Cory Booker says Kavanaugh impeachment shouldn't be off the table

Cory Booker says Kavanaugh impeachment shouldn't be off the table

DES MOINES, Iowa ā€” New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker said on Sunday the possibility of impeaching Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh shouldnā€™t be off the table if Democrats take one of the houses of Congress in next monthā€™s midterm elections. Kavanaugh was confirmed on Saturday by a narrow vote following a contentious process that included multiple sexual assault allegations.

ā€œThe reality is, right now, Republicans control the House and the Senate, and thereā€™s no way to do even an investigation unless we flip one of the houses. So I think even before you start focusing on questions about his truthfulness before a Senate committee, youā€™ve got to focus on the urgency of the work over the next 30 days, and thatā€™s where my focus is,ā€ Booker said.


Cory Booker says Kavanaugh impeachment shouldn't be off the table

Look everyone. They don't know how to handle the thriving economy. They cannot possibly tell you that they are going to raise the taxes, start up mass regulations on business, make sure to bend over for the world to rape us on trade deals and appease ALL of our enemies.

They cannot tell you any of that.

They are such creepy losers.
Kavanaugh is not above the law

Libtards know nothing of the law...ā€¦ā€¦..
go grab some pussy

I'm not against if they are willing, I like girls...ā€¦.

You can get you a hand full of dong libtard...ā€¦..

You like 'girls'? You are a 62 year old man...and you like 'girls'?


\ Ėˆgər(-ə)l \

Definition of girl

1a: a female child from birth to adulthood

Definition of GIRL, a senior citizen? Is sexually attracted to pre-adult girls?

You are not only are sick as well.


I'm 58 years old and a 30 some year old is a girl to me. My niece is 32 and I still think of her as a girl.

A friend of mine came over to watch the Cleveland Indians play in the playoffs. I found myself often referring to some of the players as "kids."

Maybe you'll understand when you get older.
You need a video to show that the republicans didnā€™t grant a hearing to Garland? Really? You donā€™t think that happened?
Did they accuse him of gang rape?

Bullshit, no congressional Democrat accused him of that.

Democrats brought (by EVEN TRUMPā€™s account) a very credible accuser. The bitching on the right about that is rediculous.

And whatā€™s the bottom line here? Kavanaugh got confirmed to Garlandā€™s seat, why donā€™t we ask THEM who got the raw deal here. :rolleyes:
Huh? No one voted on Garland.

Lol of course not, he was done deal if the vote was ever allowed.

No he wasn't, I was going to come forward and said he touched my ass in flag football when we were 8 years old


No you were not , please stop posting idiocy
Sure they did. Can you prove it? Got videos?
What do you need videos for? Which of the things that I listed are you disputing?
All of it.
You need a video to show that the republicans didnā€™t grant a hearing to Garland? Really? You donā€™t think that happened?
Did they accuse him of gang rape?

Bullshit, no congressional Democrat accused him of that.
No, they just accused him of sexual assault. Their SURROGATES accused him of gang rape.
Kavanaugh is not above the law

Libtards know nothing of the law...ā€¦ā€¦..
go grab some pussy

I'm not against if they are willing, I like girls...ā€¦.

You can get you a hand full of dong libtard...ā€¦..

You like 'girls'? You are a 62 year old man...and you like 'girls'?


\ Ėˆgər(-ə)l \

Definition of girl

1a: a female child from birth to adulthood

Definition of GIRL, a senior citizen? Is sexually attracted to pre-adult girls?

You are not only are sick as well.


I'm 58 years old and a 30 some year old is a girl to me. My niece is 32 and I still think of her as a girl.

A friend of mine came over to watch the Cleveland Indians play in the playoffs. I found myself often referring to some of the players as "kids."

Maybe you'll understand when you get older.
ray f politics just feel good
:abgg2q.jpg: We keep hearing from various "Low IQ Liberals", that if we take the house, we are going to impeach Justice Kavanaugh, yet they never bring up what happens if the Senate is still in control of the GOP.
And we all know that at this point, it looks like the GOP should gain about 6 or 7 seats, and depending on how off the polls are, they have a chance at a 60/40 commanding scenario.
This means that how many? 27 Republicans would need to vote out Judge Kavanaugh?
Someone needs to bring this up when speaking to any of these blockheads. Apparently we have some Democrats out there who actually think that only the House can take out a sitting Judge and President.
Her and Harry Reid are the head of a fight club...

