Could A Major Terrorist Attack Come In The Form Of Suicide Ebola Agents?

Anyway, what measures do people think the United States should take to defend ourselves against such an attack (biological weapons that is - not necessary the Ebola virus, but any deadly agent). As is noted in my links, it is cheaper to produce than other types of weapons, it is easier to hide and smuggle into a country, and like another poster noted, with those terrorists who are willing to commit suicide in order to harm others, this could potentially be a very serious threat, IMO.

Peace thru strength....Any group or country that attacks us via a Bio chem weapon will be obliterated off the face of the earth.......If they are terrorist who claim no country then those countries who support these countries should be wiped off the face of the earth.

Bio Weapons are part of the mad principle.

I don't know if some of these terrorists even care though. I wonder if there is anything we could do to prevent such an attack from occurring, and I can't think of anything other than being VERY vigilant and to keep going after terrorists that are a threat to our security.
These terrorist don't care.......They are on a mission to die for Allah..........It's hard to fight someone who already knows they will die in their attack. It's hard to kill an Ideology........

In regards to ebola, I've already stated on the Ebola threads that we should limit and or ban travel to these countries.
Its at least as important as Sarah Palin's family life, which Ive seen discussed around here quite liberaly

I can promise you that you have not seen me discuss Sarah Palin.

But that's also completely missing the point. No one is claiming that a bio terror attack is "impossible". What is there to discuss when no one is disagreeing with the premise?

When you are trying to have a discussion about it, and some idiot comes by and says "it's ridiculous." That is pretty much disagreeing with the premise, is it not?

The problem is that the "premise" of this thread, and what OldSchool referred to as "ridiculous" is about Ebola as a bio-terror agent, not the idea of bio-terror attacks in general.

I think post #112 is a good question for you to answer. I don't care about that troll. I want to talk about terrorism and biological weapons.

No, that's not what you want. I've already "answered" that post a number of times already.

Okay, so you're done now then? :D Nothing else to say? Okay then.
Alright I'll engage on this one. Even though I believe there are far more effective bio agents to attack us.............

Yes, they could go to Ebola Land and jump on a plane, to other parts of the globe or America and use their own saliva and bodily fluids to cause others to catch the disease............

It would only take them willing to die for their cause, and enough money to buy some plane tickets......They would have a couple of weeks to do the deed...........Yes it could be a bio weapon.

That's a good point. It's easy to contain when you know about it, but when it's in the form of an attack it might be completely different.
Which is the point the critics are missing. All Ebola patients have sought help, they want to live. Now take an infected person whose intent is to spread. Also attach an accomplice who is willing to die. He collects body fluids from the infected person when he is too sick to move, puts the liquids in a spray bottle and like those morons who throw acid at women's faces, he goes out and sprays people in the face. He doesn't care, he's early in his own infection phase, so the cops come and get him, big deal, that's no solace to the newly infected.

Like I said earlier, this is now a CHEAP bio-agent. No lab needed, no fabrication equipment needed, no transportation equipment needed, just martyrs willing to die a gruesome death for a cause and enough money to fund the operation.
What purpose does "discussing the very real possibility" of a bio-terror attack serve?

Its at least as important as Sarah Palin's family life, which Ive seen discussed around here quite liberaly

I can promise you that you have not seen me discuss Sarah Palin.

But that's also completely missing the point. No one is claiming that a bio terror attack is "impossible". What is there to discuss when no one is disagreeing with the premise?

When you are trying to have a discussion about it, and some idiot comes by and says "it's ridiculous." That is pretty much disagreeing with the premise, is it not?

The problem is that the "premise" of this thread, and what OldSchool referred to as "ridiculous" is about Ebola as a bio-terror agent, not the idea of bio-terror attacks in general.

I think post #112 is a good question for you to answer. I don't care about that troll. I want to talk about terrorism and biological weapons.
Ebola would be an excellent biological weapon. Terrorists getting injected, a quick flight to the US and with a two week incubation, one person could infect thousands before he died a horrible, painful death. These clowns here aparrently haven't watching the news lately. Too busy reading Obama's poll numbers I suppose.
What purpose does "discussing the very real possibility" of a bio-terror attack serve?

