Cory Booker says Kavanaugh impeachment shouldn't be off the table

Different tactics same mission
going to totally disagree here as this response seems to justify what the dems did and are doing.
I don’t justify the despicable actions from either party. My point is that they both take part and both should be held accountable
great. how do we hold people accountable for NOT voting and how do we compare that to lying to smear someone's name and hold them accountable for that?
Well you investigate the situation and uncover the deception and then charge the conspirators. If Ford made up the accusations and conspired with the Dems I’d think the FBI would be able to uncover it.

Meh we ignored Ford's rantings, confirmed Kavanaugh to the SC, and moved on to other upcoming wins!
Pretty pathetic that you consider that a win.
Seems to me blocking and smearing are quite different...and thank you Mr. Reid.
Smearing isn’t right at any level... but I thought you Trumpsters were all about the smearing? No? Lyin Ted, Little Marco, Pocahontas, etc etc etc
trumpsters? from you?

Easier than typing Trump supporters. Not meant to be an insult. What’s your preferred term?
dunno. i just try hard to avoid the labels at all when i talk. seems to get back to stereotypes and i hate those because then you hate an idea but never really know the people.

as for all this - you're coming across as saying that not voting for someone is the same as what the dems did over the last few weeks. if we allow it to happen unchecked, don't you think it's going to continue to get worse?

sooner or later you gotta draw a line and say "enough".
Aside from the wingnuts that called Kav a rapist I’m not sure what the horrible offense was that the Dems did. They took Fords accusations seriously and tried to get to the truth. They played politics by trying to use the situation to block kavanaughs nomination which I also believe was the intent of his accuser. I don’t like the tactics but I also don’t think they are much different than what the republicans did to Garland. Now if the accusation was made up and it was coordinated by the Dems then yes that is a horrible offense and they should all be locked up. I very much doubt that is the case but I’m down to look into it.

If the accusations are true then shame on the republicans for sweeping them under the rug
if they were searching for the truth they would have:

1) revealed it months ago
2) asked her to go to the local police
3) not made a circus out of the nomination process

and much much more.

not voting on someone because biden was an idiot long ago is NOT the same as destroying a mans life, or at least trying to. i can usually see where you're coming from but this time, i got nothing.
Can’t you always paint the minority party as butthurt obstructionists? You can’t honestly say that the Republicans were graceful losers during the Obama years, can you?
Did they refuse to confirm cabinet members?
Did they slander and smear SC nominees?
Did they illegally spy on his campaign or call for a special counsel to fish for reasons to impeach him?
Yes, they had their versions of plenty political nonesense. They blocked nominees so Reid changed the filibuster rule. They blocked Garland from a hearing for a year.... how long did the Benghazi investigations go for? Don’t play games and pretend the Right is free of dirty politics
Sure they did. Can you prove it? Got videos?
What do you need videos for? Which of the things that I listed are you disputing?
All of it.
going to totally disagree here as this response seems to justify what the dems did and are doing.
I don’t justify the despicable actions from either party. My point is that they both take part and both should be held accountable
great. how do we hold people accountable for NOT voting and how do we compare that to lying to smear someone's name and hold them accountable for that?
Well you investigate the situation and uncover the deception and then charge the conspirators. If Ford made up the accusations and conspired with the Dems I’d think the FBI would be able to uncover it.

Meh we ignored Ford's rantings, confirmed Kavanaugh to the SC, and moved on to other upcoming wins!
Pretty pathetic that you consider that a win.

Confirming a SC justice the left hates is a big win.
Actually, impeachment does not happen in the Senate. Impeachment happens in the House and requires only a simple majority. Impeachment is the same as indictment. Once a president or a Supreme Court justice is impeached, he is put on trial in the Senate, and the Senate can only remove him with a super majority. So your essential point is correct: Dems would need 67 votes in the Senate to remove Trump or Kavanaugh, which of course they would never get.

You really messed up here. This thread was about someone blabbing about "low IQ" while exhibiting below-civics 101 understanding of the issue at hand - and about watching how many would join. It held such promise until... Spoilsport!
Last edited:
Smearing isn’t right at any level... but I thought you Trumpsters were all about the smearing? No? Lyin Ted, Little Marco, Pocahontas, etc etc etc
trumpsters? from you?