They both have brain damage but I do think Harry Reid got the worst of it
he looks like he was accidently shot by dick cheney
:abgg2q.jpg: We keep hearing from various "Low IQ Liberals", that if we take the house, we are going to impeach Justice Kavanaugh, yet they never bring up what happens if the Senate is still in control of the GOP.
And we all know that at this point, it looks like the GOP should gain about 6 or 7 seats, and depending on how off the polls are, they have a chance at a 60/40 commanding scenario.
This means that how many? 27 Republicans would need to vote out Judge Kavanaugh?
Someone needs to bring this up when speaking to any of these blockheads. Apparently we have some Democrats out there who actually think that only the House can take out a sitting Judge and President.
Her and Harry Reid are the head of a fight club...

They both have brain damage but I do think Harry Reid got the worst of it
he looks like he was accidently shot by dick cheney
Na, Actually his wife beat the shit out of him
What do you need videos for? Which of the things that I listed are you disputing?
All of it.
You need a video to show that the republicans didnā€™t grant a hearing to Garland? Really? You donā€™t think that happened?
Did they accuse him of gang rape?

Bullshit, no congressional Democrat accused him of that.
No, they just accused him of sexual assault. Their SURROGATES accused him of gang rape.

Garland would give his left nut (pardon the pun) to get accused of teenage sexual assault with a side of a lifetime appointment to the SCOTUS.

Itā€™s NUTS to claim that Republican politicking was not more damaging to Garland then anything Democrats did to Kavanaugh.

Take that ā€œthey went unfairly after a good manā€ and shove it up your ass.
Canā€™t you always paint the minority party as butthurt obstructionists? You canā€™t honestly say that the Republicans were graceful losers during the Obama years, can you?
can you say they:

1) stopped people from talking in open forums
2) were willing to ruin lives to get their way
3) held daily scream at the sky parties

not really out to defend one side over the other, but the right didn't carry on nearly to what we're seeing done by the left today.
Different tactics same mission

The butt hurt on the left is 100 times worse than the right. From the day after the election, they rioted in several cities, the left went to recounts in three states, implied that there was voter fraud then they wanted the Electoral College to change their votes from Trump to Hillary and ignore the voters will, then they demanded that all the Electoral College meet and debate and try to change votes. Then came using the courts to get injunctions to try to stop Trump from being sworn in, then more riots and then to wanting to impeach Trump. The last month has been crazy, allegations with absolutely no proof, claiming Kavanagh would overturn Roe v. Wade, he is a rapist, a drunk again with nothing. Everyday the nuts get nuttier.

Lol you think thatā€™s impressive?? Trump was acting butthurt IN ADVANCE, spreading his ā€œthis election is totally rigged!ā€ horseshit because the polls didnā€™t look his way.

And letā€™s not forget his refusal to say that he would accept the election result.

Iā€™ve got a Brooklyn bridge to sell you if you think Trumpsters would simply move on from his loss.
I didnā€™t say that, I said the left wing nuts such as yourself are worse. Another swing and a miss.
Canā€™t you always paint the minority party as butthurt obstructionists? You canā€™t honestly say that the Republicans were graceful losers during the Obama years, can you?
can you say they:

1) stopped people from talking in open forums
2) were willing to ruin lives to get their way
3) held daily scream at the sky parties

not really out to defend one side over the other, but the right didn't carry on nearly to what we're seeing done by the left today.
Different tactics same mission

The butt hurt on the left is 100 times worse than the right. From the day after the election, they rioted in several cities, the left went to recounts in three states, implied that there was voter fraud then they wanted the Electoral College to change their votes from Trump to Hillary and ignore the voters will, then they demanded that all the Electoral College meet and debate and try to change votes. Then came using the courts to get injunctions to try to stop Trump from being sworn in, then more riots and then to wanting to impeach Trump. The last month has been crazy, allegations with absolutely no proof, claiming Kavanagh would overturn Roe v. Wade, he is a rapist, a drunk again with nothing. Everyday the nuts get nuttier.

Lol you think thatā€™s impressive?? Trump was acting butthurt IN ADVANCE, spreading his ā€œthis election is totally rigged!ā€ horseshit because the polls didnā€™t look his way.

And letā€™s not forget his refusal to say that he would accept the election result.

Iā€™ve got a Brooklyn bridge to sell you if you think Trumpsters would simply move on from his loss.
I didnā€™t say that, I said the left wing nuts such as yourself are worse.

