Could Bernie's ego lose the presidency and take the Senate off the table?

I don't know about you guys, but Bernie's "breaking bad" thing here is little unexpected to me.

I've been assuming he'd punt and get in line at some point.
I think it's because he has never gotten so much attention before, and his true colors are showing: EGO, EGO, EGO.
Remember, when Ralph Nader did this, we got George W. Bush. Trump would be worse.
I agree. Sanders needs to shut fhe fuck up, give up his campaign, and start supporting Mrs. Clinton. He is doing exactly what Nader did, to the detriment of our country. At this point, the only thing Sanders is interested in is his ego, not our country.

That would be stupid for him to do that.

If Hillary is indicted, Bernie is driving the car. Why would he drop out before the FBI completes their investigation?
Remember, when Ralph Nader did this, we got George W. Bush. Trump would be worse.
I agree. Sanders needs to shut fhe fuck up, give up his campaign, and start supporting Mrs. Clinton. He is doing exactly what Nader did, to the detriment of our country. At this point, the only thing Sanders is interested in is his ego, not our country.

That would be stupid for him to do that.

If Hillary is indicted, Bernie is driving the car. Why would he drop out before the FBI completes their investigation?
Mrs. Clinton is not going to be indicted for anything. That has already been settled. You people sure love to believe lies and to be manipulated by RW propaganda.
Remember, when Ralph Nader did this, we got George W. Bush. Trump would be worse.
I agree. Sanders needs to shut fhe fuck up, give up his campaign, and start supporting Mrs. Clinton. He is doing exactly what Nader did, to the detriment of our country. At this point, the only thing Sanders is interested in is his ego, not our country.

That would be stupid for him to do that.

If Hillary is indicted, Bernie is driving the car. Why would he drop out before the FBI completes their investigation?
Mrs. Clinton is not going to be indicted for anything. That has already been settled.

Oh, I see. So you are privy to the FBI investigation results that the rest of us are not? Tell us, what is your source? I'm sure the media would love to know so they can report on it.
In the last few days MSNBC's negro 'talking heads' like Joy Reid have begun using a new phrase to describe Bernie's supporters: "MOSTLY WHITE MALES!".
The LIBs at MSNBC are getting pretty desperate.
They are preparing themselves to see Hillary once again snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
Fucking losers!
Remember, when Ralph Nader did this, we got George W. Bush. Trump would be worse.
I agree. Sanders needs to shut fhe fuck up, give up his campaign, and start supporting Mrs. Clinton. He is doing exactly what Nader did, to the detriment of our country. At this point, the only thing Sanders is interested in is his ego, not our country.

That would be stupid for him to do that.

If Hillary is indicted, Bernie is driving the car. Why would he drop out before the FBI completes their investigation?
True. Bernie would be driving the car. As Biden's chauffeur.
In the last few days MSNBC's negro 'talking heads' like Joy Reid have begun using a new phrase to describe Bernie's supporters: "MOSTLY WHITE MALES!".
The LIBs at MSNBC are getting pretty desperate.

Must be. The usually only use that term for Republicans.
Remember, when Ralph Nader did this, we got George W. Bush. Trump would be worse.

I've never understood why democrats believe they owned Nader's voters. They didn't.

Regarding the question of Sanders, democrats don't own his voters either .. thus, instead of whining about Sanders or his voters, perhaps the best solution is to put more effort in trying to attract them .. which of course means moving to the Left and a more progressive agenda.

If the Democratic Party doesn't want to do that, then Sanders may well take his voters and do whatever they think is in their best interests .. and the Democratic Party can do the same.

Point being, if the party wants those votes, they better try to earn them.

At some point, BAC..."moving" by Clinton should be seen by any rational person as nothing more than political theater. She's been given millions by the rich and powerful because they believe she will give THEM what they desire once she becomes President. Sanders is attractive to progressives because Bernie hasn't been bought like Clinton obviously has. Now the question becomes...will Sanders supporters turn out for Hillary...someone that many of them now see as having stolen a fixed Democratic November? I see a problem looming for the Clinton campaign.

What neither Sanders nor his supporters don't seem to grasp is that he has been supported by large numbers of republicans who would never vote for him in the general election. They support him in an effort to weaken Clinton.

Republicans Should Help Bernie Sanders to Weaken Hillary

Republicans Should Help Bernie Sanders to Weaken Hillary, by Myra Adams, National Review

Obama, Romney, Bill Clinton, and Bush .. both of them .. were all given boatloads of money from the rich and powerful. Obama set records with Wall Street money.

Doing the bidding of the rich is how people get to become president in America.

