Cost of low wage stores help request


Gold Member
Nov 15, 2009
A staff report by Democrats on the U.S. House Committee on Education and the Workforce released in June and using data from Wisconsin (because of the state's comprehensive record-keeping) found that taxpayers wind up paying out at least $75 million a year in "safety net" assistance to the state's Wal-Mart workers (food stamps, Medicaid, school lunches, earned-income tax credits, etc.) allegedly because the company's wages and benefits are so meager. The report, an update on 2004 numbers that were less than half those found this time around, estimated that Wal-Mart families accounted for more than 9,000 Wisconsin Medicaid enrollees. The $75 million, covering 75 stores, represents a low-end estimate with the high end about $130 million. [The Capital Times (Madison), 6-7-2013; Los Angeles Times, 6-7-2013]

Copied this snip from a New of the Weird page.

NEWS of the WEIRD - Current News

Does anyone have numbers like this on stores like Target, Lowes or Schnucks? Perhaos just average wage and benefits numbers and we can figure out the differences.

I have suspected a True Value hardware is actually better for my community than a Lowe's based on anectdotal evidence of employee pay and efficency vs cost savings and waste when buying at the box store. BUT before I go off the deep end I need pointed towards numbers for what "minimum wage" retailers cost capitalism on the little seen back end.
You ask the very questions I was going to ask.

Lowes and Walmart, in my opinion can not compete with a real hardware store.

Lowes pays about 9 dollars an hour to start with more for certain "skills" like working the floor or cash register. This has to put them in par with WalMart.

What I also do not understand is that those railing the most about WalMart are those who do not work there.

If Target, Kmart and Sears pay more then why does anyone work at WalMart? One simple answer is that it is the only store around which I find mostly not true. And if true then where else would these people work?

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