*Cost Of Everythings Going Up: Thanks Fucking Obama!*

Sorry bout that,

1. Obama could go to those producing oil and ask for discount.
2. And he could lean on the oil companies to lower the prices.
3. And he could eliminate the stupid blends idea, brought to market by he oil companies in order to raise prices.
4. Again, *Fuck Obama*!


My fucking god, for a guy claiming to be from Texas you are profoundly ignorant of how the oil business works.

Oil prices are, again, set on the international market. And it's not set by an oil company. So neither O'bama nor anybody else can go to Chevron and "ask for a discount".

Nor can he or any other POTUS dictate how oil companies market their products. Again, do you want to nationalize the oil companies and make it a government operation? Because that's the only way you're going to have this fantasy.

Is that what you want-- socialism? Just say so and stop beating around the bush.

There's something's you can do.
1. Cut the blends down to a few low co2 emitting kinds
2. Lower the taxes on gas
3. Allow more supply by opening up more oil fields

Let's let capitalism solve our problems as it has done thousands of times before . I believe that wind at least will keep growing without any problem so this shouldn't effect that so much. The electric car with the new batteries of 4 times the energy density will take over anyways as 2.50 gas can't out compete them...So I wouldn't worry. ;)

One thing I'd do is demand a very low co2 emitting gas as the blends. I think this would be better then limiting supply within the short term. Don't you?

There's just no reason to hurt the poor anymore.
How can you say you want to help the poor and raise the cost of goods? Does this make any sense to you???

Are you suggesting Obama raises prices? Face it, profit motivates business and Greed is the new normal in the business world. No longer is customer service or a reliable product a factor in new business models. Profit, profit, profit are the ethos of todays business. When the business fails the CEO and other execs make out well and the employees get the shaft.
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Sorry bout that,

1. Gas prices hovering over $3.00 for long periods of time effect the cost of goods and services.
2. Thanks fucking Obama, for not doing something about the obvious.
3. Everything costs more now, thanks ass hole!
4. We are a oil based economy, and we are being rapped by the oil giants and government regulations on the quality and mix of gasoline.
5. This shit for brains Obama, doesn't know jack shit about anything.
6. End of story.


7. Presidents have nothing to do with gas prices, moron. And they've been stable anyway. Sorry you weren't looking.

It was even brought up in the election no less :lol: Repubs first inclination was "we're going to run against Obama on gas prices" :eusa_doh:
Sorry bout that,

1. Gas prices hovering over $3.00 for long periods of time effect the cost of goods and services.
2. Thanks fucking Obama, for not doing something about the obvious.
3. Everything costs more now, thanks ass hole!
4. We are a oil based economy, and we are being rapped by the oil giants and government regulations on the quality and mix of gasoline.
5. This shit for brains Obama, doesn't know jack shit about anything.
6. End of story.


7. Presidents have nothing to do with gas prices, moron. And they've been stable anyway. Sorry you weren't looking.

It was even brought up in the election no less :lol: Repubs first inclination was "we're going to run against Obama on gas prices" :eusa_doh:

Herein is one of several the reasons the Republican Party is heading toward oblivion: "It was even brought up in the election no less :lol: Repubs first inclination was "we're going to run against Obama on gas prices"; the R's no longer offer a positive view for the future. Evey thing is "ain't it awful" and finger pointing at Democrats, progressives and liberals; the EU and the Blue States. Even long time Republicans are tossed under the bus if they fail to support the negative talking points and blame game.
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Apparently, the OP wants President Obama to impose wage and price controls like Nixon did.
7. Presidents have nothing to do with gas prices, moron. And they've been stable anyway. Sorry you weren't looking.

