Cory Booker says Kavanaugh impeachment shouldn't be off the table

I have given some thought and a little research to the phenomena of "Liberal Butt-Hurt".

It is historical; goes back for generations. A plausible case can be made that it actually begin with the Puritans in Massachusetts who declared themselves "The Elect of God" as soon as they got of the boat. This eventually embued them with {a presumed} Moral Authority and {presumed} Intellectually Superiority over others such as the ones in Virginia, like Washington, Jefferson, Madison et al, and of course over the other Rustics and Rubes in the rest of the Heartland.

The New England Yankees were sure they knew what was best for everybody else, and told them so---everybody else told them, as they do today-----to Get Fucked.

This gave them a passionate love of Control. And though they no longer Know the Lord, they still love the Control very much---to the extent that to properly describe these Elitists Liberal/Progressive/Socialist Assholes you must call them Control Freaks.

You could see it early in our history. John Adams, from Braintree, Massachusetts, and his Control Freaks got control of the Federal Government---immediately passed the Sedition Acts and began using them to put Americans in jail for criticizing his Administration. They put Ben Franklin's grandson in jail for criticizing the Adams Administration. They put a man in jail for putting a sign on a post in his yard that said merely: DOWN WITH TYRANTS.

It is why Tom Jefferson ran against Adams and beat his ass.

These Elitist NewEngland/NewYork/NewJersey Turds just love Control and not having it drives them absolutely Bat-Shit Crazy.

Jefferson correctly noted that they were so obnoxious that they could never get control again---but he didn't anticipate that they would manage to put us trillions in debt BUYING VOTES and placing people on the Federal Plantation...and when that didn't work well enough----that they would begin Importing Votes from places like MEXICO, Central America, ARABIA, SOMALIA----importing anyone likely to need Federal Assistance as soon as they arrived--and thus doomed to vote Democratic/Socialist. NO BORDERS!

They are selling out our country for that thing they lust for most--CONTROL!

It is the only Balm for the Butt-Hurt.

They need to try this, but most are too stubborn, or too far sunk into the new opiate of their masses---Marxism.

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Can’t you always paint the minority party as butthurt obstructionists? You can’t honestly say that the Republicans were graceful losers during the Obama years, can you?
can you say they:

1) stopped people from talking in open forums
2) were willing to ruin lives to get their way
3) held daily scream at the sky parties

not really out to defend one side over the other, but the right didn't carry on nearly to what we're seeing done by the left today.
being raped is such a traumatic experience, it results in bizzare behaviour.

its common for women not to scream or call the cops because they arent wired to react that way. they are brought up to be likeable, and not create friction. women are supposed to resolve problems without making a scene, to make things go away as if they never happened
Dems need to back off talk of impeaching Kavenaugh. It ain’t going to happen

If they take the House, which they seem to have a good chance, they need to hold off House proceedings until they see the Mueller report

They will have much better targets to investigate, possibly Trump himself
Actually Pelosi is the most intelligent of the Democrats. It's simple low cunning that prevents the rest of the herd from exposing their abject idiocy. But more and more lose that edge every day.
It's 50% plus one to impeach in the House, and 67 (I think) to convict in the Senate.

Yes, It takes 2/3 of members present of the Senate to Convict, which assuming the full Senate is present would be 67.

Members present is important since it keeps partisan douche bag(s) from blocking a conviction just by not showing up to vote.
Dems need to back off talk of impeaching Kavenaugh. It ain’t going to happen

If they take the House, which they seem to have a good chance, they need to hold off House proceedings until they see the Mueller report

They will have much better targets to investigate, possibly Trump himself
I agree that impeaching him should be off the table. I think (may I use that term without RW's thinking it is "equivocal LOL) that if there was any evidence Kavanaugh actually committed a crime beyond perhaps perjury it would have come to light. And while he misstated facts, or interpreted them differently than had in the past, that's not really "perjury."

