Cory Booker says Kavanaugh impeachment shouldn't be off the table

Her and Harry Reid are the head of a fight club...

They both have brain damage but I do think Harry Reid got the worst of it
he looks like he was accidently shot by dick cheney
Na, Actually his wife beat the shit out of him
did bigfoot help out?
No, manbearpig did
I have never met ManBearPig, is he a very friendly person? {or animal}. does he like italian food?
Pelosi bitch has to go

she has taken enough money for her and her family in San Francisco and perhaps elsewhere

Bitch has to pay....then go
:abgg2q.jpg: We keep hearing from various "Low IQ Liberals", that if we take the house, we are going to impeach Justice Kavanaugh, yet they never bring up what happens if the Senate is still in control of the GOP.
And we all know that at this point, it looks like the GOP should gain about 6 or 7 seats, and depending on how off the polls are, they have a chance at a 60/40 commanding scenario.
This means that how many? 27 Republicans would need to vote out Judge Kavanaugh?
Someone needs to bring this up when speaking to any of these blockheads. Apparently we have some Democrats out there who actually think that only the House can take out a sitting Judge and President.
Her and Harry Reid are the head of a fight club...

They both have brain damage but I do think Harry Reid got the worst of it
he looks like he was accidently shot by dick cheney
Na, Actually his wife beat the shit out of him
did bigfoot help out?
No, manbearpig did
i am hearing rumors that ManBearPig is taking on Harry Reid in Wrestlemania 2019. Hey, I will pay 39.95 just to see that match
:abgg2q.jpg: We keep hearing from various "Low IQ Liberals", that if we take the house, we are going to impeach Justice Kavanaugh, yet they never bring up what happens if the Senate is still in control of the GOP.
And we all know that at this point, it looks like the GOP should gain about 6 or 7 seats, and depending on how off the polls are, they have a chance at a 60/40 commanding scenario.
This means that how many? 27 Republicans would need to vote out Judge Kavanaugh?
Someone needs to bring this up when speaking to any of these blockheads. Apparently we have some Democrats out there who actually think that only the House can take out a sitting Judge and President.
Not senile, just playing to the base with the elections so near.
Pelosi bitch has to go

she has taken enough money for her and her family in San Francisco and perhaps elsewhere

Bitch has to pay....then go
well first she has to clean up her streets of san fran with a giant pooper scooper
All of it.
You need a video to show that the republicans didn’t grant a hearing to Garland? Really? You don’t think that happened?
Did they accuse him of gang rape?

Bullshit, no congressional Democrat accused him of that.
No, they just accused him of sexual assault. Their SURROGATES accused him of gang rape.

Garland would give his left nut (pardon the pun) to get accused of teenage sexual assault with a side of a lifetime appointment to the SCOTUS.

It’s NUTS to claim that Republican politicking was not more damaging to Garland then anything Democrats did to Kavanaugh.

Take that “they went unfairly after a good man” and shove it up your ass.
Kavanaugh isn't the one who got bloodied up, stupid, it was his FAMILY. His wife and kids. You feel good that your party has to use slander and felonious false accusations to achieve their political goals? That would make you one sick POS, just like them.
PS, asshole, Garland didn't get a vote because of the rules set by the Democratic Party. Don't blame Republicans for playing by those rules. Shove THAT up your ass.
Kavanaugh isn't the one who got bloodied up, stupid, it was his FAMILY. His wife and kids. You feel good that your party has to use slander and felonious false accusations to achieve their political goals? That would make you one sick POS, just like them.
PS, asshole, Garland didn't get a vote because of the rules set by the Democratic Party. Don't blame Republicans for playing by those rules. Shove THAT up your ass.

Kavanaugh's wife stood accused of attempted rape? And his kids, too? When did that happen? Oh, Kavanaugh tried to hide behind his wife's skirt all the time, and now you are shoving him behind his kids for him to avoid facing responsibility for his loutish youth?

Since you pulled these "rules set by the Democratic Party" out of your fat arse, you'll understand others might be reluctant to go anywhere near them, thank you.
Here's the problem and why I believe all of the women are lying.

They all came with accusations, [...]

Ridiculous, isn't it, coming with "accusations", when everybody knows, or ought to know, that accusers are shown the door, if not laughed out of the room, in case they show up without a complete investigation - witnesses, expert testimony, and forensic evidence, all kinds of corroborating evidence - to back up their accusations. That's the way it's done in the U.S. of A., at least in sexual assault cases, right?
Can’t you always paint the minority party as butthurt obstructionists? You can’t honestly say that the Republicans were graceful losers during the Obama years, can you?
can you say they:

1) stopped people from talking in open forums
2) were willing to ruin lives to get their way
3) held daily scream at the sky parties

not really out to defend one side over the other, but the right didn't carry on nearly to what we're seeing done by the left today.
Different tactics same mission

The butt hurt on the left is 100 times worse than the right. From the day after the election, they rioted in several cities, the left went to recounts in three states, implied that there was voter fraud then they wanted the Electoral College to change their votes from Trump to Hillary and ignore the voters will, then they demanded that all the Electoral College meet and debate and try to change votes. Then came using the courts to get injunctions to try to stop Trump from being sworn in, then more riots and then to wanting to impeach Trump. The last month has been crazy, allegations with absolutely no proof, claiming Kavanagh would overturn Roe v. Wade, he is a rapist, a drunk again with nothing. Everyday the nuts get nuttier.
The Left represents change and minority/oppressed groups. People are typically more passionate and energized when fighting for change, especially when they are fighting for their rights

So you admit the left nuts are more extreme?