Worse than your imagination of Trumpsters and what they would be up to after Trumpā€™s loss in a ā€œtotally rigged electionā€?

can you say they:

1) stopped people from talking in open forums
2) were willing to ruin lives to get their way
3) held daily scream at the sky parties

not really out to defend one side over the other, but the right didn't carry on nearly to what we're seeing done by the left today.
Different tactics same mission

The butt hurt on the left is 100 times worse than the right. From the day after the election, they rioted in several cities, the left went to recounts in three states, implied that there was voter fraud then they wanted the Electoral College to change their votes from Trump to Hillary and ignore the voters will, then they demanded that all the Electoral College meet and debate and try to change votes. Then came using the courts to get injunctions to try to stop Trump from being sworn in, then more riots and then to wanting to impeach Trump. The last month has been crazy, allegations with absolutely no proof, claiming Kavanagh would overturn Roe v. Wade, he is a rapist, a drunk again with nothing. Everyday the nuts get nuttier.

Lol you think thatā€™s impressive?? Trump was acting butthurt IN ADVANCE, spreading his ā€œthis election is totally rigged!ā€ horseshit because the polls didnā€™t look his way.

And letā€™s not forget his refusal to say that he would accept the election result.

Iā€™ve got a Brooklyn bridge to sell you if you think Trumpsters would simply move on from his loss.
I didnā€™t say that, I said the left wing nuts such as yourself are worse.

Quote me or stfu

You going to deny anything I posted? You want to still see his taxes, you want him impeached do you not? Did you not claim Kavanugh as being guilty without a shred of evidence If not I apologize. Still doesnā€™t change the fact the extreme left is 100 times worse than the extreme right.
Kavanaugh is not above the law

Libtards know nothing of the law...ā€¦ā€¦..
go grab some pussy

I'm not against if they are willing, I like girls...ā€¦.

You can get you a hand full of dong libtard...ā€¦..

You like 'girls'? You are a 62 year old man...and you like 'girls'?


\ Ėˆgər(-ə)l \

Definition of girl

1a: a female child from birth to adulthood

Definition of GIRL, a senior citizen? Is sexually attracted to pre-adult girls?

You are not only are sick as well.


I'm 58 years old and a 30 some year old is a girl to me. My niece is 32 and I still think of her as a girl.

A friend of mine came over to watch the Cleveland Indians play in the playoffs. I found myself often referring to some of the players as "kids."

Maybe you'll understand when you get older.

I was mostly just trying to get under the guy's skin.

But I am older than you think...and I have not called a woman a 'girl' since I was in my twenties.
Most women - especially the more intelligent ones - HATE being called 'girls' (with exceptions). And I don't blame them. It's like calling a man a 'boy'. And I know of few/no men that would like to be called a 'boy'.

I understand it is a habit that older guys have. But it is not a good one and technically it IS creepy.
And especially in these PC times - a bad idea to continue with.
Canā€™t you always paint the minority party as butthurt obstructionists? You canā€™t honestly say that the Republicans were graceful losers during the Obama years, can you?
can you say they:

1) stopped people from talking in open forums
2) were willing to ruin lives to get their way
3) held daily scream at the sky parties

not really out to defend one side over the other, but the right didn't carry on nearly to what we're seeing done by the left today.
Different tactics same mission

The butt hurt on the left is 100 times worse than the right. From the day after the election, they rioted in several cities, the left went to recounts in three states, implied that there was voter fraud then they wanted the Electoral College to change their votes from Trump to Hillary and ignore the voters will, then they demanded that all the Electoral College meet and debate and try to change votes. Then came using the courts to get injunctions to try to stop Trump from being sworn in, then more riots and then to wanting to impeach Trump. The last month has been crazy, allegations with absolutely no proof, claiming Kavanagh would overturn Roe v. Wade, he is a rapist, a drunk again with nothing. Everyday the nuts get nuttier.
The Left represents change and minority/oppressed groups. People are typically more passionate and energized when fighting for change, especially when they are fighting for their rights
:abgg2q.jpg: We keep hearing from various "Low IQ Liberals", that if we take the house, we are going to impeach Justice Kavanaugh, yet they never bring up what happens if the Senate is still in control of the GOP.
And we all know that at this point, it looks like the GOP should gain about 6 or 7 seats, and depending on how off the polls are, they have a chance at a 60/40 commanding scenario.
This means that how many? 27 Republicans would need to vote out Judge Kavanaugh?
Someone needs to bring this up when speaking to any of these blockheads. Apparently we have some Democrats out there who actually think that only the House can take out a sitting Judge and President.
Her and Harry Reid are the head of a fight club...