I'm supporting Sanders, he is the best of the three. Corruption and lies are all that is left after Sanders goes away.
What? And takes all his lies with him.
He said he will bring jobs back. They are now automated. They don't exist anymore. It's a lie. A big one.
Remember, when Ralph Nader did this, we got George W. Bush. Trump would be worse.

You worries are unfounded. Nader didn't run as a democrat. Sanders will eventually run out of steam. When he does that will change the numbers the media is polling right now. The vast majority of Sanders supporters will fall in line with Clinton and the "neck and neck" race the media is railing about NOW will go back to a huuuge Hillary advantage. The reason it "appears" grim for the abrasive Mrs Clinton at the moment is that the GOP side is settled and the dem side is split. The media fails to observe the obvious as it "looks" like Hillary is losing to The Donald and it gets the incredibly stupid American voters all in a tizzy and the media can sell more ad space telling this stupid lie. When it is just Clinton vs Trump we will have an accurate situation to poll the public on. Bernie won't be the dem choice even long before the convention. He won't even come close to getting the delegates to steal the nomination or force a contested or brokered convention. He is just dragging this out to get his stupid pie in the sky message in front of the media.

Or he's playing the ticket to be the nominee if Hillary is indicted. I say it's a good bet by Sanders.

I can see how you and others would believe that Sanders is hoping Clinton gets charged with a crime between now and November. I would hope that the FBI isn't playing such a cynical role. If they are then they are doing a huge disservice to American politics. If Hillary has broken a/some laws that would disqualify her as a candidate for president then they should have fast tracked her to an orange jump suit. If Obama has had a part in dragging heels of the FBI investigation then he should be charged and convicted of obstruction of justice as well.

Sure, that will happen, with a justice department run by Obama with one of his minions in charge.

All the FBI can do is investigate and "recommend" charges be brought. Again, it's DumBama's justice department, so they have the choice of charging Hillary or not.

If they decide to bring charges, she would still be qualified to run for President, but it's unlikely she would. If they decide not to charge her, then it would make the entire Democrat party look corrupt. Top FBI officials would resign. Right-wing media outlets would have a picnic with such an outcome. Hillary's name would be mud to most Americans.

I don't believe Sander's is evil enough to "hope" Hillary is indicted or recommend to be indicted. But it's a good move on his part to stay in the race in the event. Now if that would happen, and the Democrats decide to throw Biden or Warren in for the nomination, you will see such outrage by the Sander's supporters that it would guarantee a President Trump.
It is not conceivable that the FBI will have spent this much time and money without 100% knowing from day one Hillary is guilty of multiple felony crimes.
You all wait.
Once the FBI recommends charges be brought against her the Hillary ass lickers will scream he FBI is CORRUPT! and in the hands of the evil REPS!
And Hillary is "innocent until proven guilty!".
At that point it's irrelevant whether Lynch goes forward or not.
It's only relevant to Lynch's political future whether she goes ahead with charges or not.
If she is seen to be dragging her feet until after the election then her future possibility of running for the presidency is gone forever. Which BTW is Lynch's number one ambition. Has been since she was in law school.
Felonies from what?
Remember, when Ralph Nader did this, we got George W. Bush. Trump would be worse.

I've never understood why democrats believe they owned Nader's voters. They didn't.

Regarding the question of Sanders, democrats don't own his voters either .. thus, instead of whining about Sanders or his voters, perhaps the best solution is to put more effort in trying to attract them .. which of course means moving to the Left and a more progressive agenda.

If the Democratic Party doesn't want to do that, then Sanders may well take his voters and do whatever they think is in their best interests .. and the Democratic Party can do the same.

Point being, if the party wants those votes, they better try to earn them.

At some point, BAC..."moving" by Clinton should be seen by any rational person as nothing more than political theater. She's been given millions by the rich and powerful because they believe she will give THEM what they desire once she becomes President. Sanders is attractive to progressives because Bernie hasn't been bought like Clinton obviously has. Now the question becomes...will Sanders supporters turn out for Hillary...someone that many of them now see as having stolen a fixed Democratic November? I see a problem looming for the Clinton campaign.

What neither Sanders nor his supporters don't seem to grasp is that he has been supported by large numbers of republicans who would never vote for him in the general election. They support him in an effort to weaken Clinton.

Republicans Should Help Bernie Sanders to Weaken Hillary

Republicans Should Help Bernie Sanders to Weaken Hillary, by Myra Adams, National Review

Obama, Romney, Bill Clinton, and Bush .. both of them .. were all given boatloads of money from the rich and powerful. Obama set records with Wall Street money.

Doing the bidding of the rich is how people get to become president in America.

I'm supporting Sanders, he is the best of the three. Corruption and lies are all that is left after Sanders goes away.
What? And takes all his lies with him.
He said he will bring jobs back. They are now automated. They don't exist anymore. It's a lie. A big one.

