Costco CEO: Raise The Minimum Wage

And you haven't defined successful.

Success is measured by profit nothing else. The most profitable company is the most successful. Period

You would call a business successful if it made 1 cent right?

Success for who? It's only success for the few business owners if they are squeezing the maximum wealth from tax payers, workers & shoppers because they have the government in their pocket. It is bad for the country as a whole which is who the government is supposed to represent. Success is not subsidizing the super rich giving all the nations wealth to a few super rich people. Success is a fair level playing field that pays the middle class who created the wealth. The rich are not creative, innovative or productive. The middle class invented & created nearly everything. When the wealthy are subsidized & allowed to unfairly extract the maximum wealth from the middle class due to their bribed government cronies it reduces their creative, innovative & productive capacity. That harms the entire country.

Workers should never be on government assistance & live a lifestyle below non-working unproductive welfare couch potatoes. Walmart want's taxpayers to keep on paying for their workers so their owners don't have to. This subsidizes monopolies & destroys small business & jobs. That is why small business thrives & jobs are created when minimum wage is raised to just above the government supported poverty level.

Aldi Food sells all their food well below Walmart's prices but does not have any of their employees sucking off the government tit. That is a successful company for the nation & the owner.


Aldi's pays it's workers $11.57+/hr & their prices beat the pants off of Walmart every fucking day. Their founder Karl Albrecht is wealthier than any of the entitled rich Walton kids. The key here is the Aldi founder & workers are not in my pocket stealing taxes. They do not use unfair tax practice to eliminate smaller competition by getting city, state & federal tax breaks like Walmart does. The employees are not nanny state dependants stealing my money. If the workers have a problem with their founder taking to much of the wealth they made, that is between them. When Walmart gets tax subsidies & has their employees milking my tax dollars through the nanny state, I have a serious problem with that.

never heard of that store and I don't really care.

People are not forced to work at walmart so your argument is baseless.
In a number of small towns, Walmart is the largest employer. For many low paid workers, it's work at Walmart or nothing.

It takes a certain amount of money for a family to live. If it doesn't come from the employer, then it will come from the taxpayer. I prefer it come from an employer.
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He said successful not More successful...put down those goal posts

And you haven't defined successful.

Success is measured by profit nothing else. The most profitable company is the most successful. Period

You would call a business successful if it made 1 cent right?

Success for who? It's only success for the few business owners if they are squeezing the maximum wealth from tax payers, workers & shoppers because they have the government in their pocket. It is bad for the country as a whole which is who the government is supposed to represent. Success is not subsidizing the super rich giving all the nations wealth to a few super rich people. Success is a fair level playing field that pays the middle class who created the wealth. The rich are not creative, innovative or productive. The middle class invented & created nearly everything. When the wealthy are subsidized & allowed to unfairly extract the maximum wealth from the middle class due to their bribed government cronies it reduces their creative, innovative & productive capacity. That harms the entire country.

Workers should never be on government assistance & live a lifestyle below non-working unproductive welfare couch potatoes. Walmart want's taxpayers to keep on paying for their workers so their owners don't have to. This subsidizes monopolies & destroys small business & jobs. That is why small business thrives & jobs are created when minimum wage is raised to just above the government supported poverty level.

Aldi Food sells all their food well below Walmart's prices but does not have any of their employees sucking off the government tit. That is a successful company for the nation & the owner.


Aldi's pays it's workers $11.57+/hr & their prices beat the pants off of Walmart every fucking day. Their founder Karl Albrecht is wealthier than any of the entitled rich Walton kids. The key here is the Aldi founder & workers are not in my pocket stealing taxes. They do not use unfair tax practice to eliminate smaller competition by getting city, state & federal tax breaks like Walmart does. The employees are not nanny state dependants stealing my money. If the workers have a problem with their founder taking to much of the wealth they made, that is between them. When Walmart gets tax subsidies & has their employees milking my tax dollars through the nanny state, I have a serious problem with that.

Horseshit. Shopped at both. One, the selection at Aldi's absolutely sucks rocks. (If you're lucky, they have two brands of something...they often have only one, often their store brand.) Two, they simply DON'T CARRY lots of things. (Offhand, the one I shopped at didn't carry something as basic as lime juice!) Went to the Super Wal-Mart half a mile away...they had everything on the shopping list.
Success doesn't equal profit no matter how many times you repeat it. Mother Teresa was successful, so was Ghandi...according to you Ghandi needs to sing Gundam style to be considered successful.

