Cost Of Driving Electric Vehicle Equal To Paying $17.33 Per Gallon Of Gasoline, Study Finds


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Cost Of Driving Electric Vehicle Equal To Paying $17.33 Per Gallon Of Gasoline, Study Finds​

10 Oct 2023 ~~ By Hank Barrien

A comprehensive new study of electric vehicles shows that the cost of running them is far more expensive than has been commonly thought. Brent Bennett and Jason Isaac issued their report for the Texas Public Policy Foundation, pointing out that advocates for electric vehicles claim the vehicles require lower maintenance and lower fueling costs than traditional vehicles, and future reductions in battery prices will make EVs less expensive.
But, they argue, “no one has attempted to calculate the full financial benefit of the wide array of direct subsidies, regulatory credits, and subsidized infrastructure that contribute to the economic viability of EVs.”
They give evidence that “the average model year (MY) 2021 EV would cost $48,698 more to own over a 10-year period without $22 billion in government favors given to EV manufacturers and owners. … Adding the costs of the subsidies to the true cost of fueling an EV would equate to an EV owner paying $17.33 per gallon of gasoline.
And these estimates do not include the hundreds of billions more in subsidies in the Inflation Reduction Act (2022) for various aspects of the EV supply chain, particularly for battery manufacturing.”
“Nearly $22 billion in federal and state subsidies and regulatory credits suppressed the retail price of EVs in 2021 by an average of almost $50,000,” they note.
They conclude: “The stark reality for proponents of EVs and for the dreamers in the federal government, who are using fuel economy regulations to force manufacturers to produce ever more EVs, is that the true cost of an EV is in no way close to a comparable ICEV [internal combustion engine vehicle]. Our conservative estimate is that the average EV accrues $48,698 in subsidies and $4,569 in extra charging and electricity costs over a 10-year period, for a total cost of $53,267, or $16.12 per equivalent gallon of gasoline. Without increased and sustained government favors, EVs will remain more expensive than ICEVs for many years to come.”

It was hilarious watching Sen Kennedy question environmentalists thus week
Trying to get them to put a number on the cost to implement the Green New Deal by 2050
One had the audacity to claim $200b, at tops.
The proven fact is that lithium batteries are not end all be all. Their cost in human life, the environment and danger is obvious.
Then there's the fact the generation of electricity by fossil fuels is still necessary. Seems France and Germany have reactivated their fossil fuel and nuclear plants.
Funny while I'm typing this my laptop battery is being charged by Duke Energy.
One Massive Failure in all this bull crap that no one discusses is that most power power transmission lines across the US are not designed to carry power for everyone living all electric and charging EV’s. Fact is that most homes do not have the capacity, either.

Cost Of Driving Electric Vehicle Equal To Paying $17.33 Per Gallon Of Gasoline, Study Finds​

10 Oct 2023 ~~ By Hank Barrien

A comprehensive new study of electric vehicles shows that the cost of running them is far more expensive than has been commonly thought. Brent Bennett and Jason Isaac issued their report for the Texas Public Policy Foundation, pointing out that advocates for electric vehicles claim the vehicles require lower maintenance and lower fueling costs than traditional vehicles, and future reductions in battery prices will make EVs less expensive.
But, they argue, “no one has attempted to calculate the full financial benefit of the wide array of direct subsidies, regulatory credits, and subsidized infrastructure that contribute to the economic viability of EVs.”
They give evidence that “the average model year (MY) 2021 EV would cost $48,698 more to own over a 10-year period without $22 billion in government favors given to EV manufacturers and owners. … Adding the costs of the subsidies to the true cost of fueling an EV would equate to an EV owner paying $17.33 per gallon of gasoline.
And these estimates do not include the hundreds of billions more in subsidies in the Inflation Reduction Act (2022) for various aspects of the EV supply chain, particularly for battery manufacturing.”
“Nearly $22 billion in federal and state subsidies and regulatory credits suppressed the retail price of EVs in 2021 by an average of almost $50,000,” they note.
They conclude: “The stark reality for proponents of EVs and for the dreamers in the federal government, who are using fuel economy regulations to force manufacturers to produce ever more EVs, is that the true cost of an EV is in no way close to a comparable ICEV [internal combustion engine vehicle]. Our conservative estimate is that the average EV accrues $48,698 in subsidies and $4,569 in extra charging and electricity costs over a 10-year period, for a total cost of $53,267, or $16.12 per equivalent gallon of gasoline. Without increased and sustained government favors, EVs will remain more expensive than ICEVs for many years to come.”

