*Cost Of Everythings Going Up: Thanks Fucking Obama!*

Increasing margin requirements to 20% on oil futures and coercing refineries to work to 90% capacity instead of 70% would drop the price of crude a third in six weeks.

There has never, ever in human history been as much crude above ground waiting for a sale than there is at this exact second. And the supply above ground grows daily and is expected to grow for the next ten to fifteen years by which time most industrialists believe alternative power sources will be cheap enough to begin replacing petroleum as fuel. Fact is petroleum has tens of thousands of uses, none of which are as critical as its use as fuel.

This is the good old days for the petroleum industry. Thank Clinton for signing CFTMA. His kneepadder clownshow don't understand any more about the effects of that than white trash understand about the long term effects of tripling the debt in the 1980s.

See, that's ^^ what it looks like when you know what you're talking about.

The CFMA -- shepherded through under cover of night by Phil Gramm in December of 2000, while the country was distracted arguing over who the next president was.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. No, its Obama's fault.
2. His lack of knowledge is killing America, and Americans.
3. Everything he reaches his hand out to do as a policy, kills us.
4. There is no end, he is trying to end America.


No, you addlebrained idiot, oil is an internationally traded fungible commodity. A POTUS has nothing to say about what the international market price is. Clearly you're not the one that should be talking about "lack of knowledge".

Perhaps if you actually broke a brain cell sweat once in a while you wouldn't have to lead off every post with "sorry about that". Just a thought.

1. Okay goat head, and prove me wrong then shit for brains!
2. I will wait moron.

Sorry bout that,

1. No, its Obama's fault.
2. His lack of knowledge is killing America, and Americans.
3. Everything he reaches his hand out to do as a policy, kills us.
4. There is no end, he is trying to end America.


No, you addlebrained idiot, oil is an internationally traded fungible commodity. A POTUS has nothing to say about what the international market price is. Clearly you're not the one that should be talking about "lack of knowledge".

Perhaps if you actually broke a brain cell sweat once in a while you wouldn't have to lead off every post with "sorry about that". Just a thought.

So you would say when Obama :
1)told Brazil to develop oil and that the USA will be their best customer?
2) Encourage foreign drilling OFF Florida by Cuba
3) Encourage Canada to sell almost 1 million barrels per day to China?
4) In 3 years new leases under Obama 5,568 new leases.. Under Bush.. from 2006 to 2008 15,095 new leases!
NEARLY 3 times the new Federal Leases under Bush then Obama !


None of the above have NOTHING to do with the price of OIL???
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. No, its Obama's fault.
2. His lack of knowledge is killing America, and Americans.
3. Everything he reaches his hand out to do as a policy, kills us.
4. There is no end, he is trying to end America.


No, you addlebrained idiot, oil is an internationally traded fungible commodity. A POTUS has nothing to say about what the international market price is. Clearly you're not the one that should be talking about "lack of knowledge".

Perhaps if you actually broke a brain cell sweat once in a while you wouldn't have to lead off every post with "sorry about that". Just a thought.

1. Okay goat head, and prove me wrong then shit for brains!
2. I will wait moron.


I just did. Maybe you blinked.
Sorry about that.

Your case consists of "No, it is Obama's fault". That's it.
Not much to hang your hat on, is it?
Sorry bout that,

1. No, its Obama's fault.
2. His lack of knowledge is killing America, and Americans.
3. Everything he reaches his hand out to do as a policy, kills us.
4. There is no end, he is trying to end America.


No, you addlebrained idiot, oil is an internationally traded fungible commodity. A POTUS has nothing to say about what the international market price is. Clearly you're not the one that should be talking about "lack of knowledge".

Perhaps if you actually broke a brain cell sweat once in a while you wouldn't have to lead off every post with "sorry about that". Just a thought.

So you would say when Obama :
1)told Brazil to develop oil and that the USA will be their best customer?
2) Encourage foreign drilling OFF Florida by Cuba
3) Encourage Canada to sell almost 1 million barrels per day to China?
4) In 3 years new leases under Obama 5,568 new leases.. Under Bush.. from 2006 to 2008 15,095 new leases!
NEARLY 3 times the new Federal Leases under Bush then Obama !


None of the above have NOTHING to do with the price of OIL???

Not sure what the hell you're talking about but these are healthy myths indeed. As if country A can just buy oil from country B. Doesn't work that way.