Easier than typing Trump supporters. Not meant to be an insult. What’s your preferred term?
dunno. i just try hard to avoid the labels at all when i talk. seems to get back to stereotypes and i hate those because then you hate an idea but never really know the people.

as for all this - you're coming across as saying that not voting for someone is the same as what the dems did over the last few weeks. if we allow it to happen unchecked, don't you think it's going to continue to get worse?

sooner or later you gotta draw a line and say "enough".
Aside from the wingnuts that called Kav a rapist I’m not sure what the horrible offense was that the Dems did. They took Fords accusations seriously and tried to get to the truth. They played politics by trying to use the situation to block kavanaughs nomination which I also believe was the intent of his accuser. I don’t like the tactics but I also don’t think they are much different than what the republicans did to Garland. Now if the accusation was made up and it was coordinated by the Dems then yes that is a horrible offense and they should all be locked up. I very much doubt that is the case but I’m down to look into it.

If the accusations are true then shame on the republicans for sweeping them under the rug
if they were searching for the truth they would have:

1) revealed it months ago
2) asked her to go to the local police
3) not made a circus out of the nomination process

and much much more.

not voting on someone because biden was an idiot long ago is NOT the same as destroying a mans life, or at least trying to. i can usually see where you're coming from but this time, i got nothing.
They would have done those things if their goal was to press criminal charges. I think it’s fair to assume that Ford came forward to stop him from ascending to the Supreme Court. That was the goal and punishment that she wanted to see so their moves were aimed to achieve that goal.
Smearing isn’t right at any level... but I thought you Trumpsters were all about the smearing? No? Lyin Ted, Little Marco, Pocahontas, etc etc etc
trumpsters? from you?

Easier than typing Trump supporters. Not meant to be an insult. What’s your preferred term?
dunno. i just try hard to avoid the labels at all when i talk. seems to get back to stereotypes and i hate those because then you hate an idea but never really know the people.

as for all this - you're coming across as saying that not voting for someone is the same as what the dems did over the last few weeks. if we allow it to happen unchecked, don't you think it's going to continue to get worse?

sooner or later you gotta draw a line and say "enough".
Aside from the wingnuts that called Kav a rapist I’m not sure what the horrible offense was that the Dems did. They took Fords accusations seriously and tried to get to the truth. They played politics by trying to use the situation to block kavanaughs nomination which I also believe was the intent of his accuser. I don’t like the tactics but I also don’t think they are much different than what the republicans did to Garland. Now if the accusation was made up and it was coordinated by the Dems then yes that is a horrible offense and they should all be locked up. I very much doubt that is the case but I’m down to look into it.

If the accusations are true then shame on the republicans for sweeping them under the rug
if they were searching for the truth they would have:

1) revealed it months ago
2) asked her to go to the local police
3) not made a circus out of the nomination process

and much much more.

not voting on someone because biden was an idiot long ago is NOT the same as destroying a mans life, or at least trying to. i can usually see where you're coming from but this time, i got nothing.
Your perspective makes sense to me if I assume that Ford was lying and working with the Dems. Mine might make more sense to you if you assume she is telling the truth about the accusations
Can’t you always paint the minority party as butthurt obstructionists? You can’t honestly say that the Republicans were graceful losers during the Obama years, can you?
Did they refuse to confirm cabinet members?
Did they slander and smear SC nominees?
Did they illegally spy on his campaign or call for a special counsel to fish for reasons to impeach him?
Yes, they had their versions of plenty political nonesense. They blocked nominees so Reid changed the filibuster rule. They blocked Garland from a hearing for a year.... how long did the Benghazi investigations go for? Don’t play games and pretend the Right is free of dirty politics
Sure they did. Can you prove it? Got videos?
What do you need videos for? Which of the things that I listed are you disputing?
All of it.
You need a video to show that the republicans didn’t grant a hearing to Garland? Really? You don’t think that happened?
trumpsters? from you?

Easier than typing Trump supporters. Not meant to be an insult. What’s your preferred term?
dunno. i just try hard to avoid the labels at all when i talk. seems to get back to stereotypes and i hate those because then you hate an idea but never really know the people.

as for all this - you're coming across as saying that not voting for someone is the same as what the dems did over the last few weeks. if we allow it to happen unchecked, don't you think it's going to continue to get worse?

sooner or later you gotta draw a line and say "enough".
Aside from the wingnuts that called Kav a rapist I’m not sure what the horrible offense was that the Dems did. They took Fords accusations seriously and tried to get to the truth. They played politics by trying to use the situation to block kavanaughs nomination which I also believe was the intent of his accuser. I don’t like the tactics but I also don’t think they are much different than what the republicans did to Garland. Now if the accusation was made up and it was coordinated by the Dems then yes that is a horrible offense and they should all be locked up. I very much doubt that is the case but I’m down to look into it.

