebody's character. You don't have that in a freakin' job interview.

Usually that stuff is cleared by an investigation followed by a court case. Addressing these allegations of illegality and indecency during a confirmation hearing is unheard of and should be a disqualifying/delaying factor. Notice that Kavanaugh didn't sue Ford for defamation ...wouldn't be surprised if Trump pushes for it.

Well, dismissing somebody for such an important government job over an unproven accusation are the kind of things they used to do in the former Soviet Union. Here, we still have a society of innocent until proven guilty.

However if that’s the kind of America you envision, then we will never have an appointed judge again since either side can find some screwball to make some shit up.

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Hey Ray. Someone on the board said you were a long haul trucker??

If so. How's business been?? Is the Trump economy helping you guys??
Cory Booker says Kavanaugh impeachment shouldn't be off the table

DES MOINES, Iowa — New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker said on Sunday the possibility of impeaching Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh shouldn’t be off the table if Democrats take one of the houses of Congress in next month’s midterm elections. Kavanaugh was confirmed on Saturday by a narrow vote following a contentious process that included multiple sexual assault allegations.

“The reality is, right now, Republicans control the House and the Senate, and there’s no way to do even an investigation unless we flip one of the houses. So I think even before you start focusing on questions about his truthfulness before a Senate committee, you’ve got to focus on the urgency of the work over the next 30 days, and that’s where my focus is,” Booker said.


Cory Booker says Kavanaugh impeachment shouldn't be off the table

Look everyone. They don't know how to handle the thriving economy. They cannot possibly tell you that they are going to raise the taxes, start up mass regulations on business, make sure to bend over for the world to rape us on trade deals and appease ALL of our enemies.

They cannot tell you any of that.

They are such creepy losers.

Thank you Spartacus for your upfront attitude.

If the Democrats win the House next month, Kav will be impeached, and so will Trump, Pence, Gorsuch and Clarence Thomas. This will be the main activity of Congress in 2019 and 2020.
Cory Booker says Kavanaugh impeachment shouldn't be off the table

DES MOINES, Iowa — New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker said on Sunday the possibility of impeaching Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh shouldn’t be off the table if Democrats take one of the houses of Congress in next month’s midterm elections. Kavanaugh was confirmed on Saturday by a narrow vote following a contentious process that included multiple sexual assault allegations.

“The reality is, right now, Republicans control the House and the Senate, and there’s no way to do even an investigation unless we flip one of the houses. So I think even before you start focusing on questions about his truthfulness before a Senate committee, you’ve got to focus on the urgency of the work over the next 30 days, and that’s where my focus is,” Booker said.


Cory Booker says Kavanaugh impeachment shouldn't be off the table

Look everyone. They don't know how to handle the thriving economy. They cannot possibly tell you that they are going to raise the taxes, start up mass regulations on business, make sure to bend over for the world to rape us on trade deals and appease ALL of our enemies.

They cannot tell you any of that.

They are such creepy losers.

Thank you Spartacus for your upfront attitude.

If the Democrats win the House next month, Kav will be impeached, and so will Trump, Pence, Gorsuch and Clarence Thomas. This will be the main activity of Congress in 2019 and 2020.

LMAO Good luck with that foolishness.
You need a video to show that the republicans didn’t grant a hearing to Garland? Really? You don’t think that happened?
Did they accuse him of gang rape?

Bullshit, no congressional Democrat accused him of that.
No, they just accused him of sexual assault. Their SURROGATES accused him of gang rape.

Garland would give his left nut (pardon the pun) to get accused of teenage sexual assault with a side of a lifetime appointment to the SCOTUS.

It’s NUTS to claim that Republican politicking was not more damaging to Garland then anything Democrats did to Kavanaugh.

Take that “they went unfairly after a good man” and shove it up your ass.
Kavanaugh isn't the one who got bloodied up, stupid, it was his FAMILY. His wife and kids. You feel good that your party has to use slander and felonious false accusations to achieve their political goals? That would make you one sick POS, just like them.
PS, asshole, Garland didn't get a vote because of the rules set by the Democratic Party. Don't blame Republicans for playing by those rules. Shove THAT up your ass.

Democrats went an EXTRA MILE to establish the credibility of FORD's story, including administering a lie ditector test, which she passed btw, which cannot be said for Kavanaugh. She was also asking for a through FBI investigation, which AGAIN cannot be said for Kavanaugh.

Even Republicans and Trump said that Ford was credible.