It was hilarious watching Sen Kennedy question environmentalists thus week
Trying to get them to put a number on the cost to implement the Green New Deal by 2050
One had the audacity to claim $200b, at tops.
The proven fact is that lithium batteries are not end all be all. Their cost in human life, the environment and danger is obvious.
Then there's the fact the generation of electricity by fossil fuels is still necessary. Seems France and Germany have reactivated their fossil fuel and nuclear plants.
Funny while I'm typing this my laptop battery is being charged by Duke Energy.
One Massive Failure in all this bull crap that no one discusses is that most power power transmission lines across the US are not designed to carry power for everyone living all electric and charging EV’s. Fact is that most homes do not have the capacity, either.
And I'm sure insurance is higher both for the car and the home thanks to the car fires.
In addition, Vehicle Excise Duty begins in 2025 on EV's in the UK. So more cost.

I worked out that the difference in price between my van new in diesel and in electric, meant I would have to drive best part of 180,000 miles to break even. It's taken me 20 years to do 3/4's of that in my car.

And with such raw materials as lithium and copper being classed as the new gold, EV's will never be affordable to the majority. Major car manufacturers have pulled out of the idea of making affordable EV's, so anyone wanting a cheap EV, they're stuck with a Chinese biscuit tin on wheels.
Automakers came clean, projecting massive losses because the public doesn't want the over priced crap.

The left fks up again

Cost Of Driving Electric Vehicle Equal To Paying $17.33 Per Gallon Of Gasoline, Study Finds​

10 Oct 2023 ~~ By Hank Barrien

A comprehensive new study of electric vehicles shows that the cost of running them is far more expensive than has been commonly thought. Brent Bennett and Jason Isaac issued their report for the Texas Public Policy Foundation, pointing out that advocates for electric vehicles claim the vehicles require lower maintenance and lower fueling costs than traditional vehicles, and future reductions in battery prices will make EVs less expensive.
But, they argue, “no one has attempted to calculate the full financial benefit of the wide array of direct subsidies, regulatory credits, and subsidized infrastructure that contribute to the economic viability of EVs.”
They give evidence that “the average model year (MY) 2021 EV would cost $48,698 more to own over a 10-year period without $22 billion in government favors given to EV manufacturers and owners. … Adding the costs of the subsidies to the true cost of fueling an EV would equate to an EV owner paying $17.33 per gallon of gasoline.
And these estimates do not include the hundreds of billions more in subsidies in the Inflation Reduction Act (2022) for various aspects of the EV supply chain, particularly for battery manufacturing.”
“Nearly $22 billion in federal and state subsidies and regulatory credits suppressed the retail price of EVs in 2021 by an average of almost $50,000,” they note.
They conclude: “The stark reality for proponents of EVs and for the dreamers in the federal government, who are using fuel economy regulations to force manufacturers to produce ever more EVs, is that the true cost of an EV is in no way close to a comparable ICEV [internal combustion engine vehicle]. Our conservative estimate is that the average EV accrues $48,698 in subsidies and $4,569 in extra charging and electricity costs over a 10-year period, for a total cost of $53,267, or $16.12 per equivalent gallon of gasoline. Without increased and sustained government favors, EVs will remain more expensive than ICEVs for many years to come.”