What rights did anyone lose on November 6, 2016?

What rights has anyone lost since Trump was inaugurated?
Here's the problem and why I believe all of the women are lying.

They all came with accusations, [...]

Ridiculous, isn't it, coming with "accusations", when everybody knows, or ought to know, that accusers are shown the door, if not laughed out of the room, in case they show up without a complete investigation - witnesses, expert testimony, and forensic evidence, all kinds of corroborating evidence - to back up their accusations. That's the way it's done in the U.S. of A., at least in sexual assault cases, right?

Just about any case where a crime was alleged to happen. If I told the cops you were the one that robbed the bank last week, and they couldn't find any money, any gun, the bag the bank gave you to take the money when they searched your house, and were at work all day, would you want to face charges of bank robbery?
Here's the problem and why I believe all of the women are lying.

They all came with accusations, [...]

Ridiculous, isn't it, coming with "accusations", when everybody knows, or ought to know, that accusers are shown the door, if not laughed out of the room, in case they show up without a complete investigation - witnesses, expert testimony, and forensic evidence, all kinds of corroborating evidence - to back up their accusations. That's the way it's done in the U.S. of A., at least in sexual assault cases, right?

It wasn’t a criminal case as the left has brought out over and over, it was just a job interview. Ford can still sue him and have him investigated, they raised over a million dollars to do that with.

Five of the six people she claimed were there don’t remember being there and one, her friend told us that she never met Kavanaugh.

In this country you are presumed innocent, not presumed guilty. Not sure where you are from nor do I care however you need proof, Ford has been given money to prove it, now let her prove it. Accusations are not evidence.
Here's the problem and why I believe all of the women are lying.

They all came with accusations, [...]

Ridiculous, isn't it, coming with "accusations", when everybody knows, or ought to know, that accusers are shown the door, if not laughed out of the room, in case they show up without a complete investigation - witnesses, expert testimony, and forensic evidence, all kinds of corroborating evidence - to back up their accusations. That's the way it's done in the U.S. of A., at least in sexual assault cases, right?

Just about any case where a crime was alleged to happen. If I told the cops you were the one that robbed the bank last week, and they couldn't find any money, any gun, the bag the bank gave you to take the money when they searched your house, and were at work all day, would you want to face charges of bank robbery?

As is your habit, you wouldn't follow, and seemingly not understand, my argument, and provide nothing but non-pertinent, non-responsive whataboutery as a "reply" (being generous here).
You need a video to show that the republicans didn’t grant a hearing to Garland? Really? You don’t think that happened?
There is no proof of fords accusations, so stop crying.
What makes you think I’m crying? Stop being so emotional, just have a regular conversation if you are able.
No I can't. You have no morals and no sense fairness nor do you believe in rule of law or facts and proof.
because he doesnt agree with you? wild.
No turd, because of the actions and beliefs.

grow up, son. those are my beliefs for your next actions.
Here's the problem and why I believe all of the women are lying.

They all came with accusations, [...]

Ridiculous, isn't it, coming with "accusations", when everybody knows, or ought to know, that accusers are shown the door, if not laughed out of the room, in case they show up without a complete investigation - witnesses, expert testimony, and forensic evidence, all kinds of corroborating evidence - to back up their accusations. That's the way it's done in the U.S. of A., at least in sexual assault cases, right?

It wasn’t a criminal case as the left has brought out over and over, it was just a job interview. Ford can still sue him and have him investigated, they raised over a million dollars to do that with.

Five of the six people she claimed were there don’t remember being there and one, her friend told us that she never met Kavanaugh.

In this country you are presumed innocent, not presumed guilty. Not sure where you are from nor do I care however you need proof, Ford has been given money to prove it, now let her prove it. Accusations are not evidence.

Nice. Informing me about what I've known from the get-go - it was a job interview - you then apply the criteria of a criminal case. And, because Kavanaugh is not in jail he must be confirmed, or so goes your argument, the shadow of multiple allegations of egregious sexual misconduct, deemed credible by many, hanging over him and the Supreme Court notwithstanding.