Its at least as important as Sarah Palin's family life, which Ive seen discussed around here quite liberaly

I can promise you that you have not seen me discuss Sarah Palin.

But that's also completely missing the point. No one is claiming that a bio terror attack is "impossible". What is there to discuss when no one is disagreeing with the premise?

When you are trying to have a discussion about it, and some idiot comes by and says "it's ridiculous." That is pretty much disagreeing with the premise, is it not?

The problem is that the "premise" of this thread, and what OldSchool referred to as "ridiculous" is about Ebola as a bio-terror agent, not the idea of bio-terror attacks in general.

Could they purposely get infected jump on a plane and then spread the disease here.......Is that feasible?

Yes, it's very feasible. All you need are nutcases willing to die gruesomely. That's the bottleneck. The bio-agent is easy.
I can promise you that you have not seen me discuss Sarah Palin.

But that's also completely missing the point. No one is claiming that a bio terror attack is "impossible". What is there to discuss when no one is disagreeing with the premise?

When you are trying to have a discussion about it, and some idiot comes by and says "it's ridiculous." That is pretty much disagreeing with the premise, is it not?

The problem is that the "premise" of this thread, and what OldSchool referred to as "ridiculous" is about Ebola as a bio-terror agent, not the idea of bio-terror attacks in general.

Could they purposely get infected jump on a plane and then spread the disease here.......Is that feasible?

Of course. But "feasibility" isn't the metric that I use to decide what to be afraid of. Almost anything is "feasible"

Like I said to you earlier, you don't have to be living in fear and hiding in a bomb shelter or something because you want to discuss the potential of a terrorist attack.

It really DOES seem like you afraid. Afraid to acknowledge that there is probably a very high likelihood that we WILL be attacked again eventually, we just don't know when, where or with what type of weapon.

No, you're really not getting it.

I understand that it's almost certain that we'll be "attacked" again.

The amount that I worry about it will have absolutely no effect on whether or not it will happen.

If it happens, either I'll die, or I'll live. It's no different than my thoughts about dying in a car accident. Being afraid of it isn't going to change anything. So I choose not to be afraid.

I've already been hit by a truck. I've already survived 9/11. Living in a state of fear just guarantees (as was said all the time back when Bush was President) that the terrorists win.
Alright I'll engage on this one. Even though I believe there are far more effective bio agents to attack us.............

Yes, they could go to Ebola Land and jump on a plane, to other parts of the globe or America and use their own saliva and bodily fluids to cause others to catch the disease............

It would only take them willing to die for their cause, and enough money to buy some plane tickets......They would have a couple of weeks to do the deed...........Yes it could be a bio weapon.

That's a good point. It's easy to contain when you know about it, but when it's in the form of an attack it might be completely different.
Which is the point the critics are missing. All Ebola patients have sought help, they want to live. Now take an infected person whose intent is to spread. Also attach an accomplice who is willing to die. He collects body fluids from the infected person when he is too sick to move, puts the liquids in a spray bottle and like those morons who throw acid at women's faces, he goes out and sprays people in the face. He doesn't care, he's early in his own infection phase, so the cops come and get him, big deal, that's no solace to the newly infected.

Like I said earlier, this is now a CHEAP bio-agent. No lab needed, no fabrication equipment needed, no transportation equipment needed, just martyrs willing to die a gruesome death for a cause and enough money to fund the operation.

I definitely agree, and I think that is what the United States should be MOST concerned about. It just seems TOO easy. This is probably one of the reasons why our government insists on going after these terrorists. We do NOT want them to come to our soil.

I also agree with Eagle, that we should really look at our immigration policies and just who we are allowing into the country, as well as those who might be "home grown" terrorists. I don't know about putting a stop to them completely, but we need to be more vigilant, IMO.
Its at least as important as Sarah Palin's family life, which Ive seen discussed around here quite liberaly

I can promise you that you have not seen me discuss Sarah Palin.

But that's also completely missing the point. No one is claiming that a bio terror attack is "impossible". What is there to discuss when no one is disagreeing with the premise?

When you are trying to have a discussion about it, and some idiot comes by and says "it's ridiculous." That is pretty much disagreeing with the premise, is it not?