Healthy myths. Not so healthy links.
Last edited:
Sorry bout that,

1. What he said,...^
2. I know stuff, and the blame lands on *Fucking Obama*!

Sorry bout that,

1. Obama could go to those producing oil and ask for discount.
2. And he could lean on the oil companies to lower the prices.
3. And he could eliminate the stupid blends idea, brought to market by he oil companies in order to raise prices.
4. Again, *Fuck Obama*!

Sorry bout that,

1. I'm not happy.
2. And when *CWN* isn't happy, everyone isn't happy! :badgrin:
3. We are on the treadmill to inflation, soon when you go to the store, it will cost you $800.00 each time you leave it.
4. Perhaps that will wake you *fucks* up???
5. *Thanks Fucking Obama*!!!

Sorry bout that,

1. Gas prices hovering over $3.00 for long periods of time effect the cost of goods and services.
2. Thanks fucking Obama, for not doing something about the obvious.
3. Everything costs more now, thanks ass hole!
4. We are a oil based economy, and we are being rapped by the oil giants and government regulations on the quality and mix of gasoline.
5. This shit for brains Obama, doesn't know jack shit about anything.
6. End of story.


Time for wage and price controls? Oh, I almost forgot that was a Republican who imposed them.
Oh, BS, dupe. Give it up...

I assume with "francoHFW" you have a swarthy complexion so YOU don't go to tanning salons and therefore you are not paying an additional 10% tax courtesy of Obamacare!

And I assume you don't have any prosthetics that Obama care TAXES THE GROSS REVENUE of the manufacturer
This 2.3 percent tax on medical device makers will raise the price of (for example) every pacemaker, prosthetic limb, stent, and operating table.
Can you remind us, Mr. President, how taxing medical devices will reduce the cost of health care?
The tax is particularly destructive because it is levied on gross sales and even targets companies who haven’t turned a profit yet.

Read more: Five major ObamaCare taxes that will hit your wallet in 2013 | Fox News
This totally shows how absolutely ignorant Obama et.al. are of business accounting!
They TAX THEN ON THEIR GROSS REVENUE... BEfore the business BUYs raw material, before paying payroll taxes, before paying utilities... first payment is 2.3% on gross sales...! Unbelievably ignorant!
Oh, BS, dupe. Give it up...

I assume with "francoHFW" you have a swarthy complexion so YOU don't go to tanning salons and therefore you are not paying an additional 10% tax courtesy of Obamacare!

And I assume you don't have any prosthetics that Obama care TAXES THE GROSS REVENUE of the manufacturer
This 2.3 percent tax on medical device makers will raise the price of (for example) every pacemaker, prosthetic limb, stent, and operating table.
Can you remind us, Mr. President, how taxing medical devices will reduce the cost of health care?
The tax is particularly destructive because it is levied on gross sales and even targets companies who haven’t turned a profit yet.

Read more: Five major ObamaCare taxes that will hit your wallet in 2013 | Fox News
This totally shows how absolutely ignorant Obama et.al. are of business accounting!
They TAX THEN ON THEIR GROSS REVENUE... BEfore the business BUYs raw material, before paying payroll taxes, before paying utilities... first payment is 2.3% on gross sales...! Unbelievably ignorant!

Using Fox 'News' as a single source for anything is ridiculous. Taxes on some items may in fact rise, but that is only a small part of the picture. Demagogues (like you) lie by omission. Some day you may post something which is enlightening and honest, until that day you will have the same credibility as a Fox 'News' 'Journalist', none.
Sorry bout that,

1. Obama could go to those producing oil and ask for discount.
2. And he could lean on the oil companies to lower the prices.
3. And he could eliminate the stupid blends idea, brought to market by he oil companies in order to raise prices.
4. Again, *Fuck Obama*!


My fucking god, for a guy claiming to be from Texas you are profoundly ignorant of how the oil business works.

Oil prices are, again, set on the international market. And it's not set by an oil company. So neither O'bama nor anybody else can go to Chevron and "ask for a discount".

Nor can he or any other POTUS dictate how oil companies market their products. Again, do you want to nationalize the oil companies and make it a government operation? Because that's the only way you're going to have this fantasy.

Is that what you want-- socialism? Just say so and stop beating around the bush.

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