Cory Booker says Kavanaugh impeachment shouldn't be off the table

Can’t you always paint the minority party as butthurt obstructionists? You can’t honestly say that the Republicans were graceful losers during the Obama years, can you?

Obozo got plenty of nominees and policies enacted and voted on by republicrats, so bull fucking shit.

To date democrooks have obstructed Trump on everything he has tried to accomplish.

So don't spare us the "they did it too" speech.
No. He did not. He had the largest number of court vacancies unfilled...due to your obstructionism. Enough with the lies.
Did they refuse to confirm cabinet members?
Did they slander and smear SC nominees?
Did they illegally spy on his campaign or call for a special counsel to fish for reasons to impeach him?
Yes, they had their versions of plenty political nonesense. They blocked nominees so Reid changed the filibuster rule. They blocked Garland from a hearing for a year.... how long did the Benghazi investigations go for? Don’t play games and pretend the Right is free of dirty politics
Sure they did. Can you prove it? Got videos?
What do you need videos for? Which of the things that I listed are you disputing?
All of it.
You need a video to show that the republicans didn’t grant a hearing to Garland? Really? You don’t think that happened?
Did they accuse him of gang rape?
Dems need to back off talk of impeaching Kavenaugh. It ain’t going to happen

If they take the House, which they seem to have a good chance, they need to hold off House proceedings until they see the Mueller report

They will have much better targets to investigate, possibly Trump himself
I agree that impeaching him should be off the table. I think (may I use that term without RW's thinking it is "equivocal LOL) that if there was any evidence Kavanaugh actually committed a crime beyond perhaps perjury it would have come to light. And while he misstated facts, or interpreted them differently than had in the past, that's not really "perjury."

But I really do think his entire past with booze and women and general misbehavior in school should be investigated and publicized. He lied about it, and it should dog him for the 30 or so years he will be a Justice. As a deterrent to other men, future nominees.
I agree in that I don’t think the actions of a teenager should be held against a man who showed no such tendencies as an adult

What I object to in Kavenaugh was that he was deceiptful and tried to paint himself as a choirboy who only studied and lifted weights.

Everyone who knew him in those days tells of a heavy drinker who could get out of hand. A “nasty drunk”
Yeah, and he cannot be let alone to rewrite his history. First, me too has changed the rules. We men are responsible for our 20s, and probably no forgivness for our 30s. He got confirmed, but the past needs to confront him for the next 30 or so years. And he could have avoided that for his family.

But the GOP,not the dems, politicized the Court. It would actually be harmful for the country, imo, if the dems just layed down. They've lost the Court for 30 years if Thomas retires next year. But the country needs to know how they lost the Court.

Did you just conveniently forget that you would be confronting him for the next 30 years for something he did not do?

When did you stop beating your wife? You obviously must do that since Keith Ellison beats up on his girlfriends. Can we dog you for the next 30 years for something you didn't do?
Believing Ford is a feeling
Failing to provide anything other than accusation is a fact
Can’t you always paint the minority party as butthurt obstructionists? You can’t honestly say that the Republicans were graceful losers during the Obama years, can you?
Did they refuse to confirm cabinet members?
Did they slander and smear SC nominees?
Did they illegally spy on his campaign or call for a special counsel to fish for reasons to impeach him?
Yes, they did.
Post the link.
Yes, they had their versions of plenty political nonesense. They blocked nominees so Reid changed the filibuster rule. They blocked Garland from a hearing for a year.... how long did the Benghazi investigations go for? Don’t play games and pretend the Right is free of dirty politics
Sure they did. Can you prove it? Got videos?
What do you need videos for? Which of the things that I listed are you disputing?
All of it.
You need a video to show that the republicans didn’t grant a hearing to Garland? Really? You don’t think that happened?
Did they accuse him of gang rape?

Bullshit, no congressional Democrat accused him of that.

Democrats brought (by EVEN TRUMP’s account) a very credible accuser. The bitching on the right about that is rediculous.