But I really do think his entire past with booze and women and general misbehavior in school should be investigated and publicized. He lied about it, and it should dog him for the 30 or so years he will be a Justice. As a deterrent to other men, future nominees.
:abgg2q.jpg: We keep hearing from various "Low IQ Liberals", that if we take the house, we are going to impeach Justice Kavanaugh, yet they never bring up what happens if the Senate is still in control of the GOP.
And we all know that at this point, it looks like the GOP should gain about 6 or 7 seats, and depending on how off the polls are, they have a chance at a 60/40 commanding scenario.
This means that how many? 27 Republicans would need to vote out Judge Kavanaugh?
Someone needs to bring this up when speaking to any of these blockheads. Apparently we have some Democrats out there who actually think that only the House can take out a sitting Judge and President.
Well, maybe she thinks/hopes that new evidence found will be so overwhelming that the Republicans will have no choice.
Can’t you always paint the minority party as butthurt obstructionists? You can’t honestly say that the Republicans were graceful losers during the Obama years, can you?
Did they refuse to confirm cabinet members?
Did they slander and smear SC nominees?
Did they illegally spy on his campaign or call for a special counsel to fish for reasons to impeach him?
And McConnell politicized the Court with Garland. (And I'm with the gop on most SC issues other than 4th Amend and Choice). The GOP can accuse the dems of politicizing the issue, but Ford was NOT being political. The dems may have used her, and she would have preferred to have been unnamed, but had had the FBI investigate.

Kavenaugh's opinions change, and he is a political animal. McConnell wants to stack the Court for political reasons. Reportedly, Kavenaugh was not McConnell's preferred nominee, but he never pressured Trump to pull him. There's no reason to ignore that fact for civility or Lindsey Graham's sensitive feelings. It's a political court now, and it will remain that way until the senate finds a way out of the mess.
i dont think even pelosi remembers all of the details of the last time she was molested by a sex craved Ken Doll
Liberals are so crazily driven by emotion over intellect that they over the top self destructed with Kavanaugh
They really don’t have much support so have to pay for elevator encounters and “protestors”
Liberals cried at the news Hillary lost ... and 'butt-hurt- set in.

After 2 years of investigating without evidence of any crime...except their own... MORE 'Butt-Hurt'...Democrats began promising to Impeach President Trump with or without evidence of wrong-doing.

Now that they have failed to take down Kavanaugh, Liberal Butt-Hurt has reached EPIC proportions:

'Democrats vow to impeach Kavanaugh, question legitimacy of SCOTUS in wake of confirmation loss'

"The narrow confirmation of now-Justice Brett Kavanaugh over the weekend marked a major political victory for President Trump – and the beginning of a new battle for Democrats, who are now shifting their message to threaten possible impeachment against the newest high court justice and question the legitimacy of the Supreme Court itself."

After trying to destroy the man's life with no evidence they now how to Impeach him with zero evidence....

Dems wage war on Kavanaugh, court: New battles over legitimacy, impeachment, recusal
you mean the, 'you didn't vote like I wanted so I'm renegging your vote'' left?
Dems need to back off talk of impeaching Kavenaugh. It ain’t going to happen

If they take the House, which they seem to have a good chance, they need to hold off House proceedings until they see the Mueller report

They will have much better targets to investigate, possibly Trump himself
I agree that impeaching him should be off the table. I think (may I use that term without RW's thinking it is "equivocal LOL) that if there was any evidence Kavanaugh actually committed a crime beyond perhaps perjury it would have come to light. And while he misstated facts, or interpreted them differently than had in the past, that's not really "perjury."

But I really do think his entire past with booze and women and general misbehavior in school should be investigated and publicized. He lied about it, and it should dog him for the 30 or so years he will be a Justice. As a deterrent to other men, future nominees.
I agree in that I don’t think the actions of a teenager should be held against a man who showed no such tendencies as an adult

What I object to in Kavenaugh was that he was deceiptful and tried to paint himself as a choirboy who only studied and lifted weights.