The problem is that the "premise" of this thread, and what OldSchool referred to as "ridiculous" is about Ebola as a bio-terror agent, not the idea of bio-terror attacks in general.

I think post #112 is a good question for you to answer. I don't care about that troll. I want to talk about terrorism and biological weapons.
Ebola would be an excellent biological weapon. Terrorists getting injected, a quick flight to the US and with a two week incubation, one person could infect thousands before he died a horrible, painful death. These clowns here aparrently haven't watching the news lately. Too busy reading Obama's poll numbers I suppose.

There are hundreds of thousands of diseases more deadly and more easily spread than ebola.
Its at least as important as Sarah Palin's family life, which Ive seen discussed around here quite liberaly

I can promise you that you have not seen me discuss Sarah Palin.

But that's also completely missing the point. No one is claiming that a bio terror attack is "impossible". What is there to discuss when no one is disagreeing with the premise?

When you are trying to have a discussion about it, and some idiot comes by and says "it's ridiculous." That is pretty much disagreeing with the premise, is it not?

The problem is that the "premise" of this thread, and what OldSchool referred to as "ridiculous" is about Ebola as a bio-terror agent, not the idea of bio-terror attacks in general.

Could they purposely get infected jump on a plane and then spread the disease here.......Is that feasible?

Of course. But "feasibility" isn't the metric that I use to decide what to be afraid of. Almost anything is "feasible"

Again you talk about how everyone is hiding under their beds because we decide to talk about possible external threats to our country. Which is rhetoric and not a fact. Is it your opinion that we are scared and hiding under our beds as your posts imply......or are you actually trolling on that position.

Me and you disagree over the containment policies of Ebola and will continue to disagree on them.......As I believe we should ban travel to EBOLA LAND.........You continue to claim fear as your only weapon of disagreement on U.S. foreign policy and to the spread of the disease.

On this thread specifically, you use the word afraid, instead of fear.........

So, in a nut shell your only position to Ebola is anyone with an opinion of how to stop the spread is they are afraid and are pissing their pants because you say so.

That's not logic or reason and is more in the form of trolling the topic.
When you are trying to have a discussion about it, and some idiot comes by and says "it's ridiculous." That is pretty much disagreeing with the premise, is it not?

The problem is that the "premise" of this thread, and what OldSchool referred to as "ridiculous" is about Ebola as a bio-terror agent, not the idea of bio-terror attacks in general.

Could they purposely get infected jump on a plane and then spread the disease here.......Is that feasible?

Of course. But "feasibility" isn't the metric that I use to decide what to be afraid of. Almost anything is "feasible"

Like I said to you earlier, you don't have to be living in fear and hiding in a bomb shelter or something because you want to discuss the potential of a terrorist attack.

It really DOES seem like you afraid. Afraid to acknowledge that there is probably a very high likelihood that we WILL be attacked again eventually, we just don't know when, where or with what type of weapon.

No, you're really not getting it.

I understand that it's almost certain that we'll be "attacked" again.

The amount that I worry about it will have absolutely no effect on whether or not it will happen.

If it happens, either I'll die, or I'll live. It's no different than my thoughts about dying in a car accident. Being afraid of it isn't going to change anything. So I choose not to be afraid.

I've already been hit by a truck. I've already survived 9/11. Living in a state of fear just guarantees (as was said all the time back when Bush was President) that the terrorists win.

Yes but that doesn't mean that you IGNORE it either. LOL! You have to be aware and you have to be vigilant. I live my normal life every day, just like I'm sure 90% of the posters here do and do not live in fear. Just because we want to discuss the possibilities on a discussion board does NOT mean we are living in fear.

Now, just stop with that. It's becoming quite repetitive.
It is a good possibility that we could be attacked with biological weapons some time in the future. Why would you call that fearmongering? It's a very viable possibility.

Ebola would make for a terrible bio weapon.

So? It doesn't have to be Ebola. It could be anything. It's the idea that terrorists could use biological weapons that could case massive amounts of death that is frightening, not the specific agent used.
So, your fears are unfounded – you should be more worried about dying in a car accident than a 'terrorist attack.'
I can promise you that you have not seen me discuss Sarah Palin.