It was hilarious watching Sen Kennedy question environmentalists thus week
Trying to get them to put a number on the cost to implement the Green New Deal by 2050
One had the audacity to claim $200b, at tops.
The proven fact is that lithium batteries are not end all be all. Their cost in human life, the environment and danger is obvious.
Then there's the fact the generation of electricity by fossil fuels is still necessary. Seems France and Germany have reactivated their fossil fuel and nuclear plants.
Funny while I'm typing this my laptop battery is being charged by Duke Energy.
One Massive Failure in all this bull crap that no one discusses is that most power power transmission lines across the US are not designed to carry power for everyone living all electric and charging EV’s. Fact is that most homes do not have the capacity, either.
But but but, we're saving the planet. Who cares if people can't afford it or the poor can no longer afford to have cars? The rich will be the only ones with cars and we can force them to pay that $17.33 per gallon.
The Democrats want all the commoners on the bus. Then they will electrify the bus fleets and raise the fares to make up for the increased cost.

Then . . . they will offer vouchers to politically favored constituents.
And I'm sure insurance is higher both for the car and the home thanks to the car fires.
Especially if you decide to keep the EV parked in your garage attached to the house....
In addition, Vehicle Excise Duty begins in 2025 on EV's in the UK. So more cost.

I worked out that the difference in price between my van new in diesel and in electric, meant I would have to drive best part of 180,000 miles to break even. It's taken me 20 years to do 3/4's of that in my car.

And with such raw materials as lithium and copper being classed as the new gold, EV's will never be affordable to the majority. Major car manufacturers have pulled out of the idea of making affordable EV's, so anyone wanting a cheap EV, they're stuck with a Chinese biscuit tin on wheels.
I've wanted for the last few years to add an electric vehicle to my stable of cars. More and more however, I see stories like this that now has me really not wanting to bother at this time.
The Democrats want all the commoners on the bus. Then they will electrify the bus fleets and raise the fares to make up for the increased cost.

Then . . . they will offer vouchers to politically favored constituents.
That is EXACTLY how the lib agenda works

Cost Of Driving Electric Vehicle Equal To Paying $17.33 Per Gallon Of Gasoline, Study Finds​

10 Oct 2023 ~~ By Hank Barrien

A comprehensive new study of electric vehicles shows that the cost of running them is far more expensive than has been commonly thought. Brent Bennett and Jason Isaac issued their report for the Texas Public Policy Foundation, pointing out that advocates for electric vehicles claim the vehicles require lower maintenance and lower fueling costs than traditional vehicles, and future reductions in battery prices will make EVs less expensive.
But, they argue, “no one has attempted to calculate the full financial benefit of the wide array of direct subsidies, regulatory credits, and subsidized infrastructure that contribute to the economic viability of EVs.”
They give evidence that “the average model year (MY) 2021 EV would cost $48,698 more to own over a 10-year period without $22 billion in government favors given to EV manufacturers and owners. … Adding the costs of the subsidies to the true cost of fueling an EV would equate to an EV owner paying $17.33 per gallon of gasoline.
And these estimates do not include the hundreds of billions more in subsidies in the Inflation Reduction Act (2022) for various aspects of the EV supply chain, particularly for battery manufacturing.”
“Nearly $22 billion in federal and state subsidies and regulatory credits suppressed the retail price of EVs in 2021 by an average of almost $50,000,” they note.
They conclude: “The stark reality for proponents of EVs and for the dreamers in the federal government, who are using fuel economy regulations to force manufacturers to produce ever more EVs, is that the true cost of an EV is in no way close to a comparable ICEV [internal combustion engine vehicle]. Our conservative estimate is that the average EV accrues $48,698 in subsidies and $4,569 in extra charging and electricity costs over a 10-year period, for a total cost of $53,267, or $16.12 per equivalent gallon of gasoline. Without increased and sustained government favors, EVs will remain more expensive than ICEVs for many years to come.”

