Could A Major Terrorist Attack Come In The Form Of Suicide Ebola Agents?

The problem is that the "premise" of this thread, and what OldSchool referred to as "ridiculous" is about Ebola as a bio-terror agent, not the idea of bio-terror attacks in general.

I think post #112 is a good question for you to answer. I don't care about that troll. I want to talk about terrorism and biological weapons.
Ebola would be an excellent biological weapon. Terrorists getting injected, a quick flight to the US and with a two week incubation, one person could infect thousands before he died a horrible, painful death. These clowns here aparrently haven't watching the news lately. Too busy reading Obama's poll numbers I suppose.

There are hundreds of thousands of diseases more deadly and more easily spread than ebola.

Well, you also have to consider how easy it is to obtain. Right now, at this time, it would not be very challenging to spread Ebola, considering the outbreak that is occurring.

So, under your theory, a bunch of jihadists travel to Sierra Leone and lick the sweat off an infected ebola patient, then get on a plane and fly to New York.

Then what?

The disease can only be spread once symptoms start - and the symptoms are severe. Are these infected jihadists going to vomit in Times Square, hoping that someone licks it up?

Do a little research on the transmission vectors of ebola. It's not as scary as you've been lead to believe.

Please explain to me then why Sierre Leon has placed 2 million people on house arrest in order to contain it then.
Oh, I know what it is. Obama will save you. He gave you an Obama phone, and now he's going to save the world. That MUST be why he got that Nobel Peace Prize! ROFL!

You guys are hysterical over this. In a couple weeks, when you've found something else to be scared about, maybe you'll start to question your judgment when I remind you about this.

You so funny...question their judgment.
When you are trying to have a discussion about it, and some idiot comes by and says "it's ridiculous." That is pretty much disagreeing with the premise, is it not?

The problem is that the "premise" of this thread, and what OldSchool referred to as "ridiculous" is about Ebola as a bio-terror agent, not the idea of bio-terror attacks in general.

Could they purposely get infected jump on a plane and then spread the disease here.......Is that feasible?

Of course. But "feasibility" isn't the metric that I use to decide what to be afraid of. Almost anything is "feasible"

Like I said to you earlier, you don't have to be living in fear and hiding in a bomb shelter or something because you want to discuss the potential of a terrorist attack.

It really DOES seem like you afraid. Afraid to acknowledge that there is probably a very high likelihood that we WILL be attacked again eventually, we just don't know when, where or with what type of weapon.

No, you're really not getting it.

I understand that it's almost certain that we'll be "attacked" again.

The amount that I worry about it will have absolutely no effect on whether or not it will happen.

If it happens, either I'll die, or I'll live. It's no different than my thoughts about dying in a car accident. Being afraid of it isn't going to change anything. So I choose not to be afraid.

I've already been hit by a truck. I've already survived 9/11. Living in a state of fear just guarantees (as was said all the time back when Bush was President) that the terrorists win.
Why do you assume we're all living in fear Gramps ? Is it okay with you that we discuss this without you're little temper tantrums ? And by the way, if you really do want to see some fear, listen to the constant irrational fear coming from the left concerning climate change. Now there's some real fear !
“Again you talk about how everyone is hiding under their beds because we decide to talk about possible external threats to our country.”

No, you're likely not hiding under your beds.

What you and others on the right are trying to do, however, is to foster an unwarranted fear of a 'biological terrorist attack' consistent with the 'gloom and doom' conservative misery offensive, where you perceive a frightened, worried America as some sort of 'political advantage' for republicans.
The problem is that the "premise" of this thread, and what OldSchool referred to as "ridiculous" is about Ebola as a bio-terror agent, not the idea of bio-terror attacks in general.

I think post #112 is a good question for you to answer. I don't care about that troll. I want to talk about terrorism and biological weapons.
Ebola would be an excellent biological weapon. Terrorists getting injected, a quick flight to the US and with a two week incubation, one person could infect thousands before he died a horrible, painful death. These clowns here aparrently haven't watching the news lately. Too busy reading Obama's poll numbers I suppose.

There are hundreds of thousands of diseases more deadly and more easily spread than ebola.

Well, you also have to consider how easy it is to obtain. Right now, at this time, it would not be very challenging to spread Ebola, considering the outbreak that is occurring.

So, under your theory, a bunch of jihadists travel to Sierra Leone and lick the sweat off an infected ebola patient, then get on a plane and fly to New York.

Then what?

The disease can only be spread once symptoms start - and the symptoms are severe. Are these infected jihadists going to vomit in Times Square, hoping that someone licks it up?