And dumb asses like you talk about Hillary and she has nothing, she lies so much how can you trust anything she says?
I've never understood why democrats believe they owned Nader's voters. They didn't.

Regarding the question of Sanders, democrats don't own his voters either .. thus, instead of whining about Sanders or his voters, perhaps the best solution is to put more effort in trying to attract them .. which of course means moving to the Left and a more progressive agenda.

If the Democratic Party doesn't want to do that, then Sanders may well take his voters and do whatever they think is in their best interests .. and the Democratic Party can do the same.

Point being, if the party wants those votes, they better try to earn them.

At some point, BAC..."moving" by Clinton should be seen by any rational person as nothing more than political theater. She's been given millions by the rich and powerful because they believe she will give THEM what they desire once she becomes President. Sanders is attractive to progressives because Bernie hasn't been bought like Clinton obviously has. Now the question becomes...will Sanders supporters turn out for Hillary...someone that many of them now see as having stolen a fixed Democratic November? I see a problem looming for the Clinton campaign.

What neither Sanders nor his supporters don't seem to grasp is that he has been supported by large numbers of republicans who would never vote for him in the general election. They support him in an effort to weaken Clinton.

Republicans Should Help Bernie Sanders to Weaken Hillary

Republicans Should Help Bernie Sanders to Weaken Hillary, by Myra Adams, National Review

Obama, Romney, Bill Clinton, and Bush .. both of them .. were all given boatloads of money from the rich and powerful. Obama set records with Wall Street money.

Doing the bidding of the rich is how people get to become president in America.

I'm supporting Sanders, he is the best of the three. Corruption and lies are all that is left after Sanders goes away.
What? And takes all his lies with him.
He said he will bring jobs back. They are now automated. They don't exist anymore. It's a lie. A big one.

And dumb asses like you talk about Hillary and she has nothing, she lies so much how can you trust anything she says?
Fact checking sites have found her to be the most honest.

30 years of Republicans terrorizing this one family. Instead of apologizing, they double down.
At some point, BAC..."moving" by Clinton should be seen by any rational person as nothing more than political theater. She's been given millions by the rich and powerful because they believe she will give THEM what they desire once she becomes President. Sanders is attractive to progressives because Bernie hasn't been bought like Clinton obviously has. Now the question becomes...will Sanders supporters turn out for Hillary...someone that many of them now see as having stolen a fixed Democratic November? I see a problem looming for the Clinton campaign.

What neither Sanders nor his supporters don't seem to grasp is that he has been supported by large numbers of republicans who would never vote for him in the general election. They support him in an effort to weaken Clinton.

Republicans Should Help Bernie Sanders to Weaken Hillary

Republicans Should Help Bernie Sanders to Weaken Hillary, by Myra Adams, National Review

Obama, Romney, Bill Clinton, and Bush .. both of them .. were all given boatloads of money from the rich and powerful. Obama set records with Wall Street money.

Doing the bidding of the rich is how people get to become president in America.

I'm supporting Sanders, he is the best of the three. Corruption and lies are all that is left after Sanders goes away.
What? And takes all his lies with him.
He said he will bring jobs back. They are now automated. They don't exist anymore. It's a lie. A big one.

And dumb asses like you talk about Hillary and she has nothing, she lies so much how can you trust anything she says?
Fact checking sites have found her to be the most honest.

30 years of Republicans terrorizing this one family. Instead of apologizing, they double down.

More like 20 years of the Clinton family becoming filthy rich selling political influence! What joke of a site has found Hillary to be honest? She's been caught lying so often she's got a worse reputation than Rshermr!
At some point, BAC..."moving" by Clinton should be seen by any rational person as nothing more than political theater. She's been given millions by the rich and powerful because they believe she will give THEM what they desire once she becomes President. Sanders is attractive to progressives because Bernie hasn't been bought like Clinton obviously has. Now the question becomes...will Sanders supporters turn out for Hillary...someone that many of them now see as having stolen a fixed Democratic November? I see a problem looming for the Clinton campaign.

What neither Sanders nor his supporters don't seem to grasp is that he has been supported by large numbers of republicans who would never vote for him in the general election. They support him in an effort to weaken Clinton.

Republicans Should Help Bernie Sanders to Weaken Hillary

Republicans Should Help Bernie Sanders to Weaken Hillary, by Myra Adams, National Review

Obama, Romney, Bill Clinton, and Bush .. both of them .. were all given boatloads of money from the rich and powerful. Obama set records with Wall Street money.

Doing the bidding of the rich is how people get to become president in America.