They both have brain damage but I do think Harry Reid got the worst of it
he looks like he was accidently shot by dick cheney
Na, Actually his wife beat the shit out of him
did bigfoot help out?
Here's the problem and why I believe all of the women are lying.

They all came with accusations, the third one with a completely rediculous accusation which actually hurt the others.
They all had a list of people to corroborate their accusations except all of their witnesses said, "No, I don't remember that, I don't even know Kavanaugh."
Then a week later, the first two come out with another list of witnesses except, those lists are tainted and smells of fraud. They most likely called around and asked if these new witnesses would lie about Kavanaugh, my opinion.
The third accuser backtracks her original statements trying to cover her ass.
Then we find out Fords lawyer represented the third accuser in a different sexual harrassment case. Fords friend is connected to the third accusers lawyer, all of the women involved are a part of the "Resist" movement. Ford lied about how to beat a lie detector test, that she didn't fly, that she is claustrophobic, she couldn't remember anything about the assault except that it was Kavanaugh and had one beer.
Then the ways she acted during the hearing has me questioning her. Her naive way she acted, how she is a frail and damaged woman yet has a Phd and is a professor? I don't buy it.

Republicans can not come out and say she's a liar, they have to say she's "Credible" because they don't want to hurt feelings.

I am calling her a liar and there needs to be an investigation into everyone involved...especially the lawyers.
:abgg2q.jpg: We keep hearing from various "Low IQ Liberals", that if we take the house, we are going to impeach Justice Kavanaugh, yet they never bring up what happens if the Senate is still in control of the GOP.
And we all know that at this point, it looks like the GOP should gain about 6 or 7 seats, and depending on how off the polls are, they have a chance at a 60/40 commanding scenario.
This means that how many? 27 Republicans would need to vote out Judge Kavanaugh?
Someone needs to bring this up when speaking to any of these blockheads. Apparently we have some Democrats out there who actually think that only the House can take out a sitting Judge and President.
Her and Harry Reid are the head of a fight club...

They both have brain damage but I do think Harry Reid got the worst of it
he looks like he was accidently shot by dick cheney
Na, Actually his wife beat the shit out of him
did bigfoot help out?
No, manbearpig did
:abgg2q.jpg: We keep hearing from various "Low IQ Liberals", that if we take the house, we are going to impeach Justice Kavanaugh, yet they never bring up what happens if the Senate is still in control of the GOP.
And we all know that at this point, it looks like the GOP should gain about 6 or 7 seats, and depending on how off the polls are, they have a chance at a 60/40 commanding scenario.
This means that how many? 27 Republicans would need to vote out Judge Kavanaugh?
Someone needs to bring this up when speaking to any of these blockheads. Apparently we have some Democrats out there who actually think that only the House can take out a sitting Judge and President.

Hmm I don't expect that Democrats will take the Senate this midterm. Simply because there are more Democrats up for reelection in the Senate than there are Republicans. I mean it's possible, but not likely.

However if Democrats won the Senate, it would be the shot that was heard around the world, & any remaining Republican senators would be on board for impeachment proceedings just to save their own seats in 2020 when a lot of them will be up for reelection.
Last edited:
:abgg2q.jpg: We keep hearing from various "Low IQ Liberals", that if we take the house, we are going to impeach Justice Kavanaugh, yet they never bring up what happens if the Senate is still in control of the GOP.
And we all know that at this point, it looks like the GOP should gain about 6 or 7 seats, and depending on how off the polls are, they have a chance at a 60/40 commanding scenario.
This means that how many? 27 Republicans would need to vote out Judge Kavanaugh?
Someone needs to bring this up when speaking to any of these blockheads. Apparently we have some Democrats out there who actually think that only the House can take out a sitting Judge and President.
Her and Harry Reid are the head of a fight club...

They both have brain damage but I do think Harry Reid got the worst of it
he looks like he was accidently shot by dick cheney
Na, Actually his wife beat the shit out of him
did bigfoot help out?
No, manbearpig did
I have never met ManBearPig, is he a very friendly person? {or animal}. does he like italian food?

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