But that's also completely missing the point. No one is claiming that a bio terror attack is "impossible". What is there to discuss when no one is disagreeing with the premise?

When you are trying to have a discussion about it, and some idiot comes by and says "it's ridiculous." That is pretty much disagreeing with the premise, is it not?

The problem is that the "premise" of this thread, and what OldSchool referred to as "ridiculous" is about Ebola as a bio-terror agent, not the idea of bio-terror attacks in general.

I think post #112 is a good question for you to answer. I don't care about that troll. I want to talk about terrorism and biological weapons.
Ebola would be an excellent biological weapon. Terrorists getting injected, a quick flight to the US and with a two week incubation, one person could infect thousands before he died a horrible, painful death. These clowns here aparrently haven't watching the news lately. Too busy reading Obama's poll numbers I suppose.

There are hundreds of thousands of diseases more deadly and more easily spread than ebola.

Well, you also have to consider how easy it is to obtain. Right now, at this time, it would not be very challenging to spread Ebola, considering the outbreak that is occurring.
I can promise you that you have not seen me discuss Sarah Palin.

But that's also completely missing the point. No one is claiming that a bio terror attack is "impossible". What is there to discuss when no one is disagreeing with the premise?

When you are trying to have a discussion about it, and some idiot comes by and says "it's ridiculous." That is pretty much disagreeing with the premise, is it not?

The problem is that the "premise" of this thread, and what OldSchool referred to as "ridiculous" is about Ebola as a bio-terror agent, not the idea of bio-terror attacks in general.

I think post #112 is a good question for you to answer. I don't care about that troll. I want to talk about terrorism and biological weapons.
Ebola would be an excellent biological weapon. Terrorists getting injected, a quick flight to the US and with a two week incubation, one person could infect thousands before he died a horrible, painful death. These clowns here aparrently haven't watching the news lately. Too busy reading Obama's poll numbers I suppose.

There are hundreds of thousands of diseases more deadly and more easily spread than ebola.
Great. I'll put that on Facebook and a hundred million Americans will start naming their kids after you. Right now Ebola is in the catbird seat.
It is a good possibility that we could be attacked with biological weapons some time in the future. Why would you call that fearmongering? It's a very viable possibility.

Ebola would make for a terrible bio weapon.

So? It doesn't have to be Ebola. It could be anything. It's the idea that terrorists could use biological weapons that could case massive amounts of death that is frightening, not the specific agent used.
So, your fears are unfounded – you should be more worried about dying in a car accident than a 'terrorist attack.'

Of course, that is why I wear a seatbelt. Does that mean we should ignore the possibility of attacks? Is that what you are suggesting? That we just don't ever talk about it?
WTF is WRONG with you people anyway. Fine, I'm logging off, so I won't be talking about it anymore. Happy now jerks? :ahole-1:
I can promise you that you have not seen me discuss Sarah Palin.

But that's also completely missing the point. No one is claiming that a bio terror attack is "impossible". What is there to discuss when no one is disagreeing with the premise?

When you are trying to have a discussion about it, and some idiot comes by and says "it's ridiculous." That is pretty much disagreeing with the premise, is it not?

The problem is that the "premise" of this thread, and what OldSchool referred to as "ridiculous" is about Ebola as a bio-terror agent, not the idea of bio-terror attacks in general.

I think post #112 is a good question for you to answer. I don't care about that troll. I want to talk about terrorism and biological weapons.
Ebola would be an excellent biological weapon. Terrorists getting injected, a quick flight to the US and with a two week incubation, one person could infect thousands before he died a horrible, painful death. These clowns here aparrently haven't watching the news lately. Too busy reading Obama's poll numbers I suppose.

There are hundreds of thousands of diseases more deadly and more easily spread than ebola.

Which require some combination of knowledge, microbiology expertise, facilities, equipment, and funding. Ebola 5 years ago would have been tough to locate and isolate and culture. Now, piece of cake. Any suicidal idiot knows where to go, how to get it and how to spread it.

The barrier to entry in the bioterrorism game has been drastically lowered.
I can promise you that you have not seen me discuss Sarah Palin.