I'm supporting Sanders, he is the best of the three. Corruption and lies are all that is left after Sanders goes away.
What? And takes all his lies with him.
He said he will bring jobs back. They are now automated. They don't exist anymore. It's a lie. A big one.

And dumb asses like you talk about Hillary and she has nothing, she lies so much how can you trust anything she says?
Fact checking sites have found her to be the most honest.

30 years of Republicans terrorizing this one family. Instead of apologizing, they double down.

Right. Well we'll offer that apology once we get your sides apology to the Bush family. How about that?
At some point, BAC..."moving" by Clinton should be seen by any rational person as nothing more than political theater. She's been given millions by the rich and powerful because they believe she will give THEM what they desire once she becomes President. Sanders is attractive to progressives because Bernie hasn't been bought like Clinton obviously has. Now the question becomes...will Sanders supporters turn out for Hillary...someone that many of them now see as having stolen a fixed Democratic November? I see a problem looming for the Clinton campaign.

What neither Sanders nor his supporters don't seem to grasp is that he has been supported by large numbers of republicans who would never vote for him in the general election. They support him in an effort to weaken Clinton.

Republicans Should Help Bernie Sanders to Weaken Hillary

Republicans Should Help Bernie Sanders to Weaken Hillary, by Myra Adams, National Review

Obama, Romney, Bill Clinton, and Bush .. both of them .. were all given boatloads of money from the rich and powerful. Obama set records with Wall Street money.

Doing the bidding of the rich is how people get to become president in America.

I'm supporting Sanders, he is the best of the three. Corruption and lies are all that is left after Sanders goes away.
What? And takes all his lies with him.
He said he will bring jobs back. They are now automated. They don't exist anymore. It's a lie. A big one.

And dumb asses like you talk about Hillary and she has nothing, she lies so much how can you trust anything she says?
Fact checking sites have found her to be the most honest.

30 years of Republicans terrorizing this one family. Instead of apologizing, they double down.

There you are being dishonest, fact checking sites show her behind Sanders in honesty. She lied about Libya, which has now become Obama's regret and she has lied about Honduras. Sorry, your choice for President has lied us into military operations . Hmmmm,,,,aren't those the things you bitched about with Bush.

Funny you can't even be honest with your candidates dishonesty.
Politifact is quite objective. It gives Pants on fire ratings to Democrats, Republicans, and everything in between. I do recall in the 2012 election, someone of GOP persuasion saying something like, "we don't believe in fact checks." Hmmmm.
Politifact is quite objective. It gives Pants on fire ratings to Democrats, Republicans, and everything in between. I do recall in the 2012 election, someone of GOP persuasion saying something like, "we don't believe in fact checks." Hmmmm.[/QUOTE

So what's your view on Hillary's "honesty", Jane?
Mine is that she'd say or do just about anything to win. She's been that way for a long long time.
I've never understood why democrats believe they owned Nader's voters. They didn't.

Regarding the question of Sanders, democrats don't own his voters either .. thus, instead of whining about Sanders or his voters, perhaps the best solution is to put more effort in trying to attract them .. which of course means moving to the Left and a more progressive agenda.

If the Democratic Party doesn't want to do that, then Sanders may well take his voters and do whatever they think is in their best interests .. and the Democratic Party can do the same.

Point being, if the party wants those votes, they better try to earn them.

At some point, BAC..."moving" by Clinton should be seen by any rational person as nothing more than political theater. She's been given millions by the rich and powerful because they believe she will give THEM what they desire once she becomes President. Sanders is attractive to progressives because Bernie hasn't been bought like Clinton obviously has. Now the question becomes...will Sanders supporters turn out for Hillary...someone that many of them now see as having stolen a fixed Democratic November? I see a problem looming for the Clinton campaign.

What neither Sanders nor his supporters don't seem to grasp is that he has been supported by large numbers of republicans who would never vote for him in the general election. They support him in an effort to weaken Clinton.

Republicans Should Help Bernie Sanders to Weaken Hillary

Republicans Should Help Bernie Sanders to Weaken Hillary, by Myra Adams, National Review

Obama, Romney, Bill Clinton, and Bush .. both of them .. were all given boatloads of money from the rich and powerful. Obama set records with Wall Street money.

Doing the bidding of the rich is how people get to become president in America.

I'm supporting Sanders, he is the best of the three. Corruption and lies are all that is left after Sanders goes away.
What? And takes all his lies with him.
He said he will bring jobs back. They are now automated. They don't exist anymore. It's a lie. A big one.

And dumb asses like you talk about Hillary and she has nothing, she lies so much how can you trust anything she says?

The same way you trust the lies of Trump.

Quite entertaining listening to Trump supporters talking about Hillary's lies. :lol: Hilarious

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