Cory Booker says Kavanaugh impeachment shouldn't be off the table

Cory Booker says Kavanaugh impeachment shouldn't be off the table

DES MOINES, Iowa — New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker said on Sunday the possibility of impeaching Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh shouldn’t be off the table if Democrats take one of the houses of Congress in next month’s midterm elections. Kavanaugh was confirmed on Saturday by a narrow vote following a contentious process that included multiple sexual assault allegations.

“The reality is, right now, Republicans control the House and the Senate, and there’s no way to do even an investigation unless we flip one of the houses. So I think even before you start focusing on questions about his truthfulness before a Senate committee, you’ve got to focus on the urgency of the work over the next 30 days, and that’s where my focus is,” Booker said.


Cory Booker says Kavanaugh impeachment shouldn't be off the table

Look everyone. They don't know how to handle the thriving economy. They cannot possibly tell you that they are going to raise the taxes, start up mass regulations on business, make sure to bend over for the world to rape us on trade deals and appease ALL of our enemies.

They cannot tell you any of that.

They are such creepy losers.

I wonder who Spartacus thinks should conduct the investigation, since democrats have already conceded congress isn't capable of doing such an investigation...
I imagine Mueller will be looking for a job soon.

LOL, now that TRUMP flipped Rosenstein you're probably right.
if the evidence shows kaganaugh raped swetnick, ford, and debra chavez, he should be IMPEACHED
Coobborating evidnece is ZERO...

These liars should be tried for criminal defamation and jailed... Time to show people that there are laws and consequences for these lying pieces of crap..
you blame Justice Ford and Democrats for Mr Kavanaugh's flaws

my friends, change must come from where change always happens: VOTING






Cory Booker says Kavanaugh impeachment shouldn't be off the table

DES MOINES, Iowa — New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker said on Sunday the possibility of impeaching Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh shouldn’t be off the table if Democrats take one of the houses of Congress in next month’s midterm elections. Kavanaugh was confirmed on Saturday by a narrow vote following a contentious process that included multiple sexual assault allegations.

“The reality is, right now, Republicans control the House and the Senate, and there’s no way to do even an investigation unless we flip one of the houses. So I think even before you start focusing on questions about his truthfulness before a Senate committee, you’ve got to focus on the urgency of the work over the next 30 days, and that’s where my focus is,” Booker said.


Cory Booker says Kavanaugh impeachment shouldn't be off the table

Look everyone. They don't know how to handle the thriving economy. They cannot possibly tell you that they are going to raise the taxes, start up mass regulations on business, make sure to bend over for the world to rape us on trade deals and appease ALL of our enemies.

They cannot tell you any of that.

They are such creepy losers.

Cory Booker is a milk chocolate fagot that has no idea what the Constitution says about the tenure of a judge or what it means. I seriously doubt any of the commiecrats in congress does. I dare anyone to make a solid constitutional argument otherwise.

What do you need videos for? Which of the things that I listed are you disputing?
All of it.
You need a video to show that the republicans didn’t grant a hearing to Garland? Really? You don’t think that happened?
There is no proof of fords accusations, so stop crying.
What makes you think I’m crying? Stop being so emotional, just have a regular conversation if you are able.
No I can't. You have no morals and no sense fairness nor do you believe in rule of law or facts and proof.
because he doesnt agree with you? wild.
I think they pissed off enough Americans with their antics as it is. Great, give people another reason to keep Democrats out of power. Preach it loud and wide.

I think you're right. Every time I hear or read about one of the whiney Dems calling for impeachment and/or investigations it makes them look bad to everybody outside of their base. Is it going to increase the turnout in their base and much as it'll cost them with everybody else? Doubtful IMHO.

I think the past several years they have driven more people to the right. Trump won, the next day, impeach Trump. Kavanaugh nominated, the next day, impeach Kavanaugh.

The Constitution says Congress can impeach on charges of high crime and misdemeanors. The Democrats are telling people "To hell with the Constitution. We are impeaching because we don't like them!"

They are virtually trying to overthrow our government. That's why smart Americans will keep them as far out of power as possible before they start another civil war in this country.

Actually the Constitution says judges shall hold office during good behavior, the constitutional clock was reset on Kavanaugh Saturday evening when he was sworn in. Let them come up with an impeachable offense after that time, I really hope they run on it. The funny thing I have yet to see a politician or news person challenge them on that point. I think the vast majority of journalist and commentators are constitutionally illiterate.