Now you guys are moving the goal post. Now that Aldi is shown to be successful (according to your own standards) now the selection offered in that business is what you guys are pointing at as being successful...put down those goal posts. Their selection sucks therefore profit now means nothing! Rlmao!
And you haven't defined successful.

Success is measured by profit nothing else. The most profitable company is the most successful. Period

You would call a business successful if it made 1 cent right?

Success for who? It's only success for the few business owners if they are squeezing the maximum wealth from tax payers, workers & shoppers because they have the government in their pocket. It is bad for the country as a whole which is who the government is supposed to represent. Success is not subsidizing the super rich giving all the nations wealth to a few super rich people. Success is a fair level playing field that pays the middle class who created the wealth. The rich are not creative, innovative or productive. The middle class invented & created nearly everything. When the wealthy are subsidized & allowed to unfairly extract the maximum wealth from the middle class due to their bribed government cronies it reduces their creative, innovative & productive capacity. That harms the entire country.

Workers should never be on government assistance & live a lifestyle below non-working unproductive welfare couch potatoes. Walmart want's taxpayers to keep on paying for their workers so their owners don't have to. This subsidizes monopolies & destroys small business & jobs. That is why small business thrives & jobs are created when minimum wage is raised to just above the government supported poverty level.

Aldi Food sells all their food well below Walmart's prices but does not have any of their employees sucking off the government tit. That is a successful company for the nation & the owner.


Aldi's pays it's workers $11.57+/hr & their prices beat the pants off of Walmart every fucking day. Their founder Karl Albrecht is wealthier than any of the entitled rich Walton kids. The key here is the Aldi founder & workers are not in my pocket stealing taxes. They do not use unfair tax practice to eliminate smaller competition by getting city, state & federal tax breaks like Walmart does. The employees are not nanny state dependants stealing my money. If the workers have a problem with their founder taking to much of the wealth they made, that is between them. When Walmart gets tax subsidies & has their employees milking my tax dollars through the nanny state, I have a serious problem with that.

woooooooooooooooooooooooooweeeeee ... has anybody ever told you that almost everything aldi's sells sucks... even the Ramen noodles! How is that even possible that they are so bad that the sell bad Ramen noodles? Meijers is the best place actually.

Bullshit! Aldi has a double your money back guarantee. Walmart wouldn't dare give you that guarantee on their shitty food. If you think Aldi food sucks they will give your money back & credit for more food. Their profits went up 200% in 2011 so people were loving the food & not returning it. They have the nicest & freshest fruit & vegetables period. Their store brands beat most name brands hands down. Their brands have more real food & less stems, pieces, filler, water, salt & sugar.
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Wow...are you DELIBERATELY being obtuse or is your reading comprehension actually THAT BAD?

So you have nothing. Got it. You're welcome to put in context. But. You won't. Because you can' you attempt to make it about it. Go ahead explain yourself....annnd go!
Success for who? It's only success for the few business owners if they are squeezing the maximum wealth from tax payers, workers & shoppers because they have the government in their pocket. It is bad for the country as a whole which is who the government is supposed to represent. Success is not subsidizing the super rich giving all the nations wealth to a few super rich people. Success is a fair level playing field that pays the middle class who created the wealth. The rich are not creative, innovative or productive. The middle class invented & created nearly everything. When the wealthy are subsidized & allowed to unfairly extract the maximum wealth from the middle class due to their bribed government cronies it reduces their creative, innovative & productive capacity. That harms the entire country.

Workers should never be on government assistance & live a lifestyle below non-working unproductive welfare couch potatoes. Walmart want's taxpayers to keep on paying for their workers so their owners don't have to. This subsidizes monopolies & destroys small business & jobs. That is why small business thrives & jobs are created when minimum wage is raised to just above the government supported poverty level.

Aldi Food sells all their food well below Walmart's prices but does not have any of their employees sucking off the government tit. That is a successful company for the nation & the owner.