If the accusations are true then shame on the republicans for sweeping them under the rug
if they were searching for the truth they would have:

1) revealed it months ago
2) asked her to go to the local police
3) not made a circus out of the nomination process

and much much more.

not voting on someone because biden was an idiot long ago is NOT the same as destroying a mans life, or at least trying to. i can usually see where you're coming from but this time, i got nothing.
They would have done those things if their goal was to press criminal charges. I think it’s fair to assume that Ford came forward to stop him from ascending to the Supreme Court. That was the goal and punishment that she wanted to see so their moves were aimed to achieve that goal.
and as we sink deeper and deeper into "payback" it's going to get a lot worse if we don't condemn the behavior sooner or later.
trumpsters? from you?

Easier than typing Trump supporters. Not meant to be an insult. What’s your preferred term?
dunno. i just try hard to avoid the labels at all when i talk. seems to get back to stereotypes and i hate those because then you hate an idea but never really know the people.

as for all this - you're coming across as saying that not voting for someone is the same as what the dems did over the last few weeks. if we allow it to happen unchecked, don't you think it's going to continue to get worse?

sooner or later you gotta draw a line and say "enough".
Aside from the wingnuts that called Kav a rapist I’m not sure what the horrible offense was that the Dems did. They took Fords accusations seriously and tried to get to the truth. They played politics by trying to use the situation to block kavanaughs nomination which I also believe was the intent of his accuser. I don’t like the tactics but I also don’t think they are much different than what the republicans did to Garland. Now if the accusation was made up and it was coordinated by the Dems then yes that is a horrible offense and they should all be locked up. I very much doubt that is the case but I’m down to look into it.

If the accusations are true then shame on the republicans for sweeping them under the rug
if they were searching for the truth they would have:

1) revealed it months ago
2) asked her to go to the local police
3) not made a circus out of the nomination process

and much much more.

not voting on someone because biden was an idiot long ago is NOT the same as destroying a mans life, or at least trying to. i can usually see where you're coming from but this time, i got nothing.
Your perspective makes sense to me if I assume that Ford was lying and working with the Dems. Mine might make more sense to you if you assume she is telling the truth about the accusations
if ford were interested in "justice" she can go to the police. anything else is a game where their goal is smear, not justice.
Easier than typing Trump supporters. Not meant to be an insult. What’s your preferred term?
dunno. i just try hard to avoid the labels at all when i talk. seems to get back to stereotypes and i hate those because then you hate an idea but never really know the people.

as for all this - you're coming across as saying that not voting for someone is the same as what the dems did over the last few weeks. if we allow it to happen unchecked, don't you think it's going to continue to get worse?

sooner or later you gotta draw a line and say "enough".
Aside from the wingnuts that called Kav a rapist I’m not sure what the horrible offense was that the Dems did. They took Fords accusations seriously and tried to get to the truth. They played politics by trying to use the situation to block kavanaughs nomination which I also believe was the intent of his accuser. I don’t like the tactics but I also don’t think they are much different than what the republicans did to Garland. Now if the accusation was made up and it was coordinated by the Dems then yes that is a horrible offense and they should all be locked up. I very much doubt that is the case but I’m down to look into it.

If the accusations are true then shame on the republicans for sweeping them under the rug
if they were searching for the truth they would have:

1) revealed it months ago
2) asked her to go to the local police
3) not made a circus out of the nomination process

and much much more.