It was hilarious watching Sen Kennedy question environmentalists thus week
Trying to get them to put a number on the cost to implement the Green New Deal by 2050
One had the audacity to claim $200b, at tops.
The proven fact is that lithium batteries are not end all be all. Their cost in human life, the environment and danger is obvious.
Then there's the fact the generation of electricity by fossil fuels is still necessary. Seems France and Germany have reactivated their fossil fuel and nuclear plants.
Funny while I'm typing this my laptop battery is being charged by Duke Energy.
One Massive Failure in all this bull crap that no one discusses is that most power power transmission lines across the US are not designed to carry power for everyone living all electric and charging EV’s. Fact is that most homes do not have the capacity, either.
Thanks. I tried to tell 'em months ago about how expensive and wasteful electric energy for cars is.Thanks for filling in the other blanks. Great Post, Doc 7505.

Cost Of Driving Electric Vehicle Equal To Paying $17.33 Per Gallon Of Gasoline, Study Finds​

10 Oct 2023 ~~ By Hank Barrien

A comprehensive new study of electric vehicles shows that the cost of running them is far more expensive than has been commonly thought. Brent Bennett and Jason Isaac issued their report for the Texas Public Policy Foundation, pointing out that advocates for electric vehicles claim the vehicles require lower maintenance and lower fueling costs than traditional vehicles, and future reductions in battery prices will make EVs less expensive.
But, they argue, “no one has attempted to calculate the full financial benefit of the wide array of direct subsidies, regulatory credits, and subsidized infrastructure that contribute to the economic viability of EVs.”
They give evidence that “the average model year (MY) 2021 EV would cost $48,698 more to own over a 10-year period without $22 billion in government favors given to EV manufacturers and owners. … Adding the costs of the subsidies to the true cost of fueling an EV would equate to an EV owner paying $17.33 per gallon of gasoline.
And these estimates do not include the hundreds of billions more in subsidies in the Inflation Reduction Act (2022) for various aspects of the EV supply chain, particularly for battery manufacturing.”
“Nearly $22 billion in federal and state subsidies and regulatory credits suppressed the retail price of EVs in 2021 by an average of almost $50,000,” they note.
They conclude: “The stark reality for proponents of EVs and for the dreamers in the federal government, who are using fuel economy regulations to force manufacturers to produce ever more EVs, is that the true cost of an EV is in no way close to a comparable ICEV [internal combustion engine vehicle]. Our conservative estimate is that the average EV accrues $48,698 in subsidies and $4,569 in extra charging and electricity costs over a 10-year period, for a total cost of $53,267, or $16.12 per equivalent gallon of gasoline. Without increased and sustained government favors, EVs will remain more expensive than ICEVs for many years to come.”

It was hilarious watching Sen Kennedy question environmentalists thus week
Trying to get them to put a number on the cost to implement the Green New Deal by 2050
One had the audacity to claim $200b, at tops.
The proven fact is that lithium batteries are not end all be all. Their cost in human life, the environment and danger is obvious.
Then there's the fact the generation of electricity by fossil fuels is still necessary. Seems France and Germany have reactivated their fossil fuel and nuclear plants.
Funny while I'm typing this my laptop battery is being charged by Duke Energy.
One Massive Failure in all this bull crap that no one discusses is that most power power transmission lines across the US are not designed to carry power for everyone living all electric and charging EV’s. Fact is that most homes do not have the capacity, either.
The Texas Public )policy Foundation is NOT an objective source on this topic. See: Texas Public Policy Foundation - Wikipedia

Cost Of Driving Electric Vehicle Equal To Paying $17.33 Per Gallon Of Gasoline, Study Finds​