Aldi's pays it's workers $11.57+/hr & their prices beat the pants off of Walmart every fucking day. Their founder Karl Albrecht is wealthier than any of the entitled rich Walton kids. The key here is the Aldi founder & workers are not in my pocket stealing taxes. They do not use unfair tax practice to eliminate smaller competition by getting city, state & federal tax breaks like Walmart does. The employees are not nanny state dependants stealing my money. If the workers have a problem with their founder taking to much of the wealth they made, that is between them. When Walmart gets tax subsidies & has their employees milking my tax dollars through the nanny state, I have a serious problem with that.

woooooooooooooooooooooooooweeeeee ... has anybody ever told you that almost everything aldi's sells sucks... even the Ramen noodles! How is that even possible that they are so bad that the sell bad Ramen noodles? Meijers is the best place actually.

Bullshit! Aldi has a double your money back guarantee. Walmart wouldn't dare give you that guarantee on their shitty food. If you think Aldi food sucks they will give your money back & credit for more food. Their profits went up 200% in 2011 so people were loving the food & not returning it. They have the nicest & freshest fruit & vegetables period. Their store brands beat most name brands hands down. Their brands have more real food & less stems, pieces, filler, water, salt & sugar.

What are you talking about nutty mcnutt job. Aldi's is cheap. The end! I shop there for things I think i wouldn't matter if I got cheap but sometimes it blows my mind how bad it is. Germans love that shit tough.
Success for who? It's only success for the few business owners if they are squeezing the maximum wealth from tax payers, workers & shoppers because they have the government in their pocket. It is bad for the country as a whole which is who the government is supposed to represent. Success is not subsidizing the super rich giving all the nations wealth to a few super rich people. Success is a fair level playing field that pays the middle class who created the wealth. The rich are not creative, innovative or productive. The middle class invented & created nearly everything. When the wealthy are subsidized & allowed to unfairly extract the maximum wealth from the middle class due to their bribed government cronies it reduces their creative, innovative & productive capacity. That harms the entire country.

Workers should never be on government assistance & live a lifestyle below non-working unproductive welfare couch potatoes. Walmart want's taxpayers to keep on paying for their workers so their owners don't have to. This subsidizes monopolies & destroys small business & jobs. That is why small business thrives & jobs are created when minimum wage is raised to just above the government supported poverty level.

Aldi Food sells all their food well below Walmart's prices but does not have any of their employees sucking off the government tit. That is a successful company for the nation & the owner.


Aldi's pays it's workers $11.57+/hr & their prices beat the pants off of Walmart every fucking day. Their founder Karl Albrecht is wealthier than any of the entitled rich Walton kids. The key here is the Aldi founder & workers are not in my pocket stealing taxes. They do not use unfair tax practice to eliminate smaller competition by getting city, state & federal tax breaks like Walmart does. The employees are not nanny state dependants stealing my money. If the workers have a problem with their founder taking to much of the wealth they made, that is between them. When Walmart gets tax subsidies & has their employees milking my tax dollars through the nanny state, I have a serious problem with that.

never heard of that store and I don't really care.

People are not forced to work at walmart so your argument is baseless.
In a number of small towns, Walmart is the largest employer. For many low paid workers, it's work at Walmart or nothing.

It takes a certain amount of money for a family to live. If it doesn't come from the employer, then it will come from the taxpayer. I prefer it come from an employer.

Sorry but there isn't ever a work here or don't work at all situation.

That's ridiculous.
Success doesn't equal profit no matter how many times you repeat it. Mother Teresa was successful, so was Ghandi...according to you Ghandi needs to sing Gundam style to be considered successful.

Now you guys are moving the goal post. Now that Aldi is shown to be successful (according to your own standards) now the selection offered in that business is what you guys are pointing at as being successful...put down those goal posts. Their selection sucks therefore profit now means nothing! Rlmao!

Hey if you want to live like a pauper and call yourself successful that's your right I guess.

You have yet to define successful. Do you call a company with a penny profit a year successful? i don't.

And why would I emulate a company that made ten times less than another company?

Seems to me the guy with the biggest bank account is the one to emulate.
Seems to me the guy with the biggest bank account is the one to emulate.

Herein is deep Republican thinking, which, sadly, is pretty fucking shallow. Profit is all that matters so Walmart is to be admired because they make more profit than any retailer, even if a very large chunk of it came out of the pockets of American taxpayers. All hail Walmart.