Everyone who knew him in those days tells of a heavy drinker who could get out of hand. A “nasty drunk”
being raped is such a traumatic experience, it results in bizzare behaviour.

its common for women not to scream or call the cops because they arent wired to react that way. they are brought up to be likeable, and not create friction. women are supposed to resolve problems without making a scene, to make things go away as if they never happened
how white male of you for projecting how you think women behave and why. too fking funny or sad. you choose.
Dems need to back off talk of impeaching Kavenaugh. It ain’t going to happen

If they take the House, which they seem to have a good chance, they need to hold off House proceedings until they see the Mueller report

They will have much better targets to investigate, possibly Trump himself
I agree that impeaching him should be off the table. I think (may I use that term without RW's thinking it is "equivocal LOL) that if there was any evidence Kavanaugh actually committed a crime beyond perhaps perjury it would have come to light. And while he misstated facts, or interpreted them differently than had in the past, that's not really "perjury."

But I really do think his entire past with booze and women and general misbehavior in school should be investigated and publicized. He lied about it, and it should dog him for the 30 or so years he will be a Justice. As a deterrent to other men, future nominees.
I agree in that I don’t think the actions of a teenager should be held against a man who showed no such tendencies as an adult

What I object to in Kavenaugh was that he was deceiptful and tried to paint himself as a choirboy who only studied and lifted weights.

Everyone who knew him in those days tells of a heavy drinker who could get out of hand. A “nasty drunk”
Yeah, and he cannot be let alone to rewrite his history. First, me too has changed the rules. We men are responsible for our 20s, and probably no forgivness for our 30s. He got confirmed, but the past needs to confront him for the next 30 or so years. And he could have avoided that for his family.

But the GOP,not the dems, politicized the Court. It would actually be harmful for the country, imo, if the dems just layed down. They've lost the Court for 30 years if Thomas retires next year. But the country needs to know how they lost the Court.
Can’t you always paint the minority party as butthurt obstructionists? You can’t honestly say that the Republicans were graceful losers during the Obama years, can you?
can you say they:

1) stopped people from talking in open forums
2) were willing to ruin lives to get their way
3) held daily scream at the sky parties

not really out to defend one side over the other, but the right didn't carry on nearly to what we're seeing done by the left today.
Different tactics same mission
:abgg2q.jpg: We keep hearing from various "Low IQ Liberals", that if we take the house, we are going to impeach Justice Kavanaugh, yet they never bring up what happens if the Senate is still in control of the GOP.
And we all know that at this point, it looks like the GOP should gain about 6 or 7 seats, and depending on how off the polls are, they have a chance at a 60/40 commanding scenario.
This means that how many? 27 Republicans would need to vote out Judge Kavanaugh?
Someone needs to bring this up when speaking to any of these blockheads. Apparently we have some Democrats out there who actually think that only the House can take out a sitting Judge and President.
:lastword: have a very very very funny thread here. The Senate does not impeach...the House does. The Senate convicts and yes, after the House does take 67 Senators to convict.
So.....thanks for the laugh, unintentional as it may have been for you.
Dems need to back off talk of impeaching Kavenaugh. It ain’t going to happen

If they take the House, which they seem to have a good chance, they need to hold off House proceedings until they see the Mueller report

They will have much better targets to investigate, possibly Trump himself
I agree that impeaching him should be off the table. I think (may I use that term without RW's thinking it is "equivocal LOL) that if there was any evidence Kavanaugh actually committed a crime beyond perhaps perjury it would have come to light. And while he misstated facts, or interpreted them differently than had in the past, that's not really "perjury."

But I really do think his entire past with booze and women and general misbehavior in school should be investigated and publicized. He lied about it, and it should dog him for the 30 or so years he will be a Justice. As a deterrent to other men, future nominees.
I agree in that I don’t think the actions of a teenager should be held against a man who showed no such tendencies as an adult

What I object to in Kavenaugh was that he was deceiptful and tried to paint himself as a choirboy who only studied and lifted weights.

Everyone who knew him in those days tells of a heavy drinker who could get out of hand. A “nasty drunk”
Yeah, and he cannot be let alone to rewrite his history. First, me too has changed the rules. We men are responsible for our 20s, and probably no forgivness for our 30s. He got confirmed, but the past needs to confront him for the next 30 or so years. And he could have avoided that for his family.

But the GOP,not the dems, politicized the Court. It would actually be harmful for the country, imo, if the dems just layed down. They've lost the Court for 30 years if Thomas retires next year. But the country needs to know how they lost the Court.
nope, you're wrong.

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