It was even brought up in the election no less :lol: Repubs first inclination was "we're going to run against Obama on gas prices" :eusa_doh:

Herein is one of several the reasons the Republican Party is heading toward oblivion: "It was even brought up in the election no less :lol: Repubs first inclination was "we're going to run against Obama on gas prices"; the R's no longer offer a positive view for the future. Evey thing is "ain't it awful" and finger pointing at Democrats, progressives and liberals; the EU and the Blue States. Even long time Republicans are tossed under the bus if they fail to support the negative talking points and blame game.

they stand for very few things such as deregulation & tax cuts for the upper 5%. Other than that, I couldn't tell you anything about them.
Sorry bout that,

1. Gas prices hovering over $3.00 for long periods of time effect the cost of goods and services.
2. Thanks fucking Obama, for not doing something about the obvious.
3. Everything costs more now, thanks ass hole!
4. We are a oil based economy, and we are being rapped by the oil giants and government regulations on the quality and mix of gasoline.
5. This shit for brains Obama, doesn't know jack shit about anything.
6. End of story.


7. Presidents have nothing to do with gas prices, moron. And they've been stable anyway. Sorry you weren't looking.

My what 4 years and a change in administrations will do to change public opinion.

[2008] House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Thursday blamed the "two oil men in the White House," President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, and their Republican allies in Congress for gas prices exceeding $4 a gallon.

'Two oil men' to blame for high gas prices, Pelosi says - CNN.com

The first-term Democrat [Nelson] said the Republican administration must stop being influenced by the powerful oil industry and start promoting production of synthetic fuel from coal and the use of alternative sources such as ethanol.

USATODAY.com - Democrats blame Bush for high gas prices

Media Research Center -- Connecting Bush, Not Obama to High Prices: As gas prices rose in 2008, network reporters mentioned President Bush in 15 times as many stories, than they brought up President Obama in a similar period in 2011.

Networks Link Bush to 'Skyrocketing' Gas Prices 15 Times Mor - Ohio Gas Prices
Sorry bout that,

1. Gas prices hovering over $3.00 for long periods of time effect the cost of goods and services.
2. Thanks fucking Obama, for not doing something about the obvious.
3. Everything costs more now, thanks ass hole!
4. We are a oil based economy, and we are being rapped by the oil giants and government regulations on the quality and mix of gasoline.
5. This shit for brains Obama, doesn't know jack shit about anything.
6. End of story.


7. Presidents have nothing to do with gas prices, moron. And they've been stable anyway. Sorry you weren't looking.

My what 4 years and a change in administrations will do to change public opinion.

The first-term Democrat [Nelson] said the Republican administration must stop being influenced by the powerful oil industry and start promoting production of synthetic fuel from coal and the use of alternative sources such as ethanol.

USATODAY.com - Democrats blame Bush for high gas prices

Media Research Center -- Connecting Bush, Not Obama to High Prices: As gas prices rose in 2008, network reporters mentioned President Bush in 15 times as many stories, than they brought up President Obama in a similar period in 2011.

Networks Link Bush to 'Skyrocketing' Gas Prices 15 Times Mor - Ohio Gas Prices

It isn't "opinion"; it's how the oil industry works. It was in 2008 and it still is now. Pelosi was wrong just as Romney was wrong. Demagogic pandering is demagogic pandering.

And by the way at the time John McCain was walking around telling people "drill here drill now" so we could see relief at the pumps, which was more lying bullshit.
7. Presidents have nothing to do with gas prices, moron. And they've been stable anyway. Sorry you weren't looking.

My what 4 years and a change in administrations will do to change public opinion.

Media Research Center -- Connecting Bush, Not Obama to High Prices: As gas prices rose in 2008, network reporters mentioned President Bush in 15 times as many stories, than they brought up President Obama in a similar period in 2011.

Networks Link Bush to 'Skyrocketing' Gas Prices 15 Times Mor - Ohio Gas Prices

It isn't "opinion"; it's how the oil industry works. It was in 2008 and it still is now. Pelosi was wrong just as Romney was wrong. Demagogic pandering is demagogic pandering.

And by the way at the time John McCain was walking around telling people "drill here drill now" so we could see relief at the pumps, which was more lying bullshit.

