Costco CEO: Raise The Minimum Wage

Wait a minute. How can this be? A CEO pays his employees a good starting wage. He offers them health insurance. Encourages them to be loyal to Costco, and in turn, Costco treats them well.


We've had all the Business 101 lectures from right wingers saying a business will go bankrupt doing this.

Oh, and Wal-Mart can get away with paying their employees the miminum and offering no health insurance ONLY BECAUSE THE GOVERNMENT counters Wal-Mart with welfare and medicare/medicaid programs. You and I, the taxpayer, subsidize the helping hand to Wal-Marts employees so that Wal-Mart can rake in insane profit.

Costco has always been free to pay it's employees whatever it wants and provide any kind of benefit it wants to provide. Under very good circumstances, Costco will steal away the most productive workers from other businesses that don't pay well or provide benefits. Because Costo CHOOSES to run itself like this doesn't automatically translate into ALL businesses being forced by law to run their businesses like this.

If Wal Mart is relying on public benefits to supplement employee benefits, the answer to forcing Wal Mart into paying more and providing more is to remove the crutch. Stop giving those benefits, then Wal Mart will either have to pay more or go without employees.

Treating the small business as if it was a Costco. Putting the corner store into the same category as Wal Mart is what forces small businesses to go bankrupt.

The owners of corner stores are the workers. Having wages too low screws them too.

Dumb post of the day award is given
I'm not a republican. And what part of Walmart's profit came from tax money; none.

You are subsidizing Walmart's cheap pay in America. Can't you read?

The fact is you right-wing scum talk about the market as if it's a god, but you don't believe you can make a market work by paying people enough to live and not be your slaves. Buy your own hamburger, fool!

I'm subsidizing a lot more than the people who work at walmart how come your not talking about everyone else who scams the fucking government for food stamps?

And if people can't live on what they make they should either spend less or get a second, third or fourth job. That's what I always did.

Do you really think the people have the option of getting those additional jobs now?
Costco has always been free to pay it's employees whatever it wants and provide any kind of benefit it wants to provide. Under very good circumstances, Costco will steal away the most productive workers from other businesses that don't pay well or provide benefits. Because Costo CHOOSES to run itself like this doesn't automatically translate into ALL businesses being forced by law to run their businesses like this.

If Wal Mart is relying on public benefits to supplement employee benefits, the answer to forcing Wal Mart into paying more and providing more is to remove the crutch. Stop giving those benefits, then Wal Mart will either have to pay more or go without employees.

Treating the small business as if it was a Costco. Putting the corner store into the same category as Wal Mart is what forces small businesses to go bankrupt.

The owners of corner stores are the workers. Having wages too low screws them too.

Dumb post of the day award is given

I was making change in one of those corner stores just after I could get around walking. Having people poor hurts their business and they make money based on their profit and not their wages. The more money people have to spend, the higher their profit, fool!
The owners of corner stores are the workers. Having wages too low screws them too.

Dumb post of the day award is given

I was making change in one of those corner stores just after I could get around walking. Having people poor hurts their business and they make money based on their profit and not their wages. The more money people have to spend, the higher their profit, fool!

Why not just make the minimum wage $1000 and hour and make everyone rich and all small businesses boom???!!!!!!!


You are indeed a mathematical and economic idiot.. a true mental midget
Most Costco workers have health insurance through Costco, and Costco paid their typical worker around $45,000 in 2011. Walmart-owned Sam's Club OTOH, pays its sales associates an average of $17,486 per year but-----but Costco has found that it's a lot more profitable in the long run to minimize employee turnover, maximize employee productivity, keep their employees healthy and-----and turn their employees into better consumers.

Win-win-win, Costco wins, Costco employees win, money circulates thru the economy/economy wins.

Costco CEO: Raise The Minimum Wage To More Than $10 Per Hour

President Barack Obama wants to raise the federal minimum wage to $9 per hour. And the CEO of one of America's largest retailers says such a move would be good for workers and businesses alike. In fact, he says raise it even more.

On Tuesday, Costco CEO and President Craig Jelinek came out in support of the Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2013, which aims to raise the federal minimum wage to $10.10 per hour, then adjust it after that for inflation.
"At Costco, we know that paying employees good wages makes good sense for business," Jelinek said in a statement. "We pay a starting hourly wage of $11.50 in all states where we do business, and we are still able to keep our overhead costs low."

"An important reason for the success of Costco’s business model is the attraction and retention of great employees," Jelinek added. "Instead of minimizing wages, we know it's a lot more profitable in the long term to minimize employee turnover and maximize employee productivity, commitment and loyalty. We support efforts to increase the federal minimum wage."