But that's also completely missing the point. No one is claiming that a bio terror attack is "impossible". What is there to discuss when no one is disagreeing with the premise?

When you are trying to have a discussion about it, and some idiot comes by and says "it's ridiculous." That is pretty much disagreeing with the premise, is it not?

The problem is that the "premise" of this thread, and what OldSchool referred to as "ridiculous" is about Ebola as a bio-terror agent, not the idea of bio-terror attacks in general.

I think post #112 is a good question for you to answer. I don't care about that troll. I want to talk about terrorism and biological weapons.
Ebola would be an excellent biological weapon. Terrorists getting injected, a quick flight to the US and with a two week incubation, one person could infect thousands before he died a horrible, painful death. These clowns here aparrently haven't watching the news lately. Too busy reading Obama's poll numbers I suppose.

There are hundreds of thousands of diseases more deadly and more easily spread than ebola.

I have stated the same on this thread. This thread isn't about those diseases, it's about Ebola......Could it be used, you've already said it is feasible.......But then go again and say you will not live your life in fear........You choose to unafraid in life........

What makes you think I'm pissing my pants right now..........

I've stated I object to the containment policy of this country regarding EBOLA.......your response is that I'm afraid.
I've stated openly that it could be used as a cheap bio have agreed it is feasible.......then basically say your not afraid again.

This Op is about could they actually do it. And even you have agreed it could happen. What is wrong with discussing potential threats to our country..............And what is your proof that we are afraid.........

Your opinion is nothing more than a slogan.
It is a good possibility that we could be attacked with biological weapons some time in the future. Why would you call that fearmongering? It's a very viable possibility.

Ebola would make for a terrible bio weapon.

So? It doesn't have to be Ebola. It could be anything. It's the idea that terrorists could use biological weapons that could case massive amounts of death that is frightening, not the specific agent used.
So, your fears are unfounded – you should be more worried about dying in a car accident than a 'terrorist attack.'

Who taught you that logic. Car accidents arise from the regular business of life. We have deep data on frequency of incidents. We have almost no data on bioterrorism incidents. The fact that they rarely happen doesn't tell us anything about how much risk they present. Lightening risk we can predict, it's a force of nature, car accidents we can predict because we run the real-life experiments millions upon millions of times per day. All it takes to change the risk profile on bioterrorism attacks is for some nuts to decide to engage and for other nuts to copycat. Boom, the priors have changed.

Fear fear fear fear!

Fear fear fear fear. Fear fear fear.


No, it's called IMAGINATION — the failure of which is one of the key reasons 9-11 happened, according to your own boy, Mr. Richard A. Clarke.


No, it's called hysterical fearmongering.

What makes Richard A. Clarke my "own boy", exactly?

What's hysterical about it ? And why do you say it's fear mongering ? I'm not sitting here shaking about it, or even that concerned, but it seems to me that if you're a terrorist group with lots of money you might indeed be able to pull off something like this.
When you are trying to have a discussion about it, and some idiot comes by and says "it's ridiculous." That is pretty much disagreeing with the premise, is it not?

The problem is that the "premise" of this thread, and what OldSchool referred to as "ridiculous" is about Ebola as a bio-terror agent, not the idea of bio-terror attacks in general.

I think post #112 is a good question for you to answer. I don't care about that troll. I want to talk about terrorism and biological weapons.
Ebola would be an excellent biological weapon. Terrorists getting injected, a quick flight to the US and with a two week incubation, one person could infect thousands before he died a horrible, painful death. These clowns here aparrently haven't watching the news lately. Too busy reading Obama's poll numbers I suppose.

There are hundreds of thousands of diseases more deadly and more easily spread than ebola.

Well, you also have to consider how easy it is to obtain. Right now, at this time, it would not be very challenging to spread Ebola, considering the outbreak that is occurring.

So, under your theory, a bunch of jihadists travel to Sierra Leone and lick the sweat off an infected ebola patient, then get on a plane and fly to New York.

Then what?

The disease can only be spread once symptoms start - and the symptoms are severe. Are these infected jihadists going to vomit in Times Square, hoping that someone licks it up?

Do a little research on the transmission vectors of ebola. It's not as scary as you've been lead to believe.

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