I also notice that the conservatives here all claim that prices will go up and businesses will close, and unemployment will increase, but when Bill Clinton raised the minimum wage, just the opposite happened. Unemployment went down, businesses hired more people.

In Canada, Walmart pays it's employees $10.25 an hour and yet Walmart Canada is very profitable. They also provide every employee with health insurance because all employers are required to pay Employer Health Tax. There is no food stamp program for Walmart to abuse here in Canada. And yet Walmart Canada still makes a very good profit. Weird or what?
The common sense that "Raising minimum wages results in higher unemployment" is found everywhere EXCEPT IN THE HISTORICAL DATA
Seems to me the guy with the biggest bank account is the one to emulate.

Herein is deep Republican thinking, which, sadly, is pretty fucking shallow. Profit is all that matters so Walmart is to be admired because they make more profit than any retailer, even if a very large chunk of it came out of the pockets of American taxpayers. All hail Walmart.

I also notice that the conservatives here all claim that prices will go up and businesses will close, and unemployment will increase, but when Bill Clinton raised the minimum wage, just the opposite happened. Unemployment went down, businesses hired more people.

In Canada, Walmart pays it's employees $10.25 an hour and yet Walmart Canada is very profitable. They also provide every employee with health insurance because all employers are required to pay Employer Health Tax. There is no food stamp program for Walmart to abuse here in Canada. And yet Walmart Canada still makes a very good profit. Weird or what?

I'm not a republican. And what part of Walmart's profit came from tax money; none.
Seems to me the guy with the biggest bank account is the one to emulate.

Herein is deep Republican thinking, which, sadly, is pretty fucking shallow. Profit is all that matters so Walmart is to be admired because they make more profit than any retailer, even if a very large chunk of it came out of the pockets of American taxpayers. All hail Walmart.

I also notice that the conservatives here all claim that prices will go up and businesses will close, and unemployment will increase, but when Bill Clinton raised the minimum wage, just the opposite happened. Unemployment went down, businesses hired more people.

In Canada, Walmart pays it's employees $10.25 an hour and yet Walmart Canada is very profitable. They also provide every employee with health insurance because all employers are required to pay Employer Health Tax. There is no food stamp program for Walmart to abuse here in Canada. And yet Walmart Canada still makes a very good profit. Weird or what?

I'm not a republican. And what part of Walmart's profit came from tax money; none.

You are subsidizing Walmart's cheap pay in America. Can't you read?

The fact is you right-wing scum talk about the market as if it's a god, but you don't believe you can make a market work by paying people enough to live and not be your slaves. Buy your own hamburger, fool!
Wait a minute. How can this be? A CEO pays his employees a good starting wage. He offers them health insurance. Encourages them to be loyal to Costco, and in turn, Costco treats them well.


We've had all the Business 101 lectures from right wingers saying a business will go bankrupt doing this.

Oh, and Wal-Mart can get away with paying their employees the miminum and offering no health insurance ONLY BECAUSE THE GOVERNMENT counters Wal-Mart with welfare and medicare/medicaid programs. You and I, the taxpayer, subsidize the helping hand to Wal-Marts employees so that Wal-Mart can rake in insane profit.

Different markets!
Obviously you've NEVER been in either store or you'd know the difference between them and between the small town grocer and the local convenience store and the concept of of MARGIN!!

For example..
Costco Sales per 142,000 employee $619,718 versus Walmart per 2.2 million employees $202,727.
So obviously which can pay more to employees????

2nd.. Which do you want payroll taxes paid by EMPLOYER???
Average salary Costco at $10/hour or $40,000 Costco pays in payroll taxes SS/Medicare/Futa.. 14% or $397 million
Walmart salary @$8.00 or $16,000 per employee for which Walmart pays in payroll taxes 14% or $4.927 billion!

Which would you like to stay in business? Which is generating MORE tax revenue???
Costco pays $397 million payroll taxes and $365 million in income taxes or total of $763 million in total taxes
Walmart pays $4.9 BILLION payroll taxes and $3.7 BILLION in income taxes or a total of $8.678 BILLION in total taxes!

WHICH organization do you want to see stay in business???
So the next argument would be "well at $10/hour the employees will spend more then $8.00"!