What is it with you guys, and not following the arguments others present to you, and seemingly not even fully understanding your own? Comes with unthinkingly re-bleating the crap dished out by the likes of Faux News, Breitbart, and InfoWars, eh?
Can’t you always paint the minority party as butthurt obstructionists? You can’t honestly say that the Republicans were graceful losers during the Obama years, can you?
can you say they:

1) stopped people from talking in open forums
2) were willing to ruin lives to get their way
3) held daily scream at the sky parties

not really out to defend one side over the other, but the right didn't carry on nearly to what we're seeing done by the left today.
Different tactics same mission

The butt hurt on the left is 100 times worse than the right. From the day after the election, they rioted in several cities, the left went to recounts in three states, implied that there was voter fraud then they wanted the Electoral College to change their votes from Trump to Hillary and ignore the voters will, then they demanded that all the Electoral College meet and debate and try to change votes. Then came using the courts to get injunctions to try to stop Trump from being sworn in, then more riots and then to wanting to impeach Trump. The last month has been crazy, allegations with absolutely no proof, claiming Kavanagh would overturn Roe v. Wade, he is a rapist, a drunk again with nothing. Everyday the nuts get nuttier.
The Left represents change and minority/oppressed groups. People are typically more passionate and energized when fighting for change, especially when they are fighting for their rights
while i don't disagree, there's a manner in which they can express it that doesn't take away from the rights of others. i'm NOT going to excuse their actions as "simple growing pains" of intelligent people. we've been placating it which leads to crap like:

now directing traffic and getting violent to anyone who doesn't follow their self-imposed direction

and it's not just fighting for change, slade. it's pure hate.
When It Comes To Hate, The Left Beats The Right, Hands Down

Explaining the Narcissistic Rage of the Left

in the UK even:
Alt-hate: Who knew the left had so much venom? | The Spectator

a conservative site sure but the point is being echoed everywhere:
The Left-Wing Rage Machine

John Kass: The dehumanizing rage of the American left – Twin Cities

and in the end - their rage is creating their own "increased rage"
How the Left Created Trump

this is not just someone on a board exaggerating, slade. not at all. now yes i can go find commentary from the right also but i don't see the right out in the streets beating the shit out of people who don't follow their orders. i'm also leaving out TONS of anti-fa rallies where they flat out say they're "going for scalps" to stop conservatives from even being allowed to talk.

i don't give a rats ass that they THINK they're fighting for their rights. they're taking away EVERYONE ELSES in the process and that is simply unacceptable. the left and the "rage machine" have the same rights we all share. the ONLY reason we have those rights is because collectively we defend them to our own death if necessary.

for ALL of us.

if you can show me examples of above from the right, i'll be happy to split the blame. but i can't find 'em. to find the above i simply used startpage (not into google anymore) and searched for "examples of rage from the left" and found all that on P1. i took out left and put in right and i get a lot of dictionary definitions of rage.

to me you're simply excusing the very actions we need to condemn from EITHER side, but i just don't see a lot from the right in doing so. when i see them in here i'm happy to call them on it and get called names of my own for doing so but never threatened. so if you're going to say these are just passionate people fighting for rights they don't have today - then yes. i 200% disagree with you. if someone is very *different* then others are going to feel differently about that. that is their right as well.

you can't protect your rights by removing the rights of others despite how well the left has managed to demonize people like old white men and so forth. if you excuse and accept this behavior, they just get more bold and we continue to go downhill.
Here's the problem and why I believe all of the women are lying.

They all came with accusations, [...]

Ridiculous, isn't it, coming with "accusations", when everybody knows, or ought to know, that accusers are shown the door, if not laughed out of the room, in case they show up without a complete investigation - witnesses, expert testimony, and forensic evidence, all kinds of corroborating evidence - to back up their accusations. That's the way it's done in the U.S. of A., at least in sexual assault cases, right?

It wasn’t a criminal case as the left has brought out over and over, it was just a job interview. Ford can still sue him and have him investigated, they raised over a million dollars to do that with.

Five of the six people she claimed were there don’t remember being there and one, her friend told us that she never met Kavanaugh.

In this country you are presumed innocent, not presumed guilty. Not sure where you are from nor do I care however you need proof, Ford has been given money to prove it, now let her prove it. Accusations are not evidence.

Nice. Informing me about what I've known from the get-go - it was a job interview - you then apply the criteria of a criminal case. And, because Kavanaugh is not in jail he must be confirmed, or so goes your argument, the shadow of multiple allegations of egregious sexual misconduct, deemed credible by many, hanging over him and the Supreme Court notwithstanding.

What is it with you guys, and not following the arguments others present to you, and seemingly not even fully understanding your own? Comes with unthinkingly re-bleating the crap dished out by the likes of Faux News, Breitbart, and InfoWars, eh?
now it's a job interview?

great, then the left needs to shut the fuck up about contempt now don't they? funny how the left wants it both ways. we can lie, he can't. neener neener.

what is it with you guys? if reality doesn't fit, lob on some lies and defend them til no one believes you anymore then change lies and repeat. must come from just being a fucking dumbass.

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