All of it.
You need a video to show that the republicans didn’t grant a hearing to Garland? Really? You don’t think that happened?
There is no proof of fords accusations, so stop crying.
What makes you think I’m crying? Stop being so emotional, just have a regular conversation if you are able.
No I can't. You have no morals and no sense fairness nor do you believe in rule of law or facts and proof.
because he doesnt agree with you? wild.
No turd, because of the actions and beliefs.
I think they pissed off enough Americans with their antics as it is. Great, give people another reason to keep Democrats out of power. Preach it loud and wide.

I think you're right. Every time I hear or read about one of the whiney Dems calling for impeachment and/or investigations it makes them look bad to everybody outside of their base. Is it going to increase the turnout in their base and much as it'll cost them with everybody else? Doubtful IMHO.

I think the past several years they have driven more people to the right. Trump won, the next day, impeach Trump. Kavanaugh nominated, the next day, impeach Kavanaugh.

The Constitution says Congress can impeach on charges of high crime and misdemeanors. The Democrats are telling people "To hell with the Constitution. We are impeaching because we don't like them!"

They are virtually trying to overthrow our government. That's why smart Americans will keep them as far out of power as possible before they start another civil war in this country.
And they sure as hell don’t want to make that mistake.

The problem is they will do anything for power. However if they happen to take leadership of Congress and impeach Trump or Kavanaugh for no other reason than they are the opposition, then we are in a state of tyranny.

Neither is a real possibility at this time, there's no way the commies can get 67 votes in the senate for removal. I don't think they'll have more than 44 in the senate after Jan.

I think they pissed off enough Americans with their antics as it is. Great, give people another reason to keep Democrats out of power. Preach it loud and wide.

I think you're right. Every time I hear or read about one of the whiney Dems calling for impeachment and/or investigations it makes them look bad to everybody outside of their base. Is it going to increase the turnout in their base and much as it'll cost them with everybody else? Doubtful IMHO.

I think the past several years they have driven more people to the right. Trump won, the next day, impeach Trump. Kavanaugh nominated, the next day, impeach Kavanaugh.

The Constitution says Congress can impeach on charges of high crime and misdemeanors. The Democrats are telling people "To hell with the Constitution. We are impeaching because we don't like them!"

They are virtually trying to overthrow our government. That's why smart Americans will keep them as far out of power as possible before they start another civil war in this country.

Actually the Constitution says judges shall hold office during good behavior, the constitutional clock was reset on Kavanaugh Saturday evening when he was sworn in. Let them come up with an impeachable offense after that time, I really hope they run on it. The funny thing I have yet to see a politician or news person challenge them on that point. I think the vast majority of journalist and commentators are constitutionally illiterate.


They know they can't do anything to Kav, it's just they think they are scoring points with their followers and hopefully Independents. The rest of the country looks at them for what they are---spoiled brats who are used to having their way all the time.
Kavanaugh is not above the law

Libtards know nothing of the law...……..
go grab some pussy

Thank you......don't mind if I do. :beer:

Our little buddy eddie would rather have a mouth full of dong....
Little buddy ?? lol I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire

The feeling is mutual Tard…
Cory Booker says Kavanaugh impeachment shouldn't be off the table

DES MOINES, Iowa — New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker said on Sunday the possibility of impeaching Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh shouldn’t be off the table if Democrats take one of the houses of Congress in next month’s midterm elections. Kavanaugh was confirmed on Saturday by a narrow vote following a contentious process that included multiple sexual assault allegations.

“The reality is, right now, Republicans control the House and the Senate, and there’s no way to do even an investigation unless we flip one of the houses. So I think even before you start focusing on questions about his truthfulness before a Senate committee, you’ve got to focus on the urgency of the work over the next 30 days, and that’s where my focus is,” Booker said.


Cory Booker says Kavanaugh impeachment shouldn't be off the table

Look everyone. They don't know how to handle the thriving economy. They cannot possibly tell you that they are going to raise the taxes, start up mass regulations on business, make sure to bend over for the world to rape us on trade deals and appease ALL of our enemies.

They cannot tell you any of that.

They are such creepy losers.
Kavanaugh is not above the law

Another constitutional neophyte. You might want to do some research on what the law is.