Do your own analysis, but let me just point out:
Walmart has 96% more employees then Costco... you figure it out!
Wait a minute. How can this be? A CEO pays his employees a good starting wage. He offers them health insurance. Encourages them to be loyal to Costco, and in turn, Costco treats them well.


We've had all the Business 101 lectures from right wingers saying a business will go bankrupt doing this.

Oh, and Wal-Mart can get away with paying their employees the miminum and offering no health insurance ONLY BECAUSE THE GOVERNMENT counters Wal-Mart with welfare and medicare/medicaid programs. You and I, the taxpayer, subsidize the helping hand to Wal-Marts employees so that Wal-Mart can rake in insane profit.

Costco has always been free to pay it's employees whatever it wants and provide any kind of benefit it wants to provide. Under very good circumstances, Costco will steal away the most productive workers from other businesses that don't pay well or provide benefits. Because Costo CHOOSES to run itself like this doesn't automatically translate into ALL businesses being forced by law to run their businesses like this.

If Wal Mart is relying on public benefits to supplement employee benefits, the answer to forcing Wal Mart into paying more and providing more is to remove the crutch. Stop giving those benefits, then Wal Mart will either have to pay more or go without employees.

Treating the small business as if it was a Costco. Putting the corner store into the same category as Wal Mart is what forces small businesses to go bankrupt.
So the next argument would be "well at $10/hour the employees will spend more then $8.00"!

Do your own analysis, but let me just point out:
Walmart has 96% more employees then Costco... you figure it out!

We've done the analysis of comparing the same corporations in the United States and other developed countries and this policy of keeping wages too low is stupid. It designs a system to fail. When society needs a worker to do a job, society should directly pay enough for that person to live and not give them social programs to subsidize the business paying substandard wages. If other countries can pay a higher minimum wage and provide health care, why can't the same business do it here as they do it in those other countries?
Wait a minute. How can this be? A CEO pays his employees a good starting wage. He offers them health insurance. Encourages them to be loyal to Costco, and in turn, Costco treats them well.


We've had all the Business 101 lectures from right wingers saying a business will go bankrupt doing this.

Oh, and Wal-Mart can get away with paying their employees the miminum and offering no health insurance ONLY BECAUSE THE GOVERNMENT counters Wal-Mart with welfare and medicare/medicaid programs. You and I, the taxpayer, subsidize the helping hand to Wal-Marts employees so that Wal-Mart can rake in insane profit.

Costco has always been free to pay it's employees whatever it wants and provide any kind of benefit it wants to provide. Under very good circumstances, Costco will steal away the most productive workers from other businesses that don't pay well or provide benefits. Because Costo CHOOSES to run itself like this doesn't automatically translate into ALL businesses being forced by law to run their businesses like this.

If Wal Mart is relying on public benefits to supplement employee benefits, the answer to forcing Wal Mart into paying more and providing more is to remove the crutch. Stop giving those benefits, then Wal Mart will either have to pay more or go without employees.

Treating the small business as if it was a Costco. Putting the corner store into the same category as Wal Mart is what forces small businesses to go bankrupt.

The owners of corner stores are the workers. Having wages too low screws them too.
Herein is deep Republican thinking, which, sadly, is pretty fucking shallow. Profit is all that matters so Walmart is to be admired because they make more profit than any retailer, even if a very large chunk of it came out of the pockets of American taxpayers. All hail Walmart.

I also notice that the conservatives here all claim that prices will go up and businesses will close, and unemployment will increase, but when Bill Clinton raised the minimum wage, just the opposite happened. Unemployment went down, businesses hired more people.

In Canada, Walmart pays it's employees $10.25 an hour and yet Walmart Canada is very profitable. They also provide every employee with health insurance because all employers are required to pay Employer Health Tax. There is no food stamp program for Walmart to abuse here in Canada. And yet Walmart Canada still makes a very good profit. Weird or what?

I'm not a republican. And what part of Walmart's profit came from tax money; none.

You are subsidizing Walmart's cheap pay in America. Can't you read?

The fact is you right-wing scum talk about the market as if it's a god, but you don't believe you can make a market work by paying people enough to live and not be your slaves. Buy your own hamburger, fool!

I'm subsidizing a lot more than the people who work at walmart how come your not talking about everyone else who scams the fucking government for food stamps?

And if people can't live on what they make they should either spend less or get a second, third or fourth job. That's what I always did.

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