Why wouldn't increasing the supply "=" lower prices?
Sorry bout that,

1. Gas prices hovering over $3.00 for long periods of time effect the cost of goods and services.
2. Thanks fucking Obama, for not doing something about the obvious.
3. Everything costs more now, thanks ass hole!
4. We are a oil based economy, and we are being rapped by the oil giants and government regulations on the quality and mix of gasoline.
5. This shit for brains Obama, doesn't know jack shit about anything.
6. End of story.


Presidents have nothing to do with gas prices, moron. And they've been stable anyway. Sorry you weren't looking.

I mean, there are some things that we could do to see short run changes, aka we could dip into national reserves, we could abolish excise taxes, we could try to pressure other countries to release more to the market, we could try to impact speculation markets, etc, but there isn't much that we can do to reverse long run high gas prices.

In acquiring the most recent figures I discovered, as of February 25, 2013, we have only INCREASED our dependency of Middle East oil. That's according to the energy department, and quite evident of President Obama's failed attempts to move America into alternative electric cars. The Chevy Volt, for example, had to halt production more than once in an effort to clear their lots of their inventory abundance problem. American consumers are simply not buying into the higher costs that are associated with these battery cars and all their inferior limitations. As a result, by the time November rolls around it's estimated we would have received more crude from Saudi Arabia than from Riyadh during the entire year of 2009, 2010, and 2011 (that's over 450 million barrels).

This raises some concerns of our nation's overall vulnerability to Middle East crude, and the need to protect the Strait of Hormuz in what's often seen as an unstable region. With China's growing dependence of Saudi Arabia's oil as well, the cost per barrel will only continue to increase. The Keystone Pipeline is one answer towards our national security when it comes to oil, however the need to drill in this country will only continue to grow so long as battery cars continue to harbor their cost limitations. Whatever the answer, we simply can't allow the United States to be at the mercy of such an unstable region of the world. Increased drilling in the gulf or ANWR may be the only viable solution for the next 10 to 15 years, as a result of a nation that still desires to hold onto their conventional gas cars and trucks.

SOURCE: US oil imports from Middle East increase - FT.com
Sorry bout that,

1. Gas prices hovering over $3.00 for long periods of time effect the cost of goods and services.
2. Thanks fucking Obama, for not doing something about the obvious.
3. Everything costs more now, thanks ass hole!
4. We are a oil based economy, and we are being rapped by the oil giants and government regulations on the quality and mix of gasoline.
5. This shit for brains Obama, doesn't know jack shit about anything.
6. End of story.


that's what happens when he allows bernake to print trillions of dollars of "new money" take the debt to 17 trillion, and refuse to allow a pipeline and jobs, thanks obama,,,, knot!
Sorry bout that,

1. Gas prices hovering over $3.00 for long periods of time effect the cost of goods and services.
2. Thanks fucking Obama, for not doing something about the obvious.
3. Everything costs more now, thanks ass hole!
4. We are a oil based economy, and we are being rapped by the oil giants and government regulations on the quality and mix of gasoline.
5. This shit for brains Obama, doesn't know jack shit about anything.
6. End of story.


It always amazes me to see yet another nitwit who forgets about Congress.
Sorry bout that,

1. Gas prices hovering over $3.00 for long periods of time effect the cost of goods and services.
2. Thanks fucking Obama, for not doing something about the obvious.
3. Everything costs more now, thanks ass hole!
4. We are a oil based economy, and we are being rapped by the oil giants and government regulations on the quality and mix of gasoline.
5. This shit for brains Obama, doesn't know jack shit about anything.
6. End of story.

Well, I can understand using Obama as a scapegoat for the recession, unemployment, and debt but inflation; that's nuts. :cuckoo:
We've had the lowest inflation under Obama since the Johnson and Kennedy administration 50 years ago.

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Though I loathe the moonbat messiah, and hold his acolytes in utter contempt, I have to say that this isn't ALL his fault. This has been an ongoing problem for a decade now.

Of course it would be nice if he took some initiative, or at least stopped standing in the way of things.

What would you like to see us do in order to decrease long run oil prices?