And what’s the bottom line here? Kavanaugh got confirmed to Garland’s seat, why don’t we ask THEM who got the raw deal here. :rolleyes:
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Libtards know nothing of the law...……..
go grab some pussy

Thank you......don't mind if I do. :beer:

Our little buddy eddie would rather have a mouth full of dong....
Little buddy ?? lol I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire

The feeling is mutual Tard…
You fn pos I wouldn't have it any other way FU your family and all responsible for you
:abgg2q.jpg: We keep hearing from various "Low IQ Liberals", that if we take the house, we are going to impeach Justice Kavanaugh, yet they never bring up what happens if the Senate is still in control of the GOP.
And we all know that at this point, it looks like the GOP should gain about 6 or 7 seats, and depending on how off the polls are, they have a chance at a 60/40 commanding scenario.
This means that how many? 27 Republicans would need to vote out Judge Kavanaugh?
Someone needs to bring this up when speaking to any of these blockheads. Apparently we have some Democrats out there who actually think that only the House can take out a sitting Judge and President.
Her and Harry Reid are the head of a fight club...

They both have brain damage but I do think Harry Reid got the worst of it
Sure they did. Can you prove it? Got videos?
What do you need videos for? Which of the things that I listed are you disputing?
All of it.
You need a video to show that the republicans didn’t grant a hearing to Garland? Really? You don’t think that happened?
There is no proof of fords accusations, so stop crying.
There is at least one corroborating witness, indicating further investigation is warranted.

Can’t you always paint the minority party as butthurt obstructionists? You can’t honestly say that the Republicans were graceful losers during the Obama years, can you?
can you say they:

1) stopped people from talking in open forums
2) were willing to ruin lives to get their way
3) held daily scream at the sky parties

not really out to defend one side over the other, but the right didn't carry on nearly to what we're seeing done by the left today.
Different tactics same mission

The butt hurt on the left is 100 times worse than the right. From the day after the election, they rioted in several cities, the left went to recounts in three states, implied that there was voter fraud then they wanted the Electoral College to change their votes from Trump to Hillary and ignore the voters will, then they demanded that all the Electoral College meet and debate and try to change votes. Then came using the courts to get injunctions to try to stop Trump from being sworn in, then more riots and then to wanting to impeach Trump. The last month has been crazy, allegations with absolutely no proof, claiming Kavanagh would overturn Roe v. Wade, he is a rapist, a drunk again with nothing. Everyday the nuts get nuttier.
Trump just rammed it up all the libtard's asses....

Damn I love TRUMP...……………….

You love a politician...a man...whom you have never even met?

mass noun

  • 1An intense feeling of deep affection.

    ‘babies fill parents with feelings of love’

    ‘their love for their country’
    1. 1.1 A strong feeling of affection and sexual attraction for someone.'
love | Definition of love in English by Oxford Dictionaries

So, you have an intense feeling of deep affection and/or a sexual attraction for a 71 year old male politician? And you seem to love him even more when he causes emotional/physical pain to tens of millions of your fellow, law-abiding Americans?

LOL...the former is your business. But the latter is just pathetic - to revel in others unhappiness. You are one sad dude who probably has one sad life.
What do you do - go to funerals, point at the people and start laughing?

Have a nice day...sounds like you need it.

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Can’t you always paint the minority party as butthurt obstructionists? You can’t honestly say that the Republicans were graceful losers during the Obama years, can you?
can you say they:

1) stopped people from talking in open forums
2) were willing to ruin lives to get their way
3) held daily scream at the sky parties

not really out to defend one side over the other, but the right didn't carry on nearly to what we're seeing done by the left today.
Different tactics same mission

The butt hurt on the left is 100 times worse than the right. From the day after the election, they rioted in several cities, the left went to recounts in three states, implied that there was voter fraud then they wanted the Electoral College to change their votes from Trump to Hillary and ignore the voters will, then they demanded that all the Electoral College meet and debate and try to change votes. Then came using the courts to get injunctions to try to stop Trump from being sworn in, then more riots and then to wanting to impeach Trump. The last month has been crazy, allegations with absolutely no proof, claiming Kavanagh would overturn Roe v. Wade, he is a rapist, a drunk again with nothing. Everyday the nuts get nuttier.