Do a little research on the transmission vectors of ebola. It's not as scary as you've been lead to believe.

What took off from Fire Island. Two man suicide teams. One is the incubator the other is the harvester. The incubators job is to generate the fluids, the harvester collects the fluids and finds a way to get them to IV drug users who inject them with their usual drugs. Rinse and repeat for as long as the harvester doesn't become symptomatic.

I'm not up on street drugs, but I'm sure there must be some which are in liquid form. or just sprinkle some infected liquids on powder drugs which are snorted.
Biological warfare is not a new concept. It's been around for centuries.
The US gave smallpox infected blankets to the Native Americans, for instance.
Think about it. ISIS members are reported having been infected with Ebola in Syria and Iraq. It won't be hard for these scumbags to go to Africa have their agents get infected. Then with Obama's open border policy then could get into Mexico and just sneak across the border. All they have to do is travel the country go to events, interact with people, spread the disease!

A well coordinated plan could have a single agent infect 1000s a day. Then each one of these people could inflect 10s of thousands more! They could spread it easily and with our incompetent and limp-dick President it won't even be hard for them!

We should be afraid! Very afraid!

I think it's a possibility, and that is pretty frightening to think about. We should definitely be working on our intelligence capabilities. That's a good reason to keep going after terrorist groups, to keep them on their toes so that they can't get together to make elaborate plans so easily.

does not have to be elaborate at all
Think about it. ISIS members are reported having been infected with Ebola in Syria and Iraq. It won't be hard for these scumbags to go to Africa have their agents get infected. Then with Obama's open border policy then could get into Mexico and just sneak across the border. All they have to do is travel the country go to events, interact with people, spread the disease!

A well coordinated plan could have a single agent infect 1000s a day. Then each one of these people could inflect 10s of thousands more! They could spread it easily and with our incompetent and limp-dick President it won't even be hard for them!

We should be afraid! Very afraid!

Are you serious? This is some "I Am Legend" stuff right here.
Living in this world with no borders for trade and travel, our best protection would be to fund the research and development for a vaccine, and a cure....asap.
Anyway, what measures do people think the United States should take to defend ourselves against such an attack (biological weapons that is - not necessary the Ebola virus, but any deadly agent). As is noted in my links, it is cheaper to produce than other types of weapons, it is easier to hide and smuggle into a country, and like another poster noted, with those terrorists who are willing to commit suicide in order to harm others, this could potentially be a very serious threat, IMO.

Im still not convinced the experts know everything about how contageous it is, even if they claim they do. that seems to be the X factor for me. I suppose the first and best defense initially would be to educate people about it

That's a brilliant comment. If the experts are not to be trusted to know everything about the disease, who, may I ask, is to do the educating?

I know! Brian Kilmeade! Everyone tune in and listen to him.
Living in this world with no borders for trade and travel, our best protection would be to fund the research and development for a vaccine, and a cure....asap.
Or enforce the border. I know crazy, right, but it's just so out there that it just might work.
“Again you talk about how everyone is hiding under their beds because we decide to talk about possible external threats to our country.”

No, you're likely not hiding under your beds.

What you and others on the right are trying to do, however, is to foster an unwarranted fear of a 'biological terrorist attack' consistent with the 'gloom and doom' conservative misery offensive, where you perceive a frightened, worried America as some sort of 'political advantage' for republicans.

Holy smokes, a little paranoid? :lol: You liberals are so funny and dumb.
Biological warfare is not a new concept. It's been around for centuries.
The US gave smallpox infected blankets to the Native Americans, for instance.

But it's an important issue now for conservatives with Midterm Elections just a month away.

:razz: So you MUST come here and put a stop to the discussion. OMG! We cannot have that! The republicans might win the elections because of this conversation on a political forum! Somebody, call the cops!!!
The problem is that the "premise" of this thread, and what OldSchool referred to as "ridiculous" is about Ebola as a bio-terror agent, not the idea of bio-terror attacks in general.

I think post #112 is a good question for you to answer. I don't care about that troll. I want to talk about terrorism and biological weapons.
Ebola would be an excellent biological weapon. Terrorists getting injected, a quick flight to the US and with a two week incubation, one person could infect thousands before he died a horrible, painful death. These clowns here aparrently haven't watching the news lately. Too busy reading Obama's poll numbers I suppose.

There are hundreds of thousands of diseases more deadly and more easily spread than ebola.

Well, you also have to consider how easy it is to obtain. Right now, at this time, it would not be very challenging to spread Ebola, considering the outbreak that is occurring.

