Cory Booker says Kavanaugh impeachment shouldn't be off the table

Booker making the same noises
So did the times nearly THREE WEEKS AGO
Opinion | The Case for Impeaching Kavanaugh

The left has learned nothing since Obama got wrecked in the midterms.

People want solutions not Jerey Springer antics.
We do NOT want Pelosi trying to impeach anyone until she's got a goddamned good reason.

Alright! Who are you and what are you doing on OldLady's computer?
I've never been a progressive nutcase. You should stop stereotyping everyone on the left side of the fence.

I don't have to stereotype you. You are a proud libtard.
Great ! Thank you for straightening that out for me. I never DO know what I think until a man tells me.
if I had to make a mandatory pick between Pelosi or Feinstein to be on Survivor island right now I would pick Pelosi as the lesser of the two weevils.
download (51).jpg
i wonder if the senate can vote to send Pelosi and StienFien off the the Island Of Misfits
So did the times nearly THREE WEEKS AGO
Opinion | The Case for Impeaching Kavanaugh

The left has learned nothing since Obama got wrecked in the midterms.

People want solutions not Jerey Springer antics.
We do NOT want Pelosi trying to impeach anyone until she's got a goddamned good reason.

Alright! Who are you and what are you doing on OldLady's computer?
I've never been a progressive nutcase. You should stop stereotyping everyone on the left side of the fence.

I don't have to stereotype you. You are a proud libtard.
Great ! Thank you for straightening that out for me. I never DO know what I think until a man tells me.
That was sarcastic, Will.
:abgg2q.jpg: We keep hearing from various "Low IQ Liberals", that if we take the house, we are going to impeach Justice Kavanaugh, yet they never bring up what happens if the Senate is still in control of the GOP.
And we all know that at this point, it looks like the GOP should gain about 6 or 7 seats, and depending on how off the polls are, they have a chance at a 60/40 commanding scenario.
This means that how many? 27 Republicans would need to vote out Judge Kavanaugh?
Someone needs to bring this up when speaking to any of these blockheads. Apparently we have some Democrats out there who actually think that only the House can take out a sitting Judge and President.
The Democrat politicians know it takes 67 Senators to remove a President, but their ignorant voters don't. It's just a rally cry to motivate the dumb bunnies to vote.
Actually, impeachment does not happen in the Senate. Impeachment happens in the House and requires only a simple majority. Impeachment is the same as indictment. Once a president or a Supreme Court justice is impeached, he is put on trial in the Senate, and the Senate can only remove him with a super majority. So your essential point is correct: Dems would need 67 votes in the Senate to remove Trump or Kavanaugh, which of course they would never get.
I don't know if Nancy is senile or if her Botox-Formaldehyde therapy has pickled her brain, but in either case, she is a total loon. This is a good thing for Conservatives as she and the PussyHat Man-Haters are driving people away from the Dems. Keep on keeping on, Nance!
This question might need a separate thread.

Are the Democrats trying to throw the midterm elections to the Republicans? From game theory point of view, what would be the advantage in doing that? Something is not right here.
:abgg2q.jpg: We keep hearing from various "Low IQ Liberals", that if we take the house, we are going to impeach Justice Kavanaugh, yet they never bring up what happens if the Senate is still in control of the GOP.
And we all know that at this point, it looks like the GOP should gain about 6 or 7 seats, and depending on how off the polls are, they have a chance at a 60/40 commanding scenario.
This means that how many? 27 Republicans would need to vote out Judge Kavanaugh?
Someone needs to bring this up when speaking to any of these blockheads. Apparently we have some Democrats out there who actually think that only the House can take out a sitting Judge and President.

Let them talk the are losing a thousand voters per stupid syllable's a godsend!

I'm afraid what you are looking at is the sleep walk into the next civil war my friend......
I don't think we can avoid it anymore.

i wonder if all of those fake news channels are bringing this up, or just remaining silent about the 67 votes needed by the Senate
i wonder if the senate can vote to send Pelosi and StienFien off the the Island Of Misfits

Article 1 Section 5-Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.

So, yes
we need to live a little bigger than ourselves. then we'll begin to heal our country, which is what we're all interested in
This question might need a separate thread.

Are the Democrats trying to throw the midterm elections to the Republicans? From game theory point of view, what would be the advantage in doing that? Something is not right here.

Uh, no. I don't know diddly about game theory but I do know a little bit about political theory, which is that you don't lose on purpose. The Dems are trying to increase the voter support for their side, nothing more. One could question how much good that'll do since their base was probably already energized enough anyway, as opposed to how much harm it did them among everybody else.

PS: Corey Booker is a horse's ass. TY.

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