Lol you think that’s impressive?? Trump was acting butthurt IN ADVANCE, spreading his “this election is totally rigged!” horseshit because the polls didn’t look his way.

And let’s not forget his refusal to say that he would accept the election result.

I’ve got a Brooklyn bridge to sell you if you think Trumpsters would simply move on from his loss.
Cory Booker says Kavanaugh impeachment shouldn't be off the table

DES MOINES, Iowa — New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker said on Sunday the possibility of impeaching Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh shouldn’t be off the table if Democrats take one of the houses of Congress in next month’s midterm elections. Kavanaugh was confirmed on Saturday by a narrow vote following a contentious process that included multiple sexual assault allegations.

“The reality is, right now, Republicans control the House and the Senate, and there’s no way to do even an investigation unless we flip one of the houses. So I think even before you start focusing on questions about his truthfulness before a Senate committee, you’ve got to focus on the urgency of the work over the next 30 days, and that’s where my focus is,” Booker said.


Cory Booker says Kavanaugh impeachment shouldn't be off the table

Look everyone. They don't know how to handle the thriving economy. They cannot possibly tell you that they are going to raise the taxes, start up mass regulations on business, make sure to bend over for the world to rape us on trade deals and appease ALL of our enemies.

They cannot tell you any of that.

They are such creepy losers.
Kavanaugh is not above the law

Libtards know nothing of the law...……..
go grab some pussy

I'm not against if they are willing, I like girls...….

You can get you a hand full of dong libtard...…..

You like 'girls'? You are a 62 year old man...and you like 'girls'?


\ ˈgər(-ə)l \

Definition of girl

1a: a female child from birth to adulthood

Definition of GIRL, a senior citizen? Is sexually attracted to pre-adult girls?

You are not only are sick as well.

Sure they did. Can you prove it? Got videos?
What do you need videos for? Which of the things that I listed are you disputing?
All of it.
You need a video to show that the republicans didn’t grant a hearing to Garland? Really? You don’t think that happened?
Did they accuse him of gang rape?

Bullshit, no congressional Democrat accused him of that.

Democrats brought (by EVEN TRUMP’s account) a very credible accuser. The bitching on the right about that is rediculous.

And what’s the bottom line here? Kavanaugh got confirmed to Garland’s seat, why don’t we ask THEM who got the raw deal here. :rolleyes:

Huh? No one voted on Garland.

What do you need videos for? Which of the things that I listed are you disputing?
All of it.
You need a video to show that the republicans didn’t grant a hearing to Garland? Really? You don’t think that happened?
Did they accuse him of gang rape?

Bullshit, no congressional Democrat accused him of that.

Democrats brought (by EVEN TRUMP’s account) a very credible accuser. The bitching on the right about that is rediculous.

And what’s the bottom line here? Kavanaugh got confirmed to Garland’s seat, why don’t we ask THEM who got the raw deal here. :rolleyes:
Huh? No one voted on Garland.

Lol of course not, he was done deal if the vote was ever allowed.
All of it.
You need a video to show that the republicans didn’t grant a hearing to Garland? Really? You don’t think that happened?
Did they accuse him of gang rape?

Bullshit, no congressional Democrat accused him of that.

Democrats brought (by EVEN TRUMP’s account) a very credible accuser. The bitching on the right about that is rediculous.

And what’s the bottom line here? Kavanaugh got confirmed to Garland’s seat, why don’t we ask THEM who got the raw deal here. :rolleyes:
Huh? No one voted on Garland.

Lol of course not, he was done deal if the vote was ever allowed.

No he wasn't, I was going to come forward and said he touched my ass in flag football when we were 8 years old


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