Drill, Baby, drill! Get out of the way of the oil and gas producers and let them open up our known reserves. Products are priced on the margins, and it does not take much extra production to force product prices down.

Then, quit forcing the green energy BS into our gas tanks, and knock off all of the custom blends that cause reductions in refinery output.

Our standard of living has been, and still is, based on cheap energy. As energy prices rise, our standard of living drops. Lower the price of energy and everyone becomes better off.
My what 4 years and a change in administrations will do to change public opinion.

It isn't "opinion"; it's how the oil industry works. It was in 2008 and it still is now. Pelosi was wrong just as Romney was wrong. Demagogic pandering is demagogic pandering.

And by the way at the time John McCain was walking around telling people "drill here drill now" so we could see relief at the pumps, which was more lying bullshit.

Why wouldn't increasing the supply "=" lower prices?

Because it doesn't increase the supply, and it sure as hell takes more than a few months to not do that. The EIA, during the Bush administration, estimated the effect of opening up the OCS and ANWR, if it could be measured at all, would take 22 years, and even then would influence the price of a barrel on the international market by pocket change.

Number one, oil companies already leased (at the time) 68 million acres that were not being exploited;

Number two, oil companies, not the government, decide when and where oil will be drilled (see #1) and being for-profit companies they're not going to undermine their own interests -- therefore opening up any lands is no guarantee that anybody's going to drill anything;

Number three, even if they do open up new sources, that crude has to be refined, and the refinery system is already at capacity;

Number four, even if you get past numbers one, two and three, that product then goes to the international market (just as the Keystone end product would) and has its price set by that international market;

And number five, even if you bubble up (pun intended) the international supply, OPEC (remember them?) just counts up the difference, cuts their own production to compensate, and yawns.

It would be facile to think that gasoline is just a matter of XYZ company making X number of widgets. It's not.
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We may get more from Saudi, but we get less from outside the US. Pubcrappe. Thanks also to Pubs and their silly dupes for screwing up sales on a great car, the Volt -and others,, and ignoring all the energy savings available. A-holes.
Sorry bout that,

1. A lot of you people *get it*, and that gives me hope anyways.
2. Those who don't suck it up you fucks!
3. We all are under the constraints of a fuel based economy, if fuel is high in cost, it will effect everything brought into this market, be it candy bars, or underwear.
4. Nothing is hidden from the price of fuel, fuel sees everything, and when it costs more than its worth, then goods and services go up, inflation begins, the cost of anything and everything *will go up*.
5. The amount that a poor person can buy with a limited income is reduced substantially.
6. Crime will increase, because poor people can't afford the basics.
7. The big business companies will see their profits decline as well, in every area of the market.
8. Taxes of property will rise to cover the cities cost of fuel.
9. It will hurt all aspects of our economy.
10. We must get fuel costs down to $2.00 a gallon, and soon, or things will get real bad.
11. So Obama, get your fucking head out of your fucking ass dude!

Sorry bout that,

1. A lot of you people *get it*, and that gives me hope anyways.
2. Those who don't suck it up you fucks!
3. We all are under the constraints of a fuel based economy, if fuel is high in cost, it will effect everything brought into this market, be it candy bars, or underwear.
4. Nothing is hidden from the price of fuel, fuel sees everything, and when it costs more than its worth, then goods and services go up, inflation begins, the cost of anything and everything *will go up*.
5. The amount that a poor person can buy with a limited income is reduced substantially.
6. Crime will increase, because poor people can't afford the basics.
7. The big business companies will see their profits decline as well, in every area of the market.
8. Taxes of property will rise to cover the cities cost of fuel.
9. It will hurt all aspects of our economy.
10. We must get fuel costs down to $2.00 a gallon, and soon, or things will get real bad.
11. So Obama, get your fucking head out of your fucking ass dude!


1. Speaking of heads up fucking asses, presidents don't control gas prices. The market does.

2. Shall we do this all over again until it sinks in?

3. :cuckoo:
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