I think they pissed off enough Americans with their antics as it is. Great, give people another reason to keep Democrats out of power. Preach it loud and wide.

I think you're right. Every time I hear or read about one of the whiney Dems calling for impeachment and/or investigations it makes them look bad to everybody outside of their base. Is it going to increase the turnout in their base and much as it'll cost them with everybody else? Doubtful IMHO.

I think the past several years they have driven more people to the right. Trump won, the next day, impeach Trump. Kavanaugh nominated, the next day, impeach Kavanaugh.

The Constitution says Congress can impeach on charges of high crime and misdemeanors. The Democrats are telling people "To hell with the Constitution. We are impeaching because we don't like them!"

They are virtually trying to overthrow our government. That's why smart Americans will keep them as far out of power as possible before they start another civil war in this country.

Actually the Constitution says judges shall hold office during good behavior, the constitutional clock was reset on Kavanaugh Saturday evening when he was sworn in. Let them come up with an impeachable offense after that time, I really hope they run on it. The funny thing I have yet to see a politician or news person challenge them on that point. I think the vast majority of journalist and commentators are constitutionally illiterate.


They know they can't do anything to Kav, it's just they think they are scoring points with their followers and hopefully Independents. The rest of the country looks at them for what they are---spoiled brats who are used to having their way all the time.

From what I've seen they are driving people away, so I hope they keep it up.

Can’t you always paint the minority party as butthurt obstructionists? You can’t honestly say that the Republicans were graceful losers during the Obama years, can you?
Did they refuse to confirm cabinet members?
Did they slander and smear SC nominees?
Did they illegally spy on his campaign or call for a special counsel to fish for reasons to impeach him?
Yes, they had their versions of plenty political nonesense. They blocked nominees so Reid changed the filibuster rule. They blocked Garland from a hearing for a year.... how long did the Benghazi investigations go for? Don’t play games and pretend the Right is free of dirty politics

Seems to me blocking and smearing are quite different...and thank you Mr. Reid.
Smearing isn’t right at any level... but I thought you Trumpsters were all about the smearing? No? Lyin Ted, Little Marco, Pocahontas, etc etc etc

Sure....I can see some similarities to being called a lying serial rapist....dumbass.
Good, so can I. Both are dishonest
You need a video to show that the republicans didn’t grant a hearing to Garland? Really? You don’t think that happened?
There is no proof of fords accusations, so stop crying.
What makes you think I’m crying? Stop being so emotional, just have a regular conversation if you are able.
No I can't. You have no morals and no sense fairness nor do you believe in rule of law or facts and proof.
because he doesnt agree with you? wild.
No turd, because of the actions and beliefs.
You make presumptions about my beliefs. Just makes you sound like an idiot. Try closing your mouth for a bit and opening your ears. I’m a pretty fair and honest person if you ever attempted to engage in good faith
I don't care about the Ford accusations. But Kavanaugh's reactions to them were strictly juvenile and childish. This guy collapses under pressure.

IMO, this guy is NOT SCOTUS material. And if the lamo Dems want to eject the lamo Reps Kavanaugh come November? Fine with me.

They can't do anything to him.

First of all, you can't impeach a sitting SCJ unless you have evidence of him or her being guilty of high crimes or misdemeanors.

Secondly, you can't oust a judge after impeachment unless you have 2/3 of the Senate which the Dems have no chance at ever having.

liberals are so flucking stupid......
Yes, they had their versions of plenty political nonesense. They blocked nominees so Reid changed the filibuster rule. They blocked Garland from a hearing for a year.... how long did the Benghazi investigations go for? Don’t play games and pretend the Right is free of dirty politics
Sure they did. Can you prove it? Got videos?
What do you need videos for? Which of the things that I listed are you disputing?
All of it.
You need a video to show that the republicans didn’t grant a hearing to Garland? Really? You don’t think that happened?
There is no proof of fords accusations, so stop crying.
There is at least one corroborating witness, indicating further investigation is warranted.
Can’t you always paint the minority party as butthurt obstructionists? You can’t honestly say that the Republicans were graceful losers during the Obama years, can you?
Did they refuse to confirm cabinet members?
Did they slander and smear SC nominees?
Did they illegally spy on his campaign or call for a special counsel to fish for reasons to impeach him?
Yes, they did.

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