Do you tip a waiter or waitress that gives you bad service?
Slow to take your order, slow to bring you your food, brings out the wrong order, then brings out your food cold, and very rude, no refills.
Dumb post of the day award is given

I was making change in one of those corner stores just after I could get around walking. Having people poor hurts their business and they make money based on their profit and not their wages. The more money people have to spend, the higher their profit, fool!

Why not just make the minimum wage $1000 and hour and make everyone rich and all small businesses boom???!!!!!!!


You are indeed a mathematical and economic idiot.. a true mental midget

Why can't you think of something more original?

When you compare our minimum wage to other countries, it's too low. Why do idiots believe having wages too low is a good thing for the economy?
I was making change in one of those corner stores just after I could get around walking. Having people poor hurts their business and they make money based on their profit and not their wages. The more money people have to spend, the higher their profit, fool!

Why not just make the minimum wage $1000 and hour and make everyone rich and all small businesses boom???!!!!!!!


You are indeed a mathematical and economic idiot.. a true mental midget

Why can't you think of something more original?

When you compare our minimum wage to other countries, it's too low. Why do idiots believe having wages too low is a good thing for the economy?

Make sure to also compare tax rates and the social programs they pay for, quality of life, etc....

Why not just make the minimum wage $1000 and hour and make everyone rich and all small businesses boom???!!!!!!!


You are indeed a mathematical and economic idiot.. a true mental midget

Why can't you think of something more original?

When you compare our minimum wage to other countries, it's too low. Why do idiots believe having wages too low is a good thing for the economy?

Make sure to also compare tax rates and the social programs they pay for, quality of life, etc....


I have and those other countries show us up in nearly every category and we really started losing ground when Bush was elected.
Why can't you think of something more original?

When you compare our minimum wage to other countries, it's too low. Why do idiots believe having wages too low is a good thing for the economy?

Make sure to also compare tax rates and the social programs they pay for, quality of life, etc....


I have and those other countries show us up in nearly every category and we really started losing ground when Bush was elected.

Expedia Travel: Vacations, Cheap Flights, Airline Tickets & Airfares

Make sure to also compare tax rates and the social programs they pay for, quality of life, etc....


I have and those other countries show us up in nearly every category and we really started losing ground when Bush was elected.

Expedia Travel: Vacations, Cheap Flights, Airline Tickets & Airfares


Human Development Index

Human Development Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I remember showing long ago how our ranking was dropping and right-wingers would point out how flawed the HDI was. I asked what that has to do with us dropping in rank, because the same data was used when we ranked higher?

If you can't see this country losing ground for over a decade, you are blind.
I have and those other countries show us up in nearly every category and we really started losing ground when Bush was elected.

Expedia Travel: Vacations, Cheap Flights, Airline Tickets & Airfares


Human Development Index

Human Development Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I remember showing long ago how our ranking was dropping and right-wingers would point out how flawed the HDI was. I asked what that has to do with us dropping in rank, because the same data was used when we ranked higher?

If you can't see this country losing ground for over a decade, you are blind.

And, under the current admin, I don't see it improving.

I can't argue our decline.

Your posts sounded (to me) like you thought there were any number of better places to be.

I was making change in one of those corner stores just after I could get around walking. Having people poor hurts their business and they make money based on their profit and not their wages. The more money people have to spend, the higher their profit, fool!

Why not just make the minimum wage $1000 and hour and make everyone rich and all small businesses boom???!!!!!!!


You are indeed a mathematical and economic idiot.. a true mental midget

Why can't you think of something more original?

When you compare our minimum wage to other countries, it's too low. Why do idiots believe having wages too low is a good thing for the economy?

Uh huh.. too low.. by YOUR assessment.. well, you want more money, do something to put yourself in demand and EARN it.. minimum wage is not supposed to be a live on your own, have a car, support 2 kids, and go buy any luxuries wage.. it is a STARTER WAGE

Human Development Index

Human Development Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I remember showing long ago how our ranking was dropping and right-wingers would point out how flawed the HDI was. I asked what that has to do with us dropping in rank, because the same data was used when we ranked higher?

If you can't see this country losing ground for over a decade, you are blind.

And, under the current admin, I don't see it improving.

I can't argue our decline.

Your posts sounded (to me) like you thought there were any number of better places to be.


The administration has nothing to do with it. The Republicans are going to hold this economy hostage until they decide to stop.
Why not just make the minimum wage $1000 and hour and make everyone rich and all small businesses boom???!!!!!!!


You are indeed a mathematical and economic idiot.. a true mental midget

Why can't you think of something more original?

When you compare our minimum wage to other countries, it's too low. Why do idiots believe having wages too low is a good thing for the economy?

Uh huh.. too low.. by YOUR assessment.. well, you want more money, do something to put yourself in demand and EARN it.. minimum wage is not supposed to be a live on your own, have a car, support 2 kids, and go buy any luxuries wage.. it is a STARTER WAGE

The data is assessing it, you fucking fool! All working man's wages are presently too low.