10 Oct 2023 ~~ By Hank Barrien

A comprehensive new study of electric vehicles shows that the cost of running them is far more expensive than has been commonly thought. Brent Bennett and Jason Isaac issued their report for the Texas Public Policy Foundation, pointing out that advocates for electric vehicles claim the vehicles require lower maintenance and lower fueling costs than traditional vehicles, and future reductions in battery prices will make EVs less expensive.
But, they argue, “no one has attempted to calculate the full financial benefit of the wide array of direct subsidies, regulatory credits, and subsidized infrastructure that contribute to the economic viability of EVs.”
They give evidence that “the average model year (MY) 2021 EV would cost $48,698 more to own over a 10-year period without $22 billion in government favors given to EV manufacturers and owners. … Adding the costs of the subsidies to the true cost of fueling an EV would equate to an EV owner paying $17.33 per gallon of gasoline.
And these estimates do not include the hundreds of billions more in subsidies in the Inflation Reduction Act (2022) for various aspects of the EV supply chain, particularly for battery manufacturing.”
“Nearly $22 billion in federal and state subsidies and regulatory credits suppressed the retail price of EVs in 2021 by an average of almost $50,000,” they note.
They conclude: “The stark reality for proponents of EVs and for the dreamers in the federal government, who are using fuel economy regulations to force manufacturers to produce ever more EVs, is that the true cost of an EV is in no way close to a comparable ICEV [internal combustion engine vehicle]. Our conservative estimate is that the average EV accrues $48,698 in subsidies and $4,569 in extra charging and electricity costs over a 10-year period, for a total cost of $53,267, or $16.12 per equivalent gallon of gasoline. Without increased and sustained government favors, EVs will remain more expensive than ICEVs for many years to come.”

It was hilarious watching Sen Kennedy question environmentalists thus week
Trying to get them to put a number on the cost to implement the Green New Deal by 2050
One had the audacity to claim $200b, at tops.
The proven fact is that lithium batteries are not end all be all. Their cost in human life, the environment and danger is obvious.
Then there's the fact the generation of electricity by fossil fuels is still necessary. Seems France and Germany have reactivated their fossil fuel and nuclear plants.
Funny while I'm typing this my laptop battery is being charged by Duke Energy.
One Massive Failure in all this bull crap that no one discusses is that most power power transmission lines across the US are not designed to carry power for everyone living all electric and charging EV’s. Fact is that most homes do not have the capacity, either.
Yeah....the gas savings never existed.
Automakers came clean, projecting massive losses because the public doesn't want the over priced crap.

The left fks up again
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extra premium if it's a Samsung Battery.
Link? The structure of lithium itself can change, so whatever Samsung is using, recycling progress and battery design will change how Samsung makes lithium batteries.
In addition, Vehicle Excise Duty begins in 2025 on EV's in the UK. So more cost.

I worked out that the difference in price between my van new in diesel and in electric, meant I would have to drive best part of 180,000 miles to break even. It's taken me 20 years to do 3/4's of that in my car.

And with such raw materials as lithium and copper being classed as the new gold, EV's will never be affordable to the majority. Major car manufacturers have pulled out of the idea of making affordable EV's, so anyone wanting a cheap EV, they're stuck with a Chinese biscuit tin on wheels.
Major car manufacturers are not traditionally electric motor manufacturers, and the Chinese have helped to hollow out American electric motor industries. Nonetheless, a conversion kit (motor and battery) for a regular bicycle costs ~ $650. Even poor people can afford this.
One Massive Failure in all this bull crap that no one discusses is that most power power transmission lines across the US are not designed to carry power for everyone living all electric and charging EV’s. Fact is that most homes do not have the capacity, either.
That’s wrong. The electricity used to refine a gallon of gas is more than running an EV the same number of miles. Just making less gas covers the EV need.
One Massive Failure in all this bull crap that no one discusses is that most power power transmission lines across the US are not designed to carry power for everyone living all electric and charging EV’s. Fact is that most homes do not have the capacity, either.
When an EV owner connects to the electric grid, how much are they paying for the extra generation, transmission, and distribution costs that they are imposing on the grid, and will those embedded costs rise over time?”

It's been debated to death in trade forums Doc

Basically a sisyphean infrastructure feat of phenomenal manpower & expense


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