not voting on someone because biden was an idiot long ago is NOT the same as destroying a mans life, or at least trying to. i can usually see where you're coming from but this time, i got nothing.
They would have done those things if their goal was to press criminal charges. I think it’s fair to assume that Ford came forward to stop him from ascending to the Supreme Court. That was the goal and punishment that she wanted to see so their moves were aimed to achieve that goal.
and as we sink deeper and deeper into "payback" it's going to get a lot worse if we don't condemn the behavior sooner or later.
I agree, which is why I wish we could have followed through with trying to surface the truth of this situation.
Did they refuse to confirm cabinet members?
Did they slander and smear SC nominees?
Did they illegally spy on his campaign or call for a special counsel to fish for reasons to impeach him?
Yes, they had their versions of plenty political nonesense. They blocked nominees so Reid changed the filibuster rule. They blocked Garland from a hearing for a year.... how long did the Benghazi investigations go for? Don’t play games and pretend the Right is free of dirty politics
Sure they did. Can you prove it? Got videos?
What do you need videos for? Which of the things that I listed are you disputing?
All of it.
You need a video to show that the republicans didn’t grant a hearing to Garland? Really? You don’t think that happened?
There is no proof of fords accusations, so stop crying.
Yes, they had their versions of plenty political nonesense. They blocked nominees so Reid changed the filibuster rule. They blocked Garland from a hearing for a year.... how long did the Benghazi investigations go for? Don’t play games and pretend the Right is free of dirty politics
Sure they did. Can you prove it? Got videos?
What do you need videos for? Which of the things that I listed are you disputing?
All of it.
You need a video to show that the republicans didn’t grant a hearing to Garland? Really? You don’t think that happened?
There is no proof of fords accusations, so stop crying.
What makes you think I’m crying? Stop being so emotional, just have a regular conversation if you are able.
Sure they did. Can you prove it? Got videos?
What do you need videos for? Which of the things that I listed are you disputing?
All of it.
You need a video to show that the republicans didn’t grant a hearing to Garland? Really? You don’t think that happened?
There is no proof of fords accusations, so stop crying.
What makes you think I’m crying? Stop being so emotional, just have a regular conversation if you are able.
No I can't. You have no morals and no sense fairness nor do you believe in rule of law or facts and proof.
What do you need videos for? Which of the things that I listed are you disputing?
All of it.
You need a video to show that the republicans didn’t grant a hearing to Garland? Really? You don’t think that happened?
There is no proof of fords accusations, so stop crying.
What makes you think I’m crying? Stop being so emotional, just have a regular conversation if you are able.
No I can't. You have no morals and no sense fairness nor do you believe in rule of law or facts and proof.
Haha. Ok buddy. Sounds like you got it all figured out
This question might need a separate thread.

Are the Democrats trying to throw the midterm elections to the Republicans? From game theory point of view, what would be the advantage in doing that? Something is not right here.

Democrats would cut off their nose to spite their face. They think what they're doing is working just like they think making everything into a race issue works.

Their constituents have no clue either as every time they lose a race or leadership, they tell them the Republicans cheated somehow.
Cory Booker says Kavanaugh impeachment shouldn't be off the table

DES MOINES, Iowa — New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker said on Sunday the possibility of impeaching Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh shouldn’t be off the table if Democrats take one of the houses of Congress in next month’s midterm elections. Kavanaugh was confirmed on Saturday by a narrow vote following a contentious process that included multiple sexual assault allegations.

“The reality is, right now, Republicans control the House and the Senate, and there’s no way to do even an investigation unless we flip one of the houses. So I think even before you start focusing on questions about his truthfulness before a Senate committee, you’ve got to focus on the urgency of the work over the next 30 days, and that’s where my focus is,” Booker said.


Cory Booker says Kavanaugh impeachment shouldn't be off the table

Look everyone. They don't know how to handle the thriving economy. They cannot possibly tell you that they are going to raise the taxes, start up mass regulations on business, make sure to bend over for the world to rape us on trade deals and appease ALL of our enemies.

They cannot tell you any of that.

They are such creepy losers.
Booker is just a bald Maxine Waters.
Cory Booker says Kavanaugh impeachment shouldn't be off the table

DES MOINES, Iowa — New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker said on Sunday the possibility of impeaching Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh shouldn’t be off the table if Democrats take one of the houses of Congress in next month’s midterm elections. Kavanaugh was confirmed on Saturday by a narrow vote following a contentious process that included multiple sexual assault allegations.

“The reality is, right now, Republicans control the House and the Senate, and there’s no way to do even an investigation unless we flip one of the houses. So I think even before you start focusing on questions about his truthfulness before a Senate committee, you’ve got to focus on the urgency of the work over the next 30 days, and that’s where my focus is,” Booker said.


Cory Booker says Kavanaugh impeachment shouldn't be off the table

Look everyone. They don't know how to handle the thriving economy. They cannot possibly tell you that they are going to raise the taxes, start up mass regulations on business, make sure to bend over for the world to rape us on trade deals and appease ALL of our enemies.

They cannot tell you any of that.

They are such creepy losers.
Called it.

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