So, under your theory, a bunch of jihadists travel to Sierra Leone and lick the sweat off an infected ebola patient, then get on a plane and fly to New York.

Then what?

The disease can only be spread once symptoms start - and the symptoms are severe. Are these infected jihadists going to vomit in Times Square, hoping that someone licks it up?

Do a little research on the transmission vectors of ebola. It's not as scary as you've been lead to believe.

I'm sure there are other ways. You can keep living in your liberal la-la land. That's fine. :D Nobody cares.
The problem is that the "premise" of this thread, and what OldSchool referred to as "ridiculous" is about Ebola as a bio-terror agent, not the idea of bio-terror attacks in general.

I think post #112 is a good question for you to answer. I don't care about that troll. I want to talk about terrorism and biological weapons.
Ebola would be an excellent biological weapon. Terrorists getting injected, a quick flight to the US and with a two week incubation, one person could infect thousands before he died a horrible, painful death. These clowns here aparrently haven't watching the news lately. Too busy reading Obama's poll numbers I suppose.

There are hundreds of thousands of diseases more deadly and more easily spread than ebola.

Well, you also have to consider how easy it is to obtain. Right now, at this time, it would not be very challenging to spread Ebola, considering the outbreak that is occurring.

So, under your theory, a bunch of jihadists travel to Sierra Leone and lick the sweat off an infected ebola patient, then get on a plane and fly to New York.

Then what?

The disease can only be spread once symptoms start - and the symptoms are severe. Are these infected jihadists going to vomit in Times Square, hoping that someone licks it up?

Do a little research on the transmission vectors of ebola. It's not as scary as you've been lead to believe.
I think post #112 is a good question for you to answer. I don't care about that troll. I want to talk about terrorism and biological weapons.
Ebola would be an excellent biological weapon. Terrorists getting injected, a quick flight to the US and with a two week incubation, one person could infect thousands before he died a horrible, painful death. These clowns here aparrently haven't watching the news lately. Too busy reading Obama's poll numbers I suppose.

There are hundreds of thousands of diseases more deadly and more easily spread than ebola.

Well, you also have to consider how easy it is to obtain. Right now, at this time, it would not be very challenging to spread Ebola, considering the outbreak that is occurring.

So, under your theory, a bunch of jihadists travel to Sierra Leone and lick the sweat off an infected ebola patient, then get on a plane and fly to New York.

Then what?

The disease can only be spread once symptoms start - and the symptoms are severe. Are these infected jihadists going to vomit in Times Square, hoping that someone licks it up?

Do a little research on the transmission vectors of ebola. It's not as scary as you've been lead to believe.

I'm sure there are other ways. You can keep living in your liberal la-la land. That's fine. :D Nobody cares.

Well, the one thing that makes an ebola threat feasable, is that it is an ONGOING epedemic in Africa, in areas that radicalized Muslims would have access to. They dont even need laboratory conditions to access the virus. there are things they could do to cooerce an infected person to do things for them ... if you think about it. Its almost a matter of conveinience for them , because it is ongoing and may become much worse before it gets better.
Well, the guy in the hospital in Dallas just died. Didn't take very long once the disease took hold. Of course TheOldSchool and theDoctorisIn are more knowledgeable and better educated than us infidels so I guess we can uncurl from the fetal position, climb out from under the bed and watch the ballgame in peace.
Well, the guy in the hospital in Dallas just died. Didn't take very long once the disease took hold. Of course TheOldSchool and theDoctorisIn are more knowledgeable and better educated than us infidels so I guess we can uncurl from the fetal position, climb out from under the bed and watch the ballgame in peace.

What is worrisome about this is all the people that he exposed himself to on the plane, and those we may not even know about yet. The air on a plane is all recycled air. If I was a passenger, I would be quite concerned about my health.

The most important thing with these types of diseases is to isolate the infected under controlled conditions. That's the key to controlling the disease. We all saw how they transported those who were known to be infected.
Well, the guy in the hospital in Dallas just died. Didn't take very long once the disease took hold. Of course TheOldSchool and theDoctorisIn are more knowledgeable and better educated than us infidels so I guess we can uncurl from the fetal position, climb out from under the bed and watch the ballgame in peace.

What is worrisome about this is all the people that he exposed himself to on the plane, and those we may not even know about yet. The air on a plane is all recycled air. If I was a passenger, I would be quite concerned about my health.

The most important thing with these types of diseases is to isolate the infected under controlled conditions. That's the key to controlling the disease. We all saw how they transported those who were known to be infected.

That tale happens in about a week or so.......hopefully no more exist.

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