What happens to businesses that rely on consumer spending as that purchasing power declines with time? Paying less in wages is not helping that business, when it's losing more in sales and it's profit is going down, while it's other business expenses aren't. Labor isn't usually that high of a percentage in the total cost of doing business, but wages are nearly a 100% of what makes the consumer purchasing power to operate that business.
Human Development Index

Human Development Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I remember showing long ago how our ranking was dropping and right-wingers would point out how flawed the HDI was. I asked what that has to do with us dropping in rank, because the same data was used when we ranked higher?

If you can't see this country losing ground for over a decade, you are blind.

And, under the current admin, I don't see it improving.

I can't argue our decline.

Your posts sounded (to me) like you thought there were any number of better places to be.


The administration has nothing to do with it. The Republicans are going to hold this economy hostage until they decide to stop.

By 'admin' I don't merely mean the executive branch.

DC, as a whole, needs a flushing
And, under the current admin, I don't see it improving.

I can't argue our decline.

Your posts sounded (to me) like you thought there were any number of better places to be.


The administration has nothing to do with it. The Republicans are going to hold this economy hostage until they decide to stop.

By 'admin' I don't merely mean the executive branch.

DC, as a whole, needs a flushing

I don't find our economic problems hard to solve, but I find the people don't know about economics and the politicians don't act like they know about it, if they do know.
So the next argument would be "well at $10/hour the employees will spend more then $8.00"!

Do your own analysis, but let me just point out:
Walmart has 96% more employees then Costco... you figure it out!

We've done the analysis of comparing the same corporations in the United States and other developed countries and this policy of keeping wages too low is stupid. It designs a system to fail. When society needs a worker to do a job, society should directly pay enough for that person to live and not give them social programs to subsidize the business paying substandard wages. If other countries can pay a higher minimum wage and provide health care, why can't the same business do it here as they do it in those other countries?

What countries? Italy? Spain? France?

More importantly we are talking about store clerks!
They don't need computer programming training.
They deal with the public NOT systems!

FACTS that:
FROM THE GOVERNMENT if you took time to get your facts!!!
Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers: 2011

Among those paid by the hour, 1.7 million earned exactly the prevailing Federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.
About 2.2 million had wages below the minimum.

Together, these 3.8 million workers with wages at or below the Federal minimum made up 5.2 percent of all hourly-paid workers.
Among employed teenagers paid by the hour, about 23 percent earned the minimum wage or less,
compared with about 3 percent of workers age 25 and over.

3 PERCENT 3% are age 25 or over and most likely head of a household but surely not the image given!

MOST of the minimum wage earners are fast food, entry skill levels!
So this bull crap of making $10 /hour will JUST put MORE people out of work!
The administration has nothing to do with it. The Republicans are going to hold this economy hostage until they decide to stop.

By 'admin' I don't merely mean the executive branch.

DC, as a whole, needs a flushing

I don't find our economic problems hard to solve, but I find the people don't know about economics and the politicians don't act like they know about it, if they do know.

Then we have a select few politicians that DO know economics (Ryan for one) but others are so tied to their political leanings they can't make the tough cuts.

Then we have political "leaders" (Pelosi) telling us that we don't have a spending problem.

Revenue is the highest it's been in years but we're still spending more than we bring in.

Why can't you think of something more original?

When you compare our minimum wage to other countries, it's too low. Why do idiots believe having wages too low is a good thing for the economy?

Uh huh.. too low.. by YOUR assessment.. well, you want more money, do something to put yourself in demand and EARN it.. minimum wage is not supposed to be a live on your own, have a car, support 2 kids, and go buy any luxuries wage.. it is a STARTER WAGE

The data is assessing it, you fucking fool! All working man's wages are presently too low.

What happens to businesses that rely on consumer spending as that purchasing power declines with time? Paying less in wages is not helping that business, when it's losing more in sales and it's profit is going down, while it's other business expenses aren't. Labor isn't usually that high of a percentage in the total cost of doing business, but wages are nearly a 100% of what makes the consumer purchasing power to operate that business.

WRONG... FLAT OUT LIE.. not all 'working mans wages' are low....

Ignorant troglodyte

As stated, if just granting higher wages means more profit for business, why stop at $10?? Why not $50?? Why not $100?? BECAUSE THE CONCEPT AND PREMISE IS COMPLETE BULLSHIT

Labor is not usually that high of percent of the cost of doing business?? Have you EVER owned a company?? Have you ever even handled a departmental budget in a company?? Let me answer that for you... NO, YOU HAVE NOT.... you are talking out of your ass and you are about as ignorant on this subject as they come

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