Your assertions of "slander and felonious false accusations" is laughble horsecrap and btw...have you boofed yet? :rolleyes:
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Democrats went an EXTRA MILE to establish the credibility of FORD's story, including administering a lie ditector test, which she passed
She said she was asked a lot of questions on the "test" but the "test" we got to see had 2 questions on it and neither one had anything to do with Kavanaugh.
She was also asking for a through FBI investigation, which AGAIN cannot be said for Kavanaugh.
Asking for yet another FBI investigation was an obvious stall tactic. That's why after they got it, and agreed to the one week limit, they complained about it only being one week and demanded it last longer. Stall tactic.
Even Republicans and Trump said that Ford was credible.
They were being far too generous but they had to play along so they wouldn't appear to be "mistreating" the poor little fragile victim.
Your assertions of "slander and felonious false accusations" is laughble horsecrap.
Then you shouldn't have any trouble showing us some corroboration. Go ahead, I'll wait...and wait...and wait...……………………..
Well, dismissing somebody for such an important government job over an unproven accusation are the kind of things they used to do in the former Soviet Union. Here, we still have a society of innocent until proven guilty.
However if that’s the kind of America you envision, then we will never have an appointed judge again since either side can find some screwball to make some shit up.
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That's the whole point.... that kind of accusation needs to be addressed by the courts. Should have been resolved 36 years ago.

But then again.... this is the SUPREME COURT which has 'elevated standards' and where candidates are not supposed to express partisanship.

This ain't no burger flippin job... its a permanent appointment. If Ford lied, she needs to be prosecuted with due process... especially with the damage she inflicted on Brett Kavanaugh's family. You won't see any effort to prosecute since this nomination was plowed in using the fast track while it was available... (ps... Nov 6 should be interesting).
Democrats went an EXTRA MILE to establish the credibility of FORD's story, including administering a lie ditector test, which she passed
She said she was asked a lot of questions on the "test" but the "test" we got to see had 2 questions on it and neither one had anything to do with Kavanaugh.
She was also asking for a through FBI investigation, which AGAIN cannot be said for Kavanaugh.
Asking for yet another FBI investigation was an obvious stall tactic. That's why after they got it, and agreed to the one week limit, they complained about it only being one week and demanded it last longer. Stall tactic.
Even Republicans and Trump said that Ford was credible.
They were being far too generous but they had to play along so they wouldn't appear to be "mistreating" the poor little fragile victim.
Your assertions of "slander and felonious false accusations" is laughble horsecrap.
Then you shouldn't have any trouble showing us some corroboration. Go ahead, I'll wait...and wait...and wait...……………………..

Retard, if you have just commited a "fellonious slander" why the fuck would you push for FBI to do a through investigation??? And on the other side of that, if this grand slander is commited against you why would you NOT want a through investigation and chages against a person who just purjured themself before the congress?

Kavanaugh did not even dare to directly confront Ford. Thats how pissed he was about the purpertraitor of "fellonious slander" about his teenage drunken grabbing that his poor wife and kids had to endure :rolleyes:

Not a single thing about this story adds up on the Kavanaugh and rightwinger side, just a series of one incoherent flap after another.
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Democrats went an EXTRA MILE to establish the credibility of FORD's story, including administering a lie ditector test, which she passed
She said she was asked a lot of questions on the "test" but the "test" we got to see had 2 questions on it and neither one had anything to do with Kavanaugh.
She was also asking for a through FBI investigation, which AGAIN cannot be said for Kavanaugh.
Asking for yet another FBI investigation was an obvious stall tactic. That's why after they got it, and agreed to the one week limit, they complained about it only being one week and demanded it last longer. Stall tactic.
Even Republicans and Trump said that Ford was credible.
They were being far too generous but they had to play along so they wouldn't appear to be "mistreating" the poor little fragile victim.
Your assertions of "slander and felonious false accusations" is laughble horsecrap.
Then you shouldn't have any trouble showing us some corroboration. Go ahead, I'll wait...and wait...and wait...……………………..

Retard, if you have just commited a "fellonious slander" why the fuck in the world would you push for FBI to do a through investigation???

If you had an unsubstantiated rumor you could have taken to the FBI 6 weeks earlier to investigate but chose not to, if you had an unsubstantiated rumor of which the subject of the rumor made it clear she did not want the issue to be released, did not want her name to get out, did not want to file charges, and did not want to testify....

...why would you go extremely publicly to the media to released the unsubstantiated rumor, being extremely reckless in exposing the accused to undue / unfair scrutiny while betraying the woman how clearly wanted none of this?

Zero evidence.
Zero witnesses...who did NOT say 'It never happened'
Faulty Memory
False Testimony
...the 'Herman Cain'ing of Brett Kavanaugh.

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